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1、-中考英语专题复习数词-第 7 页2017中考专题复习数词1. 近几年中考对数词的考查主要是对基数词和序数词的构成及其用法上。日期、时间和分数也是中考考查的考点。题型将以选择题、词汇运用和完形填空为主。2. 数词考查往往与其他知识点考查结合进行,如主谓一致等。3. 预计2017对数词的考查重点仍然是基数词确数和概数的区分以及序数词拼写和应用。一、 数词概述表示数目多少或是顺序先后的词叫数词。数词分为基数词和序数词。二、 基数词表示数目多少的词是基数词。1. 最基本的数词:120:one;two;three;four;five;six;seven;eight;nine;ten;eleven;tw

2、elve;thirteen;fourteen;fifteen;sixteen;seventeen;eighteen;nineteen;twenty;30 thirty;40 forty;50 fifty;60 sixty;70 seventy;80 eighty;90 ninety;100 a hundred;1000 a thousand;1000000 a million;1000000000 a billion2. 基数词112是独立单词,所以我们必须逐个记忆。基数词1319是个位数词的词干后加teen构成。其中thirteen,fifteen,eighteen变化不规则。基数词2090

3、是在十位数词后面加ty构成。基数词2199是在十位数词后面加个位数词合成,中间加上连字符号“-”。如:21 twenty-one;83 eighty-three3. 基数词101999,先说“几百”,再加and,再加末尾两位数或末位数,基数词三位以上的数词,在百位与十位之间,一般要加连词“and”。4. 英语中没有“万”和“亿”,万也用thousand来表示,亿也用million来表示,按十进位来推算。如:10000 ten thousand100000000 a hundred million67876 sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and seven

4、ty-six5. 在dozen,score,hundred,million,billion前如果有具体数字,它们不能加“s”;反之则须加“s”表示不确切的数量。如:two hundred people;thousands of people。三、 基数词的用法1. 编号的事物用基数词Number 1 第1号 Page 11 第11页 Lesson 28 第28课 Room 123 第123号房间案例(2016 四川宜宾1分)In this test,were asked to write a passage of about .A. 80-wordsB. 80-word C. 80 words

5、D. 80 words (2013广东291分)Excuse me,sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live in? .A. 308 RoomB. Room 308 C. The Room 308D. The 308 Room2. 年、月、日的表达顺序通常是月、日、年,也可以是日、月、年,其中年份用基数词,日期用序数词。如: 1988年6月24日:June 24th,1988或24th June,19883. 时刻的表达用基数词。如: Its six oclock. 现在是六点钟。4. 表示倍数用基数词。如: Two t

6、imes two is four. 二乘以二等于四。5. 加减乘除的数字用基数词。如: One plus one is two. 一加一等于二。来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K6. 百分数用基数词表示,百分号%读作percent。如: 20%读作twenty percent7. 分数的表达,分子须用基数词,分母用序数词,分子如果大于一,分母须用复数形式。整数与分数之间须用and连接。如: Two thirds of the students are boys in our class.我们班三分之二是男生。五又四分之三 读作 five and three fourths案例(2016四川宜宾1分

7、)David Beckham has children. Brooklyn Beckham is his son.A. third;firstB. three;one C. three;firstD. third;one 8. 小数用基数表示,小数点前的整数按基数词的规则表示,小数点写作point,小数点后的数字应将数字直接表示出来。如: 1.23读作one point two three9. 基数词在句子中主要作定语、主语、宾语或介词宾语、表语等。I have two books. 我有两本书。(定语)Two of the girls are from Beijing.姑娘中有两个来自北京。

8、(主语)I want two. 我要两个。(宾语)来源:学科网He is four. 他四岁。(表语)10. 数词+名词(+形容词)作定语,名词用单数形式。如:a 35-year-old lady一位35岁的女士11. 两组与数词有关的介词短语:(1)in+定冠词+数词的复数形式,表示年代。如: in the 1970s或 1970s20世纪70年代(2)in+物主代词+数词的复数形式,表示某人的年龄。如: in ones twenties二十几岁有时在物主代词的后面可加上形容词early或late使其含义更确切些。如:The young lady is at most at her earl

9、y thirties.那位年轻女士最多三十出头。案例(2016福建福州1分)In his ,Wilson returned to his hometown and began to teach.A. thirtyB. thirties C. thirtieth四、 序数词用法1. 表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。first 第一;second 第二;third 第三;fourth 第四;fifth 第五;sixth 第六;seventh 第七;eighth 第八;ninth 第九;tenth 第十;eleventh 第十一;twelfth 第十二;thirteenth 第十三;nineteenth

10、第十九;twentieth 第二十;thirtieth 第三十;fortieth 第四十;fifty-first 第五十一;sixty-second 第六十二;eighty-third 第八十三;ninety-fourth 第九十四2. 序数词119除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九,第十二变化不规则外,其余均在基数词后面加上th。3. 十位整数的序数词的构成方法是将十位整数基数词的词尾y变成i再加eth。4. 几十几的序数词,只是把个位数变成序数词,十位数不变。5. 序数词主要用作定语,表语。前面要加定冠词the。如:We live on the fourth floor. 我们住四楼。W

