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《精品解析:2022年河北省石家庄市藁城区中考二模英语试题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品解析:2022年河北省石家庄市藁城区中考二模英语试题(解析版).docx(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年石家庄市藁城区初中毕业班质量检测(二)英语试卷考前须知:1.本试卷分听力和笔试两局部。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级等信息填写在答题卡 相应位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂a”如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。3. 回答非选择题时,将答案用黑色碳素笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,在试卷上作答 无效。4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。听力局部(30分)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)1. A. lookB.cook C. book5. A. take up

2、B. look up C. turn up6. A. take a break B. book a ticket C. make a mistake7. A. I look red in my face. B. The sweater is red. C. The red sweater is mine.8. A. Everyone knows what happened.B. Not all people know what happened.C. All the people want to know what happened.II.听句子,选出该句的最正确答语。(共5小题,每题1分,计

3、5分)9. A. He likes swimming. B. He was from the UK. C. He was humorous.10. A. You are welcome. B. With pleasure ! C. Tm glad to meet you.11. A. In the morning. B. For four hours in total. C. Four times a week.12. A. No problem! B. Yes, please. C. Sorry, Tm new here.13. A. How much is this shirt? B. C

4、an I help you? C. How old are you?m.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每题1分,计8分)14. How did Tom go to school this morning?细节理解题。根据图片显示,比赛时间最长的工程是冰壶,应选B。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据图片显示,2月9日没有颁发奖牌,应选D。In my heart, Easter is always the holiday of egg hunts, the Easter Bunny, spring time and new life.I used to live in the city of

5、 Irvine, California. During the days before Easter, there are many activities in parks around the city. As a small child, I would enjoy art shows, roller coasters (过山车) and happy people with face paint.The best part was always egg hunting! My friends and I would also set up an Easter egg hunt for ou

6、r own. Instead of traditional chocolate eggs, we would buy colorful plastic (塑料)eggs and lots of candy. Everyone would also choose an egg-hunting basket. We took everything to Mushroom Park and filled the eggs with candy. Then, our parents hid the eggs around the park. Some eggs were scattered (分散)a

7、cross the field; others were put behind leafy plants; a few were even hidden in bushes.When it started, we ran through the gardens, collecting eggs quickly. We grabbed (抓)them and threw them into our baskets. We also worked together to get the hard ones.After collecting all of the eggs, we sat in a

8、circle on the grassy field and counted them. We also opened them. The sweets inside were different, from jelly beans to gummy bears. The older kids usually had more than younger ones, so we shared. It was fun.24. What did the writer enjoy most during Easter?A. Watching art shows.B. Riding a roller c

9、oaster.C. Looking for Easter eggs.D. Painting happy people.25. Why would the writer and her friends buy lots of candy?A. To make sweet chocolate.B. To fill their Easter eggs.C. To give the winner as a prize.D. To help them solve math problems.26. What does the word ones in Paragraph 4 refer to (指的是)

10、?A. Gardens.B. Baskets.C. Kids.D. Eggs.27. Which of the following might be the writers opinion?A. Children dont see Easter as a tradition.B. Parks are the best places to enjoy holidays.C. Spring is a great time to start a new life.D. Having fun together is important during Easter.【答案】24.C25. B 26. D

11、 27. D【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了作者过去是如何庆祝复活节的。【24题详解】 细节理解题。根据“The best part was always egg hunting”可知作者认为复活节最好的局部是寻找复活节蛋。 应选Co【25题详解】细节理解题。根据“and filled the eggs with candy”可知他们用糖果填满复活节蛋。应选B。【26题详解】推理判断题。根据collecting eggs quickly. We grabbed (抓)them and threw them into our baskets. We also worked together to

12、get the hard ones”可知他们收集蛋,然后把它们放到篮子里,而且作者他们也一起寻找坚 硬 蛋,故them指代“蛋工 应选D。【27题详解】推理判断题。 根据“The best part was always egg hunting. My friends and I would also set up an Easter egg hunt for our own.以及After collecting all of the eggs.so we shared. It was fim.”并结合文章内容可知,作者在复活 节喜欢和朋友一起玩乐,所以他可能会认为在复活节一起玩乐是很重要的。

