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1、- 正文-第 - 19 - 页4.0 IntroductionA Dream of Red Mansions is one of the Four Great Chinese novels. Written in the mid-18th century, it is set in the aristocratic Jia household in Beijing. In China, Red Mansions represents a prosperous family, so the title really reflects the theme of the story

2、, the illusions of wealth and grandeur which quickly vanish, leaving behind memories which seem more like a dream rather than realistic lifestyle. The hero is Bao-yu, a teenage boy who likes female company. Born with a jade in his mouth, he is spoilt by his grandmother, mother and a lot of girls, ye

3、t he lives in fear of his father and prefers writing poetry to studying the classics. The heroine, Bao-yus cousin, Dai-yu is sickly, easy to depression, over-sensitive, always conscious of her status as an orphan, also, she is a talent poet ,smart, sagacity and prone to sarcasm. In a word,a classic

4、Romantic heroine. She and Bao-yu are in love with one another and this, and their continual misunderstandings and Dai-yus eventual unhappy end, form one of the novels centre. The greatest achievement of the novel is its vivid characerisation. Of the more than four hundred persons in the novel, at le

5、ast forty are highly individualised. Under Cao Xueqins pen, those persons not only have their personal looks, but their voices and emotions. The subtle mentality of the characters leaves deep impression in the readers mind. Cao Xueqin completed a masterpiece with the painstaking labor of all his lif

6、etime and left after him a lasting reverberation in the mind of his posterity. To the art of language in classical novels, A Dream of Red Mansions deserves to be called a model . In 20th century, when the study of the novel is on the trend, the art of its language draws much attention naturally, and

7、 makes great achievements. According to the statistics, besides the countless bibliography which studies its language, there are at least four hundred papers to study its language. The language of the characterization is individualized.The earliest monographs to study the language of the novel is Th

8、e Linguistic Art of Dream of Red Mansions wrote by Zhou Zhongming(1982). In the book, he made a complete and meticulous study of the conversation.From then on, great attentions have been drawn from linguists.Liu Runqing (1999: 117-136) analyzed some famous chapters from the perspective of pragmatics

9、. Liu Runqing (1999) analyzed some famous chapters from the perspective of pragmatics. Liu Jiarong and Zhang Hong (2002) analyzed the novel with the theory of politeness. This thesis adopts the method of analyzing the data collected from all sorts of writings and it is composed of six parts, namely,

10、 introduction, theatrical framework, the cooperative principle and A Dream of Red Mansions, complicit of different implicature, pragmatic analysis of context, deception and conclusion.2.0 Theoretical Framework2.1 Cooperative Principle and Four Maxims The cooperative principle is a principle of conve

11、rsation proposed by Grice in 1975, stating that participants expect that each will “make the conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange”. Grice believes that the assumption of cooperation can be elaborat

12、ed in four sub-principles called maxims including quality, quantity, relation and manner: 1.Quality Maxim: Try to make your contribution one that is true. Do not say what you believe to be false. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. 2. Quantity Maxim: Make your contribution as infor

13、mative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange). Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. 3. Relation Maxim: Be relevant. 4. Manner Maxim: Be perspicuous. Avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity). Be orderly.” Amo

14、ng the four maxims, it is Quality Maxim that Grice thinks mustnt be violated. He thinks that the speaker who violates Quality Maxim is lying and lying is a moral offence. Grice argued that any intentional acts of human beings should not go beyond “honesty”. His idea is more or less of extreme ideali

15、sm without realistic consideration, thus inconceivable to many philosophers and linguistics home and abroad. American Doctor of philosophy Daniel (one of Davidsons students) points out that lying is a common phenomenon in daily life.Grices start point is that human interaction has a series of purpos

16、es, or a “direction” mutually recognized and accepted by both interlocutors. He summarizes those shared conventions of daily communication in CP and its Conversational Maxims, but leaves several issues open to further discussion. For example, he recognizes the need for more maxims (tentatively propo

17、sing a fifth: “be polite”). The Politeness Principle (abbreviated as PP) is a set of maxims, which Geoff Leech has proposed as a way of explaining how politeness operators in conversational exchanges. Leech defines politeness as forms of behavior that establish and maintain comity, or the ability of

18、 participants in a social interaction to engage in an atmosphere of relative harmony. People often lie for the purpose of deceiving others to achieve their personal objectives, yet in many cases, Deception testifies Leechs PP and Maxims. 2.2 Deception Deception has drawn attention of many scholars o

19、f various fields such as sociolinguistics, pragmatics, rhetoric because of its inseparable relationship with human verbal interaction. In the developmental psychology with the excessive concern is pointed to the definition of Deception and the development of moral evaluation by developmental psychol

20、ogists. As the investigation in the area proceeds, there were two theoretical concepts concerning development which triggered the most heated discussion: the prototypical approaches and the folkoristic model. The prototypical approaches define the features of prototypical Deception with three semant

