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《特殊疑问句理解练习.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《特殊疑问句理解练习.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Wh-Questions,1 There are 24 hours in a day. Are there 24 hours in a day? 2 These are my books. Are these your books? 3 It is 1000 kilometres from Shanghai to Beijing. Is it 1000 kilometres from Shanghai to Beijing?,Practice,一般疑问句,4 I will go back in two days. Will you go back in two days? 5 He can j

2、ump 2 metres. Can he jump 2 metres? 6 The children are going to water the flowers. Are the children going to water the flowers?,Practice,特殊疑问句,含义:特殊疑问句是指以 Wh- (How)等特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中某一部分提问的句子。回答时不用Yes/No,而是用一个句子或短语回答。 2. 结构: 特殊疑问句= 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句,1. _ is that pretty girl? She is my sister. 2. _ are Jack

3、and Tom? They are behind you. 3. _ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday.,Practice,Who,Where,When,4._ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower. 5._ are they? They are beautiful flowers. 6._ is your mother? She is very well. 7._ are your book? This one.,Practice,Who,Wha

4、t,How,Which,8._ ball is this? Its Jims. 9._ does he jog? He jogs in the park. 10._ are you late? Because I didnt catch the bus.,Practice,Whose,Where,Why,特殊疑问句的4个基本步骤,1. 写出陈述句 2.根据陈述句变成一般疑问句 3.从一般疑问句找出代指成分和对应的特殊疑问词 4. 特殊疑问词+去掉代指成分的一般疑问句,他是奥巴马。 他是奥巴马吗? 他是谁?,He is Obama. Is he Obama? Who,is he?,他喜欢游戏。

5、他喜欢游戏吗? 他喜欢什么?,He likes game. Does he like game? What,does he like?,晚上他喜欢在家玩一个小时的游戏。 He likes to play games one hour at home at night. Does he like to play games one hour at home at night? Where does he like to play games one hour at night? When does he like to play games one hour at home? How long

6、does he like to play games at home at night? What does he like to do at home at night? Who likes to play games one hour at home at night?,一般疑问?,at home?,at night?,one hour?,play games?,he?,1.He is my father. Who is he ? 2.They are under the tree. Where are they ? 3.I often watch TV after dinner. 动原d

7、o Do you often watch TV? When do you often watch TV ?,Practice,4.Lily swims in the swimming pool. 3单-does Does lily swim? Where does Lily swim ? 5.Birds can fly in the sky. 替换主语不变化 What can fly in the sky ? 6.I brush my teeth in the evening. 动原do Do you brush your teeth? When do you brush your teeth

8、 ?,Practice,Where,When,7.Alan likes to play with Bill. Who likes to play with Bill ? 8.The supermarket is near the school. Where is the supermarket ?,Practice,9.The laptop is Toms. Whose the laptop is ? 10.Jennifer has a pair of earrings. Who has a pair of earrings ? 11.The flowers are in the flower

9、 pot. Where are the flowers ?,Practice,12.My grandpa took us to the zoo. Who took us to the zoo ? 13.I put the fish into the sea because it feels lonely. Why do you put the fish into 14.Themonkey sleeps at night. When does the monkey sleep ?,Practice,This is my note book. 一般疑问: Is this your note boo

10、k? 对my提问: Whose note book is this?,whose, how many, how much(不表示多少钱时): 1.这三个词不能单独使用 2.其后必须+名词一起充当特殊疑问词,I have two books. 一般疑问: Do you have any books? 对two books 提问: How many books do you have?,由How构成的特殊疑问短语,I want 5 books . How many books do you want ? This T-shirt is 100 yuan. How much is this T-sh

11、irt ? He is 14. How old is he?,Practice,It is 1000 kilometres from Shanghai to Beijing. How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing? She watches TV three days a week. How often does she watch TV ?,Tutu plays basketball twice a week. 对twice 提问: How often does Tutu play basketball a week? Tutu plays basket

12、ball one hour every afternoon. 对one hour 提问: How long does Tutu play basketball every afternoon? Tutus house is two kilometers away from the playground. 对two kilometers 提问: How far is it from Tutus house to the playground?,I usually go to school at seven oclock. (对划线部分提问) What time do you usually go

13、 to school?,Practice,I like the pig. (对划线部分提问) What animals do you like? I like football. (对划线部分提问) What sports do you like?,由what构成的特殊疑问短语,I want purple. What colour do you want? Im in Class 5. What class are you in? Id like to join Music Club. What club would you like to join? I want size 35. What size do you want? I can speak English. What language can you speak?,Practice,对划线部分提问,


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