2022年高考英语母题题源系列专题阅读理解 .pdf

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1、学习好资料欢迎下载母题十阅读理解【母题来源】【2016北京】【母题原题】【2016北京】 D Why College Is Not Home The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy(自主性) and the development of adult identity. However, now they are becoming an extended period of adolescence, during which many of today s students and

2、are not shouldered with adult responsibilities. For previous generations, college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within. In the past two decades, however, continued connection with and dependence on family, thanks to ce

3、llphones, email and social media, have increased significantly. Some parents go so far as to help with coursework. Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passagefrom the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility, universities have given in to the idea that they should provide

4、 the same environment as that of the home. To prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility, college needs to be a time of exploration and experimentation. This process involves “trying on ” new ways of thinking about oneself both intellectually(在思维方面) and personally. While we should provide “sa

5、fe spaces ” within colleges, we must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views. Intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered on debate and questioning. Learning to deal with the social world is equally important. Because a college community( 群体 ) differs from the family,

6、 many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging. If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载a larger and complex

7、 community. Moreover, the tendency for universities to monitor and shape student behavior runs up against another characteristic of young adults: the response to being controlled by their elders. If acceptable social behavior is too strictly defined(规定 ) and controlled, the insensitive or aggressive

8、 behavior that administrators are seeking to minimize may actually be encouraged. It is not surprising that young people are likely to burst out, particularly when there are reasons to do so. Our generation once joined hands and stood firm at times of national emergency. What is lacking today is the

9、 conflict between adolescents desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. Therefore, there is the desire for their dorms to be replacement homes and not places to experience intellectual growth. Every college discussion about community values, social climate and behavior should i

10、nclude recognition of the developmental importance of student autonomy and self-regulation, of the necessary tension between safety and self-discovery. 67.Whats the authors attitude toward continued parental guidance to college students? A.Sympathetic B.Disapproving C.Supportive D.Neutral 68.The und

11、erlined word “passage” in Paragraph 2 means. A.change B.choice C.text D.extension 69.According to the author,what role should college play? A.to develop a shared identity among students B.to define and regulate students social behaviorC.To provide a safe world without tension for students D.To foste

12、r students intellectual and personal development70.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载【答案】67.B68.A69.D70.C 68.A猜 测 词 义 题 。 根 据 “ from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility”可知

13、,从家庭的庇护到自主性和成年人的责任,这是一种转变、变化,故选 A。69.D 推理判断题。每个人的个性都是不同的,排除A;根据第四段“If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern, they are not facing.”可知,作者不赞成大学管理者约束学生的社会行为,排除B;大学不是一个无忧无虑的场所,排除C;大学应该是学习知识和促进学生成长的地方,故选D 。70.C篇章结构题。根据第四段“Learning to deal with the social wo

14、rld is equally important.”中的“ equally important”和第五段的“moreover ”可知,第四段和第五段是第三段的次要论点,故选C。考点:教育类短文阅读【名师点睛】I. 三类篇章结构题的出题方式1. 结构识辨 : 此类组织结构题要求考生能够识别文章、段落的组织结构或行文方式。结构精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载识辨类组织结构题常见的题干表述方式如下:How is the text organized? The author develops the p

15、assage mainly by_. The text is mainly developed in the order of_. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? 2. 组织结构功能: 此类组织结构题要求考生判断文章或段落组织结构的功能、作用,其常见的题干表述方式如下:The author quoted words in.paragraph in order to make the article_. 3. 结构推测 :此类组织结构题要求考生能够根据文章或段落的组织结构、行文方式或段落内容推测文章前后未呈现的

16、写作内容。其常见的题干表述方式如下:What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?学优 Which of the following do you think has been discussed in the part before this selection? II.解题策略考查组织结构的文章通常行文组织结构都比较清晰、规范,因此,具备文体、写作方式和文章组织结构方面相关知识对于有效解答此类题目具有至关重要的作用。1)记叙文 可以采取以时间为序、以地点为序、以故事情节发展为序(开端、发展、高潮、结

