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《英语专业八级常用词汇.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语专业八级常用词汇.doc(118页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、词汇表 11.Zulu n.祖鲁族人/语(南非班图人的成员);adj.祖鲁族人/语的【记】在语音通话时代表字母Z, 或无线电通话中拼写专有名词等关键信息就有用了。【例】(on radio)A: Spell your name, please, over. B: My name is Zephyr. It is Zulu, Echo, Papa, Hotel, Yankee, and Romeo, over. A: Roger and out. (无线通话)甲:请拼写你的名字,完毕。乙:我的名字叫西风,拼写是Z-E-P-H-Y-R,完毕。 甲:收到,通话结束。2.zoom v.(指照相机等)用变

2、焦距镜头使景物放大或缩小;快速移动发出声音【记】现在DC或DV做的多了,大家也应该熟悉zoom的功能。镜头里放大是zoom in,缩小是zoom out。【参】whiz(vi.发出嗖嗖声,高速移动)【例】The jet zoomed low over the houses, frightening everyone. 那架喷气式飞机低飞掠过房顶, 隆隆声把大家吓了一跳.3.Zionism n. 犹太复国主义【记】来自于Zion(n.锡安山犹太人的故乡天国,亦译“郇山”)锡安山位于耶路撒冷,相传古犹太国王大卫在锡安山建犹太教圣殿,后毁而又建第二圣殿,遗址现只有一段哭墙,上面建着伊斯兰教的三大圣地

3、之一:阿克萨清真寺。锡安山被犹太人视为圣山,因此成为犹太人复国的象征。【例】The first Matrix movie was released in Egypt but was criticized by Islamic newspapers for promoting Zionism.黑客帝国第一部在埃及上映,但伊斯兰报纸批评其鼓吹锡安主义(电影中人类的最后一块生存地就叫Zion)4.zest n.风味 = palate; 热情, 强烈的兴趣 = gusto【记】z = zeal, est最: 对某事最热心兴趣【参】zesty(adj 兴致很高的)【例】He entered into o

4、ur plans with terrific zest. 他满腔热情地参加了我们的项目.5.zenith n.天顶;(权力、繁荣等的)最高点 = apex【记】对比联想记忆:nadir(最低点)【例】the zenith of ones career6.zany n.小丑, 丑角;adj.滑稽可笑的, 古怪的 = eccentric【例】I can watch the Marx brothers zany antics for hours.【记】zanily(adv.) zaniness(n.)7.yuppie n.雅皮士【记】来自于young urban professional:年轻有为的

5、专业人士, 尤指在城市工作的8.yummy adj. (尤用作儿童口语) 味道好的;好吃的 = delicious【记】来自于yum(好吃的),与是美国一家著名快餐公司的名字,旗下拥有肯德基(KFC)、必胜客(Pizza Hut)、塔可钟(Taco Bell)、艾德熊(A&W)、大个子约翰(Long John Silvers)、东方既白等餐连锁品牌。【例】Chocolate cake for tea How yummy! 有巧克力蛋糕当茶点,多好吃啊!9.yeoman n 自耕农(耕作自己土地的农民)【记】that young man is a yeoman或yeoman in Yemen 【

6、例】It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nations policies.Word List 21.vocalization n.发声法【记】vocal(形容词:声音的)+ize(变动词)+tion(再变名词)2.vocalist n.声乐家, 歌手 = singer【记】vocal(a.声音的)+list(人)3.vivacity n.活泼【记】vivax, vivac = “lively, vigorous活泼的” + -ty。再解构viv( = live生活、生存),同根词:vivid(生动的),vita

7、min(维生素,amin是名词后缀,表物质),revive(复活)4.vitalize v.激发;使更有活力或生机 = invigorate【记】vital(adj 有活力的),ize:激发【例】The treatment at the spa vitalized the old man5.visualize vt.形象, 形象化, 想象 = imagine;vi.显现【记】visual(视觉形象)+ize(变动词)使形象化【例】Somehow I cant visualize myself staying with this company for much longer.6.vista n

