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1、-选修7、8单词拼写练习-第 9 页高二下选修7 Unit 1 1. The newly-built cinema is convenient for the _(残疾的)to get in.2. _(鼓)is one of the musical instrument, which is his favourite.3. Last night, all the students saw a great _(电影)with my famous actors in the stadium.4. Doing morning exercises surely has some _(有益的)effec

2、ts on our health.5. The book has been written so that the students can understand it easily. In other words, it is _(改编)for the students.6. To my surprise, he was not out of _(呼吸)after running so long.7. During his _(缺席), another teacher took his place.8. Though he was made fun of, he was not _(恼怒).

3、9. Youd better learn to be _(独立), for you cannot depend on your parents all your life.10. He has been living abroad since he _(退休)from his job.11. Without your _(帮助), I couldnt have succeeded.12. We all _(恭贺)our classmate on his becoming one of the Olympic torch holders.13. I like bright colours, re

4、d in _(尤其).14. On Sundays, he usually goes to the bookstore with some _(同事).15. With the development of modern agriculture and _(工业), our life has been greatly improved.16. None of us can cut ourselves off form the body of the _ (社区) to which we belong. 17. He never forgot his _ (雄心) to become a gre

5、at statesman when he graduated from Harvard. 18. The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big _ (赢利). 19. The more I studied _ (心理学), the more interesting I came to find it. 20. And they will continue to influence the world through the excitement of their _ (文学), movies and music.

6、 21. A _ (排) of old houses is being destroyed to make way for new flats. 22. He may be good at football, but he is very _(笨拙的)on the dance floor. 23. Having a few extra batteries _ (手边的) is never a bad idea. 高二下选修7 Unit 21. That day when I was in the bookstore, I came across a science _(小说), which i

7、nterested me a lot.2. Most children like to watch _(动画片)on TV.3. Everything goes _(顺利), so you neednt worry.4. I felt quite _(尴尬)when I couldnt answer the teachers question in front of so many classmates.5. _(陪伴)by his friends, he went to the teachers office to admit what he had done wrong.6. He got

8、 a new car, which made him become the _(羡慕的对象)of the others.7. I cant understand it. Would you please give me some _(解释)?8. Usually people show great _(同情)for the children begging in the streets.9. Theres a _(堆)of stone in the middle of the road.10. To everybodys surprise, they got _(离异)last month,

9、though they had been married for only two months.11. To sleep late in the morning, I usually turn off my _(闹钟)clock on Sunday mornings.12. No matter how busy he is, he will set _(留出)some time to spend with his daughter every day.选修7 Unit 31. Many German artists _ (逃离) to America at the beginning of

10、World War II.2. The book is full of amusing _ (轶事)about his life in the United States.3. This old lady _ (目睹) an accident at three o clock this afternoon. 4. In a football match, _ (协作) is even more important than individual skills.5. Do you know how many people starve to death in the world _ (每年)?6

11、. Mr Potter keeps himself in good condition by going _(慢跑)every day.7. When they had run up the hill, they _(暂停)for a minute to rest.8. She _(拖;拉)herself out of bed, still half asleep.9. Though she did not wear expensive clothes, she was _(利索地;整洁地)dressed.10. The teacher _(力劝)the students to answer

12、his questions more loudly and clearly.11. The buses went in _(相反的)directions one went east and the other went west.12. Your point may be a little off _(目标)but it is certainly close.13. What is shown on television is a _(反映)of what society is like.14. The knife which we used to cut the apple was very

13、 _(锋利的). 15. Because of the bad weather, any thought of sight-seeing (游览) in the city was _(放弃). 16. Usually we can read some _(轶事)of famous people in the magazines.17. He was the only _(证人)to that accident.18. Because of the war, his family had to _(逃离)to another country.19. The river looks very de

14、ep. Do you know the _(深度)of it.20. The company will have its _(每年一度的)celebration this Saturday.21. Without _(舌头), we cant speak, nor can we taste.22. He was _(抛弃)by his cruel parents when born because of his disability.23. The mountains are _(映出;反射)in the clear water, forming a pleasant picture.24.