17、局)等叙事方式进行写作。以故事情节为序又可以不按照时间的先后顺序叙述,比如,先写结局,再写其他, 最后写高潮,这种叙事手法叫做倒叙。2)议论文 总体上可以分为四类:第一类,“提出论点分论点一分论点二分论点三结论”;第二类,“引入段导出论点分点论述结论”;第三类,“提出问题分析问题解决问题”;第四类,“提出反面观点批驳反面观点提出正面观点”。 3) 说明文 往往采取下定义、举例子、列数字、对比或比较等说明方式进行写作,而这些说明方式都是为了使文章要说明的内容或问题更加清晰明了、真实可信,或者更具说服力。【命题意图】 阅读理解从能力的角度来讲,考查学生运用英语的能力,具体地说,就是通过阅读有关文章

18、提取有用信息的能力。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载【考试方向】 阅读理解所选的语段包括叙述文、说明文、应用文和议论文,继续保持了体裁的多样化特点。选材多源于英文报刊和网络媒体,包括广告应用文、日常生活、新闻报道、社会背景、政治经济、科普文章等各个方面的知识,并且具有鲜明的英语语言文化特点和浓厚的时代气息。综合地反映了政治、经济、文化和生活的各个方面,体现了“语言是文化的载体”这一重要理念;从题型的角度看,阅读题型主要有、细节理解型、主旨大意型、词义猜测型、推理判断型、篇章结构型、细节理解型。【

19、得分要点】 从解题方法的角度讲,根据不同的题材和体裁,结合阅读的题型特点,采用不同的阅读方法,但不论怎样,理解文章的内容的前提。从题型的角度看,阅读题型主要有、细节理解型、主旨大意型、词义猜测型、推理判断型、篇章结构型、细节理解型。【母题 1】1. 【2016 届江西上高县第二中学高三上学期第二次月考】Before your childs final exam: and the graduation announcements, you face a significant task together: choosing the right college or university. The

20、re is no one size fits all approach to selecting a college its a very personal process for most teenagers. Consider a wide range of factors to help your child make the best possible choice. Discuss with your child her post-high school choices, such as college, finding work or starting a business, or

21、 joining the army. If you determine together that college is the best choice for your child, talk about the importance of college, and her longer-term goals by going to college. Talk to your child about what she thinks is important in a college experience and share your opinions as well. Identify th

22、e issues that will directly impact her college choice, such as her grades, test scores and family finances. Then make a list of the key criteria for her dream school, including factors such as the schools location, its size, the types of program:, the after school activities available and the type o

23、f financial aid available. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载Prioritize the item: on your childs list, at least to the extent of sorting it into must-haves,highly desirable and nice-to-have categories. Put these factors into an online search engine specifically design

24、ed to identify colleges and universities that best meet your criteria, such as that offered by CollegeBoard.org. Start with the most important criteria, then experiment with additional factors to narrow the search results to a number you can work with, such as 10 or 20 different schools. Use the sea

25、rch results as a guide to further focus your college search. Research each school by reviewing its website, requesting information directly from the school and attending local presentations about the school. 1The underlined word prioritize in Paragraph 4 probably means _. A. list in order of importa

26、nce B. write down C. add to D. do research into 2What can we learn from the passage? A. Its better to decide the college for your child. B. Its necessary to take your childs opinion into consideration. C. There is a one size fits all way to select a college. D. An online search engine is of great he

27、lp to you. 3Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage? A. To argue B. To persuade C. To introduce D. To amuse 4Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了帮助孩子对高中毕业以后进入大学时所要考虑的诸多因素。1 A 考 查 猜 测 词 义 。 根 据 下 一 句at least to the extent of sorting it into 精选学习资料 - - - -

28、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载must-haves,highly desirable and nice-to-have categories.可知要把“ 必须 有的”“急需要的”“得到将会很高兴的”要求都包括进去。也就是说该词表示按照重要性的顺序来排列的。故A正确。2 B 考查细节理解。根据第三段第一句Talk to your child about what she thinks is important in a college experience and share your opinions as well.可知

29、我们要和孩子谈谈,要考虑孩子的观点和要求。故B正确。3C 考查推理判断。根据第一段最后一句Consider a wide range of factors to help your child make the best possible choice.可知作者在本文中主要介绍的是帮助孩子做出选择的建议,也就是说本文主要充当的是介绍的作用。故C正确。4D 考查推理判断。 本文第一段告诉我们在帮助孩子做出选择时要考虑各种因素,接着 2、3、4、5 段分别提出一个建议。所以D项总分结构是本文的结构模式。故D正确。【母题 2】3. 【贵州省遵义航天高级中学2016 届高三第四次模拟】When sho