8、.远景;展望;风景 = view【记】vis看,ta:远景【例】This discovery opens up new vistas of research for biologists. 这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景.7.visitation n.访问, 探望, 正式的视察;n.天罚, 天降的祸 = visit【记】visit(访问)的名词形式,多指很正式的或超自然的访问。天上要是有来访,最可能是大祸。【例】The famine was a visitation of God for their sins. 那次饥荒是上帝对他们罪孽的惩罚。8.viscount n.(英国的)子爵【记

9、】联想记忆:高于男爵(baron)而低于伯爵(earl),侯爵(marquis)与公爵(duke)9.viscera n.内脏, 内容 = viscus【记】实际上就是拉丁词viscus的复数;可联想visceral:a.(喻)非理性的,出于本能的10.visage n 脸;面貌 = face【记】vis = vision(n 视力;视觉),age-面容【例】be fierce of visage and faint of heart 外强中干11.virulent adj 剧毒的(极度传染性的、恶性的或剧毒的) = venomous;恶毒的 = vitriolic【记】vir( = viru

10、s 病毒)ulent(多的)剧毒的【参】opulent(富裕的);viricide(杀病毒剂)【例】The virus is highly virulent and has made many of us ill for days.12.virtuous adj 有美德的;还有贞操的 = moral【记】源于:virtue(n 美德;优点)【例】led a virtuous life.过着高洁的生活Word List 31.upholster vt.装饰, 装潢【记】逆构于upholsterer(室内装潢商)。holster (手枪皮套),可能与hold有关【例】upholster a sof

11、a in leather 给长沙发装上皮革面2.upheaval n.动乱,(突然而猛烈的)大变动 = disruption【记】upheav = upheave(v 举起,鼓起),al:举起【参】heave(n /v 举起)【例】political, social upheavals 政治的、社会的动乱3.upfront adj.坦率的,直截了当的 = straightforward【记】up上,front前面:动机摆在上面与前面坦率的【例】They tended to have a much more upfront attitude.4.upcoming adj.即将来临的, 预定将要

12、= forthcoming【记】come up最基本的意思是:(指植物)长出地面【例】the upcoming election就要举行的选举5.unworldly adj. 着重精神生活的;非世俗的;非尘世的;超凡的 = unearthly【记】world(世俗世界)+UN与尘世无关的【例】an unworldly man, outlook, idealism 超凡脱俗的男子、观点、理想主义6.unwitting adj.无心的, 不是故意的 = oblivious【记】un不, witting(adj 知晓的, 有意的: wit做动词是“知道、学会”): 不是有意的【例】His insul

13、t, though unwitting, pained her.7.unwind v.(把的纠结)松开 = uncoil;放松【记】un不, wind(v 缠绕): 松开【区】anchor disjoin dislodge disrupt【例】unwind a ball of string, a reel of thread, a roll of bandage, etc 解开一团细绳、一卷线、一卷绷带等8.unwieldy adj 笨重的 = cumbersome;难以携带或操作的【记】un不, wieldy(adj 易于使用的: wield v.运用、挥舞)笨重的【例】The large

14、carton was so unwieldy that the movers had trouble getting it up the stairs.9.untruth n.假话 = lie【例】tell patent untruths 显然说谎.10.untouchable n.贱民;adj.禁止触摸的,管不着的,独特的,不可及的 = intangible【记】印度种姓制度中最低层的人是不允许接触的11.untold adj 无数的 = countless;没有说出的或泄露的【记】un不,told说:数不清的【例】untold suffering, damage, cruelty 罄竹难书

15、的苦难、损害、残忍12.untimely adj 过早的;不适时的 = premature【记】un不,timely(adj 及时的;适时的):不适时的【例】her untimely death at 25 她25岁时英年早逝13.untenable adj 防守不了的,站不住脚的 = indefensible【记】un不,tenable(adj 站得住脚的):站不住脚【例】I find your theory untenable and must reject it.14.unswerving adj.不歪的, 不偏离的, 坚定的, 始终不渝的 = steadfast【记】swerve(n.