15、Whenever I go to the West Lake, Im always stricken by its _(美丽).25. A baby is too young to be _(意识)of the dangers around it.26. The road is too _(狭窄的)for two cars to go together.27. The knife is _(锋利的)enough to cut the meat.28. When she saw the snake in her room, she was almost _(害怕的)to death.29. Th

16、anks to our government, many people in our country can get their _(退休金)at a certain age.30. In ancient times, people used to live in c_(洞穴).高二下选修7 Unit 4 1. Youd better _(改变以适应)yourself to the life here as soon as possible.2. The train for Beijing will leave at _(月台)2.3. Its my _(殊荣)to be invited to

17、 your house.4. I learned to operate a _(缝纫)machine to make a dress when I was still a young girl.5. He is used to having his clothes made by that _(裁缝).6. The total _(收入)of their family is 10,000 yuan per year.7. Everybody is required to _(参加)in the spring outing.8. For the _(安全)of the house, a fenc

18、e was made around it.9. There are still a lot of children who cannot go to school in some _(农村的)areas.10. Follow the doctors advice, _(否则,不然)youll not get better soon.11. We have a _(诊所)in our school, where the students can get some medicine.12. To do the work well needs a lot of _(技巧).13. It was th

19、e duty and the _ (特权) of the person on trial to walk directly to these doors and open one of them.14. The _ (宇航员) get used to the condition of weightlessness soon.15. The old man hopes that he can join in the celebrations for the universitys 60th _ (周年纪念).16. What we need to consider now is the _ (安

20、全) of national wealth.17. You can look for the book in the library _(目录). 18. Our family go to see my father about once a _ (两周). 19. This _ (概念) is at the very core (核心) of her theory.20. An _ (安排) containing 13 flowers is considered bad luck in Germany and Switzerland.21. His decision seems to sho

21、w a lack of _ (政治的) judgement. 22. Since you dont speak much of the local language, Linda will be your _(口译员)during this meeting with her parents.23. Mail comes to this _(偏远的)village only once a week.24. Jack was hurt in the traffic accident and he is being treated at a private _(诊所)now.25. These ol

22、d textbooks are no longer _(有关的)to todays problems.26. This kind of desk can be _(调整)to the height you need.27. When walking along the beach, I heard the camera _(发出咔嚓声)and our picture was taken.高二下选修7 Unit 5 1. We know it must be very difficult to a_(适应)to living abroad.2. There is a _(自助食堂)in our

23、school, where you can get what you like to eat.3. Everybody on _(船舷)was attracted by the beautiful countryside.4. We attended a _(演讲)given by a famous professor yesterday.5. The teacher _(推荐)the book written by Dickens to his students.6. Whenever she did badly in her tests, her parents would do what

24、 they could to _(安慰)her.7. As is suggested by the doctors, sweets cannot be the _(替代品)of cigarette.8. As far as I am _(有关的;关心的), I am satisfied with your performance.9. He is always _(忙碌)in doing a lot of exercises so as not to have any time to do physical exercise.10. Because of his hard work, he _

25、(成功)in passing the test this time, which made both his teacher and his parents happy.11. He was so lazy that he did little _(准备)for the exam.12. Usually, at the beginning of the essay, we should _(就表示感谢)the help that has been given to us. 13. They set out to work as soon as they _(安顿)in.14. His _(辅导

26、老师)helped him a lot in finishing his graduating paper.15. He lost his _(护照), without which he could not go back to his own country.16. Only applicants who got teaching _ (资格) will be first considered. 17. Are there _ (充足的) supplies for people in disaster areas? Yes. The government has sent a lot of

27、food, clothes and other necessities to them. 18. He doesnt care about examinations and never makes _ (准备) for them. 19. When a member of the football team is injured, a _ (代替者) will play in his place. 20. I dont understand why he refused to _ (承认) that he had been defeated. 21. The country is _ (管理)

