广东深圳市普通高中高考高三英语3月模拟考试试题05 Word版含答案(15页).doc

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1、-广东深圳市普通高中高考高三英语3月模拟考试试题05 Word版含答案-第 - 15 - 页深圳市普通高中2017届高考高三英语3月模拟考试试题(五)(分值:150分考试时间:120分钟)第I卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man always want to do at home?A. Work

2、.B. Play.C. Read.2. What is the man doing?A. Asking for help.B Giving advice.C. Looking for another job.3. How much will the man spend?A. $ 34.B. $ 44.C. $ 68.4. Who probably is Mr. Smith?A. The woman s boss. B. The man s boss, C. The woman s friend.5. When will the party be held?A. On Friday aftern

3、oon. B. On Sunday afternoon. C, On Saturday afternoon, 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What kind of person is Mr. Hudson according to the conversation?A. A good worker.B

4、. An honest person,C, A careless person.7. Which may be the reason why Mn Hudson is so sad?A. His mother s illness. B. His son s problem at school. C. The problem at work. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How did the woman feel about her trip in New York?A. A little bored.B. Busy with her business.C, Very tired,9.

5、 What do we know about the man?A. He has never been to New York. B. He doesn t like traveling,C. He went to see the Statue of Liberty, 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What can t the woman do?A. Send faxes.B, Write reports.C. Draw pictures11. What does the man think of the woman?A. Qualified for the job. B. Low

6、er level of education.C. Young for the job.12. What might be the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student, B, Designer and customer, C, Manager and interviewee.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What are the two speakers doing?A. Out for a swim.B. Out for a picnic. C. Abroad for sightseeing.14

7、. What does the woman suggest doing first?A. Taking a walk,B. Drinking beer.C. Having lunch.15. How do they get to the place?A. By bike.B. By car.C, On foot.16. What did the woman give the man?A. A cheese sandwich B. A basket of fruit.C. A bottle of beer,听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the passage m

8、ainly talk about?A. The monthly exam. B. The weekly exam.C. The final exam.18. Where are the speaker and the listeners?A. In the classroom.B. In the dining hall. C. In the teachers office.19. What does the teacher say about the exam?A. Easy,B. Just so-so,C. Difficult.20. When will the teacher be ava

9、ilable to answer questions for the students? A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Thursday.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在答卷上。21. There is no _ exact definition of _word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons,A. an; aB, the

10、; theC,不填;theD.不填;不填22. How _ you like the dishes ,sir?Delicious. They _ excellent here. Thank you. Well, can I have some tea now,please?A. do; areB. did; areC, do; wereD. did; were23. You must have spoken to him today. 一_ I haven t.A, As a matter of fact B, Frankly speaking C. Unluckily D, You re r

11、ight24. Hi ,Kathy! Any plans for tonight?Not yet, Tim. I _ where to go for dinner,A. was wondered B. was wondering C. will wonderD. had wondered25. It is no use doing _ you like ; you have got to like _ you do.A. what; howB. which; when C. how; whatD. what; what26. I just _ believe you are a police

12、officer, Kay. I remember in high school, you alwayswanted to be a lawyer.A. cantB. shouldn tC, wontD. dare not27. I don t like work and _ does, I think, but I like what is in the workthe chance to find myself.A. somebodyB, anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody28. It s so cold in this room.“Why dont you _ you

13、r coat?A. take onB, put onC. get onD. try on29. means that you have a positive attitude toward your abilities and life.A. Be confident B. Being outgoing C, To be outgoing D. Being confident30 Yesterday, I came across my former classmate ,but his name _ me, which made me embarrassed,A. forgotB. misse

14、dC. escapedD. reminded31. Life is filled with things we have no control over, _ ourselves, we can control.A. forB. andC, soD. but32. With his work _,the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling very pleased,A. completedB. completingC. being completed D. to complete33. The best way to get better

15、 at a _ is to speak it ! Even if there is no one around to speakto, talk to yourself.A. skillB. speechC. languageD. experience34. If I were a boy again ,I would practice perseverance more often ,and never give up a thing it was hard or inconvenient,A, thatB, becauseC. unlessD. if35. I m sorry the ca

