2022年2022年广西成人教育学士学位英语考试指南-词汇和语法专题练习及答案 .pdf

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《2022年2022年广西成人教育学士学位英语考试指南-词汇和语法专题练习及答案 .pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年2022年广西成人教育学士学位英语考试指南-词汇和语法专题练习及答案 .pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、100.The more I looked at the jacket,_ A.the less I liked it B.the better I like it C.less I like it D.I liked it better 101.Attending to a husband and six children _ most of her time.A.takes in B.takes over C.takes away D.takes up 102.Though she began her _ by singing in a local pop group,she is now

2、 a famous Hollywood movie star.A.employment B.career C.occupation D.profession 103.Miss.Morris is healthy and _.She is in such a good figure that many girls envy her,A.slcndcr B.light C.faint D.minor 104.Although the pay is not good,people usually find social work_ in other ways.A.payable B.grateful

3、 C.respectful D.rewarding 105.Under no _ will I let my daughter marry such a person.A.circumstances B.conditions C.situations D.environments 106.Since the situation is changing,lets take some _ measures to deal with with it.A.available B.considerable C.changeable D.flexible 107.This popular sports c

4、ar is now being _ at the rate of a thousand a week.A.turned over B.turned out C.turned on D.turned down 108.Many years ago,a lot of factories were _ from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A.transferred B.transformed C.transmitted D.transported 109.He always feels _ to others in appe

5、arance,but is virtually looked down upon by all others.A.superior B.super C.sufficient D.successful 110.Teaching in school can _be separated from practice A.in no way B.in the way C.by the way D.in a way 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 9 页 -111.What a storm!If only I _your advice to bring a raincoat

6、with me.A.follow B.had followed C.would follow D.have followed 112.These goods are _ for export,though a few of them may be sold on the home market.A.essentially B.completely C.necessarily D.remarkably 113.The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A.amaze

7、d B.awkward C.curious D.amused 114.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.A.by that B.at that C.on that D.in that 115.However,at times this balance in nature is _,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.A.troubled B.disturbed C.confused D

8、.puzzled 116.If she doesnt tell him the truth now,hell simply keep on asking her until she _ A.dots B.has done C.will do D.would do 117.The local government has begun a _ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.A.protest B.punishment C.protection D.project 118.Over a third of the population w

9、as estimated to have no _ to the health service.A.assessment B.assignment C.exception D.access 119.After a few rounds of talks,both sides regarded the territory dispute _ A.being settled B.to be settled C.had settled D.as settled 120.The residents,_ had been damaged by the flood,were given help by t

10、he Red Cross.A.all their homes B.all whose homes C.all of whose homes D.all of their homes 121._ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.A.The girl was educated B.The girl educated C.The girls being educated D.The girl to be educated 122._ seeing the damage he had done,the

11、child felt ashamed.A.By B.On C.At D.For 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 9 页 -123.Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that city.A.debate B.consult C.dispute D.bargain 124.Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night,no matter what we _ during the day.A.should have do

12、ne B.may have done C.would have done D.must have done 125.If I hadnt stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you _ now.A.wouldnt be smiling B.couldnt have smiled C.wont smile D.didnt smile 126.My father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report.A.mood B.emotion C.attitude D.fccling

13、127.1 was advised to arrange for insurance _ I needed medical treatment.A.nevertheless B.although C.in case D.so that 128.1 dont think his remarks are relevant _ our discussion.A.to B.at C.for D.with 129.Hardly _ time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.A.he had B.he had had C

14、.had he had D.had he 130.Petrol is refined from the _ oil we take out of the ground.A.crude B.rude C.fresh D.original 131.Frankly speaking,Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being.A.didnt do B.havent done C.dont do D.have done 132.Im very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on suc

15、h an occasion.A.interfered B.offended C.impressed D.bothered 133.The price of beer_from 50 cents to$4 per liter during the summer season.A.altered B.ranged C.separated D.differed 134.Our son doesnt know what to _ at the university;he cant make up his mind about his future.A.take in B.take up C.take

16、over D.take after 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 9 页 -135.The house was very quiet,_ as it was on the side of a mountain.A.isolated B.isolating C.being isolated D.having been isolated 136.When heated,water changes into_ A.solid B.vapor C.liquid D.air 137.How to balance the governments budget without

17、 raising taxes is a _problem.A.raw B.Tough C.tough D.worn 138.William Penn,the founder of Pennsylvania,_defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.A.peculiarly B.indifferently C.vigorously D.inevitably 139.1 hope all the precautions against air pollution,_suggested by the l

18、ocal government,will be seriously considered here.A.while B.since C.after D.as 140.When people become unemployed,it is_ which is often worse than lack of wages.A.laziness B.poverty C.idleness D.inability 141.He_his father in appearance but not in height.A.repeats B.looks C.resembles D.likes 142.In p

19、revious times,when fresh meat was in short _,pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.A.store B.provision C.reserve D.supply 143.She ought to stop work;she has a headache because she_too long.A.has been reading B.had read C.is reading D.read 144.1 dont mind _ the decision as long as

20、it is not too late.A.you to delay making B.your delaying making C.your delaying to make D.you delay to make 145.Without the_materials imported from abroad,Japan can hardly produce anything.A.worth B.valuable C.spare D.raw 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 9 页 -146.Corn originated in the New World and t

21、hus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it_in Cuba.A.being cultivated B.been cultivated C.having cultivated D.cultivating 147.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _ comfortably.A.is worn B.wears C.wearing D.are worn 148.It is our _ policy that we will achieve unity thr

22、ough peaceful means.A.consistent B.continuous C.considerate D.continual 149.He is _ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A.optimistic B.optional C.outstanding D.obvious 150.In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year.A.swallow B.dispose C.consume D.exh

