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1、初中英语结果状语从句用法专练一套学会附答案单项选择题(经典例题高频考点一名师出品必属精品)1、He is tired that he cant go any farther.A. soB. suchC. veryD. too2、 Did Tom get good grades in the final Math exam?Yes, he did. To my surprise, he could get over difficult problems he succeeded at last.A. so;thatB. such;thatC. too;to3、-fine day it is to

2、day!-Yes. the sunshine is beautiful that Id like to go hiking with you.A. How; suchB. What a; veryC. How; soD. What a; so4、The game is interesting I dont want to stop playing it.A. from; toB. so; thatC. so; soD. too; thatThe Wandering Earth is exciting I want to watch it again.A. so, thatB. such a,

3、thatC. such, that6、It rained hard that he couldnt go home.A. suchB. so aC. such aD. so7 Hi, Mom is a new film. It is moving many people like seeing it.A. too;thatB. such;thatC. so;thatChina is beautiful country many foreigners want to visit it.A. so; thatB. so a; thatC. such; thatD. such a; thatIm s

4、leepy I want to go to bed at once.A. such; thatB. too; toC. so; that10 What do you think of the new movie Wandering Earth (流浪地球)?Its wonderful I really like it.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. enough; to11、 The train travelled fast we couldnt see much outside the window.A. so, thatB. such, thatC

5、. too, toD. very, enoughA. such, thatB. too , toC. very, thatD. so, that 107 Beth is shy girl that she is always afraid in public. I think she should talk to her friends first.A. a such; speakB. such a; of speakingC. a so; speakD. so a; of speaking108、Sarah is a hard-working girl she often helps her

6、 mother do housework after finishing herhomework.A. so; thatB. too; toC. such; thatD. not only; but also109 Dale came into the room so that I didnt notice him.A. quietlyB. loudlyC. clearlyD. truly110 He was so angry about had happened he left without a word.A. that;thatB. what;whatC. that; whatD. wh

7、at;that111 My dad got up early that he could catch the early bus.A. soB. tooC. veryD. quite112、Dont be angry with the little girl. She was nervous she couldnt say a word.A. too; toB. to; tooC. so; thatD. such; that113 He gave us good advice that people disagreed.A. such a ; a fewB. such; fewC. so; a

8、 fewD. so; few114 He was happy he couldnt help laughing.A. too, toB. such, thatC. so, thatD. too, that115 Our teacher Mr. Wang is kind we all like him.A. such; thatB. so; thatC. too; toD. enough; to116、Anna was sad she didnt want to eat anything.A. too, toB. such, thatC. so , that117 She is so pleas

9、ed with he has done she keeps praising him.A. what; thatB. that; whatC. that; that118 This is difficult problem that few students can work it out.10A. a veryB. so aC. quite aD. such aHe was angry that he Ie代 here without saying a word.A. tooB. veryC. enoughD. so120 It is easy work that we can finish

10、 it in a short time.A. soB. suchC. so anD. such an121 He is such helpful boy that our teachers all like him.A. /B. aC. theD. an122 The little boy is lovely everyone likes him.A. such; thatB. too; toC. so; thatD. so; to123 The box is heavy he cant carry it.A. too; toB. such; thatC. so; thatD. enough;

11、 to124 Could you tell me? He was tired that he couldnt keep his eyes.A. whats wrong with Doctor Wu; too ; openedwhat the matter is with Doctor Wu; so; openingB. What was the matter with Doctor Wu; so; open125 The artist has got much work to do that he has no time to help his wife with the housework.

12、Thats true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.A. soB. suchC. veryD. too126 TheAdventure in Wonderlands wonderful that Ill read it again.A. soB. veryC. too127 The boy studies hard that he passes all the exams.A. muchB. suchC. soD. a lot128 He has an interesting book that we want to read it.A.

13、soB. suchC. the sameD. as129、The book was written in easy English primary school students could understand it.11A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. very; that130 I was so angry at all he was doing I walked out.A. which; thatB. what; thatC. that; whichD. that; that131 What do you think of the film T

14、he Battle at Lake Chang jin H(长津湖之水门桥)?Wonderful! I think it is a meaningful film that many people like watching it.A. so; soB. so;suchC. such;suchD. such;so132 The movie is interesting I want to see it a second time.A. so ; thatB. too ; toC. enough ; toD. such ; that133、Lin Dan is famous all the Ch

15、inese know him.A. too, toB. enough, toC. as, asD. so, that134 She was busy she had no time to look after her children.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. too; forThe movie is funny everybody likes it very much.A. so; becauseB. such; becauseC. such;thatD. so;that136 The lecture was boring most of th

16、e audience fell asleep.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; as toD. much; as to137 He dressed himself quickly he put his shoes on the wrong feet.A. as, asB. such, thatC. so, thatD. too, to138 There is much bird food it can last for two months.A. such; thatB. such a; thatC. so; thatD. so; to139 The elephan