16、 转向, 背离)【例】unswerving loyalty, devotion, belief, etc 始终不渝的忠诚、奉献、信念等15.unsightly adj.不悦目的,不好看的, 难看的 = ugly【记】sight(n. 视力,景观)sightly(a.看着舒服的)【例】Londons unsightly suburban sprawl 伦敦郊外不雅观的无计画扩展的地区第 118 页Word List 41.unaccountable adj.无法解释的, 无责任的 = inexplicable【记】un不+account帐单,说明,描述+able【例】For some unacc

17、ountable reason, the letter never arrived. 不知何故,那封信始终未收到.2.unabated adj.(指风暴、论争、危机等)仍然强烈、猛烈、严重等, 并未消减【记】unabated(减少,减轻)【例】Our enthusiasm remained unabated. 我们的热情一如既往.3.unabashed adj.不畏惧的;不害羞的 = poised【记】abash(v 使局促不安;使困窘)【例】Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention. 蒂姆成了传播媒介的焦点, 却也满不在乎.4.ump

18、ire n 裁判;解决争议的人 = arbitrator;v 对进行仲裁【记】源于:empire(n 帝国;帝权),有帝权自然可以仲裁。【例】umpire a match, competition, dispute 在比赛中当裁判、在竞争中当公断人、在争端中当仲裁人. 5.ultrasound n.超频率音响【记】ultra(超)+sound(声波)。同源还有ultrasonic【例】an ultrasound scan:B超检查6.ultrasonic adj. 超音速的, 超声的;n.超声波【记】ultra(超)+sonic(声音的)7.ulterior adj 较晚的,后来的 = lat

19、er;不可告人的 = subterranean【记】ult(高,远)erior较远的【参】superior(高级的),inferior(自卑的,下流的);ultimate(adj 最后的;根本的);ultimatum(n.最后通谍) 【例】I assure you there was no ulterior motive in my suggestion.8.ulcer n.溃疡, 腐烂物【记】ulcerate使溃疡【例】gastric ulcers 胃溃疡 My mouth has an ulcer. 我的口腔出现了溃疡.9.ubiquitous adj.无所不在的 = omnipresen

20、t【记】ubi( = where)qu( = any)itousanywhere无所不在的【例】a ubiquitous trend(普遍存在的倾向)10.tyrannical adj.(似)暴君的;专横的;残暴的 = dictatorial【记】源自tyranny(n. 暴政、专制),tyrannize(vi.施行暴政, 实施集权统治, 横行霸道)【例】She works for a tyrannical new boss. 她在一个专横的新上司手下工作.11.typography n. 印刷术;印刷版面式样【记】typo( = type印刷用铅活字)graph “字母;书写”【参】typo

21、(打字错误:把type打成typo打字错误);typographical(adj.印刷上的, 排字上的)【例】set to a high standard of typography 排出高质量的版面.12.twitch v. n. (使)痉挛 抽搐,轻拉 = jerk【例】He twitched nervously at his tie. 他紧张地拽了拽领带.13.twirl v.(使)快速转动, 捻弄 = whirl【记】联想whirl,两个词词形接近、意义接近【例】She sat twirling the stem of the glass in her fingers. 她坐在那里用手

22、指捻着玻璃杯的杯颈.14.tweed n.斜纹软呢, 斜纹软呢服【例】Scottish tweed 苏格兰花呢15.tutelage n.监护【例】a child in tutelage 受监护的孩子16.turret n.塔楼;小塔 【记】读:塔ret,et结尾表示“小”小塔【例】a warship armed with twin turrets 装备着双炮塔的战舰.Word List 51.tinder n.火种(用于引火的容易燃烧的物质,如干树枝) = touchwood【记】联想:timber(n 木材)是一种tinder。【例】There is much racial unrest

23、in the community and the wholeplace is a tinder-box. 该社区存在种族骚乱, 整个地区随时都能酿出大祸.2.timely adj.及时的, 适时的 = opportune【例】This has been a timely reminder of the need for constant care.这件事适时地提起我们注意要时时谨慎.3.tie-up n.(社会或商务的)联系;堵车 = clog【记】堵车时一辆辆车就象被带子系着一样蜿蜒很长距离【例】In some cities this morning, there were traffic

