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《秘书英语part08.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《秘书英语part08.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 8 How Does a Secretary Host Visitors from Abroad?,Teaching Focus,1熟悉商务接待程序和礼仪 2了解商务接待中的文化因素 3 掌握邀请函的书写要领,Section 1 Hosting American Visitors,背景知识 接待外宾是涉外秘书一项重要的工作。在外宾抵达以前,应做好以下准备工作: 1了解清楚来访外宾的总人数、来访人员的职务、性别、礼宾次序。 2了解外宾的饮食爱好、宗教禁忌以及是否有特殊的生活习惯,必要时,还可向对方索要来访者的血型资料。 3了解外宾抵离的日期和时间、交通工具和施行路线、对参观访问的具体愿

2、望。此外,要随时向民航部门了解飞机起降的具体时间,以便准时接机。 秘书要根据上述情况,制定接待计划,使工作、娱乐安排张弛有序、丰富、充实。在外事接待工作中,秘书身兼数职,既是组织者,又是实施者,还是翻译。因而,秘书要不辞辛苦,努力使每次外事活动都安排得热情周到、无微不至,让客人深感宾至如归。,Language Points,to meet somebody 接某人 Mana met me at the railway station. 曼娜到火车站接我。 反义词 see somebody off 送行 I will see Mr. White off at 4 p.m. at the airp

3、ort. 今天下午四点我去机场为怀特先生送行。,4. Where are we heading now? 我们现在去哪?head 不及物动词 去某地:He headed for the bus stop. 他朝公车站走去。 5In particular 尤其地,格外地: Why he noticed her car in particular? 为什么他格外关注她的车? 6Set up: To lay plans for计划:制定计划:set up a kidnapping 策划绑架 7. go through the registration procedure 完成登记手续 go thro

4、ugh a procedure or a routine means to do it in the way they usually do 按常规完成某一过程或程序,1.You must be our long-expected guest. Mr.Wilson from the U.S.您一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的威尔逊先生吧!2.Im happy to have the pleasure of meeting you. 见到您很高兴。3.I hope all of you feel at home here in China. 我希望你们在中国感觉就像在自己家里一样。4.Im

5、So pleased to have finally met you./Its been my pleasure meeting you./It was nice to meet you. 很高兴认识您。(道别用语)5.How was your journey? 您旅途如何?,6.I hope youve had a pleasant flight/trip 旅途愉快吧!7.The in-flight service was satisfactory./ The air service was satisfactory.飞机上服务很令人满意。/飞机上服务很好。8.Weve been expec

6、ting you ever since you sent US the fax informing us of your date of arrival. 自从您把来访日程传真给我们以后,我们一直在期待着您的到来。9.And Ill be very happy if I can help you with anything. 如果能为您效劳,我将很高兴。10.May l help you with your baggage/luggage? 我替您拿行李好吗?,11.I would like you to meet our managing director Mr.Wang. 我向您介绍一下我

7、们的总经理,王先生。12.I have been looking forward to meeting you.我一直盼着能见到您。13.Ive heard so much about you. Glad to meet you. 久闻大名。今日相见荣幸之至。14.Well.isnt it Mr.Wilson? How are you?嗨!这不是威尔逊先生吗?您好吗?15.Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person. 谢谢您亲自过来接我。16.I would like to introduce you to M

8、r.Li. 我想把您介绍给李先生。17.Im delighted to make your acquaintance. 很高兴认识您。,Exercise,A: Bill Jones speaking. B: Hi, Mr. Jones. Zhang Yi here. How are you? A :Hi, Ms. Zhang! Im fine. Thank you. How about you? B: Fine, thanks. Im calling to let you know your schedule让您知道日程安排. Weve arranged a field tour for yo

9、u to an oil refinery. Are you interested(您感兴趣吗)? A: Yes, I am. When is it going to be? B: Tomorrow morning at 9:00. Would that be all right for you? A: Oh yes. Thats fine. What about the seminar? 研讨会(seminar)怎么办? Is there any change? B: No, no change about that. Were looking forward to it; and (half