21、ic elements: namely, (1) the speech goes against the truth. (The element of truth) (2) The speaker knows that his/her speech is wrong. (The element of belief ) and (3) The speaker deliberately deceives the hearer. (The element of intention) The theory predicts that the development of the definition

22、of Deception, free from the influence of social and culture factors, depends on the childrens understanding of the three key elements mentioned above.3.0 The Cooperative Principle and A Dream of Red Mansions 3.1 Violation of the Maxims In a sense, the theory of conversational implicature may be seen

23、 as an attempt to explain how communication succeeds in the face of violation of the maxims. A participant in talk exchange may fail to fulfill a maxim in the following four ways (Grice, 2002): 1) The speaker may violate the Cooperative Principle deliberately but without making the hearer realize it

24、. In this case, the speaker is most likely to mislead the hearer.2) The speaker may avoid cooperation in an explicit way by telling the hearer that he doesnt want to answer, or he cannot say any more.3) The speaker may face a dilemma. For example, on the one hand, he wants to hold the Quality Maxim

25、the present stage requires, while on the other hand, there is a possbility that other Maxims will be violated if the Quality Maxim is held. Theres a clash here. 4) The speaker may deliberately violate one of the maxim or fail o fulfill it. But this is different from the first case in which the speak

26、er assumes that the hearer knows he intends to do something, and the hearer still regards him being cooperative in observing the general Cooperative Principle. The hearer knows that the speaker is not trying to mislead him. In the first case, the speaker does not observe the Cooperative Principle an

27、d he does not tell to the other participants that he is being uncooperative.In the second case, the speaker makes it explicit that he is not cooperative at the moment. In this case, it is impossible that a conversational implicature will be generated. In the third case, the speaker faces dilemma. Bu

28、t as the speaker really does not know the exact time and he doesnot want to lie or give inadequate evidence, he has to sacrifice the Quantity Maxim in order to hols the Quality Maxim. It conversationally implies I dont know the exact time.The fourth case is the one that can most likely generate conv

29、ersational implicatures. The speaker, on the whole, observe the Cooperative Principle, but he fails to fulfill certain maxims, or to be more precise, he deliberately fails to do so in order to generate a conversational implicature.Grices cooperative principle describes an ideal state of conversation

30、. Generally they do violate the principle consciously or unconsciously. If they do it unconsciouly, they are easily to make misunderstanding. If they do it on purpose they mean to make a humor, or express their certain implications, something more than what they say. In daily life, people often more

31、 violate the principles than comply with them. So, in communicate, when one part violates the principle obviously, then, he more likely does it on purpose, so, the hearer should conclude the implication of the violence, which means that he should understand the real meaning of to the speaker. We can

32、 often see the examples of the violation of the Cooperation principle in literature works.3.2 The Violation of Cooperative Principle in the novel3.2.1 The Violation of the Principle of Qulity 1.(凤姐)回头指着贾母素日放钱的一个木匣子便笑着道:“姨妈瞧瞧,那个里头不知顽了我多少去了。这一吊钱顽不了半个时辰,那里头的钱就招手儿叫他了。只等把这一吊也叫进去了,牌也不用斗了,老祖宗的气也平了,又有正经事差我办

33、去了。”(第47回) According to Quality Principle, both sides of the conversation must say what they believe are true. If the speaker intentionally violate the rule, then, conversational implicature will be produced. According to Grice, irony, metaphor, hyperbole belong to the category. Obviously, the money

34、 in Jia mus woodern box will not shake to draw the money of Wang His-Feng ,and its a kind of metaphor, which makes Jiamu happy. 2. 这熙凤携着黛玉的手,上下细细打量了一回, 便仍送至贾母身边坐下,因笑道:“天下真有这样标致的人物! 我今儿才算见了!况且这通身的气派, 竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是个嫡亲的孙女,怨不得老祖宗天天口头心头一时不忘。”(第三回) Lin Tai-yu, although much loved by Jiamu, has not surnam

35、ed Jia, nor the same position as Baoyu in Jiamu. Wang His-fengs speech in violance of the quality principle, deliborately untrue, appears that praises Tai-yu, but in reality, flatters to in favor with Jiamu. The humor of Tai-yu impresses people that she is brought up in the prosperous family. This v

36、iolance has the obvious colour of Chinese culture, which attach importance of all kinds of granddaughter, is entirely different from the Anglo-Ameican culture. 3.2.2 The violation of the quantity In the 9th chapter, the boys at school brawled in the classroom.宝玉又问李贵:“金荣是那一房的亲戚?” 李贵想一想道:“也不用问了。若问起哪一房

37、的亲戚来,更伤了弟兄们的和气。”Li guis words violated the maxim of Quantity, he didnt provide enough information for Baoyu. As an old servant, he didnt expect something unhappy to happen. If he told Baoyu who Jin Rong was, Baoyu must tell everyone and have Jin Rong punished. Therefore, he violated the sub-maxim of

