2022年外研版九年级上册英语Module 5 Museums Unit 1.docx

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1、Module 5 Museums1 .理解并掌握描述博物馆的词汇:exhibition, rule,control,against the rules等;与科技相关 的词汇:energy communications,experiment, X-ray 等。2 .听懂参观博物馆的对话,读懂介绍博物馆 的短文并理解公共场所的常用标语。3 .用祈使句给出指令,并正确使用if反4 .理解并掌握描述博物馆的词汇:exhibition, rule,control,against the rules等;与科技相关 的词汇:energy communications,experiment, X-ray 等。

2、5 .听懂参观博物馆的对话,读懂介绍博物馆 的短文并理解公共场所的常用标语。6 .用祈使句给出指令,并正确使用if反引导的条件状语从句。了解英国科学博物馆及世界各类博 物馆的异同。通过学习公共场合的标识,提 高遵守公共秩序的自觉性。学1 .学习运用条件状语从句及使用祈使句 表示“禁止”指令。2 .学会正确地表达公共场合的规章制度 并准确地发出指令。3 .学会介绍自己所喜爱的博物馆。胺,素养Unit 1基础基础必会清单I.核心词汇名词:1 .展览;展览会n. exhibition.规那么;法那么n.rule2 .尾;尾巴n.tail.粗绳;绳索九rope形容词&副词:3 .位于楼上的力,往楼上;

3、在楼上adv. upstairs6,位于楼下的adj.往楼下;在楼下adv. downstairs形容词:7.找不到的;失踪的adj. missing动词:8.惩罚;惩办v.punish【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据With Yellowstone National Park to the south可知,人们可以参观位 于博物馆南面的黄石国家公园。3. What does the underlined word “publications” mean in Chinese?A.畅销书B.名人录C.出版物D.地图册【解析】选C。词义猜想题。根据纽约时报纽约客洛杉矶时报等可知这些都是出版物,故

4、publications是出版物的意思。4. Visitors can see more than exhibitions at the American Computer & Robotics Museum.A. 1, 000 B. 2, 000C. 10, 000 D. 20, 000【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据。ver 1,000 exhibitions are shown可知,参观者可以在美国计算机 和机器人博物馆参观超过10。0多种展品。5. Which can be the best title for the passage?A. The Travel to the Museu

5、mThe American Computer & Robotics MuseumB. The Development of TechnologyThe History of Technology【解析】选B。主旨大意题。根据本文介绍美国计算机和机器人博物馆可知The American Computer& Robotics Museum 是合适的标题。语法填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两个单词为多余选项)between, person, rule, say, really, talk, learn, opinion, among, go, have, meetIn o

6、rder to make Learning English Teens a fun, safe place for teenagers, we have some house rules.Users who break our house 1. rules will be warned and punished by the website.DosBe polite to all users of the websiteIf your words are rude, they will be deleted and you will be punished right away. Only u

7、se EnglishRemember that our website is for English 2. learners around the world. All 3. apinions must be in English, for everyone to understand. Look after your account(贝长户)You are allowed 4. t。have only one account and you are responsible(有责任的)for it.Dons No 5. personal informationDont share your e

8、mail address, phone number, home address, school name or passwords(密马)with anyone. Dont invite anyone 6. to meet you or offer to meet anyone in the 7. real world. Dont share anything that is not yours. Only add something that is your own work. Dont copy ideas without 8. sayinq where they come from.L

9、earning English Teens welcomes English learners 9. between the ages of 13 and 17. If you are under13, please 10. go to Learning English Kids. If you are 18 or over, please go to Learning English.短语:against the rules9 .违反规定.遇上麻烦;处于困境in trouble10 .不合适的;不方便的iw eood.难怪;缺乏为奇no wonderII.重点句式.它很棒,不是吗?Its g

10、reat, isnt it?1 .我的研究课题需要一些资料。我也一样。I need some information for my project.-Me too.2 .他在那里。There he is.3 .请勿喧哗!No shouting, please!4 .不要越过那条绳子!Dont cross that rope!5 .难道你没有看到那个标志吗,孩子? “禁止入内。”Cant you see the sign, kid? No entry. ”6 .我必须找到它,否那么妈妈会惩罚我的!I have to find it, or Mum will punish me!素养赋能考点释疑F

