2022年高二英语必修五选修六复习 .docx

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1、精品_精品资料_一、词组翻译:高二上英语期末复习练习Unit 1 Book 5一、词组翻译:Unit 2 Book 5可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_1. 提出 2. 使暴露于 3. 应当为 负责4. 得出结论 1. 由 组成 2. 把 分成 6. 令某人兴奋的是 7. 省去.遗漏.不考虑 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_5. 除 之外 6. 对 严格 3.摆脱束缚.脱离8. 吸引某人的留意力 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_7. 讲得通.有意义 8. 与 有关 4.代替 9. 在某人便利的时候 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_9

2、. 专心于 10.为 做出贡献 二、词形变化:1. sciencen. 科学家 adj.科学的 2. concluden.结论adj.结论性的 5.机器损坏.破坏 10.不愿意做某事 二、 词形变化:1. educationalv.训练 n.训练 2. attract n. 吸引力 adj. 有吸引力的 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_3. polluten.污染 adj.被污染的 3. collect n. 收集.保藏品.保藏可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_4. announcen. 通告 n. 广播员 5. instructn. 说明,指示 adj. 有训练

3、意义的 6. moven. 移动,运动 adj. 移动的 7. cautiousn. 谨慎,当心 8. createn. 制造性 adj. 制造性的 4. enjoy n. 令人开心的.使人兴奋的5. describe n. 描述6. possible n. 可能性 adj.不行能的 7. arrange n. 支配 8. delight adj. 令人兴奋的 adj.显示开心的 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_9. enquiren. 询问 9. origin adj.最初的.原始的.独创的.新奇的可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_10. break outn.

4、 爆发,发作尤指疾病或战争三、语法填空:1. Please becaution about everything in the room.2. Only when his hometown was liberated in 1949he able to go to school.3. They made anannounce that they were to have a wedding on National Day.4. Under the tablelie a black cat.5. There are two new hotels near underconstruct.6. We

5、 must adapt our thought to thechange conditions.7. The bookwrite for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.8. We wereinspire by his wonderful speech.9. Can you tell me the waylead to the nearest supermarket.10. Hardly/Scarcelyshe fallen asleep when a knock at the door a

6、wakened her.四、句子考查:10. architecturen.建筑师 三、语法填空:1. It was a greatconvenient to have a doctor living near us.2. We had a mostenjoy journey.3. Is there anypossible that he will attend the meeting.4. Have you madearrange to sell your house.5. The dog and cat lived together in perfectunite6. Her house l

7、ooks like a beautiful gardenmany flowers planted around it.7. Last month when I went back to my hometown, I found it greatlychange.8. Youd better have your eyes check as soon as possible.9. The little girl divided the cakepieces.10. She raised her voice in order to make herselfhear.四、句子考查:1. He crea

8、ted the poem to honor his wife. 改写 his wife, he created the poem.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_1. From the evidence I must conclude that you are wrong. 改写From the evidence I must you are wrong.2. Would you announce the guests as they come in. 改写Would you the guests as they come in.2. Allelectroniccomputer

9、s although they are of different kinds.3. Can anything replace a mothers love and care. 改写 由 组成 fiveunits可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_3. She liked the water very much. She had it delivered to her house every day. 合并成一个句子 4. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all

10、the water supplies 检查 .5. I didn t realize I had wasted much time until I began to work. 改写 did I realize I had wasted much time.6. 人们既不明白它的病源,也不明白它的治疗方法.用 neither nor 翻译Can anything mother s love and care.4. Unless you are invited, you d better keep silent at the meeting. 改写 , or you d better keep

11、silent at the meeting.5. 她竟然在这儿,真是有点古怪.用 it, seem 翻译6. The old man s waist was hurt in the terrible car accident. 改写 The old man in the terrible car accident.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_7. The concert was a success. The concert was given by my friends. 合并成一个句子 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Unit 3 Book 5一、词组翻译

12、:Unit 4 Book 5可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_一、词组翻译1 拿起,接受,开头,连续 3 打扫,横扫 5 复原,复原 7 给某人留下印象 9 使 适合,适应 2 看不见 4 移动,溜进 6 加速 8 因缺乏 . 10 对.很乐观 1. 全神贯注于 3. 因 指责或控告 5. 在 前面 7.希望 /希望做 9. 犯有 罪或过失 二、词形变化:2. 依靠.依靠 4. 为了做 6. 告知某人某事 8. 否认 /承认做了某事 10.赞成 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_二、词形变化1 impression n.v.留下印象adj. 印象深刻的2 const

13、ant adj.adv.不断的3 unertain adj.adj.准确的n. 确定4 surrounding n./adj.v.环绕n. 环境5adjustment n. v. 调整6 press vn. 压力7 instant n./adj.adv.立刻,马上8 greedy adj. 贪心的n. 贪心9 settlement n.v. 定居 ,解决n. 定居者10 motivation n.v. 激发 动机三、语法填空:1. She made a goodimpress on his mother.2. They arecertain about what to do next, so

14、they could do nothing but wait.3. They have reached asettle with the landowners.4. I tried to make the necessaryadjust to this new situation.5. He hung up thereceive and went out.6. exhaust , I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.7. They decided to explore thesurround countryside.8. Thoughcatch in a

15、traffic jam, we managed to arrive at the airport.9. Henry didn t attend the party hold at Tom s house last night, for he was busy preparing for exam.10. Whenask if she would request a rise, the actress said that money was not important.四、句子考查:1. delighted adj n. 欢乐,欣喜 vt.使 欢乐 2. photograph n. vt n.