16、ke is _. We 11 do better next time, I promise.Im sorry, too. You have to take it back. The birthday party is over and we don t need it any more,A. smellyB, lateC. burntD. expensive第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项,并将答案填写在答卷上。Once upon a time,there was a seed

17、and because he was 36_ a tiny seed,nobody paid any attention to him. So, 37_ kind of inferior (自卑的),the seed gave no importance to his 38_ .39_ , the wind blew him up and threw him on an open field 40_ the hot sun. He wanted to know why. But without any 41_ , he was provided with 42_ besides sunligh

18、t, sometimes light and sometimes water.Time flew and years later he saw a traveler 43_ by his side. “Thank God for this. I 44_ need a rest ,the seed heard the traveler 45 _,46_ are you talking about? the seed asked. He thought the man was laughing at him. 47 ,he had seen many people taking a rest by

19、 his side but no one ever 48 to him like that. “Who is this?” the man was 49_ - 50_ A seed. ”“A seed?” the man 5_ 1 the big tree. “Are you 52_ me? You re a big tree! ”A moment later the seed, now a great tree, thought and 53_ for the first time in his life. “Oh ! That means I m not a small seed any

20、longer! I wont 54_ unnoticed but was born to help 55 _ people. Wow! Now that s a life worth a thousand gems! ”36.A,onlyBrightC. suchD.rather37.A.thinkingB.mindingC. realizingD.feeling38.A.lifeBworldC* existenceD.surroundings39.A.HoweverB,Then one dayC, ThusD.Unexpectedly40.A.inBbelowC. underD.over41

21、,A.ideaB,answerC. excuseD.hope42.A,helpB.fertilizerC, rainDwind43 A.sittingB.walkingC goingDpassing44.AprobablyBpossiblyC. certainlyD,really45.AcryB.sayC. talkIlshout46.A.WhoB,WhomC. WhatD.Why47.A,InsteadB.SureC. SoonDAlso48.A.spokeB.treatedC, actedD.nodded49,A.happyB annoyedC. excitedD.surprised50.

22、A.Can t you see?B,Why ask?C, It s meD.Don,t you know?51,A.replied toB.turned toC. asked forD.stared at52.AexpectingB.visitingC. kiddingD.joking53.A.knewB.smiledC, recognizedDfound54.A,dieB.liveC. appearD,disappear55,A,walkingB.foreignC travelingD.tired第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文

23、,从每小题后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并将答案填 写在答卷上。AThe Accommodation Office (Room 114)The Accommodation Office is the place to find everything concerning accommodation during your studying at this university. It offers a free advisory service and a wide range of handbooks and checklists covering the full r

24、ange of housing available. In addition , the office also offers other services such as the allocation of places in local residences and the provision of information regarding privately owned accommodation.Opening Hours : Monday through Friday : 1:30 pm 4:30 pm Phone: (412) 396 -6754 Fax: (412) 396 _

25、6752 Medical Center (Room 115)The staff of the Medical Center aim to provide convenient and comprehensive medical care for students and staff of the university. The center is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems. Both female and male doctors as

26、well as nursing staff are available for consultation. Also all kinds of medicines are sold here and are cheaper for students than other drugstores.Opening Hours : 24 hours from Monday to Sunday Phone: (412) 396 -6649 Fax; (412) 396 -6648 Food Service (Room 127)Tasty nutritious meals and a wide varie

27、ty of snacks are available from the cafeterias on campus. Maybe you are riot familiar with different cafeterias here and find it difficult to get a good meal. Don t worry! The Food Service can provide you with specific information on the food available here and offer meal plans based on your individ

28、ual needs.Opening Hours; Monday through Friday ; 30 pm 5: 30 pm Phone; (412) 396 -6899 Fax: (412) 396 -6890 Library (Room 215)There are various books and reference materials on every subject here including literature art and math. Besides books there are also photo-copying video, audiovisual and com

29、puting facilities. Our collection is big and our main task is to help you solve problems on making use of the library. Opening Hours ; Monday through Friday : 8:30 am 5:30 pm Phone: (412) 396 -6312 Fax: (412) 396 -670656. Jack can adjust himself to the weather but he is having a lot of difficulties

30、in getting used to the diet at the college cafeterias. Which of the following should he choose to ask for help?A. Medical Centre. B. Food service. C. Room 1 15. D. Phone 396 -6312,57. Which of the four persons needs to go to Accommodation Office? A. Richard is a foreign student majoring in medicine.

