英语演讲小短文 关于奋斗的英语短文演讲 .doc

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1、英语演讲小短文 关于奋斗的英语短文演讲 人总要经过一番刻苦奋斗才能获得成功,卡莱尔曾经说过,停顿奋斗,生命也就停顿了。与此可见奋斗是生命之根本,假如你没有奋斗的目的,你甚至连自己为什么而活都不知道。那是比死更惨痛的。WTT精心搜集了关于奋斗的英语短文演讲,供大家欣赏学习!关于奋斗的英语短文演讲:关于梦想,关于成长Some years ago I took on an assignment in a southern county to work with people on public welfare.What I wanted to do was to show that everybod

2、y has the capacity to be self-sufficient and all we have to do is to activate them.I asked the county to pick a group of people who were on public welfare, people from different racial groups and different family constellations.I would then see them as a group for three hours every Friday.I also ask

3、ed for a little petty cash to work with as I needed it.几年前我在南部某郡承受了一项工作任务,与靠领取政府福利救济金的人共事。我想做的就是向每一个人证明他们都有自给自足的才能,而我们所要做的就是鼓励他们。首先,我让郡长给我挑选了一组靠领取政府福利救济金生活的人,他们均来自不同的种族部落、家庭群体。每周五,我与他们以小组的形式见面谈话三个小时。由于工作需要,我还申请了一小笔备用金。I asked what their dreams were.Everyone looked at me as if I were a kind of wacky.

4、“Dreams? We dont have any dreams.”我问他们的梦想是什么。大家却都以一种乖僻的表情看着我。“梦想户我们没有梦想。”I said, “Well, when you were a kid, what happened? Wasnt there something you wanted to do?”我说:“好的!那么当你还是个孩子的时候发生过什么?那时难道就没有什么你想要做的事情吗?One woman said to me, “I dont know what you can do with dreams.The rats are eating my k

5、ids.”一位妇女说:“我不知道你可以用梦想解决什么问题。我只知道我的孩子正在一口一口被老鼠吃掉。”“Oh,” I said, “thats terrible! No.Of course youre very much involved with the rats and your kids.How can that be helped?”“噢,”我说,“真是太恐惧了。不,当然,你确实被这些老鼠和孩子所累。怎样做才能阻止这种事情的发生呢?”“Well, I could use a new screen door, because there are holes in my screen doo

6、r.”“唉,我家纱门上都是洞,我需要一个新纱门。”I asked, “Is there anybody around you who knows how to fi_ a screen door?”“在座的各位,有谁会装纱门?”我问。“Maybe I can have a try,” a man said.“或许我可以试试。”一位男士说道。The ne_t week when the group was seated, I said to the woman, “Well, is your screen door fi_ed?”下周五,大家又坐到了一起时,我问那位女士,一新纱门装好了吗?”“O

7、h, yes,” she said.“噢,是的。”她答道。“Then we can start dreaming, cant we?”She sort of smiled at me.“那么,我们可以开场梦想了,对不对?”她看着我,笑得很开心。That helped the group to begin to dream.The seemingly small successes allow the group to see that dreams were not insane.The small steps began to get people to see and feel that

8、something really could happen.这件事使整个组的人都开场寻找梦想了。外表上的小成功就让组员们认识到梦想并不荒唐。不断的进步令人们逐渐意识和感觉到改变真的可能发生。Everyone found something.The man who put in the screen door became a handy man, and another woman who took in the children became a licensed foster care person.In twelve weeks, I had all these people off p

9、ublic welfare.Ive not only done that once.Ive done it many times.每个人者倒浅到一些值得重视的东西。那位装纱门的男士后来成为一名勤杂工。另外一位带小孩的妇女成为一名手寺证护卫廷人员。帮助所有的小组成员摆脱福利救济总共用了12周时间。这不是一次性完成的,而是分好几次。逐步努力实现的。关于奋斗的英语短文演讲:One Success is Enough一次成功就够了There was a man who had undergone numerous failures in his life.But he said, “One succe

10、ss is enough for me!”有一个人,一生中经历了无数次失败。但他却说:“一次成功就够了。”When he was five years old, his father died of illness without leaving him any property.5岁时,他的父亲突然病逝,没有留下任何财产。When he was twelve, his mother married another man His step-father treated him strictly and often beat him when his mother was away.12岁时,

11、母亲改嫁,继父对他非常严厉,常在母亲外出时痛打他。When he was fourteen, he dropped out from school and began his life of roving.14岁时,他辍学离校,开场了漂泊生活。When he was twenty, he changed his job from electrician to ferry staff to railway worker.All his jobs were tough for him.20岁时,他当电工、开渡轮,后来又当铁路工人,没有一样工作顺利。When he was thirty, he di

12、d a sales work in an insurance pany.But before long, he fell out with his boss due to the bonus problems.When he was thirty-one, he learnt law by himself and began working in law with the encouragement of his friends.But in a trial, he fought with the litigant on court.When he was thirty-two, he was

