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1、-阅读-第 33 页Teenagers are spending more money than ever. Just last year, 31.6 million teens spent 155 billion, according to the North-brook, Illinois-based market research group Teenage Research Unlimited. Much of that money, of course, comes from parents.Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe yo

2、u havent checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generations must-haves.To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem outrageous. Why do some parents give in?One factor is surely the sheer power of marketing through mass media. According to the group Adbu

3、sters, teenagers are exposed to an estimated 3,000 advertisements each day. Combine the ads with programming itself, like the fashion-, music-and skin-filled shows on MTV, and youve got a barrage. of messages telling kids what they should own if they want to fit in.The pressures on parents today are

4、 enormous, says Tom Vogele, a single father of twin 18-year-old girls in Newport Beach, Calif. I truly believe it is harder today to raise children without spoiling them, not because parents are less capable or lazy, but because so many forces are working against me.Many working parents probably com

5、pensate by spending money on their kids, says Timothy Marshall, an associate professor of developmental psychology at Christopher Newport University in Virginia. For some, there is probably some guilt involved in not spending enough Lime at home. But, adds Marshall.spending money is a/so often more

6、convenient in our fast-paced society than going to baseball games or other activities.Its easier to say lets go out and spend some money, in terms of finding time in a busy schedule to spend with kids, Marshall said.For many families, of course, keeping up with their childrens costly demands for des

7、igner clothing, CDs, and concert tickets is a financial impossibility. Even for those families who can afford such lavish spending, striking a compromise between spoiling the kids and denying them is tricky, but possible.Teaching kids how to budget and save is key, Marshall says. Instead of just giv

8、ing children the toys or clothing they desire, give them an allowance and show them how they can save up for whatever they want, he says.And dont be afraid to just say no, Marshall adds. We need to step up and tell kids where the boundaries are, thats part of our responsibility as parents,he said.参考



11、时装、唱片和音乐会入场券的要求从经济上讲是不可能的。即使那些承受得住这样大手大脚花钱的家庭,也要在意惯孩子和拒绝孩子的要求之间平衡折中这是件颇费脑筋的事,不过这是有可能的。马歇尔认为,问题的关键是应教孩子如何花钱和存钱。与其给孩子买他们中意的玩具和衣服,还不如给他们零用钱教他们把钱存起来以便日后用在自己想做的事情上。马歇尔又补充说,千万不要怕说不。他说:“25我们必须加快让孩子知道花钱的界限所在。这也是为人父母的责任。”测试题21.In the first paragraph, Northbrook is most probably_.A) a market research company

12、based in IllinoisB) a spokesman for the Teenage Research UnlimitedC) the base of the Teenage Research UnlimitedD) the city where the spending survey was carried out22.Some people find it outrageous that_.A) some parents indulge their children in extravagant spendingB) some younger generations must-h

13、ave;s could cost so muchC) some parents are ignorant about their childrens spendingD) some children disregard their notorious spending habits23.What is the effect of marketing through mass media?A) It fills the market with ads beyond the youngs understanding.B) It directs not only the trend but also

14、 the ways of advertising.C) It stuffs all kinds of ads into TV shows and radio programs.D) It triggers young peoples desire Lo keep up with the trend.24. According to Marshall, parents prefer to spend money on their children mainly because_.A) they cant afford the Lime to stay with their childrenB)

15、they want to make up their guilt for their childrenC) they find it more convenient than going out with the childrenD) they feel it is hard to raise children without indulging them25.What does Marshall think parents should do with the childrens spending habit?A) They should refuse to pay for their la

16、vish spending.B) They should restrain the childrens spending within limits.C) They should be responsible for providing for the children.D) They should draw up a budget plan for the children.答案详解21.C根据首段第2句中的according co和Northbrook前的冠词the可以知道Northbrook及其后的所有内容应该是一个名词词组,表明该句里数据的来源。只有选项C符合这个要求。22.A第3段首

17、句中的To some spending on.seem outrageous表明有些人认为家长愿意在小孩身上花很多钱是使人难以忍受的,因此选项A为本题答案。23.D第4段末句说明市场营销和广告结合在一起,就会“引导孩子们应该拥有什么才算跟上街流”,也就是说,这会使年轻人追随潮流,选项D正具有这个意思,为本题答案。24.A第6段和第7段都是马歇尔的观点,概括来看可以知道,家长因为没有时间陪孩子而用钱打发孩子,由此可见,选项A为本题答案。25.B马歇尔在末段首句指出家长要对孩子说“不”,第2句指出家长要让孩子知道他们花钱的上限,由此可见,马歇尔认为家长应该把孩子的花费限制在一定范围,因此本题应选B