17、t has a strong body it can do heavy work for people.A. so;thatB. such;thatC. such;so140 The box was heavy that nobody could move it.A. veryB. soC. muchD. such141 Bob studies hard that he gets higher grades than student in his class.A. so; anyB. such; any otherC. so; any other142 Did you watch the so

18、ccer game last night? Our school team won the game in the last minute! Yes. I was12excited I could not fall sleep.A. as; asB. so; asC. too; toD. so; that143 The doctors were busy they had no time to rest.A. such;thatB. so; thatC. too;to144 Hi, Moms a wonderful film I want to see it again.A. so; that

19、B. such; thatC. too; toD. as; as145 The sunshine is beautiful Id like to go swimming in the sea.A. very; thatB. too; thatC. such;thatD. so;that146 What do you think of Kangkang? He is excellent student that we all like him.A. suchB. such anC. soD. so an147 Sandy got up so late she missed the school

20、bus.A. thenB. thatC. butD. whereMy brother John got little education he could hardly be offered a well-paid job.A. such.; thatB. such a.; thatC. so.; thatD. so a.; that149 - Do you think English is very important?-Yes. English is language that all of the students should try to learn it well.A. such

21、a usefulB. so usefulC. such an useful150、Story Sign is a useful app it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents toread bedtime stories.A. so; thatB. as; asC. too; toD. such; that151 Kobe was great player people all over the world felt sad about his death.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so a

22、; thatD. such a; that152 As he was devoted to his work that he didnt notice that it was already past midnight.A. soB. suchC. asD. too153 There are mice in the fields they cant kill them all.13A. such many; asB. such much; thatC. so much; thatD. so many; that154 Michael is wearing cool windbreaker he

23、 looks great.A. such , thatB. so that, C. such a, thatD. so a , that155 -fine day it is today!-Yes, the sunshine is beautiful that I would like to go swimming in the sea.A. How, such,B. What a, suchC. What a, soD. How, so156 He is a bad boy everybody dislikes him.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; /157、

24、I have got much work to do I dont have time to play with my friends.A. too; thatB. such; thatC. so; thatD. too; to158 His voyages were a huge achievement that people still remember him.A. suchB. tooC. veryD. so159 Im tired I cant walk farther.A. such; thatB. so; thatC. too; toD. enough; to160 The Wa

25、ndering Earth (流浪地球)is a wonderful movie I saw it twice.A. so; thatB. too; toC. such; thatD. either; orThey spoke quietly I could hardly hearthem.A. such; thatB. so; thatC. neither; norD. both; andMany old people think Beijing Opera is wonderful that they often watch it.A. tooB. veryC. soD. such163、

26、Li Na is famous all the fans in China know her.A. too; toB. enough; toC. as; asD. so; that164 You study hard youre sure to pass the exam.Thank you for saying so.A. enough; toB. as; asC. so; thatD. too; to165、 He was tired he could not go on walking.A. too; toB. such; thatC. so; thatD. enough; to1416

27、6 Mr. Green walked past me in hurry that he didnt take notice of me or greet me.A. soB. suchC. so aD. such a167 The fashion show is wonderful we all like it.A. too; toB. so; thatC. such; that168 Some patients are poor they dont have enough money to travel to hospital.A. too; toB. so; thatC. so; whyD

28、. such; that169 Its a wonderful fashion show we all like it.A. too; toB. so; thatC. such; thatD. enough; to170 They sold good fruit and vegetables that each of us took some yesterday.A. veryB. suchC. quiteD. so171 That was a great show all of us enjoyed it very much.A. so;thatB. so; as toC. such;tha

29、tD. such; as to172 The NBA games are that they are loved by both the young and the old.A. so amazingB. very amazingC. so amazedD. too amazed173 Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?Yes, its well worth. Its moving that Ive seen it twice.A. seeing; tooB. to see; tooC. seeing; soD. to see; so174 Th

30、e garden is beautiful that we all like playing in it.A. soB. veryC. suchD. too175 Jill got little education that he could hardly be offered a well-paid job.A. so; soB. such; soC. such;suchD. so;such176 I stayed up late last night. I was tired I went to sleep quickly.A. such ; asB. such ; thatC. so;

31、that177 It is a beautiful garden we like to play in it.A. so;thatB. such;thatC. too;to15178 William Shakespeares works are of a lasting value they still live on now.A. so: thatB. such; thatC. so: whichD. such; which179 When the football fans saw Messi, they got excited they cried out.A. too.to.B. as

32、.as.C. so .that180 I know the city well that I don/t need to use a map to get around.A. quiteB. veryC. soD. such181、 Anna met her old friend. She was excited that she couldnt say a word.A. suchB. soC. asD. too182 The mountain are big it takes a long time to walk to the other side.A. so; thatB. so; m

33、uchC. very; thatD. too; that183、The weather was lovely we wanted to spend the day on the beach.A. too, toB. so, thatC. so, asD. such, that184、Do you like the Chinese cartoon Boonie Bears: Blast into the Past?Sure. It is interesting film my son wants to see it again.A. so; thatB. such a; thatC. so an

34、; thatD. such an; that185 The old man was tired walk.A. so, thatB. so, toC. too, toD. too, that186 Wang Yaping gave us a lesson in space. It was so wonderful!Yes, I become interested in space that I want to be an astronaut.A. tooB. soC. very187、-What do you think of Gardield, the famous cartoon cat?