24、tie-ups up to 40 miles long.4.thyroid n.甲状腺, 甲状软骨5.thy pron.(thou的所有格)你的6.thunderous adj.打雷的, 象打雷的【例】His speech was greeted with thunderous applause .7.hunderclap n.雷声, 霹雳【记】thunder雷+clap拍击8.thump v.重击, 砰然地响;n.重击, 重击声 = thud【记】注意区别thumb(大拇指)【例】Someone thumped on the door. 有人使劲敲门.9.thug n.暴徒, 凶手,恶棍 =

25、 thuggery10.thud n. 沉闷的声响(似撞击软物的声音);v. 砰然移动、落下或打击某物【例】I could hear the thug thudding about upstairs in his heavy boots. 我听见凶手穿着沉重的靴子在楼上咯咯地走来走去.11.throughput n.生产量, 生产能力, 吞吐量12.throttle v 掐脖子;扼杀 = strangle;n 节流阀【记】throt = throat(n 喉),tle掐脖子【例】accused the government of throttling the freedom of the pr

26、ess 谴责政府扼杀新闻自由.13.throb n.v. 悸动, 脉搏, (有规律地)跳动 = pulsate【例】Her heart was throbbing with excitement.她兴奋得心直跳.14.threadbare adj 磨破旧的 = worn;陈腐的【记】组合词:thread(线)bare(露出)露出线头磨破的 【例】a threadbare argument15.thistle n.蓟【记】野生, 叶有刺, 花呈紫色、白色或黄色, 为苏格兰的民族象征16.thicket n.灌木丛Word List 61.sweeping n.扫除, 垃圾;adj.扫荡的, 彻底

27、的 = overwhelming【例】a sweeping victory 全胜2.swathe vt. 缠绕或层层裹住 = wrap【例】thick bandages swathed his head 他头上缠着的层层的绷带3.swap v.n.交换 = exchange【例】Your book looks more interesting than mine:do you want to swap?你的书好像比我的有意思, 你愿意交换吗?4.swagger v./n. 大摇大摆地走(傲慢或自大的) = strut;吹牛 = braggadocio【记】源于:waddle(n/v 象鸭子一样

28、摇摆着走);【参】swag(n/v 摇摆);wag(n/v 摇摆);sway(v 摇摆)【例】He swaggered along the street5.sustenance n.食物(维持生命或健康的东西);生计 = livelihood【记】源于:sustain(v 支撑;维持)【参】sustained(adj 持续不变的)【例】In the tropics, the natives find sustenance easy to obtain because of all the fruit trees.6.susceptible adj.易受某事物影响或损害 = vulnerable

29、;n.(因缺乏免疫力而)易得病的人【记】sus(在下面)cept(接受)ible在下面接受容易接受易受影响的 【例】He was a very susceptible young man, and so his parents worried that he might fall into bad company.7.susceptibility n.易受感染性;敏感性 = sensitivity【记】源于:susceptible(adj 易受影响的;易感动的),sus下面,cept接受,ible在下面容易接受的易受影响的【参】suspense(n 焦虑;悬而不决);suspicion(n 猜

30、疑)8.surrogate n.代替品;代理人;adj 代替的 = substitute【记】sur(下面)rog(要求)ate 【参】substitute(n.代用品;代替者;v.代替);subrogate(代替,取代)【例】For a fatherless child, a male teacher may become a father surrogate.9.surreptitious adj.鬼鬼祟祟的 = secret【记】sur(在下面)rept(爬)itious在下面爬偷偷爬(进来)【例】a surreptitious glance/a surreptitious meetin

31、g10.surreal adj.超现实主义的;不现实的【记】sur超过+real现实,派生surrealist(n.超现实主义者)【例】Meeting you here like this is positively surreal! 像这样与你在此相逢真好比一场梦!11.surly adj.脾气暴躁的 = gruff【记】sur( = sir先生)ly象高高在上的先生一般 【例】a surly old mansurly weatherWord List 71.standing n. 地位, 名声, 身分 = status;持续时间 adj. 常备的;永久的 = permenant【例】a s