18、。A study published in the New England journal of Medicine estimated that there are an average of 30 in-flight medical emergencies on U.S. flights every day. Most of them are not grave; fainting, dizziness and hyperventilation (换气过度) are the most frequent complaints, But 13% of them-roughly four a da

19、y-are serious enough to require a pilot to change course. The most common of the serious emergencies include heart trouble (46%), strokes and other neurological problems (18%), and difficult breathing (6%).Lets face it: plane riders are stressful. For starters, cabin pressures at high altitudes are

20、set at roughly what they would be if you lived at 5,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level. Most people can tolerate these pressures pretty easily, but passengers with heart disease may experience chest pains as a result of the reduced amount of oxygen flowing through their blood. Low pressure can also c

21、ause the air in body cavities to expand-as much as 30%+ Again, most people wont notice anything beyond mild stomach cramping. But if youve recently had an operation, your wound could open. And if a medical device has been implanted in your body-a splint, a tracheotomy(气管切开术)tube or a catheter (导管)-i

22、t could expand and cause injury.Another common in-flight problem is deep venous thrombosis(深静脉血栓)-the so-called economy-class syndrome, When you sit too long in a cramped position. the blood in our legs tends to clot. Most people just get sore calves. But blood clots, left untreated, could travel to

23、 the lungs, causing breathing difficulties and even death. Such clots are readily prevented by keeping blood flowing; walk and stretch your legs when possible,Whatever you do, dont panic. Things are looking up on the in-flight-emergency front. Doctors who come to passengers aid used to worry about g

24、etting sued; their fears have lifted somewhat since the 1998 Aviation Medical Assistance Act gave themgood Samaritan protection. And thanks to more recent legislation, flights with at least one attendant are starting to install emergency medical kits with automated defibrillators (电击去颤器) to treat he

25、art attacks.Are you still wondering if you are healthy enough to fly? If you can walk 150 it. or climb a flight of stairs without getting winded, youll probably do just fine, Having a doctor close by doesnt hurt, either.参考译文一项刊登在新英格兰医学杂志上的研究估计,美国的航班平均每天发生30起飞行中的医疗急症。大多数情况并不严重,最常见的症状包括晕厥、头昏目眩及换气过度。16



28、的路,或爬上一段楼梯而不会气喘吁吁,那你可能没问题。当然,身边有个医生也不是什么坏事。测试题16.Heart disease takes up about_of the in-flight medical emergencies on US flights.A) 13% B) 460/o C) 18% D) 6%17.According to the passage, the expansion of air in body cavities can result in_.A) heart attack B) chest painC) stomach cramping D) difficult

29、 breathing18.According to the passage, why does deep venous thrombosis usually happen?A) Because the economy class is not spacious enough.B) Because there are too many economy-class passengers.C) Because passengers are not allowed to walk during the flight.D) Because the low pressure in the cabin pr

30、events blood flowing smoothly.19.According to the J998 Aviation Medical Assistance Act, Doctors who came to passengers aid_.A) do not have to be worried even if they give the patients improper treatmentB) will not be submitted to legal responsibility even if the patients didnt recoverC) are assisted

31、 by advanced emergency medical kitsD) will be greatly respected by the patient and the crew20.The phrase getting winded (Line 2. Para. 5) is closest in meaning to_.A) falling over B) being out of breathC) spraining the ankle D) moving in a curving line答案详解16.D根据首段末句,心脏病占飞行中医疗重症的46%;而根据倒数第2句,重症在美国所有飞

32、行中的医疗急症中占13%。结合这两句可知,心脏病应占所有急症中13%的46%,即约6%,因此选项D为本题答案。17.C第2段第4句提到了“体腔内空气膨胀”,接下来三句分别列出了这种现象可能导致的三种病症,其中选项C在第5句提到,为本题答案。18.A第3段末句建议乘客有机会就多运动或伸展腿部,由此可以推断该段第2句中的cramped表明经济舱的空间狭窄,因此选项A为本题答案。19.B倒数第2段第3句提到,医生担心他们给予病人的医疗援助一旦出现意外就会遭到起诉,而这种害怕自从1998年航空医疗救助法案颁布后,在某种程度上就消失了,由此可推断,Aviation Medical Assistance

