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《[金融英语对话范文带翻译]英语对话范文.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[金融英语对话范文带翻译]英语对话范文.docx(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、金融英语对话范文带翻译英语对话范文 随着经济全球化、科学技术国际化进程的加快,金融英语教学注意造就有语言沟通实力和实际应用实力的人才显得尤为重要。我细心收集了金融英语对话范文带翻译,供大家观赏学习!金融英语对话范文带翻译1 A:Welcome to IBJ Consumer Credit. What can I assist you with? 欢送光临IBJ银行消费信贷部。我有什么可以帮您的吗? B:My family really needs a car, we live quite far out of the town centre, but unfortunately we cann

2、ot afford to pay out such a large sum of money in one go. 我们家真的须要一辆车,我们住的地方离市区挺远的,但不幸的是,我们负担不起一下子支出这么一大笔钱。 A:Thats a problem facing many young families nowadays, and we are sympathetic to the problem. Thats why we have just started a new scheme;a Personal Automobile Consumer Loan. 此时此刻很多年轻人的家庭都面临着这样

3、的问题,对此我们深有同感。为此,我们刚刚开展了一个新的业务,就是个人汽车消费贷款。 B:Great, I just hope I qualify! Could you tell me some more? Can I use the money to buy the car from anywhere? 太棒了,我真的盼望我够格!你能多给我介绍一些状况吗?我可以用这些钱到任何地方去买车吗? A:What we usually do is find a suitable car dealer for you, who offer the type of car that you need. If

4、 its a family car that you want, we have a very reliable dealer already contracted to us. 我们通常做的就是为您找到一个适宜的汽车经销商,他为您供应您所须要的那种车。假如您须要的是一个家庭用车的话,我们有一个特别牢靠的经销商,他已经和我们签约了。 B:Then I can go to this appointed dealer, see what theyve got and then make a decision? 那么我就可以去找这个指定的经销商,看看他们有什么样的车,然后做出确定,是吗? A:Yes

5、. When you have decided exactly what you want and have a purchase price we can begin to process the loan. As long as you provide the proper documentation, of course. 是的。当您确定了您真刚要买的车,并且看好了售价,我们就可以起先办理贷款手续了。当然啦,只要您供应相应的文件。 B:What do you require? 你们都要求供应些什么呢? A:A correctly filled in application form, I

6、D card, proof of residency, proof of income, the agreement from the agent and of course the 20% down payment. 一张正确填写的申请表、身份证、居住证明、收入证明、与经销商签订的协议,当然还要有20%的首付收据。 B:That sounds fine. If you could give me the name and address of the dealer Ill go over there now and see what theyve got. 听起来挺不错的。假如你能给我那个经

7、销商的名字和地址,我此时此刻就要去那儿,看看他们都有什么样的车。金融英语对话范文带翻译2 A:Consumer Credit Department. How may I help you? 这里是消费信贷部。我能如何为您效劳? B:I need some info on car loans. Such as payment periods, interest rates, things like that, please. 我须要了解一些关于汽车消费贷款的信息。比方像归还期、利率等等诸如此类的事情,拜托。 A:Certainly. Do you currently bank with us?

8、当然可以。您目前在我们这里开户了吗? B:Yes, I do. I have a Current Account, a credit card and a mortgage with you already. 是的,我开户了。我已经在你们这里开了一个活期存款账户,领了一张信用卡,还办理过按揭。 A:Thats excellent. Well, for our Personal Automobile Consumer Loan we offer some really competitive rates. The maximum repayment period for this type of

9、 loan is 5 years. 太棒了。嗯,我们为我们的个人汽车消费贷款制定了一个特殊具有竞争力的利率。这种类型贷款的最长还款期限为5年。 B:I plan to repay it within 2 years. And the interest? 我准备在两年内归还贷款。那利率是多少呀? A:Of course, the interest rates depend on what is announced at the time, but at the moment, the interest for a 2-year loan is 5.29% .当然啦,利率取决当时公布的利率值,但目

10、前两年期贷款的利率为5.29% 。 B:So the rate is variable? OK, thats fine. How about the frequency of repayment? 所以利率是浮动的啦?好吧,行啊。还款的频度是如何规定的? A:We usually set up a direct debit system taking installments directly from your bank account on a monthly basis. And since you are already a valued customer, there should

11、be no trouble in processing you application for this loan. 我们通常会用干脆借记的方式每月干脆从您的银行账户中划出分期支付的款额。既然您已经是我们的重要客户了,在处理您的这份贷款申请时,不应当有任何麻烦。 B:Thats nice and easy. Thanks for your time. 好啊,挺简单的嘛。感谢你,占用你的时间啦。金融英语对话范文带翻译3 A:Welcome to Smith Street Branch. Can I do anything to help? 欢送光临Smith大街营业部。我能为您效劳吗? B:Id

12、 like to ask some questions about Personal Loans. 我想询问一下关于个人贷款的事情。 A:Of course, Ill be happy to assist you. Any loan in particular?当然可以,我很乐意为您效劳。您有什么特殊感爱好的贷款工程吗? B:Yes, the Personal Loan for Studying Abroad. Ive just finished my Bachelors here and I plan to go to Australia next summer. You know, to

13、broaden my horizons and to experience something new. 有的,个人留学贷款。我刚修完了我的学士学位,准备明年夏天去澳大利亚。你知道,去开阔开阔视野,体验体验新事物吧。 A:OK, good for you. It certainly is a popular choice for young people nowadays. Well, this loan can cover up to 70% of your total fees, including tuition and miscellaneous, and the maximum su

14、m is 500,000 RMB. 好哇,这对您有好处。对于此时此刻的年轻人来说,这确实是一个很普遍的选择。嗯,这笔贷款最多可支付70%的总费用,包括学费和杂费, 最大金额为500000元。 B:Hmmm . how about interest on that? Ive been advised to ask about the interest and not get caught up in a loan with a high rate. And how long will I have to pay it back? 嗯利率是多少?别人始终跟我说要问清晰利息,别被利率高的贷款套进去。

15、还有,我必需在多长时间内还款? A:We wouldnt want to trap you into anything, the decision is yours. We are just here to give advice. 我们不盼望诱使您做任何事情,您自己做确定。我们在此只是提建议。 B:Thanks. But what is your standard rate? 感谢。那么,你们的标准利息率是多少? A:The rates and terms of interest differ. The rates are decided by the standard interest r

16、ate and the repayment terms can be anything from 6 months to 6 years. But the maximum is 8 years. 利息率和利息的条件各不一样。该利率是由标准利息率确定的,并且归还期可以是从6个月至6年不等。但是,最长不得超过8年。 B:8 years? That sounds good, but hopefully Ill have a wonderful job and be able to repay it after just 1 or 2 years. OK, Ill go and think about it. Thanks for your help. 8年?听起来不错呀,那么,但愿我能找到一份好工作,可以在一到两年后还清它。妤吧,我要去考虑一下。感谢你的协助。 看了金融英语对话范文带翻译的人还看了: 1.金融英语经典情景对话 2.关于金融的英语对话阅读 3.常用的金融英语口语对话 4.有关金融的英语口语对话 5.金融英语对话


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