38、 Cooperative Principle. 3.2.3 Violation of the Maxim of RelationIn the 3rd chapter, on the first night of Daiyus arrival, Xiren came up to chat with Daiyu. 是晚,宝玉、李嬷嬷已经睡了,他见里面黛玉和鹦哥犹未安歇,他自歇了妆,悄悄的进来,笑问:“姑娘怎么还不安歇?”黛玉忙笑让道:“姐姐请坐。”袭人在床沿上坐了。鹦哥笑道:“林姑娘正在伤心。自己滴眼抹泪的,说:今儿才来,就惹出你家哥儿的狂病来,倘或摔坏了那玉岂不是因我之过!因此便伤心,我好容易劝

39、好了。”In this context, when Xiren asked the reason why Daiyu avoided talking about it and said something irrelevant to it. It s Yingge that explain the reason. It seemed that her answer had no connection with the question, but it probably received Daiyus feeling of being on guard every moment and weig

40、hing every word so as not to be laughed at for any foolish blunders. And the readers can infer from her utterance that Daiyu was sensitive to others words and behavior.3.2.4 Violation of the Manner (1)Ambiguity It should be realized that the ambiguity in this context is deliberate, and that speaker

41、intends or expects to be recognized by his hearer. The problem the hearer has to solve is why a speaker should, she still playing the conversational game, go out of his way to choose an ambiguous utterance. In the 10th chapter, Jia Rong invited a doctor to diagnose Keqings disease.贾蓉看了,说:“高明的很。还要请教先

42、生,这病与性命终究有妨无妨?”先生笑道:“大爷是最高明的人。人病倒这个地步,非一朝一夕的症候,吃了这药也要看医缘了。依小弟来看,今年一冬是不相干的。总是过了春分,就可望痊愈了。”贾蓉也是一个聪明人,也不往下问了。 What the doctor said was a little ambiguous. There is no danger this winter meant Keqing has danger the next year, but next he said if she gets through the spring equinox we may expect a cure,

43、that is to say , Keqing could be cured the next year, . The meanings of these two utterances were contradictory with each other. In fact the implication here was that whether she would be better or not depended on her fortune. In this ambiguous way, the doctor also managed not to hurt Jia Rong. (2)

44、Oscurity In the conversation, if the speaker expects the hearer to see that he is being deliberately obscure, it seems reasonable to suppose that, in making his conversational contribution in this way, the speaker is implicating that the contents of his communication should not be imparted to the th

45、ird party. In the 8th chapter, Daiyu, Baoyu and Baichai had dinner together in the cold weather.黛玉磕着瓜子儿,只抿着嘴笑。可巧黛玉的小丫鬟雪雁走来,与黛玉送小手炉,黛玉因含笑问他说:“谁叫你送来的?难为他费心,那里就冷死我了!”雪雁道:“紫鹃姐姐怕姑娘冷,使我送来的。”黛玉一面接了,抱在怀里,笑道:“也亏你倒听他的话。我平日里和你说的,全当耳旁风:怎么他说了,你就依,比圣旨还快些!” When Xueyan brought Dayu her hand-stove, she criticized X

46、ueyan for her obeying Xueyans order instead of Daiyus. It is known that Xueyan was the only maid that Daiyu brought from her hometwn,so it is obvious that Xueyan was closer to Daiyu than to Zijuan. Therefore Daiyu violated the maxim of Manner by saying something obscure. Through the context that Bao

47、chai persuaded Baoyu not to drink the cold wine in the cold weather, readers can infer that Daiyu was mocking Baoyu and Baochai instead of scolding Xueyan, although she did not expect her intention to be reasoned out by the rest of the audience. 3.2.5 Failure to be brief In the 9th chapter, Jia Baoy

48、u had to obey his fathers command to go to school. 是日一早, 宝玉未起, 袭人早已把书笔文物包好,收拾的停停妥妥,坐在炕沿上发闷。 见宝玉醒来, 只得服侍他梳洗。 宝玉见他闷闷的, 因笑问道:“好姐姐, 你怎么又不自在了?难道怪我上学去, 丢了你们冷清了不成?”袭人笑道:“这是哪里的话。读书时极好的事,不然就潦倒一辈子,终究怎么样呢。但只一件:只是念书的时节想着书,不念的时节想着家些。别和他们一处玩闹,碰见老爷不是玩的。” When Baoyu asked Xiren the reason for looking unhappy, Xiren spoke in a complicated way. From her utterance, it can be seen that seeing Baoyu was going to study, she had complicated feelings. On the other hand, she was worried that Baoyu could not take good care of himself. The deep love of Xiren for Baoyu can be seen clearly.3.2.6 Failure to be orderly I


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