31、B. John is fond of sports. Unfortunately he injured his leg while he was playing football this morning.C, Mary is going to leave university next year. She is preparing her papers.D. Lucy lives far away from the university so she needs to find a new place to live in,58. What can students do in Room 2

32、15?A, Get information on the food available. B, Have lessons on math.C. Find books on literature. D. Ask for medical care.59. Whom do you think the author most probably write to?A. Anyone who is new in the university, B. Someone who wants to get information.C. A new comer who visits the university.

33、D. A person whose child is studying here,BWe chat with our colleagues all the time when we have lunch,gossip in the tearoom,or leave work together. Sharing your personal life brings you closer to your co-workers and builds trust within your team. But revealing too much about yourself to colleagues,

34、managers or human resources staff can cause difficulties and even endanger your work.It s important to keep the right balance between getting along with colleagues and maintaining your privacy, “Communication in the office is tricky and complicated. You can neither spread chatter, nor be too silent

35、and shut yourself off from others, said Yang Yudan, deputy HR director at P&G,According to her, there are several safe topics to talk about with colleagues during the break, such as the weather or movies. Women like to talk about makeup and clothing, while men are fond of sports and online games. Bu

36、t discussing your private life, such as relationship,habits or health conditions, is a potential minefield.Liang Kun,26, had to resign from his job at a trading company in Guangzhou last week after discussing her income with colleagues during a lunch break. “I didn t realize it was such a serious is

37、sue until a senior member of staff went to find the boss ,asking why I got a higher salary than her ,”said Liang. Then our HR told me that according to the employee handbook it is forbidden to talk about salary in the office. ” HR expert Yang also reminds us that paychecks are your own business. It

38、is unwise to share this information with others, no matter how close you are.To summarize, Yang advises office workers to be more aware of the image they project when talking to colleagues, “ When you share your personal life, it will be recorded on your invisible resume and may slow clown your care

39、er progressing. ”60. The author quoted Yang Yudan in the text to_.A. show his admiration for herB. make an argument with herC. support his own viewpointD. build up his fame61. What can be inferred from the fact that Liang Kun had to resign his job according to the text?A. It was unwise for him to sh

40、are information with others.B. He broke the rules made by the company-C. He was such an honest person that he told the truth.D. He treated his colleagues as family members.62. What is the author * s purpose in writing the text?A. To draw people s attention to their behaviors in public.B. To advise o

41、ffice workers to be aware of the image they project.C. To make you believe that communication in the office is complicated.D. To warn you to be careful of invisible trouble while talking about your privacy to colleagues.63. Which would be the best title for the text?A, At Work, Keep It to YourselfB.

42、 Keep the Right BalanceC, Share Your Personal Life with Others D. Safe Topics to Talk aboutCThe Answer Is Right There above YouIf you put a buzzard in a fence six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top,the bird,in spite of its ability to fly,will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is tha

43、t a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. Without space to run,as is its habit,it will not even attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.The Ordinary bat flying around at night is a remarkable quick-moving creature in the a

44、ir. But placed on the floor or flat ground, it has to shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully ,until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then,at once,it takes off like a flash,A bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler (平底玻璃杯)will be there until i

45、t dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top,but keeps trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom.In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrations,

46、not realizing that the answer is right there above them.64. Based on Paragraph 1,in what case can a buzzard fly?A. It s not old enough.B. It s caught in a fence.C. Its a prisoner in a small jail.D, h s got enough space to run.65 The underlined word “shuffle,(in para. 2) is closest in meaning to “_A. walk slowlyB, mix upC. fly lowD. run fast70. How can the bumblebee get out of an open tumbler by itself according to the text? A. It can be take


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