10、 jokingly) be prepared, weve got a lot of questions to ask you, too. 我们也有许多问题要问您. A :Thats okay. I guess Ill see you soon then, right? See you. Bye. B: Bye.,Section 2 Being Dignified and Gracious,接待外宾需要注意的文化因素 接待外宾最重要的是要了解来宾的民族风俗 1.注重教养(1)讲究仪表和衣帽整洁,其面、手、衣履要洁净。头发、胡须不宜过长,要修剪整齐。(2)举止大度得体、态度端庄和蔼、挺胸正颈,精神

11、饱满,任何失礼或不合礼仪的言行都被认为是有失体面的。(3)讲究身分,说话客气,不做任何越礼之事。说话时神情矜持和蔼,略带微笑。(4)遵守时约。与人约会必须严格守时,不能失约超时。允诺别人的事不能忘记,必须按时做好,失信或失约的人是有损于自己的人格。(5)遵守公共秩序。不给别人造成麻烦或不便,不打搅别人、不干扰影响别人,尊重别人。 2.礼貌用语礼貌用语作为礼仪的表现形式,把一个人对世界、对人们的爱心和礼节坦露传达出来,使爱者更显光辉,使说话人更被人敬重。在国际交往中你好、请、谢谢、对不起、再见这些礼仪语言具有极高的使用频率。,3.尊重习俗不同国家的文化习俗有别,社会制度有异,思维方式和理解角度常

12、常有较大差别,所以在交往关系上要互相尊重,谨慎从事。尊重习俗这是国际交往中很重要的一条礼仪原则。一些在中国人看来是正常的举止,在一些国家会被认为无礼甚至犯讳。 如韩国人对“四”字非常反感,韩国许多楼房的编号严忌出现“四楼”、“四栋”、“四室”、“四号”之类。 4.尊重隐私尊重隐私,在交谈中应回避涉及个人隐私的一切话题,具体而言,就是要做到五不问:一不问年龄。外国人的年龄是保密的,他们希望自己永远年轻,对老字讳莫如深。二不问婚否。中国人爱谈论彼此的婚姻状况,外国人却不然。实际上,让一个老大不小的人向他人交待自己尚未婚配,并不是一件令人愉快的事情,对妇女而言尤其如此。三不问经历。很多外国人强调个人

13、至上和个性独立,他们的经历与个人喜好等,纯属个人稳私的范围。四不问收入。每个人的收入都同他的地位和能力有关,被外国人视为自己的脸面,所以是免谈的。五不问地址。与外国人初交,不应要求对方留下地址。外国人不随意邀请人到家里做客。,Exercises for Cultural Awareness,1. 假如某晚你陪一家外国商业人士去饭馆进餐。在路上遇见一位不久前曾见过面的外商,你们同路,你拟用下列哪种方式向他/她致意问候: A. Good evening. B. Good evening. How are you? C. Good night. D. Hello. How are you? E. H

14、ello. Have you had dinner? F. Hi. Going to dinner? G. Hello. Lovely day, isnt it? 2. 你乘公共汽车,坐在一位不相识的西方人旁边,并且愿意和他谈话,有哪几种方式是行之有效的: A. Hello. Where are you from? B. Hello. Where are you going? C. Its very hot today, isnt it? D. The bus is very crowded, isnt it? 3. 你在市场上看到一位西方人在某摊贩处购物,看上去那位西方人很难清楚地表达意思,

15、你认为自己也许能帮助他: A. Can I be of any help? B. What is the problem? C. What do you want to buy? D. What cant I do to help?,Cultural Awareness,4. 你和一位西方人议论某件物品的价格: A. How much did you pay for it? B. Was it very expensive? C. It looks like very good quality. I expect it was expensive. D. Did you manage go g

16、et it for a good price? E. Was the price very high? F. I think it was too expensive. 5. 你问及某一西方人的家庭情况: A. Have you solved your personal problem yet? B. Are you single? C. Are you married? D. Is your family with you here in China? E. Do you have a large family? F. What does your wife do? G. Are you h

17、ere alone, or is your family with you? 6. 你去访客,这位外国人建议你喝点什么说:Would you like something to drink? 你不想要咖啡,要茶,而你又怕给别人带来麻烦,以下哪一种回答比较合适: A. Coffee, please. B. Nothing, thank you. C. I dont like coffee. I want tea. D. Id prefer tea, if its no trouble.,7. 告辞: A. Thank you for a lovely afternoon. B. Its very

