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1、人教版四年级下课文人教版四年级下课文Lesson 1 凯特来到李燕家。李燕很高兴。她向凯特介绍她的卧室以及卧室里的物品。Hello,Li Yang! 你好,李燕!Hi, Kate! Welcome to my new home. 你好,凯特!欢迎来到我的新家。Look at my bedroom. 看我的卧室。Oh! There is a new bed. 哦!有一张新床。And theres a new desk and a new chair. 还有一张新课桌和一把椅子。Lesson 2 李燕带凯特来到起居室。凯特看到许多物品。Look at the living room. 看起居室。W

2、ow! There is a new TV.哇!有一台新电视。Oh! There are two sofas and four armchairs. 哦!有两张沙发和四把扶手椅。And there are three kites and four balloons. 还有三个风筝和四个气球。Lesson 3 李燕带凯特来到厨房。凯特在那里看到许多新物品。Look at the kitchen, Kate. 看厨房,凯特。Wow! There is a new fridge.哇!有一台新冰箱。Look! Heres a new table. 看!这里是一张新桌子。And there are fo

3、urnew chairs.还有四把下椅子。Lesson 4 李燕来到凯特家。凯特很高兴。凯特邀请李燕到她的书房。李燕在那里看到一台新电脑。Hello, Kate! 你好,凯特!Hi,Li Yang! Welcome to my home.你好,李燕!欢迎来到我家。Look! Whats in my study? 看我的书房里有什么?Wow! There is a newcomputer.哇!有一台新电脑。Lesson 5 凯特带李燕参观起居室和浴室。李燕想知道起居室里有什么。她进入起居室,她看到一台新 DVD 播放机和一个大时钟。DVDplayer DVD 播放机This is the liv

4、ing room. Thats the bathroom. 这是起居室。那是浴室。Whats in the living room?起居室里有什么?Come and see. 过来看看。Oh,theres a new DVD player.哦,有一台新 DVD 播放机。And there is abig clock.还有一个大时钟。Lesson 7 校长向同学们介绍了一位新体育老师。体育老师询问了班级里学生人数,并让他们报数。Good afternoon,boys and girls!下午好,孩子们!This is Mr Gao, our newPE teacher.这是高老师,我们的新体育老

5、师。Good afternoon,Mr Gao! 下午好,高老师!How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少名学生?Twenty-nine.二十九名。Lets count from1 to 29! 让我们从 1 到 29 报数!one,two,threetwenty-eight,twenty-nine.Lesson 8 校长向同学们介绍了一位新英语老师格林老师,学生们热情地欢迎新老师。格林老师询问人数 Good morning,boys and girls.上午好,孩子们 Thisis Miss Green,our new English

6、teacher.这是格林老师我们新的英语老师。Goodmorning,Miss Green.Welcome to our class!早上好,格林老师。欢迎来到我们班!Good morning,class!上午好,同学们!How many students are there in youclass? 你班有多少名学生?There are forty.有四十名。Thirty boys.三十个男孩。And only tengirls.只有十个女孩。Lesson 9 教师们正在谈论学校教师的人数。Hello,Miss White! Welcome to my school! 你好,怀特老师!欢迎来

7、到我们学校。Thank you! How many teachers are there in your school? 谢谢你!你们学校有多少名教师?There are fifty.有五十名。How about your school?你们学校呢?Thereare sixty teachers in our school. Lesson 10 学校正在举行希望工程捐款活动。学生们把他们的物品捐给了需要帮助的孩子们。Hello,everyone! Lets help children in need. 大家好!让我们帮助需要帮助的孩子们。How many bags do you have? 你

8、们有多少个书包?We have seventy bags.我们有七十个书包。How many books do you have? 你们有多少本书?We have eighty books. 我们有八十本书。Lesson 11 同学们积极参与希望工程捐物活动,大家捐了很多学习用品。How many pens do you have?你们有多少支钢笔?We have ninety pens.我们有九十支钢笔。How many pencils do you have?你们有多少支铅笔?We have one hundredpencils.我们有一百支铅笔。Lesson 13 一位记者来参观学校并采

9、访学生们。他想了解学生们在学校的生活。How many lessons do you have today?今天你们有多少节课?We have six.我们有六节(课)。How many lessons do you have in the morning.你们上午有多少节课?Wehave four. 我们有四节课。What are they?它们是什么?They are maths,Chinese,English and PE.它们是数学,语文,英语和体育。Lesson 14 记者采访学生们,他问了一些跟上课有关的问题。How many lessons do you have in the