11、考点1 against prep.反对;违反 (l)against 的用法 “对抗,违背,违反”,后接名词、代词、动名词形式作宾语,其反义词against-为for,意为“赞成”,表示位置,意为“靠着;倚在;顶、 着;碰着 后面接名词或代词等 X,/与against相关的常见短语:against the rules违反规定;fight against与作斗争;play against与比赛。反对 -against坚第反对!F考点2 in trouble遇上麻烦;处于困境 (trouble作名词时,常为不可数名词,意为“麻烦;烦恼;困境,常见短语:get into trouble陷入困境be i

12、n trouble处于困境have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难trouble还可以作动词,意为“麻烦”,常见短语:trouble sb.麻烦某人trouble to do sth.费心做某事trouble sb. to do sth.麻烦某人做某事考点3 no wonder难怪;缺乏为奇no wonder意为“难怪;缺乏为奇”,后面直接跟从句,相当于it,s no wonder that句型。*No wonder the place is empty!难怪这个地方是空的!*No wonder you had a cold yesterday!=Ifs no wo

13、nder that you had a cold yesterday.难怪你昨天感冒了。对点集训 1考点1She had to sell the house even though it was her own wishes.A. above B. on C. against D. for【解析】选co考查介词辨析。above高于;on在上面;against违背;for为了。句意:她不得不卖掉房子,尽管这违背了她自己的意愿。Lets put the bookshelf over there the wall.A. above B. around C. against D. across【解析】

14、选C。考查介词辨析。above在上面;around在周围;against反对,紧靠;across横过,穿过。句意:让我们把书架放在那边,墙。由句意可知,应该是“靠”墙。汉译英:你是支持还是反对这个计划? (against)Are you for or against the plan?*考点2(2021 泸州中考)A group of elephants in Yunnan Province have trouble a proper living place.We should help them.A. find B. found C. to findD. finding【解析】选D。考查非

15、谓语动词。句意:云南省的一群大象很难找到合适的生活地点。我们应该帮助它们。固定搭配have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难工May I trouble you to dose (close) the door?汉译英:他总是帮助处于困境中的人们。(in trouble)He always helps people in trouble.%考点3-I was taking a shower when you called me at 8: 00 last night.you didnt pick it up.A. No wonderB. No entryC. No g

16、oodD. No idea【解析】选A。考查短语辨析。句意:你昨晚八点给我打 的时候我正在洗澡。你不接 。no wonder难怪;no entry禁止入内;no good不合适;no idea不知道。下文解释不接 的原 因,因止匕用no wondero汉译英:难怪你今天早上起床那么晚。(no wonder)No wonder you cot up so late this mornin公【备选考点】F考点1 missing adj.找不到的;失踪的(l)missing 的用法missing表示“失踪了,不见了”,强调某人(或某物)不在原处,可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。(2)lost与gone的

17、用法lost表示,丧失”时,含有难以找回的意思,可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。常见短语:be/get lost迷路。gone表示“丢了,没了”,含有“一去不复返”的意思,也可以委婉地表示“去世”,作表语或宾语补足 语。对点集训 My cap is. Who took it away? Please return it to me.A. missing B. broken C. dirty D. boring【解析】选Ao考查形容词辨析。missing不见了; broken破损的;dirty脏的;boring无聊的。句意:我 的帽子不见了。谁把它拿走了?请把它还给我。用 lost/gone/mis

18、sing 填空Lost time will never be found again.a. I dont know London very well, so I get lost in the big city soon.b. The old days are gone forever.c. Someone reported to the police that a child was missing. No one knew where the child was.“也不”,用于否认句中J,“不管是不是;无论如 何 whether.or not“否那么”,用于“祈使 句,or+陈述句”句式“

