2022年高中英语新课标外研版必修2教案 16.pdf

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1、1 / 17 Period 3Listening and Vocabulary; Everyday English; Pronunciation 整体设计教材分析In this period two parts will be dealt with. In Listening and Vocabulary part, first lead the students to learn some words which will appear in the conversation. Make sure the students know what they mean. And then ask

2、the students to listen to a conversation and answer the three questions. If the students have any difficulty in understanding the conversation, they can listen more times. Finally, have the students listen once again to complete the sentences offered in the third activity. This can help them catch s

3、ome details while listening and improve their listening skills.The second part to be dealt with is Everyday English and Pronunciation. While dealing with activity one, first the students read through the sentences and choose the correct answers individually. Then put the students into pairs and comp

4、are their answers. Finally, the teacher calls back the answers from the class or shows the correct answers on the screen for the students to refer to. In the second activity ask the students to listen carefully and compare the pronunciation with their own, choosing the weak sound. If time permits, l

5、et them reread the sentences using the correct pronunciation and intonation. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 17 页2 / 17 三维目标1. 知识与技能1Train the students listening ability. 2Develop the students speaking ability. 3Words: exhibition, expression, landscape, oil painting, portrait, r

6、ealise, realistic, watercolour (paintingPhrases: be pleased with, make. . . of Sentence patterns: So do I. Neither do I. How about. . . ? 2. 过程与方法1Make the students catch some details of the listening material.2Explanations to make the students master some listening skills.3Make the students know ho

7、w to make use of daily expressions in their life and study.4Individual work, pair work as well as group work to get every student to participate in class.3. 情感与价值1Make it fun to cooperate with others. 2Have the students enjoy knowing more about arts. 3Try to raise the students cooperative awareness

8、in their study by 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 17 页3 / 17 pair work or group work. 教学重点1. Learn to research by cooperation. 2. Learn to catch necessary information when listening.3. Learn to take advantage of the everyday English to express themselves. 教学难点1. Lead the student

9、s to take an active part in class.2. Help the students master the words appearing in the listening part.3. Learn to notice the weak sound while communicating. 教学过程Step 1 Review and Lead-in 1. Ask group representatives to report the relative knowledge about the gerund, the infinitive as well as the p

10、articiples they gather after class. This can act as a general review of what they learnt last class.2. Get the whole class into groups of four to compare the answers of their homework. Then the teacher asks several of them to report them to the whole class or just shows them on the screen for the wh

11、ole class to refer to, and the latter may save time. Step 2 V ocabulary Option 1 Ask the students to read the listed words in activity one on P36 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 17 页4 / 17 individually and try to understand what they all mean. If they come across any problems in

12、 their understanding, they can turn to the teacher, other students or a dictionary for help. Then ask some students to read them out and others check if they are correct. Next, the students complete the following sentences individually and work in pairs to compare their answers. Finally, the teacher

13、 leads the whole class to confirm the answers together.Suggested answers: 1oil painting2expression3portrait4realise5landscape 6realistic7watercolour8exhibition Option 2 Hold a competition. The teacher writes any word in the table on the blackboard or shows them on the screen for the students to read

14、. The competition rules are as follows: When a word is given, the students who know it raise their hands. The one that does this first reads the word and give its Chinese meaning or explains it in English. If he or she is correct, he or she will get five grades. Otherwise, he/she gets zero and anoth

15、er one can read and explain it again. Each student has only one chance to read the same word. The guy who gets the most grades will be the final winner. When catching their meanings, they may be required to complete the following sentences in pairs, each one doing four of them and helping to check i

16、f the partner 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 17 页5 / 17 gives correct answers. If not, correct them.Option 3 Read the listed words out and let the students follow you. Meanwhile, make them pay attention to the stress of them. Put the students into pairs to practice the reading

17、of them. One reads them through, while the other checks if the words are read and stressed correctly. Then exchange their roles to repeat this. Knowing what they mean, the teacher reads the following sentences one by one while the whole class search for the words applicable to each sentence. If they

18、 make any mistake or wrong choice, the teacher may give them a hand. Step 3 Listening 1. Option 1 The teacher introduces the content of the interview as follows:Now we will listen to a conversation. The boy and girl are discussing their likes and dislikes. First they talk about the boy s portrait of

19、 Paul. The girl thinks it realistic and in her opinion, the boy grasps the expression. The girl likes watercolours while the boy prefers oil paintings. They both will go to an exhibition of watercolours. After the listening, you will be asked to do some exercises.The underlined words are new and the

20、y just learn them in Step 2. This way can lay a good foundation for the listening activity. At the same time, it leads the students to review and consolidate the words according 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 17 页6 / 17 to the context. Then ask the students to listen to the tap