35、-He is that children will never forget him.A. so cute catB. such cute a catC. such a cute catD. a so cute cat188、He is an outgoing boy everyone likes him.A. so;thatB. too;toC. such;thatD. both;and189、What do you think of the TV show Readers hosted by Dong Qing?I think it is a meaningful TV show that

36、 many people like it.16A. such;soB. so; suchC. such: suchD. so;so190 Why didn/t you write down what the teacher said?He spoke fast I didnt follow him.A. so; thatB. too; toC. very; thatD. enough; to191、Anita spoke quietly that we could hardly hear her.A. tooB. suchC. soD. veryThey were busy with each

37、 other the time.A. too; to talk; to forgetB. too; talking; to forgetC. so; to talk; that they forgotD. so; talking; that they forgot193 It was beautiful village all the visitors forgot to return.A. so; thatB. so a ; thatC. such; thatD. such a; that194 Learning in our school is experience that Ill ne

38、ver forget it all my life.A. so excitingB. such excitingC. so an excitingD. such an exciting195 The traffic was heavy that we couldnt go through.A. tooB. suchC. soD. such aHe his bicycle so carelessly that he down.A. rided; falledB. rode;fellC. rode;fallenD. ridden; fallen197 Tina offered valuable(有

39、价值的)advice that people disagreed.A. such; fewB. so; a fewC. so; fewMrs. Green offered valuable advice that it was thought of.A. such; highB. so; highlyC. such; highlyD. so; high199、The snow was so heavy they couldnt drive the car.A. butB. ifC. becauseD. that200 The movie Ne Zha is educational I want

40、 to see it again.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toD. enough; to201 When she heard the bad news, she was sad say a word.17A. so;thatB. such; thatC. too;to202 He got up late that he missed the first train to his work place.A. veryB. tooC. muchD. so203、 Its good advice Ill accept it.A. so; thatB. such

41、; thatC. a so; thatD. such a; that204、-what do you think of the movie Wolf Warriors II战狼n?-It is wonderful Id like to see it againA. too; toB. such; thatC. as; asD. so; that205 Which of the following is WRONG?A. He told me that if he was free, he would come to our party.B. Now that the rain has stop

42、ped, would you like to go out for a walk?C. You should make it a rule to leave things where you can find them again.D. They are so hard-working students that they do well in the exams.206 Teresa is nervous she cant talk in front of the class.A. such; thatB. too; toC. so; that207、Story Sign is a usef

43、ul app it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to readbedtime stories.A. so; thatB. too; toC. such; thatD. as; as208 He is young he cant go to school.A. such;thatB. too;toC. as; asD. so; that209 John was tired he fell asleep on the bus.A. enough; thatB. too; toC. so; toD. so; that2

44、10、- How do you like the movie Star Wars?一 It is exciting Id like to see it again.A. such; thatB. so; thatC. enough; toD. too; to211 The astronaut is tired that he for eleven hours.18A. too; has been asleepB. so; has fallen asleepC. so; has been asleepD. too; has gone to asleep212 Benny, monitor of

45、our class, is such honest boy that we all trust him.A. aB. anC. theD. /213 It is an interesting story I want to read it again.A. so; whatB. such; thatC. so; thatD. such; what214 John is clever boy that everyone likes him.A. soB. suchC. such aD. tooThe Wandering Earth is an interesting movie I would

46、like to watch it again.A. such; thatB. so; thatC. too; toD. too;that216 There are interesting books in our library that I dont know first.A. so many; what to readB. so much; which to readC. so many; which to readD. so much; what to read217 The movie is moving almost everyone cries.A. so; thatB. too;

47、 toC. such; thatD. as; as218 The movie, the Wandering Earth(流浪地球)is popular that many people like to watch it.A. quiteB. tooC. veryD. so219 The astronaut lives in that he has to be careful with every movement.A. such little spaceB. so little spaceC. so much spaceD. such more space220、 Learning in ou

48、r school is that Ill never forget it all my life.A. so excitingB. such excitingC. so an excitingD. such an exciting1912 Bill, you look tired today. Whats wrong with you?I was busy I didnt go to bed until midnight yesterday.A. so;thatB. too; toC. such;that13、 fine day it is today!Yes, the sunshine is beautiful that Id like to go swimmin


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