11、ho was the third?谁是第三名?五、 基数词变序数词助记歌基变序,有规律,末尾加上th;一,二,三特殊记,八加h,九去e,ve要用f替;以y结尾变ie,后跟th莫忘记;若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。特殊:onefirst,twosecond,threethird,fivefifth,nineninth,twelvetwelfth,fortyfortieth,eighty-nineeighty-ninth复习分数表示法时,应记住:分子基数分母序,二者单复要一致,如果遇到假分数,and将其连一起。案例(2016山东聊城1)Christmas Day is on of Decembe

12、r.A. twenty-fiveB. the twenty-five C. twenty-fifthD. the twenty-fifth (2016贵州黔西南151分)Which is the biggest number of the four? . A. One thirdB. Two thirds C. A halfD. A quarter 六、 数词的读法从后往前数,每隔三位加一逗号;第一个三位前读thousand,第二个三位前读million,第三个三位前读billion。年代的读法是两位数的读法。七、 确数和概数(略数)的表达法数词+hundred/thousand/millio

13、n/billion+名词复数;来源:Zxxk.Comhundreds/thousands/millions/billions of+名词复数。如:We can see millions of stars at night.There are two hundred students in our grade. 我们年级有两百个学生。案例(2016山东东营24)When he arrived at the airport,Lee Minho found that fans were waiting for him there.A. hundredB. hundreds C. hundred of

14、D. hundreds of八、 与冠词的关系1. 序数词前要加定冠词the,但是基数词前不加冠词。如:Its the first time that I came here.这是我第一次来这儿。2. a/an+序数词,表示“又一,再一”。如:Im still hungry. Could I have a second cake?3. of the+基数词,表示“范围”。如:Tom is the tallest of the three.汤姆是这三个人当中最高的。案例(2016山东莱芜 62)Brazil will hold the (twenty) FIFA World Cup on Jun

15、e 12th,2016.【解析】本题考查序数词的用法。由句中的定冠词the判断,此处应该用序数词。【答案】 twentieth来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K例1序数词的使用。(2016天津1分) month of the year is May.A. TwoB. The second C. FiveD. The fifth 例2基数词的使用。(2016江苏模拟1分)We dont have enough nurses to look after the patients. At least are needed.A. ten another nursesB. more ten nurses C

16、. other ten nursesD. another ten nurses例3基数词和序数词的区别。(2016江苏泰州12)About of the earth covered with water,but we have less and less available fresh water.A. three-fourth;isB. three-fourths;is C. three-fourth;areD. three-fourths;are例4确数和概数的区分。(2016江苏模拟1分)Every year people in the USA lose their jobs.A. ma

17、ny millionsB. millions of C. millionsD. two millions一、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. (2016江苏扬州551分)Two (five) of the students have read the bookAlice in Wonderland. 2. (2016江苏徐州491分)Jane would like to live on the (three) floor. 3. (2016江苏盐城641分)Wang Yaping,Chinas (two) woman astronaut,gave us students a lesson abou

18、t space science last year.4. (2013 江苏南京 55 1分)The Eiffel Tower,a cultural icon of France,was completed at the end of the (nineteen) century. 5. (2013江苏盐城611分)World Environment Day is on the (five) of June. 6. (2013贵州毕节621分)This is Toms (第四) time to Beijing. 7. (2013 江苏泰州 81分)We organized a lot of ac

19、tivities to celebrate our schools (fifty) birthday last month. 8. (2013甘肃白银231分)I need to go to the library,and if I post the letter on the way,Ill be killing two birds with (first) stone.9. (2013江苏常州461分)Excuse me,how far is the museum?Only (三) stops away. 10. (2013江苏连云港461分)Its said the game Angry

20、 Birds has been downloaded (百万) of times. 二、 单项选择1. (2016山东济南42)This is Tonys visit to Jinan. He has been here once before.A. firstB. secondC. twoD. one2. (2016 湖北鄂州28)Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?Yes, children had a good festival on the childrens Day.A. millions of;sixtyB. ten million;sixty C.

21、 millions of;sixtiethD. ten millions;sixtieth3. (2016广东29)Its never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his .A. the fiftiethB. fiftiethC. fiftyD. fifties4. Good news!We will have a holiday. Ive heard of it. But its coming in .A. three days;three days time B. three days;three daysC.

22、 three-day;three days D. three days;three day time5. Wang Yaping will become Chinas woman astronaut into space after Liu Yang.A. twoB. secondC. the second6. Each of us has to write a report every two weeks. A. two-hundred-wordB. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-wordsD. two-hundred-words7. To many f

23、oreigners,Guangzhou has become their hometown.A. twoB. secondC. the second8. The boy stayed in the library for every day.A. one and half hourB. one and a half hour C. one hour and a half hourD. one hour and a half9. My uncle bought me an iPhone for my birthday.A. twelveB. twelfth C. the twelveD. the

24、 twelfth10. Hurry up. There isnt much time left. Dont worry. I need minutes to finish the work.A. twelve anotherB. another twelve C. more twelveD. other twelve11. How was your weekend? Great!It was my grandfathers birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A. seventyB. seventieth C. the seventiethD. seventeenth

25、12. of our classmates are good at basketball.A. Three quartersB. Three fourth C. Third fourD. A third13. On February 25,2013,Li An,a Chinese director,won the best director again. It is histime to win an “Oscar”.A. firstB. threeC. twiceD. second数词一、 1. fifths2. third3. second4. nineteenth/19th 5. fifth6. fourth7. fiftieth8. one9. three10. millions二、 15B C D C B610A B D B B 1113B A D


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