13、应选D。CIs it possible to miss something you never had? Is it possible to meet someone you never knew? The answer is Yes. I never got to know either of my grandparents growing up. They both died before I was old enough to remember them.I would then imagine what it would be like to have my grandfather w

14、ith me. It would be so great. We could take a walk up the road holding hands and watching the leaves change in the fall. We could sit on the bank of the river and listen to the sound of the water running over the rocks. We could have long talks when I had difficult problems. My grandfather would lis

15、ten quietly, smile, pat my back and say something that would touch my heart. Looking back now, I think I did have a wonderful grandfather, even if he was only in my mind.I think spending all that time with my imaginary grandfather helped me during those lonely times in my life. He let me imagine who

16、 he was, and he let me imagine who I wanted to be. If your grandfather or grandmother is still alive, then dont just sit there. Go and give them a hug.28. What did the writer imagine to have most?A. More friends.B. A grandfather.C. A caring heart.D. A long life.29. What can the writer remember about

17、 being with his real grandfather?A. Walking up the road holding hands.B. Sitting on the bank of the river.C. His grandfather helping him with difficulties.D. He cant remember anything about his grandfather.30. Which word has the closest meaning to alive”?C. Living.D. Lively.B. Love your grandparents

18、 dearly.D. Listen to your grandparents.A. Alone.B. Lonely.31. What does the writer want to tell us in this story?A. Live life with an active mind.C. Enjoy your everyday life.【答案】28.B29. D 30. C 31. B【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了作者的祖父母在作者记事之前就去世了,作者想象和祖父在一起的生活,告诉我们在祖父母还在世的时候,要多陪伴他们,给他们一个拥抱。【28题详解】细节理解题。根据I would t

19、hen imagine what it would be like to have my grandfather with me”可知作者最想拥有的是祖父。应选B。【29题详解】细节理解题。 根据力 never got to know either of my grandparents growing up. They both died before I was oldenough to remember them.”可知作者的祖父母在作者记事之前就去世了,所以他记不得关于祖父的事情了。应选Do【30题详解】词义猜想题。 根据If your grandfather or grandmothe

20、r is still alive, then dont just sit there. Go and give them ahug.可知如果你的祖父或祖母还活着,要给他们一个拥抱,故alive意为“活着”,和living意义相近。应选Co31题详解】主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了作者的祖父母在作者记事之前就去世了,作者想象和祖父在一起的生活,所 以作者写这篇文章想告诉我们要爱自己的祖父母,在他们在世的时候多陪陪他们。应选B。Imagine a dog you dont need to train. Instead, you can program it to do whatever you wan

21、t. You dont need to imagine it. Meet Spot, a dog-like robot from US company Boston Dynamics.In March, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii (庞贝考古公园)in Italy gave Spot a new job. Pompeii is a famous “time capsule (胶囊)“from the ancient world. Thousands of years ago, a nearby volcano (火山)covered the city

22、in ash (灰). Many people died, but the ash kept buildings safe until someone found it in 1748.50, what is Spot doing in Pompeii? It walks around the site with a 3D scanner (扫描仪).There are many narrow, underground tunnels (隧道)in Pompeii. Thieves used the tunnels to steal things. The tunnels bring safe

23、typroblems to the ancient buildings. Robot dogs are small enough to go through these tunnels and find any changes to the buildings.According to Gabriel Zuchtriegel, new director of the site, this is the first time anyone has used a robot to help protect an archaeological site. Its a breakthrough and

24、 it would allow us to protect the ruins with greater speed and in total safety,said ZuchtriegeLSpot will also work with a 3D-scanning drone (无人机).The two tools will check the site regularly. They will look for any damage (损坏)that may need a repair. As art magazine ARTnews said, Pompeii is turning in

25、to a “Smart Archaeological Park”.32. What can we learn about the Archaeological Park of Pompeii from Paragraph 2?A. A dog-like robot works at the park.C. People found a time capsule at the park.33. What does the park use Spot to do?A. Catching thieves.C. Looking for safety problems.34. What does Zuc

26、htriegel think of Spot?A. It breaks things often.C. It brings safety problems.35. What can we learn from the story?B. Many people died at the park in March.D. A volcano covered the park in ash in 1748.B. Building a narrow tunnel.D. Cleaning up volcanic ash.B. It should move faster.D. It is a great h