32、tanding army 常备军;a standing committee常务委员会;a scientist of good/high standing,ie respected,eminent 有名望的科学家. 2.stance n.姿态 = posture【记】sta表示“站立”【例】He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场.3.stampede n.v. 惊逃, 乱窜 = bolt;蜂拥【记】stamp跺脚、重踩+pede脚惊逃时落脚是比较重的。【例】The cattle stampeded towa

33、rds the farm. 受惊的牛群向牧场涌去4.stamina n (防止疾病、疲劳或经受磨难的)体力,耐力 = endurance【记】stamen(雄性花蕊)的复数形式【例】I doubt that she has the stamina to run the full distance of the marathon race.5.stalwart adj 身体健壮的;坚定勇敢的 = stout【参】stance(n 姿态;站姿);standstill(n 停止;停顿)【例】His consistent support of the party has proved that he

34、is a stalwart and loyal member.6.stallion n.牡马(尤指种马), 留种的雄兽7.stalk n.植物的茎 = stem;v.暗中追踪【记】可以通过植物的茎测量动物脚印的深度与测出动物粪便的湿度,所以有利于追踪猎物追踪【参】stem(n 茎;v 阻止)8.stalemate n.僵局(下一步行动受阻的情形) = deadlock;使陷入(僵局)【记】组合词: stale(adj 陈腐的无用的)mate(将死对方的棋)将不死与棋, 僵局【例】break the stalemate.(打破僵局)9.staid adj.镇定自若的;严肃的 = sober【记】

35、原来是stay的过去式 【例】Her conduct during the funeral ceremony was staid and solemn.10.stag n.牡鹿,adj. 只限男子参加的【例】a stag night at the golf club 高尔夫球俱乐部中只限男子参加的晚会.11.staccato adj (音乐)断音的;断奏的 = disconnected【记】staccato,记住中间的acca,似乎呈断裂状态 【例】His staccato speech reminded one of the sound of a machine gun.12.squirt

36、v. 使(液体、粉末等)喷出 = spurt【例】I squeezed the bottle and the sauce squirted out. 我把瓶子一捏,沙司就挤出来了.13.squirm v.n. 蠕动,扭动 = wriggle【例】He was squirming (around) on the floor in agony. 他躺在地上痛苦地扭动着.14.squire n.乡绅, 骑士侍从15.squint v 斜视(表示不同意);(在强光下)眯着眼睛看 = peer【记】squ压,in,t他:把他的一支眼睛压进去斜视【例】squinting in the bright sun

37、light 在很亮的阳光下眯起眼睛;squinting through the letter-box 从投信口向信箱里面看.16.squeamish adj 易晕船的, 易恶心的 = nauseated;过于拘谨的【记】读:死鬼迷失一个死酒鬼迷失了方向晕了易恶心的【例】an explicit and violent film,definitely not for the squeamish. 一部露骨的、渲染暴力的影片,神经脆弱的人肯定受不了.Word List 81.slug n.鼻涕虫,懒汉,子弹,金属小块2.slouch n.没精打采的样子;v 没精打采地坐、站、走 = slump【记】

38、源于:sloth:n.(对工作)懒惰。slou = slow,ch吃:吃得慢无精打采的样子【例】She slouched past me with her hands in her pockets. 她手插在口袋里懒洋洋地从我身边走了过去.3.slop v.溢出, 溅溢 = spill【例】slop about/around(指液体)晃荡(尤指在容器里):Water was slopping around in the bottom of the boat. 水在船底晃晃荡荡的.4.slither v.(像蛇似地)滑动 = slide【记】slit切口,her她:蛇从her的slit中slit

39、her进去。【例】slither down an icy slope 摇晃着沿结冰的斜坡滑下5.slit v.切开 = split;n.(长而直且狭窄的)切口【记】源于:split(v/n 劈开);slice(v/n 切开;切片)【例】eyes like slits 细长的眼睛;a long slit in her skirt 她裙上细长的开口.6.slink v.偷偷逃走 = creep【记】s死,link连接:使铁链子死了就可以潜逃【例】They hurriedly paid their bills and slunk away.7.slime n.粘土,粘液;vt.涂泥;vi.变粘滑【记