21、e and complete the following exercise. Later the students work in pairs to check their answers.(Show the following on the screen. Listen and judge the following statements, write down True(Tor False(Fin the brackets.1The boy thinks that learning to paint well takes a short time. (2The boy suggests t

22、he girl go to an art gallery next weekend. (3There are two exhibitions on at the same gallery. ( 4The girl is good at drawing instead of painting. (5They both enjoy pop art. ( Suggested answers: 1F2T3T4T5F With the help of the above information, the students can listen one more time and complete the

23、 second activity individually. Then check their answers by comparing them with others.Suggested answers: 1 The boy s portrait of Paul/Visiting an art gallery/Likes and dislikes2 Picture 2. Because the girl mentions the light coming through the window. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6

24、 页,共 17 页7 / 17 3 Because she thought the picture was of Mike while it s of Paul.Option 2 First the students look through the sentences in activity two on P36 quickly and try to understand them and guess what the conversation is mainly about. Then they listen to the tape carefully to get the main id

25、ea of the conversation and check if their prediction is correct. Exchange their main ideas with others. Next, play the tape one more time and the students listen carefully to catch some details. Meanwhile, they need to complete the second activity. Later the students work in pairs to compare their a

26、nswers. At last the teacher shows the correct answers on the screen for the students to refer to or just call back answers from the class.2. The students are required to read the sections of the listed sentences through and understand them. Then let them listen to the tape again and find out the ans

27、wers to the questions. Ask some students to report their answers to the class.Suggested answers: 1It s realistic. It has the right expression(the look in his eyes2coming in through the window is very good3painting4drawing, painting5going to an art gallery6oil paintings, watercolours精选学习资料 - - - - -

28、- - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 17 页8 / 17 7that it is a picture of Paul, not Mike Tapescript: Girl: Hey, that s a good portrait. It s so realistic. You ve really got the expression right the look in the eyes.Boy: Yes, I m pleased with it. What do you make of the mouth? Do you think I need to do

29、 more work on it? Girl: No, don t change a thing. It s brilliant. And the light coming in through the window is really good. You re a good painter, you know.Boy: Thanks for the compliment!I m really fond of painting. But learning to paint well takes a long time. How about you, are you interested in

30、it? Girl: Yes, but I m not half as good as you. Paining is difficult for me. I couldn t possibly paint a portrait as good as this. I think drawing s a lot easier. I do quite a lot of drawing.Boy: So do I. I always learn a lot when I draw. It teaches you to observe things very carefully. Do you go to

31、 art galleries? Girl: No, I don t. But I should, I know. I really do love art.Boy: Well, how about going to an art gallery next weekend? I m sure we can find something interesting.Girl: I d love to. Boy: There s a pop art exhibition on at the moment.Girl: Um, I don t like pop art. 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

32、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 17 页9 / 17 Boy: Nor do I, really. I know, there s an exhibition of watercolours on at the same gallery.Girl: Oh, that sounds interesting. I love watercolours.Boy: Do you? I prefer oil paintings, myself. But I d still like to go.Girl: Let s do that then. . . And I d

33、o think your picture of Mike is wonderful.Boy: Mike? It s not a picture of Mike!It s a picture of Paul!Girl: Paul? It s a picture of Paul? Oh!I didn t realise that. Sorry!Step 4 Everyday English and Pronunciation 1. The teacher first asks the students to read through the sentences in the first activ

34、ity and complete it individually, choosing the correct answers. Then have them work in pairs to compare their answers. Finally, call back the correct answers from the class or show them on the screen for the students to refer to.Suggested answers: 1a2b3a4b5a6a 2. The teacher requires the students to

35、 read through the complete sentences once again, paying great attention to their pronunciation as well as intonation, especially the weak sound. Then they are requested to listen to the tape carefully and follow, comparing the pronunciation and intonation with those of their own. Next, give them one

36、 more chance to listen, after which they will work in pairs to practice them a lot.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 17 页10 / 17 Tapescript: 1You ve got it right. 2Don t change a thing. 3I m not half as good as you. 4What do you make of it? 5There s an exhibition on. 6Thanks for t

37、he compliment. Step 5 Relative Language Points in this Period 1. I m pleased with it. What do you make of the mouth? 我对此感到很满意。你认为嘴巴怎么样? 1be pleased with. . . 对感到高兴,满意be pleased to do sth. 乐意做某事be pleased that-clause 对感到高兴辨析: pleasant, pleased 与 pleasurepleasant adj. 意为“愉快的,欢乐的,舒适的”,指给人愉快或精神上舒适的活动或气氛