19、或者”,用于选择疑 问句中考点2 or conj.也不;或者;否那么“要么要么 或者或者 either.or.对点集训 Hurry up, youll miss the first bus.A. or B. and C. but D. because【解析】选A。考查连词辨析。句意:快点 你会错过第一班公交车。or或者,否那么;and和,那 么;but但是;because因为。由题意可知,此处是“祈使句,and/or+陈述句”句式,前后意义不一致,所 以用oroMary doesnt like fish chicken.A. and B. or C. so D. though【解析】选B。考查

20、连词的用法。句意:玛丽不喜欢鱼肉和鸡肉。and常用于肯定句;or常用于否认句;s。引导结果状语从句;though引导让步状语从句。该句是否认句,所以用or。Im not interested in you would like to marry him or not.A. that B. what C. whether D. when【解析】选c。考查固定结构。句意:我对你是否想要与他结婚并不感兴趣。介词in后面是宾语从句。that引导宾语从句时不作任何成分;what引导宾语从句并充当主语、宾语或表语;whether是否,常与 or not连用;when引导宾语从句,表示时间。由句末的“or

21、not”可知,用whethero汉译英:快点起床,否那么我们会错过火车。Get up quicklx or well miss the train.演储知能闯关A基础关I.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词Theres no bridge on the river. People have to go on a rope to cross the river.1. No wonder you cant find anybody here. Theyre all away at a meeting.2. There will be a wonderful art exhibition (展览)i

22、n our city this weekend.3. Have you ever seen an animal with two tails(尾巴)?4. Mr Green went downstairs (往楼下)and opened the door.II.用所给词的适当形式填空We have to finish our homework on time, or Miss Smith will punish (punish) us.1. Dont enter the room. Look at the sign! ”No entry (enter)! ”No photos(photo),

23、is one of our museum rules.4.1 have trouble getting(get) home today. Can you drive me home?5. When I got there, I found my bike missing (miss).III.完成句子1.我认为在超市里吃东西不合适。1 think its no good eating in the supermarket.2 .在公共场合禁止喧哗。No shouting: in public places.3 .现在我遇到麻烦了,我需要帮助。Now Fm in trouble, and I a

24、sk for a hand.4 .这是违反规定的。Its against the rules.5 .史密斯老师太严肃。难怪他的学生不喜欢他。Mr Smith is too strict. No wonder his students dont like him.B能力关iv.补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Are you free this afternoon, Dad?B: Yes. JWhat about visiting the museum?A: Good idea.A: 2Oh, Im afraid not. I saw

25、 a sign there last time. 3A: I forgot it. Yes, there are many rules in the Science Museum.B: I agree with you. 4 One says No shouting”.A. What does the other one say?B. 5A: Yes. These are the rules of the museum. We must follow them.A. It says No photos”.C. No touching.D. Whats up?E. No swimming.F.

26、I have seen two other signs, too.G. Can I smoke there?H. Lets take my new camera.答案:1 5.CGAEBC挑战关V.阅读理The American Computer & Robotics Museum was open to visitors in 1990 in Bozeman, Montana.At first it was planned to build in Princeton, New Jersey. The founders moved to Bozeman in 1988 and after lo

27、oking at the area they decided to build the museum there. With Yellowstone National Park to the south and Glacier National Park to the northwest, the museum attracts thousands of visitors from all 50 states and over 50 countries. The American Computer & Robotics Museum has been written about in many

28、 publications such as The New York Times. The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, QST and USA Today.When visitors first enter the museum, they are shown a video introducing the museum and its collections. All visitors are given the chance to join in tours led by friendly tour guides. We have had visitors

29、 aged from 3 to 93it is a big family. Over 1, 000 exhibitions are shown in the 6, 000-squaremetre museum. Travelling through our museum, you will see the exciting 20, 000 years of history of the information age. Technology becomes easier to accept when one learns about its origins(起 源)in the natural

30、 process(进程)of human development.1. Where is the American Computer & Robotics Museum?A. In Montana.B. In New Jersey.C. In New York.D. In Los Angeles.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据 The American Computer & Robotics Museum was open to visitors in 1990 in Bozeman, Montana可知,美国计算机和机器人博物馆在蒙大拿州。2. People can visit, which is to the south of the museum. A. the Brooklyn BridgeB. the Gateway Arch C. Glacier National ParkD. Yellowstone National Park


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