40、】slimy(adj.粘糊糊的,(分泌)粘液的,泥泞的)【例】There was a coating of slime on the unwashed sink. 未刷洗的水涤槽上有一层污垢.8.slick adj 光滑的 = glossy;狡猾的,圆滑的 = wily【记】s死,lick(v.舔):舔粗糙的东西容易流血而死,所以还是舔光滑的东西。【例】Shes very slick,but I dont believe a word she says. 她很伶俐,但她的话我一句也不信.9.sleeper n.睡眠,(火车等的)卧铺,枕木,冬眠动物10.sleek adj.光滑而有光泽的 =

41、glossy;脑满肠肥的【例】a sleek,shiny sports-car 闪闪发亮的时髦跑车.11.sleazy adj.邋遢的,破旧的,肮脏的,质地差的 = squalid【记】s死,leazy = lazy(adj 懒惰的)因为懒惰而死的人肯定是邋遢的;破旧的,肮脏的【例】This is a sleazy fabric;it will not wear well.12.slavish adj.奴隶的, 奴性的;无独立性创造性的 = unoriginal【记】slave奴隶【例】His style is a slavish imitation of his teachers. 他一味模

42、仿教师风格,毫无创意.Word List 91.sentinel n 哨兵,卫兵 = lookout【记】sent感觉,inel:要提高感觉的人哨兵【参】sentry(n 哨兵)【例】Though camped in enemy territory, Bledsoe ignored the elementary precaution of posting sentinels around the encampment.2.sensuous adj.刺激感官的, 感觉官能的, 给感官以快感的 = sensual【例】the sensuous appeal of her painting 她的画儿

43、之使人赏心悦目;his full sensuous lips 他那丰满漂亮的嘴唇. 【记】sens = feel感觉3.sensual adj.肉体上享乐的;(常指)性快感的【记】sens = feel感觉【例】the sensual curves of her body 她体形的性感的曲线.4.sensory adj.感觉的, 感官的【记】sens = feel感觉【例】sensory stimulus 感官刺激5.sensor n.传感器【记】sens = feel感觉6.senile adj 年老的 = doddering【记】sen = old老的,年长的。派生senility(n.高

44、龄, 老迈年高, 老态龙钟)【例】He keeps forgetting things:I think hes getting senile. 他总忘事,我看他是老了.7.seminal adj 有创意的 = originative;提供进一步发展的基础的【记】semin(种子)al种子的有创见的【参】disseminate(播种,散布)【例】Although Freud has generally been regarded as a seminal thinker who shaped the course of psychology,his psychoanalytic methods

45、have come under attack recently.8.semblance n 外貌 = appearance;相似【记】sembl(相象)ance【参】resemble(相似), dissemble(掩饰) 【例】Although this book has a semblance of wisdom and scholarship,a careful examination will reveal many errors and omissions.9.semantic adj.语义的,语义学的10.self-willed adj.任性的, 顽固的 = willful【例】a

46、troublesome self-willed child 调皮捣蛋而又任性的孩子. 11.self-styled adj.自封的;自称的 = self-appointed【记】style做动词是有“以某称号称呼某人或自己”的意思【例】the self-styled leader of the sect, Mr Baker 自封为这一宗派领袖的贝克先生12.self-restraint n.自制 = self-controlWord List 101.salivary adj.唾液的, 分泌唾液的【记】saliva唾液。同根:salivate(v.分泌唾液)2.saline adj.盐的, 苦

47、涩的;n.盐湖, 盐田【记】sal是表示“盐”,ine的后缀经常表示化学物品3.salient adj.极度显着突出的 = arresting【记】sal(跳)ient跳起来突出的【例】One of the salient features of that newspaper is its excellent editorial page.4.sage adj.具有智慧与镇定地判断能力的 = sagacious;n.智者(因经验丰富、判断力强与聪慧而受尊敬的人)【记】sag(敏锐)e智慧的. 【例】the Chinese sage Confucius中国的圣贤孔夫子5.sagacity n 聪慧;睿智 = sagaciousness【记】sagac 具有敏锐的洞察力【参】sagacious睿智的, 贤明的, 聪明的【例】a man of great sagacity and immense exper


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