27、elp to the park.A. Spot will repair damage to the buildings of Pompeii.B. Protecting the park from damage is difficult.C. A 3D-scanning drone will take Spofs place.D. Modern inventions make it easier to protect ancient buildings.【答案】32.A33. C 34. D 35. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了狗形机器人“Spot”在庞贝考古公园开始工作,可以发

28、现庞贝古建筑 的平安问题。由此可看出现代技术的开展让保护古建筑变得更容易。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据 “In March, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii (庞贝考古公园)in Italy gave Spot a new job.”可知,一款名叫“Spot”的狗形机器人在庞贝考古公园工作。应选A。33题详解】细节理解题。根据原文 “The tunnels bring safety problems to the ancient buildings. Robot dogs are small enough to go through these tunn

29、els and find any changes to the buildings可知,狗形机器人 “Spot” 的任务是 发现庞贝古建筑的平安问题。应选C。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据原文 “Its a breakthrough and it would allow us to protect the ruins with greater speed and in total safetyv可知,Zuchtriegel认为狗形机器人“Spot”对于庞贝考古公园是有用的。应选D。【35题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇说明文,介绍了狗形机器人“Spot”在庞贝考古公园开始工作, 可

30、以发现庞贝古建筑的平安问题。由此可看出现代技术的开展让保护古建筑变得更容易。应选D。IX.任务型阅读(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成文后各题。Have you ever watched the cloned dinosaurs (克隆恐龙)go wild in the park movies? It looks fun in movies, but would be terrible if it happened in the real world. We can do lots of things with todays science and technology.

31、But we also need to be careful about what we shouldnt do. This is called ethics (伦理).We should care about ethics in science to protect people from progress.On March 20, China released (发布)ifs first guideline (指导意见)on ethics in science and technology. The hope is that progress in science-especially l

32、ife sciences, medicine and AI-will not do harm to human society. What might happen if we dont care about ethics in science. Lefs look at three examples.Ethics and AIIn early March, an online video showed Ukraines president Volodymyr Zelensky. Heasked his people to stop fighting against Russia. Many

33、people believed it was real, but it turned out to be a fake (彳成的)video. It was made with AI technology. Such videos are called tdeepfakes, If we dont have a limit (限制) on it, it will make the online world full of untruths.Ethics and gene editingImagine making a baby in a lab with “perfect“ genes (基因

34、).It could be healthy, beautiful and smart. Would you make it?At first, this sounds great! But many questions come with it. For example, who has the right to decide which genes to add or remove (移除)? What if it goes wrong and something bad happens to the baby. Also, if only rich people can use this

35、technology, will there be more inequalities (不平等)Ethics and personal dataApps on our smartphones collect all kinds of data (数据)about our bodies and health. They include how much exercise we do, how much sleep we get and what we eat. But these data, if not well protected, could causeethical problems.

36、 For example, insurance (保险)companies could use the data to decide if customers deserve (值得)their help. People with 4Cunhealthy lifestyles may get less help. In jobmarkets, companies could also usethese data to learn about your health status (T青况).That may affect whether you get hired (雇佣).1、2题完成句子;

37、3题简略回答下列问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。36. The hope is that progress in science will human society.37. The fake video was made.38. What could the baby with the “perfect“ genes be like?.39.40. . 【答案】36. not do harm to37. with AI technology38. It could be healthy, beautiful and smart.39. We should car

38、e about ethics in science to protect people from progress.40. 它们(这些数据)包括我们做了多少锻炼、睡眠的量以及吃的东西。【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要针对科学开展过程中可能出现的道德伦理问题进行讨论,如人工智 能、基因编写和个人信息等方面的道德伦理问题。【36题详解】根据第二段 “The hope is that progress in scienceespecially life sciences, medicine and Alwill not do harm to human society.可知人们希望尤其是生

39、命科学、医学和人工智能等方面的科学开展不会对人类社会造成伤 害。 故填 not do harm to。【37题详解】根据第三段It was made with AI technology.可知这个假视频是用人工智能技术制作出来的。故填w汕AI technologyo【38题详解】根据第四段It could be healthy, beautiful and smart.可知这个“完美的”婴儿可能会身体很健康,长得很 漂亮又很聪明。故填 It could be healthy, beautiful and smart.【39题详解】根据第一段 u We should care about eth