16、摄影师 n. 摄影.3. usual adjadj.不同平常的 . adv.通常 4. assist vtn.帮忙 n. 助手,售货员 5. admire vtadj . 令人敬佩的 n .敬佩 6. gift nadj .有天赋的 7. appoint vtn.约会,任命 8. profession nadj专业的,专业人员 9. forget vtadj难以忘怀的 .10. interview v n n.接受面试者 n面试官,采访者 三、语法填空:1. I believe the house wasdeliberate set fire to.2. Spears is really ag

17、ift little actress.3. I have made anappoint with my doctor for my toothache.4. Stuying abroad is anforget experience for me.5. I had an job interview yesterday. Theinterview thought highly of my performance.6. The performance last night was soadmire.7. Do the plans meet with yourapprove .8. I don t

18、like computer. does my mother.9. HardlyI got out of the house when it began to rain.10. Mark invited me, I would have been glad to come.四、句子考查:1 . Police believe the fire was started delibrately. 改写 Police believe the fire was started 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_1. Several research institutions were clo

19、sed down 由于缺乏资金 , 好几家讨论所被迫关门了2. I watched the plane go higher and higher until I 3. I 观察 an old friend of mine in the crowd.fund.看不见 it.2. Please take an umbrella with you in order to be prepared for rain.改写 Please take an umbrella with you it rains.3. He was so proud that he never listened to any a

20、dvice. 改写成倒装句 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_4. Can you the challenge of difficulty.你能接受困难的挑战吗?4.Topreventthisfromhappeningagain,thegovernmentdemanded thatthereportthe5. She was awakened by a noise at midnight. She saw a thief in her room. 合并句子, 分词作状语 公布 as soon as possible.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_ .6. The

21、 museum was built in 1910. The museum is about 100 years old.5. I am delighted at your success. 改写 ,you succeed.6. 我永久不会遗忘我们一起在光明中学的日子.never 开头的倒装句可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_7. The bridge was built in 1930. The bridge is still very strong.用状语合并句子 7. You will know how great your parentslove is only when

22、 you grow up.改成 only 开头的倒装句可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_一、词语翻译:Unit 5 Book 5一、词组翻译:第六课时 Unit 1 Book 6可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_1. 急救 2.生病 1.集中 2.大量 3. 榨出 ;挤出4.反复; 多次 3.巧合的 4.活着的,本人 5. 在适当的位置 ; 适当6.7. 找到8.有影响 触觉 5.7.瞄准 使 某 人 相 信 某 6.8.占有,拥有在另一方面 9. 申请 某物 10. 赠某物给某人 事二、词形变化:9.一串,一束 10. 力图,试图 1. treat v.n. 治疗

23、.对待 二、词形变化:2. bear v.adj. 难以忍耐的 1. sign v.n. 署名,签名,签字 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_3. injure v.n. 伤adj. 受伤的 4. brave adj.n. 英勇,士气 5. poison n.v.adj. 有毒的 6. vary v.n. 种类,变化 adj. 多种多样的 7. press v.n. 压力 8. organ n.adj. 有机的 9. apply v.n. 申请,应用 n. 申请人 10. blood n.v. 流血 adj. 流血的 三、语法填空:1 Many commonhappen ever

24、y day in the home. injure2 The villagers are unaccustomed to theof modern life. press3 Under the doctor s careful, your father is sure to get over it. treat4 Unfortunatelyhe was bitten by asnake while workingin the fieldand died shortly afterwards. poison5 As the economic develops, people are caring

25、 more about their health and buying more food, which is said to be free of chemical fertilizers. organ6 She took various jobs for aof reasons after he graduated from the college. vary7 AIDS is andisease. But it is not possible to infect another person through kissing. infect8 I am not a doctor thoug

26、h I wanted to.9 She would be glad to go climbing with us if we invite her.10 - Do you think it will rain tomorrow.- I guess .So wed better put off the football match until a later time.四、句子考查:1 When 实施急救 on someone, you should be careful. 2 When the novel is published, it will become one of the best

27、 sellers of the year. 改写 , it will become one of the best sellers of the year.3 If it is necessary, you can help us to do something 改写 , you can help us to do something 4 Why don t you get some knowledge of first aid. 改写 some knowledge of first aid5. 我一次又一次的警告过你不要再做那么傻的事.2. prefer v.n. 偏爱,喜好 3. fait