28、 by elected representatives of the people. 22. Why did you phone him so late last night? To make an _ (道歉) to him for misunderstanding him. 23. How can you improve your reading skills? My teacher _ (推荐) that I should read a lot of articles in my spare time. 24. How long were you been in the _(行列)? I

29、 have been standing here for 3 hours. 25. What is Professor Wangs plan this Sunday morning? He will give a _(讲座)on how to save energy in our daily life. 26. The pretty bird in the _(笼子)flew away last night, which made my little sister sad. 27. What do you think of this book? Wonderful. It contains a

30、 number of _(散文)on women in society. 28. In most senior schools, certain courses are compulsory (必修的), and others are _(可选择的). 29. Ladies and gentlemen, now, we are reaching our _(目的地) France. Enjoy your tour. 30. This is only the first _(草稿)of my speech, and I will add more details if necessary. 选修

31、8 Unit One 1. What do you think of the _ (差别) between traditional and modem societies? I have no idea. For me, there are no differences between them.2. People in Tangshan suffered many _ (苦难) during the earthquake in 1976. Yes, it must have been very terrible.3. They have promised to end _ (种族的) dis

32、crimination in areas such as employment. Sounds great.4. Have you heard that the international company is advertising for employees? Of course, and I heard that there were more than 2,000 _ (申请人) for various positions.5. The little boy broke the vase on purpose, so he was sent to his room as a _ (惩罚

33、). 6. What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be fine. Its said that a red sky at night often _ (暗示) fine weather the next day.7. The workers went on strike for equal rights and _ (公正).8. What is the result of the monitor election in your class? The _ (大多数)of my classmates voted for Julian.9

34、. Barack Obama was _ (推选)as the 44th president of the United States of America.10. The development of economy improves a _(繁荣)in car sales. But as the number of cars increases, many problems arise.11. Why is he absent from class today? Im not sure. Maybe something unexpected _(发生). 12. In order to u

35、nderstand a passage, you must try to _ (理解)the main idea.13. Its believed that the _ (改革)of the education system will benefit the students a lot.14. After the earthquake in Sichuan, Chinese people _(哀悼)for all those who died in the disaster.15. Why did the teacher praise Tony this morning?Because he

36、 helped an old lady who _ (滑倒) over on the ice and broke her leg. 选修8 Unit Two1. Dont _(打扰)me! I have just left my wallet in a taxi, and maybe I cant find it anymore!Sorry to hear that! You can ask the police for help!2. Mom, I want to take a walk outside. I have been in bed for two days! Honey! The

37、 doctor _(禁止)you to go out! Wait until you are better!3. How much do I o_(欠)for the house? 300,000 dollars in total.4. Its hard for me to _ (承担)such a tough task alone! You can ask me for help if necessary!5. Many local people _ (反对)to building a new airport around their village due to the loud nois

38、e.6. She was forced to _(退休)early from teaching because of ill health.7. How did the accident come about? A boy ran into the road and was _(打;击)by a car.8. I finished the cake. Its so delicious that I couldnt _(抵抗)it.9. How do you like the villa (别墅) you visited yesterday? Wonderful! The first-class

39、 _ (装饰)on the carved wooden door impressed me so much.10. That one culture _ (不同) from another makes it difficult for a person to be used to the life in another country.11. What do you think we should do, sir? We need to figure out the _ (确切的) time the accident occurred.12. I thought the price of th

40、e car was quite _ (合理的), so I decided to buy it as soon as possible.13. Having been laid off, Mr Wang is eager to _ (获得) a permit to run a grocery shop.14. Many scientists think they are beginning to make a major _ (突破) in fighting against cancer.15. I _ (只不过)suggested you should do it again. Theres

41、 no need to get annoyed.选修8 Unit Three 1. A student in Grade One got a _ (专利) for his invention, which was a big surprise to the whole school. 2. The twin sisters are so much alike that it is impossible to _ (辨别) one from the other. 3. Will it be _ (方便的) for you to come here in the early morning? 4. Dont be so _ (天真的) as to believe al


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