10、afternoon?你们下午有多少节课?Wehave two.我们有两节课。What are they?它们是什么?They are music and art. 它们是音乐和美术。Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗?Yes,I do. I like it very much.是的,我喜欢。我非常喜欢它。 1Lesson 15 记者在美术教室门口遇见了两名学生,他对其中一名学生进行了采访。What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢什么学科?I like art best. 我最喜欢美术。Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗?No, I

11、dont. 不,我不喜欢。Lesson 16 记者继续采访同学们并询问他们喜欢的学科。Do you study science? 你们学习科学吗?Yes,we do.And I like sciencebest.是的。而且我最喜欢科学。Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?Yes, I do. I like it best. 是的,我喜欢。我最喜欢它。Lesson 17 这次记者采访同学们并询问他们在英语课上做哪些活动。What do you do in an English class? 你们在英语课上做什么?We listenand do. 我们听听做做。We speak

12、 and sing. 我们说说唱唱。We play and act. 我们玩玩演演。We do all kinds of things in English! 我们用英语做各种各样的事情!Thats great! 那很棒! Lesson 19 老师正在询问一周有多少天以及一周的第一天是什么。Hi,everyone! Give me a quick answer,please. 大家好!请给我一个快速的回答。OK! 好的!How many days are there in a week? 一周有多少天?Seven! 七天!Whats the first day of the week? 一周的

13、第一天是什么?Its Sunday.是星期日。Exceiient! 好极了! Lesson 20 体育老师和高伟正在操场上聊天。高伟告诉体育老师他非常喜欢体育。他们在星期一和星期二有体育课。Welcome to our school! My name is Gao Wei. 欢迎来到我们学校!我的名字叫高伟。Glad to meet you ,Gao Wei. Do you like sports? 很高兴见到你,高伟。你喜欢体育运动吗?Yes, I do. I like PE very much. 是的,我喜欢。我非常喜欢体育。When do you have PE lessons? 你们什

14、么时候有体育课?We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. 我们在星期一和星期二有体育课。Lesson 21 今天是星期三,布莱克先生要来他们学校。他正和同学们开心地聊天呢!What day is today? 今天是星期几?Its Wednesday. 今天是星期三。Mr Black will come to our school today. 布莱克先生今天将要来我们学校。Good morning,boys and girls.早上好,孩子们。Good morning! Welcome toour class!欢迎来到我们班。How many Eng

15、lish lessons do you have in a week? 你们一周有多少节英语课?We have three.有三节。When do you have English?你们什么时候有英语课?We have English on Monday,Wednesday and Thursday .我们在星期一,星期三和星期四有英语课。Lesson 22 老师正和同学们玩游戏。所有同学以接力形式回答一周七天的英文名称。Hello,everyone! Lets play a game.大家好!让我们玩一个游戏吧!Great!太棒了!How many days are there in a w

16、eek? 一周有多少天?There are sevendays in a week.一周有七天。What are they?他们是什么 They areSunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday. Lesson 23老师正在进行周末活动的调查。彼得通常去主题公园。高伟通常去看望他祖父母。李燕通常去公园。凯特通常上音乐课。What do you usually do on weekends? 在周末你们通常做什么?I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays. 在星期六我通常去

17、主题公园。I usually go to see my grandpa and grandma on Sundays. 在星期日我通常去看望我的祖父和祖母。I usually go to the park on Sundays. 在星期日我通常去公园。I usually have music lessons on Saturdays. 在星期六我通常上音乐课。Lesson 25 今天是星期日,莉萨想和爸爸妈妈一起去野餐。他们带了许多食物,有面包,汉堡包等。Mum,its Sunday today.Shall we have a picnic? 妈妈,今天是星期日。我们野餐好吗?Yes. Let

18、s go and ask your dad.好的。让我们去问一问你爸爸吧。Wow! We have so many things for our picnic!哇!我们的野餐有这么多的东西!What would you like,Lisa? 你想要什么,莉萨?Id like a hamburger and a Coke,please. How about you,Mum and Dad?我想要一个汉堡包和一瓶可乐。那你们呢,妈妈和爸爸?Id like some bread and sausages. 我想要一些面包和香肠。Id like some cake and chicken.我想要一些蛋