18、 good to see you again. C. I am going to go first. D. Im afraid I have to leave now. E. Im sorry to have taken up so much of your time. F. Well, I think Id better be going now. G. So, Ill see you on Saturday, then. 8. 送客时对客人Dont come any further或Stay where you are的回答: A. Go slowly. B. Take care, the

19、n. C. See you, then. 9. 回答他人的感谢: A. It doesnt matter. B. Never mind. C. Its a pleasure. D. Dont mention it. E. Its my duty. F. Thats OK. G. I ought to do this.,Cultural Awareness,10. 回答别人对自己英语的称赞: A. Thank you. B. Your Chinese is good too. C. No, no. My English is very poor. D. Thank you. I speak fl

20、uently, dont I? E. Well, my reading isnt too bad, but my oral English still needs a lot of improving.,Text Learning,Scan the passage quickly, and answer the questions listed on P87,Language Points,1on ones initiative on (ones) own initiative自主的:没有他人的怂勇或指导的;自己做主的: Everyday the little girl practices p

21、iano on her initiative. 每天这个小女孩都自己主动练习钢琴。 2keep in mind 谨记: keep in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas. 在较偏远的地区,加油站很少。,3Make profits for: 盈利或谋取利益: make a penny profit on each orange要每只橘子盈利一便士 4. on behalf of 代表着 5. humble及物动词 vt. 1) 使谦卑He had to humble himself in the prese

22、nce of the prince. 他在王子面前只得低声下气。 2) 使地位降低;使威信扫地His failure in the competition humbled him. 竞赛失利使他丢了脸。,4. Translate the following sentences into English.,秘书通常要接待和款待来自全国各地甚至世界各地的来访者。 A secretary is often involved in receiving and entertaining visitors from other parts of the country or even overseas.

23、秘书代表了他(她)的公司。 A secretary is working on behalf of his or her company. 无论何时何地,秘书应该而且必须记住人民和国家的利益高于一切。 Whenever and wherever the secretary is, he or she should and must remember that the interests of the people and his or her country are above everything else. 秘书应该不卑不亢。 A secretary should be neither h

24、umble nor arrogant. 秘书应该有强烈的责任感。 A secretary should have a strong sense of responsibility. 秘书应该重视并且利用他(她)得到的机会。 A secretary should value and take advantage of the opportunity he or she is involved in.,Section 3 Writing a Letter of Invitation (2),在熟人、同事、朋友之间,往往用非正式邀请,信文以第一人称写,称呼也可随意。正式请柬一定要用第三人称,双方都要

25、写全名。 如果要求被邀请者答复,可以从下面三种“请回复”中选一种,写在信或请柬正文后面的左下角: 1RSVP或 r.s.v.p.(法语:请答复。正式,无论你参加与否都要回复。) 2please replay(英语:请答复。非正式,无论你参加与否都要回复。) 3regret only(英语:请答复。非正式,如果不接受邀请,请回复。如果接受邀请,就不用回复了。) 如果对着装有要求,需穿礼服、戴黑领结等,须在请柬的右下角注明Dress:Formal, Black Tie;较随意时可用:Dress:Informal。 盛大场合,请柬应提前三星期发出,一般场合也要在预定时间的前几天发出,以便收信人有时间

26、考虑和安排。 要强调的是:收到请柬后,要尽快答复,表明接受或谢绝。,Translation exercise,1) 现邀请您参加我公司PC1650新系统展示会。该展示会将于5月15日,星期四下午2点在花园街148号国际展览中心举行。下午4点是招待会,希望您和您的同事能出席。 2)我们将于下周五为远东贸易公司副总裁汤姆森布莱克先生举行退休庆祝会。现诚邀您出席该庆祝会,该庆祝会将于12月14号,星期五下午6点30分到9点在假日酒店18层国际俱乐部举行。 3)我们期盼星期二能与您会面。请致电01084967823,我们很乐意为您预留座位。,Homework 网络教学平台发布 观看网络教学平台视频8,


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