33、Act让医生在出现意外时能避免承担法律资任,即选项B为本题答案。20.B末段第2句指出了测试身体是否足够健康去乘坐飞机的方法,结合全文中提到的飞机中气压低、含氧量低的特点,可以推断getting winded应指“喘气”。即选项B。Youve decided to try advertising your business with post cards. The idea came to you from the post cards you receive from other businesses. You like the idea because it seems easy to d

34、o and economical. However, youve never tried this before so you question whether this method will bring you customers.Let me say this first, All Forms of Advertising Work! However, you have to clearly understand how the advertising medium works and realize that each form has its Limitations along wi

35、th costs associated with it.Advertising in any medium has always been about repetition and getting your name remembered. Its called Branding. Study businesses that use television commercials, They are constantly repeating their business message 1000s of times a day. They are the best free examples t

36、o watch and learn from.So for your business, you can conclude that the more your prospects see your name or message repeated. the easier it is for them to get to know you and what you offer. Then it becomes an easier task to get them to buy from you. So how does post card advertising work? You creat

37、e an ad on a post card. This can be done in your favorite graphics or word program. Then use the mail merge feature in the program to insert mailing addresses automatically. In case you havent set up your address book you would need co do this before you do a mail merger.Print out the cards, stamp t

38、hem and then mail them out. If done correctly and repeated over and over again your customer base will grow. This is the simple mechanics of post card advertising.How much should you send out? I would start small and build from that. This gives you the ability to spend a little at a time while measu

39、ring how much each mail out converts. This keeps your advertising costs down and manageable.Start with ,500 post cards a month. Only target prospects you know that would use your product and/or services. Then I would repeat the mail out to the same group over the next 1-2 years.Even if they do not b

40、uy the first or second time after theyve received your card, t.hey are beginning to get to know you and your product and/or services. As time goes by your chances of converting them to a buyer increases.There is also a good chance that those you target may pass your offer onto someone else.测试题11.Bra

41、nding is a way of advertising that get the customers remember the brand of a product by means of_.12.What can one learn about from the businesses that use TV commercials?13.One can do a mail merger only after he_.14.What should be done in order to keep the advertising costs down and manageable?15.Po

42、st cuds must be kept sending for one or two years to the same group of_.答案详解11.repetition定位根据Branding查找到第3段开头两句。解析:第3段第2句表明该段首句为Branding的定义,对比该句与题目可以知道原文中提到的repetition就是广告的方式。12.Branding定位根据TV commercials查找到第3段。解析:作者在第3段首先提到Branding的定义,接着指出可以向在电视上卖广告的企业学习虽然原文没有明确指出学习什么,但这些内容是承接Branding的定义的。由此可推断我们可以

43、从那些企业身上学关于Branding的方法,因此本题答案为Branding。13.sets up his address book定位根据mail merger查找到第5段末句解析:要回答本题,就要找到第5段末句中this的所指,代词一般回指上文的信息,在该句中,this回指句子开头的“创建自己的地址簿”,另外,因为题目空白处前主语是he,因此原文的your(address book)要相应地改为his,最终的答案应为sets up his address book。14.Start small and build from that定位根据keep the adverting costs d

44、own and manageable查找到笫7段。解析:第7段第2句指出一种做法,第3句和第4句是这种做法导致的结果,题目提及的内容与第4句相同,由此可见,为了达成题目所述的目的,就要按原文该段第2句的做法去做,因此本题答案为Start small and build from that。15.prospects定位根据one or two years查找到倒数第2段。解析:题目与倒数第2段末句内容相同,原文中的same group是相对于该段第2句中的prospects的,即same group是指同一群潜在客户,因此,题目的空白处应填prospects。9 Lessons for Succ

45、ess in College-That Actually Make SenseMost students know what it lakes to be successful in college because some genius cold them already. But heres the news flash: The prescription probably wont work. Why? Free advice is usually forgettable advice. And guess what Im offering? More advice. But guess

46、 what? It is sensible and forgettable.Lesson l: Be honest about your abilities and goals.If you dont want to go to college, then dont go. You will only be frustrated and miserable. Forcing yourself to attend college will kill your motivation, It fakes dedication and persistence to finish. If you are

47、 dying to work as a poodle-groomer after high school, then do that. If you do go to college, be sure you are prepared. The stunts you pulled in high school might not go over so well with college professors. If you were undisciplined before college, you will likely be undisciplined in college and you will likely not meet your main goal-which is to graduate on Lime. Dont make a career out of being a college student. The pay is awful.Lesson 2: Figure out the college zone.There are many different types of colleges and universi


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