19、糕和鸡肉。Lesson 26 李燕和妈妈去看望祖母。祖母准备了一些美味的食物。李燕想要一些鸡肉和牛肉。2.Hi, Li Yang! Lets go to see your grandma. 嗨,李燕!让我们去看望你的祖母吧。OK, lets go! 好的,让我们去吧!Come and have lunch,Li Yang! 来吃午餐,李燕!Im coming! 我来了!What would you like,dear? 你想要什么,亲爱的?Id like some chicken and beef. 我想要一些鸡肉和牛排。Would you like some pork? 你想要一些猪肉吗?N

20、o,thanks,Grandma. 不,谢谢,祖母。Lesson 27 放学了,彼得,李燕和凯特走在回家的路上。他们正在谈论这个星期日将要做什么。彼得将要和朋友举行一个聚会。李燕将要上音乐课。凯特将要去上美术课。Ill have a party with my friends this Sunday. How about you,LiYang?这个星期日我将要和朋友们举行一个聚会。那你呢,李燕?Ill go to my music lesson. What about you,Kate?我将要上音乐课。那你呢,凯特?Ill go to my art lesson. 我将要上我的美术课。Do y

21、ou like drawing?你喜欢画画吗?Yes, I do. How about you? 是的,我喜欢。那你呢?I like singing.我喜欢唱歌。Lesson 28 星期日将要到了。老师正在询问学生们有什么计划。What will you do on Sunday? 在星期日你们将要做什么?Ill read a new storybook. 我将要读一本新故事书。Ill watch TV athome.我将要在家看电视。How about you,Yang Ming? 那你呢,杨明?Ill play computer games athome.我将要在家玩电脑游戏。Lesson

22、 29 明天是星期日。彼得给吉姆打电话。他邀请吉姆一起去游泳。吉姆将要和妈妈一起去购物。Hi,Jim! This is Peter. 你好,吉姆!我是彼得。Hello,Peter! 你好,彼得。Tomorrow is Sunday.Would you like to go swimming with me?明天是星期日,你想要和我们去游泳吗?Sorry, I cant go with you.对不起,我不能和你去。What will you dotomorrow? 明天你将要做什么?Ill go shopping with my mum. 我将要和妈妈去购物。Shell buy me a ne

23、w jacket. 她将要给我买一件新夹克衫。Thats great! Goodbye! 那太好了!再见!Bye! 再见!Lesson 31 两天后就要放假了,刘老师准备带同学们去旅游,她在征求大家的意见。大家决定去。School is out in two days. 学校两天后放假。Hooray! 好哇!Would you like to take a trip? 你们想要去旅行吗?Certainly! Whereshall we go?当然!我们将要去哪?Any ideas? 有什么主意吗? I want to go to the theme park.我想要去主题公园。We want

24、to go to the farm.我们想要去农场。We want to go to the zoo.我们想要去动物园。Good ideas! How about the zoo and the farm? 好主意!去动物园和农场怎么样?Cool!太酷了! Lesson 32 同学们来到动物园,他们正在观察长颈鹿和骆驼。愉快而有意义的假期开始了!Come along, boys and girls! 一起来,孩子们!Wow! Whats this in English? 哇!这个用英语怎么说?Its a giraffe. 它是一只长颈鹿。Look! The giraffe is so tall

25、! 看!长颈鹿如此高!Yes, it has a long neck. 是的,它长着长脖子。Look! Miss Liu.Whats this in English?看!刘老师。这个用英语怎么说?Its a camel. 它是一只骆驼。Oh, the camel is so big! 哦,骆驼如此大!Lesson 33 在动物园里有许多动物。刘老师和同学们在水池里看见一只海豹和一只海豚。Look! Whats that in English? 看!那个用英语怎么说?Its a seal. 它是一只海豹。Good!很好!Guess,Lisa! Whats that in English? 猜一猜

26、,莉萨!那个用英语怎么说?Its a dolphin. 它是一只海豚。Look! The dolphin is dancing!看!海豚正在跳舞!Lesson 34 同学们来到了农场。他们看到了许多马和奶牛。Heres the farm, boys and girls! 这是农场,孩子们!Oh! What a bigfarm! 哦!多么大的农场啊!Look here! What are these in English? 看这里!这些用英语怎么说?Theyre horses. 它们是马。What are these in English?这些用英语怎么说?Theyre cows.它们是奶牛。Lesson 35 刘老师和同学们在农场看到了许多绵羊和山羊。Hello,boys and girls. Look there! 你们好,孩子们,看那里!What are those in English? 那些用英语怎么说?Theyre sheep. 它们是绵羊。Are those sheep,too? 那些也是绵羊吗?No,they arent.Theyre goats.不,他们不是。它们是山羊。3.


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