40、ics in science to protect people from progress. 可知本文主要针对科学 开展中出现的道德伦理问题进行讨论,并且提出我们应该关注这些方面,以保护人们免受进步带来的不良 影响。故填 We should care about ethics in science to protect people from progress.【40题详解】They 它们(指这些数据);include 包括;how much exercise we do 我们做了多少锻炼;how much sleep we get我们睡了多久,或睡眠的量;and what we eat还有

41、我们吃了什么或吃的东西。故答案为:它们(这些数 据)包括我们做了多少锻炼、睡眠的量以及吃的东西。X.词语运用(每空1分,共计10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。41 (recent) I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. Candy told me that she used to be shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. It was quite helpful. Now shes 42 shy any mor

42、e and loves singing 43 public. After becoming famous, Candy can travel and meet new people all 44 time. However, being famous also makes her 45 (have) little private time. Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for her now, because there are always 46 (guard) around her.Candy once 47 (advise)

43、 the young people who wanted to be famous to be prepared to give up48 (they) normal life. The road to success is quite difficult. Many times Candy thought about giving up,49 she fought on. The young people really require a lot of talent and hard work to 50(success).【答案】41. Recently42. not43. in44. t

44、he45. have46. guards 47. advised48. their 49. but50. succeed【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了 Candy Wang在知名之后,有很多好事情,也有一些不好的事情,她屡次想要放 弃,但她还是坚持了下去。41题详解】句意:最近,我采访了 19岁的亚洲流行明星Candy Wang。止匕处修饰动词interviewed,应用副词形式 recently“最近”,放句首首字母大写。故填Recently。【42题详解】句意:现在她不再害羞,喜欢在公共场合唱歌。根据Now shesshy any more and loves singing”可知她现 在

45、不再害羞,notany more不再。故填not。【43题详解】句意:现在她不再害羞,喜欢在公共场合唱歌。in public”公共工 故填in。【44题详解】句意:成名后,Candy可以一直旅行,结识新朋友。句the tim名一直”,固定用法。故填the。【45题详解】句意:然而,知名也让她没有多少私人时间。have”有。make sb. do sth.”让某人做某事”。故填have。46题详解】句意:现在和朋友出去玩对她来说几乎是不可能的,因为她身边总是有警卫。根据“are”可知句子主语用名 词复数guards“警卫故填guards。【47题详解】句意:Candy曾劝告想要知名的年轻人,要做

46、好放弃他们的正常生活的准备。根据“oncethe young peoplewho wanted to be”可知句子使用一般过去时,动词用过去式advised“建议”。故填advisedo【48题详解】句意:Candy曾劝告想要知名的年轻人,要做好放弃他们的正常生活的准备。空格后有名词,此处用形容 词性物主代词their“他们的“。故填theiro【49题详解】句意:很多时候,Candy都想过放弃,但她还是坚持了下来。根据Many times Candy thought about givingupshe fought on”可知前后两句是转折关系,用but连接。故填but。【50题详解】句意

47、:年轻人真的需要很多才能和努力才能成功。require sth. to do“需要做某事“,故此处用动词原形succeed成功故填 succeed oXL基础写作(包括A、B两局部,A局部5分,B局部15分,共计20分)A)连词成句(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)将所给词语练成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点 已给出。51. picture, is, beautiful, the, fourth, how【答案】How beautiful the fourth picture is【解析】【详解】根据所给词以及标点可知,句子是how引导的感叹句,结构是:How

48、+adj.+主谓,beautiful”漂亮 的”,形容词;主语是the fourth picture”第四张图片“,系动词是is。故填How beautiful the fourth picture is 第四张图多美啊)52. it, night, drew, I, last, drew【答案】I drew it last night【解析】【详解】根据所给词以及标点可知,句子是肯定句,主语是1“我”;谓语是drew”画雅宾语是i俨它lastnight”昨天晚上: 时间状语放句尾。故填Idrewitlastnigh俨我昨晚画的它工53. children, there are, under, some, tree, the【答案 J There are some children under the tree【解析】【详解】根据所给词以及标点可知,此


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