38、。pleased adj. 意为“愉快的,满意的”,指人对某事所产生的感觉。pleasure n. 意为“快乐,愉快”,此时为不可数名词; 如果表示令人高兴的、欢乐的人或事,为可数名词。2make. . . of. . . 认为怎样What do you make of the new manager? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 17 页11 / 17 你认为这位新经理怎么样? 拓展: make for 走向; 有助于make into把制成be made from/of/out of由制成make out设法完

39、成 /应付; 领悟,弄明白make over转让,改造make up组成; 捏造,编造 ; 化装make up for弥补/补偿make off 匆匆离开2. How about you, are you interested in it? 你呢,你对此也感兴趣吗? How about. . . ? 怎么样 ? How/what about. . . ? 常用来征求对方的意见或向对方提出建议。about后接名词、代词或动名词形式。How do you find/like. . . ? 表示“你认为怎么样”? ,用来询问对某事的感觉,即喜欢或不喜欢。What s. . . like? 用来询问人

40、或事物的特征,即人的外貌或品德,以及天气状况。How is sb. /sth. ? 用来询问人的身体状况或事物的状况。3. So do I. 我也是如此。1so+be动词(助动词、情态动词 +另一主语精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 17 页12 / 17 这一主谓倒装结构表示另一主语与前面叙述的某人情况有着相同的肯定概念,其中so代表上句的某个成分。I was good at English last year, and so was my friend Lily.我去年擅长英语,我的朋友莉莉也是如此。2neither

41、/nor+be动词(助动词、情态动词 +另一主语这一主谓倒装结构表示另一主语与前面叙述的某人情况有着相同的否定概念。I don t enjoy listening to country music. 我不喜欢听乡村音乐。Neither/nor does my mom. 我妈妈也不爱听。3so it is/was with+另一主语=it is/was the same with+另一主语这一结构表示另一主语的情况与前面所叙述的情况相同,陈述两种或两种以上的情况。I am warm-hearted and always help those who need help.我很热心并帮助那些需要帮助

42、的人。So it is with my parents. /It s the same with my parents.我的父母也是如此。4so+同一主语 +be动词、情态动词、助动词这一结构表示说话人对前面或对方所说的情况的赞同或证实。He has a talent of music. So he does. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 17 页13 / 17 他有音乐天赋。他的确如此。4. I didn t realise that. 我没意识到这点。realize/realise vt. 认识; 领会; 实现

43、拓展: reality n. 现实,真实realism n. 现实主义realist n. 现实主义者realistic adj. 现实主义的realize one s mistake 认识到自己的错误realize one s meaning 领会某人的意思realize one s dream 实现梦想He didn t realize his mistake until I told him. 直到我告诉他,他才意识到自己的错误。The man laughed when he realized what had happened.意识到所发生的事情后那人笑了。The manager do

44、esn t seem to realize the immediacy of the problem.经理没有意识到问题的紧迫性。5. The boy suggests . 那男孩建议。 (Activity 3. P37 suggest v. 建议; 暗示拓展: suggestion n. 建议suggestive adj. 提示的,暗示的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 17 页14 / 17 make/offer a suggestion提议,建议Step 6 Summary and Homework The tea

45、cher recalls what the students learnt in this class. The students first learnt how to read some words and understood what they mean. Then they got to know more about likes as well as dislikes of a boy and a girl through listening. Next, they learnt some useful daily expressions. In the end, assign t

46、he homework to the students review what they learnt this class and preview the new lesson. 板书设计Module 4Fine Arts Western, Chinese and Pop ArtsPeriod 3Words: exhibition, expression, landscape, oil painting, portrait, realise, realistic, watercolour(painting, suggestPhrases: be pleased with, make. . .

47、 ofSentence patterns: So do I.Neither do I.How about. . . ? 活动与探究Ask the students to work in groups of four and discuss which way can improve their daily communication ability and skills most. Every group member first gives his opinion and idea according to what he usually does while communicating w

48、ith others. Then discuss them with other group members to form the most effective way of their group. Finally, each group gives a report to the whole class. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 17 页15 / 17 备课资料Xu Beihong Xu Beihong(July 19, 1895-September 26, 1953(born in Yixing, Ji

49、angsuwas a Chinese painter. Considered a modern master in China, his merging of Western techniques with classic Chinese approaches was unmatched. He is particularly known for his shuimohua depictions of horses and birds.Xu began studying classic Chinese works and calligraphy with his father Xu Dazha

50、ng when he was six, and Chinese painting when he was nine. In 1915, he moved to Shanghai, where he made a living off commercial and private work. He traveled to Tokyo in 1917 to study arts. When he returned to China, he began to teach at Peking University s Arts school at the invitation of Cai Yuanp


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