13、 out of work and led a tough led a tough life.When he was thirty-five, he suffered such severe injuries in an accident that he could no longer continue his job of promoting tires.30岁时,他在保险公司从事推销工作,后因奖金问题与老板闹翻而辞职。When he was si_ty-si_, he made a living by promoting his chicken-frying technics to vari

14、ous restaurants in different places.When he was seventy-five, he felt powerless to maintain his pany, so he transferred his brand and patent to others.The new owner suggested giving him ten thousand stock shares as part of the purchasing price.But he turned down the suggestion.Later the price of the

15、 stocks of the pany soared and he lost the chance of being a billionaire.31岁时,他自学法律,并在朋友的煽动下干起了律师行当。一次审案时,竟在法庭上与当事人大打出手。When he was eighty-three, he opened another fast-food restaurant but fell into a lawsuit due to trademark and patent issues.32岁时,他失业了,生活非常困难。When he was eighty-eight, he achieve gr

16、eat success and became weU-known to the whole world.35岁时,他在一次事故中身受重伤,无法再干轮胎推销员的工作。He was e_actly the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Ha Lunde.Sandoz.He often said, “People always plain about the bad weather.Actually the weather is not bad at all.As long as you are optimist and confident all the t

17、ime, you will have a good weather everyday.”66岁时,为了维持生活,他到各地的小餐馆推销自己掌握的炸鸡技术。75岁时,他感到力不从心,因此转让了自己创立的品牌和专利。新主人提议给他1万股,作为购置价的一局部,他回绝了。后来公司股票大涨,他因此失去了成为亿万富翁的时机。83岁时,他又开了一家快餐店,却因商标专利与人打起了官司。关于奋斗的英语短文演讲:A Blind Womans Vision海伦·凯勒奋斗的人She fought for womens rights, crusaded for the causes of workers,

18、promoted equality for minorities, and chioned the underprivileged and the oppressed.She also earned several prestigious awards from countries as diverse as Japan, Brazil, and Lebanon.An impressive list of achievements for any human, all this was acplished by a woman who was blind and deaf.她为女权而战、投身工

19、人事业、促进弱势团体平等权利、支持受苦和受压迫的人。她还荣获日本、巴西、黎巴嫩等国颁发的几项荣誉奖。对任何人来说,这都是给人印象深入的成就,然而这是由一位双眼失明双耳失聪的女人获得的。Helen Keller was born a healthy child in 1880 in Alabama.Stricken by illness at the tender age of nieen months, Helen lost her ability to see, hear, and speak.Growing up unable to prehend the world around her

20、, Helen became wild and unruly, until her parents found help.1880年,海伦·凯勒在美国的阿拉巴马州出生时是个安康的孩子。可在她19个月大时,她得了一场大病,海伦从此失去了视觉、听觉和说话的才能。在成长的过程中,她无法理解周围的一切,变得狂躁而难以管教,最后她的父母只好求助于别人。They contacted Dr.Ale_ander Graham Bell, the famous inventor and teacher of the deaf, who introduced them to an institute

21、 for the blind in Boston, Massachusetts.A student there, Annie Sullivan, was asked to help.Annie would later bee known as the “Miracle Worker.”他们和著名的创造家、聋哑老师亚力山大·贝尔博士获得联络之后,被介绍到一家位于马萨诸塞州波士顿的盲人机构。该机构的学生安妮·苏利文应邀提供帮助。她就是后来那位著名的“奇迹创造者”。Annie Sullivan taught Helen how to connect objects wit

22、h letters by spelling words into Helens hands.Helens breakthrough came when Annie held her hand under a water pump while spelling “water” into her other hand repeatedly.Helen suddenly understood, and from then on progressed by leaps and bounds.苏利文在海伦手上拼字,借此教她如何将物体和字母联络在一起。有一次安妮把海伦的手放在水泵出水口下,并且在她的另一支

23、手上重复拼写water 的时候,海伦突然明白了,她的学习有了重大打破。从此她进步神速。Having mastered both the manual and Braille alphabets, Helen became proficient in reading and writing, and began learning how to speak in 1890.Helen entered Radcliffe College and, assisted by Annie Sullivan, graduated cum laude in 1904.She was the first bli

24、nd-deaf person ever to graduate from college.海伦在学会了手指拼字法和布莱耶盲人点字法后,她的阅读和书写才能变得纯熟起来;1890年,她开场学习说话。后来海伦在苏利文的帮助下,进入拉德克利夫(Radcliffe) 学院就读,1904年以优异的成绩毕业,她成为第一位大学毕业的盲哑人。Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer, lecturer, and advocate for the deaf and blind and other disadvantaged groups.She tra

25、veled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930.She died on June 1, 1968, an outstanding e_le of the unconquerable human spirit.海伦·凯勒的余生都致力于写作和演讲,支援盲人、聋人和其他弱势群体。她代表残疾人,足迹踏遍海外各国,并且在1930年为美国盲人基金会创立了海伦·凯勒捐赠基金。海伦·凯勒于1968年6月1日与世长辞,她可以说是人类不屈不挠精神的最正确典范。“关于奋斗的英语短文演讲”END第 12 页 共 12 页


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