23、aust 151.We may be able to _ you in some way if you can not finish your work on time.A.resist B.insist C.assist D.consist 152.John,work hard _ you will make much progress.A.or B.nor C.but D.and 153.The government of Chongqing is building _ cheap and good houses for the people.A.thousand B.thousands

24、C.thousand of D.thousands of 154-Mr.Wang,can I finish my homework tomorrow?-Sorry,you _ A.cant B.dont C.neednt D.wont 155.The more you smile,the _ you will feel.A.happy B.happier C.happily D.more happily 156.Im glad to find that many trees _ in our city last year.A.plant B.were planted C.planted D.a

25、re planted 157.We dont know _ it next.Lets go and ask Mr.Li.A.what to do B.to do what C.whether to do D.to do whether 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 9 页 -158.Betty will ring me up when she _ in Beijing,A.arrive B.arrives C.arrived D.will arrive 159.-Do you mind if I turn on the TV?_ My father is sle

26、eping.A.Better not.B.Not at all.C.No,I dont mind.D.Thats all right.160.In arithmetic the rules of addition are basic,and all the other rules are built on this _ A.basis B.bases C.base D.basises 161.Then the speaker _the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.A.went for B.went after C

27、.went into D.went on 162.Cake _ of flour,sugar,egg and some other ingredients.A.contained B.consists C.includes D.composed 163.Mr.Tyler asked his son to pay more _ to his study.A.notice B.attraction C.concern D.attention 164 He is _of an actor.A.anybody B.anything C.somebody D.something 165.I rememb

28、er _ to help us if we ever go into trouble.A.once offering B.him once offering C.to offer him D.something 166.-Shall I turn on the television?-No,Id rather not _ television tonight.A.to watch B.have watched C.watch D.for watching 167.When I was younger I _ long distance,but now Im out of practice.A.

29、was used to walk B.got used to walk C.was used to walking D,used to walking 168.It is the Party _ has been leading us from victory to victory.A.since B.which C.who D.that 169.Poverty depresses most people,_ my father it was otherwise.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 6 页,共 9 页 -A.in case B.in case of C.in th

30、e case of D.in any case 170.The weather _ us from climbing the mountain.A.discharged B.disguised C.disturbed D.discouraged 171.The teacher said that the classroom was empty _ a few chairs.A.but for B.except for C.apart D.besides 172.This is the hotel _ I like to stay.A.in which B.at which C.to which

31、 D.at that 173.She _ in wearing that old-fashioned hat.A.insists B.persists C.assists D.consists 174.The _ horse ran away from the fire.A.having frightened B.frightening C.frightened D.frighten 175.The mother flatly rejected my suggestion that she her daughter _ the next week.A.meet B.would meet C.m

32、et D.had met 176.Something is wrong with your truck.Youd better have it _ A.repairing B.repair C.repaired D.to be repaired 177.The storm delayed _ Yokohama Harbor A.the ship to leave B.the ships leaving C.the leaving ship D.to leave the ship 178.Lets have a look at what weve got here,_?A.will you B.

33、shall we C.dont we D.will we 179._ he come tomorrow,I should give him the dictionary he needs.A.Had B.Should C.Were D.Would 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 7 页,共 9 页 -180.The French pianist who had been praised very highly _ to be a great disappointment.A.turned off B.turned up C.turned out D.turned down 1

34、81.With increased taxation and rising prices,I am going to have to_ on quite a lot of things-clothes,records and so on.A.cut off B.cut in C.cut out D.cut down 182.The boy would do everything but_his fault.A.to admit B.admitting C.admit D.would admit 183.The employee was told to finish the job_ what

35、happened.A.in spite of B.regardless C.ahead of D.for the sake of 184.Dont leave your bicycle out in the rain.Itll get_ A.rusty B.crude C.rough D.tough 185.I _ to him for the error.A.excused B.apologized C.pardoned D.congratulated 186.Its _ to ask Mr.Blake for help.A.out question B.beyond question C.

36、out of question D.in question 187.Hardly_ home when the telephone rang.A.I got B.did I get C.I had got D.had I got 188.I _ you everythings going to be all right.A.insure B.assure C.ensure D.sure 189.Auctioned(拍卖的)goods are sold for the highest price _ A.made B.taken C.offered D.ordered 190.The color

37、s of that coat and hat dont _ A.suit B.nix 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 8 页,共 9 页 -C.match D.imitate 191.Our whole class went to attend the conference yesterday,so_what happened on the campus.A.all of us dont know B.none of us know C.all we don not know D.we all dont know 192.In the class the teacher as

38、ked the students to _ their bad habits.A.weaken B.omit C.overcome D.overtake 193.Mr.White was told again and again to_smoking,but he just wouldnt listen.A.cut through B.cut down on C.cut off D.cut away 194.The Greyhound _ outside of New York Bus Station at 6 p.m.and started for Washington D.C.at 6:2

39、0 p.m.A.pulled up B.pulled out C.pulled down D.pulled on 195.Can you give me another hint without _ the answer?A.giving off B.giving up C.giving away D.giving in 196.Columbus was_his times in his belief that the earth was round.A.in front of B.before.C.in advance of D.ahead of 197.-You were brave en

40、ough to raise objections at the meeting.-Well,now I regret _that.A.having done B.to be doing C.to have done D.to do 198._that theyre young and inexperienced,theyve done quite a good job.A.Being B.Given C.Provided D.Now 199._ is announced in the papers,a nation-wide sports meeting will be held in the city next month.A.Because B.For C.As D.So 200.Being much too fat,Maria was advised to reduce her food for each meal,yet,she would _ that.A.have none of B.accept C.take care for D.listen to 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 9 页,共 9 页 -


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