30、uld people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory age limit? Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations. Other people, however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their fifties or even earlier because of

31、the regulations of a company or the nation. This essay will examine whether people should be allowed to continue working as long as they want or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a particular stage. Some people think there are several arguments for allowing older people to continue work

32、ing as long as they are able. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees and are more willing to carry out comp

33、any policies than younger less committed staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force someone to resign or retire at 60 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over. Age is i

34、rrelevant to a working life, surely if older employees are told they cannot work after 60, this is age discrimination. That they become old does not 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载necessarily mean they are going to be sick. Old people could be more aware, experienc

35、ed and committed than some youngsters. Others, however, think that allowing older people to work indefinitely is not a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Old people are only ambitious workaholics who are too selfish and self-centered to believe that a younger person could do better.

36、Actually, many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, however, many people would continue to wor

37、k purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their lifes labor by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. We now have youngsters who cant find jobs because old people are choosi

38、ng not to retire. Old people are not retiring because this new generation of “old people” think they will never die due to modern advances in medicine. With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this ca

39、n affect the older individuals freedom and right to work and can deprive( 剥夺 ) society of valuable experience and insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual. 9. What is the purpose of this passage? A. To explain

40、the compulsory age limit. B. To discuss the retirement age. C. To examine peoples working life. D. To introduce a particular stage.10. Which of the following is NOT a reason for allowing old people to continue working according to the passage? A. Their contribution should be valued. B. Their experie

41、nce should be made use of. C. They can help the youngsters. D. They are loyal employees. 11. It can be inferred in the fourth passage that _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载 A. The young people have more creative spirits B. Modern advances in medicine make old peop

42、le never die C. Pensions and freedom are not given to the old now D. Old people believe that a younger person could do better 12. The passage is arranged as follows: 11.A 推 理题。根据 文章第 四段 第三句Actually, many younger employees have more 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载ex

43、perience or skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives.可知作者认为年轻人有更多的经验和技巧,是因为老年人局限在某一个领域,缺少创造性。故A正确。12.A 篇章结构题。作者在第一段提出是否应该有退休的年龄限制?第二段指出人们对这个问题有不同的观点。第三段和第四段分别阐述支持和反对两种观点,最后一段进行总结:认为应; 有更灵活的退休政策。所以A项是正确的。【母题 3】2. 【 2016 届福建省南平中学高三年级第一次阶段考】D

44、This might not sound so extraordinary, but I didnt just read a book in print, on an e-reader or even on a mobile phone. Instead, I read a book on dozens of devices(设备). I was not trying to set a Guinness world record. I wanted to answer a question I often hear: which e-reader or tablet (平板 ) is the

45、best for reading books? So I set out to try them all, reading a chapter on each: the Amazon Kindle, the first and second generation Apple iPads and mobile phones. To be fair, I also read a chapter in that old-fashioned form an old print paperback. The book I chose was The Alienist. For the first cha

46、pter, I turned to an Amazon Kindle. Shopping on Amazon for the Kindle is simple; you go to Amazons Web site and buy the book, which is then sent to any devices with Kindle software installed(安装). Reading on the Amazon Kindle is a joy in many aspects. The Kindle is light. Its six-inch screen is the p

47、erfect size for reading, and reading on its black and white E Ink display doesnt harm your eyes. Battery life is outstanding; on average you charge the device only once a month. My only complaint with the Kindle design is the placement of the keyboard at the bottom of the device. Amazon s CEO has no

48、ted during past product announcements that the keyboard is there to help people take notes or search. But to me, it seems like a waste of space. Despite the small screen on a mobile phone, I find reading on one to be simple and satisfactory. All of the mobile phones on which I read chapters felt som

49、ewhat similar; although screen brightness and the size of the phones screen did vary.If I had wanted to, I could have bought my book through dozens of e-book apps (应用程序 ) in the Apple App Store. Most are free and offer access to thousands of free 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共

50、 12 页学习好资料欢迎下载e-books or paid versions. But the big downside for many is that you can read them only on Apple devices. Both iPads 1 2 offer an immersive (沉浸式 ) reading experience. I found myself jumping back and forth between my book and the Web, looking up old facts and pictures of New York City. I


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