28、h n.adj. 忠诚的 adv. 忠实的 4. impress v.adj. 留给印象的 adj. n.印象派画家 5. possess v.n.拥有,财产 6. aim v. n.adj. 无目的的 7. civilize v.n. 文明,文化,文明社会8. human n.adj.人道主义的 9. convention n.adj. 保守的,传统的 10. realize v.n. 现实 adj. 现实的 三、语法填空:1 Your poor English is aof not studying hard.consequent2 Before he returned to China,

29、 he was a rich man andwealth . possess3 If it this weekend, we wont go to Yellow Mountain.rain4 How I wish Ito London with him last month. go5 Mother s suggestion is that we up our plans to travel abroad, because we don t have enough time.give6 It is believed that he has a strongin God. believe7 you

30、 needn t make anyabout your future. predict8 Chinesewas one of the most civilized countries in ancient world. civilize 9 Next week those goods willin that shop.exhibition10 These twoare very similar, can you tell them apart. sign四、句子考查:1 She suggested our holding the school sports meeting next week.

31、 转换 She suggested that wethe school sports meeting next week.2 假如没有你的帮忙,我就不会胜利.翻译 .3 她本人比照片好看.She is more beautiful than his photos.4 我看过这部电影许多次了I ve seen the filmtimes.5 这本书如此好玩以致Bob 把全部留意力都集中在上面.The book was so interesting that Boball of his attentionit.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_6 He couldn t believ

32、e it when the chairman the award 颁发 him and was too excited to speak.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_一、词组翻词:Unit 2 Book 6一、词组翻译:Unit 3 Book 6可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_1.轻松 ,不紧急 ,淡定2. 用完了1. 由于 2. 对 上瘾 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_3.由 构成4. 特殊特殊 5.对 很适合 / 恰当6. 互换 7.把 转换成8. 把翻译成 3. 习惯于 5. 冒险 7. 不顾,不管 4. 想要做某事 6. 境况危急

33、8. 陷入,染上 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_9. 测验 ,测试10. 发出 ,放走 二、词形变化:1. emotion n.adj. 情感的adj. 冷漠的 2. flexible adj.n. 柔韧性,敏捷性 3. end n./v.adj. 无穷的4. translate v.n. 翻译 翻译家 5. transform v.n. 转换 变压器 6. sorrow n./v.adj 哀痛的、后悔的 7. appropriate adj.adv. 恰当的,适合的8. dark adj.n. 黑暗v.加深9. particular adj.adv. 特殊的,特殊的 10.

34、 piano n. 钢琴家 violin 小提琴家 三、语法填空:1. left very early last night, but I wish Ileave so early.2. Iwould like to have a cup of tea, but there was none.3. If itnot be for the captain, the ship would have sunk.4. We demanded that weinform of any change in the plan.9禁止做某事 10.对 感到惭愧 二、词形变化:1. stress n/v.adj

35、. 感到紧急的 adj.令人紧急的 2. addict vt._ n. 瘾 adj.令人上瘾的 3. withdrawvtn.收回.撤退.戒毒或脱瘾过程4. effect n adj. 有效的 vt.影响 5. relax vt. n.轻松.放松 adj. 感到放松的6. disappoint v.adj.令人扫兴的 n.扫兴7. embarrass v. adj 感到尴尬的 n.尴尬.窘迫8. survive v.n.幸存者 n.幸存物9. law n.n. 律师 adj. 合法的 adj. 非法的 10. shame n /v adj.感到耻辱的 adj.令人耻辱的 三、语法填空:1. T

36、he chairman thoughtnecessary to invite Mr. white to attend the meeting.2. Mother kept telling him that he should work harder, butdidn t help.3. I hatewhen people talk with their mouths full.4. The weather turned out to be very good, andwas more that we had expected.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_5. If you

37、had taken the doctors advicethen, you bewell now.5. It is no use quit smoking on a stressful day.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_6. I a boy, I would join the army.7. If only younot tell him what I said. Everything would have been all right.8. When it wasbrought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen fee

38、t long. eventual9. They sat on the bench together, sometimeskisses.exchange10. He s made a complete from comedian to dramatic actor. transform四、句子考查:1. we 用完 our fresh water before we came out the desert.2. I have been working so hard for several weeks that I decided to relax for a few days. 改写 I ha

39、ve been working so hard for several weeks that I decided to for a few days.3. This year s team, coached by Jeff Jackson, consisted entirely of college players. 改写 This year steam , college players, is coached by Jeff Jackson.6. Lucy decides to walk home even ifis a long way to her house.7. Hemanaged

40、to himselftogettingupearly.Thatistosay, hewas to the habit of getting up early. accustom8. Nowadays, more adolescents becomeaddict to the computer games.9. The man felt likestrengthen his body by doing more exercise.10. You should beshame of what youve done today.11. Isnecessary to the design before

41、 National Day.四、句子考查:1. 应当.的时候了 she wrote a letter to her boyfriend.2. He is likely to suffer from bad health if he keeps smoking.改写可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_4. She whispered to me that她想用这个小 he suffer from bad health if he keeps smoking.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_说的翻译来交换奖学金5. I m busy writing an article now; that s why I can t go with you. 变为含有虚拟条件句的复合句6. 假如我是一个医生,我就会尽全力去救每一个病人.翻译 .3. It


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