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《2022年初中英语八大时态语态总复习时态讲解.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年初中英语八大时态语态总复习时态讲解.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -中学英语八大时态语态总复习时态讲解一般现在时态【展现平台】1 一般现在时态用来表示常常, 反复, 习惯性发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频率的副词 sometimes(有时) , often(常常) , usually(通常) , always(总是)等连用.时间状语in the morning/ afternoon/ evening(在上午 / 下午/ 晚上) , every day/ week/ month/ year(每天 / 周/ 月/ 年, at noon/night(在中午 / 夜里) , o

2、n Monday/Tuesday(在星期一 / 二)等也可用在一般现在时态中.如:Bruce usually walks to school.布鲁斯通常步行去上学.We have two P.E classes every week.我们每周上两节体育课.2 表示现在的特点或状态.如:She is always ready to help others.她总是乐于助人.He is 13 years old.他 13 岁了.3 表示事实或客观真理,或在谚语中,也用一般现在时.如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day.太阳

3、每天东升西落.When there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成.4 一般现在时的基本句型1)确定句:主语 +动词原形 +其他 主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词-s+其他如: They live in China.他们住在中国.He likes eating apples.他喜爱吃苹果.2)否定句:主语+dont+动词原形 +其他 主语(第三人称单数) +doesnt+动词原形 +其他如: They don t live in China.他们不住在中国.He doesnt like eating apples.他不喜爱吃苹果.3)一般疑问句:Do+主语 +动

4、词原形 +其他. Does+主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词原形 +其他?如: Do they live in China.他们住在中国吗?Does he like eating apples.他喜爱吃苹果吗?【相关链接】当主语是第三人称单数时, 谓语动词用第三人称的单数形式.谓语动词的第三人称单数形式的变化规章如下:1)一般在动词后直接加s. 如: talktalks, livelives.2)以 s,x.,ch, sh 或 o 结尾的动词在其后加es.如: watchwatches,wash washes, gogoes.3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,把y 变成 i再加 es.如: car

5、ry carries, flyflies.4)特别的,如: have 的第三人称单数为has.【牵手中考】1. Bob often his mother with the housework on Sundays可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -A. helpB. helpingC. helpsD. helped【解析】依据题中的时间状语of

6、ten和 on Sundays可判定该句应用一般现在时态.主语 Bob 是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也应为单数加s,应选 C.2. What did the teacher say just now. He said that the earth round the sun.(福州)A. goB. goesC. wentD. will goII. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1I write to you as soon as I get to London.2. He doeanfteel well and not eat any food this morning.3. He not see

7、 me come in, for he read something wit h great interest.9. What your mother do at eight yesterday evening. She wash clothes.15. Will you come if he not come.19. I donktnow if Mr.Wang go to Shanghai tomorrow. If he go, I _ ask him take some books to my daughter, because she st udy there.III 单项挑选:1. T

8、he students will go to the Summer Palace if it tomorrow.A. don rtainB. doesnratinC. wontrain2. There an English film next week.A. will haveB. is going to have C. is going to be D. was going to be5. They the office at nine yesterday morning.A. reached toB. arrivedC. wentD. get to6. We shall go to Sha

9、nghai on business before you back next week.A. wil comeB. cameC. would comeD. come7. Dontsmoke until the plane off. A.takesB.tookC.was takenD.is take8. I saw her the room this morning.A. to enterB. enteredC. enterD. enters10. John is always others.A. helpB. helpingC. helpsD. to help二、一般过去时:概念:过去某个时间

10、里发生的动作或状态.过去习惯性、常常性的动作、行为.时间状语: ago, yesterday, theday before yesterday, last weekyear, night, month, in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc.基本结构: be 动词.行为动词否定形式: was/were+not;在行为动词前加didnt,同时仍原行为动词.一般疑问句: was 或 were 放于句首.用助动词do 的过去式 did 提问,同时仍原行为动词.1 一般过去时态

11、场用来表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态.常用时间状语有: yesterday (昨天) , lastnight (昨晚) , lastweek(上个星期) , four可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -days ago(四天前), in 2022(在 ), justnow(刚才), the day beforeyesterday(前天)

12、.如:He went to the park yesterday.她昨天去了公园.(表示过去某个时间发生的动作)I was ten years old in 2022.我 才 10 岁.(表示过去某个时间存在的状态)2 表示过去习惯性的动作也用一般过去时.此常常和表示频率的副词:always(总是), often(常常) , sometimes (有时)等连用.如:He always went to school early last year.他去年总是早早上学.3 表达去世的人所做的事往往也用一般过去时.如:Ying Zheng was the first king in China.赢政

13、是中国的第一个皇帝.4 一般过去时态的构成1)确定句:主语 +动词的过去式 +其他如: We enjoyed ourselves in the zoo yesterday.我们昨天在动物园里玩得很兴奋.2)否定句:主语 +didn t + 动词原形 +其他如: We didnt enjoy ourselves in the zoo yesterday.我们昨天在动物园里玩得不兴奋.3)一般疑问句: Did + 主语+动词原形 +其他如: Did you enjoy yourselves in the zoo yesterday.你们昨天在动物园里玩得兴奋吗?【相关链接】在一般过去时态中会涉及到

14、动词的过去式,大家要把握规章动词的过去式的变化规章.变化规章如下:1)一般情形下,在动词原形后直接ed .如: play played , looklooked. 2)以 e 结尾的动词在其后加d.如: likeliked, use used. 3)与辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,把y 变成 i再加 ed. 如: carry carried, marry - married.4)以重读闭音节(或r 音节)结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加 ed.如: stop stopped, preferpreferred.当然,刚才提到的都是规章动词的构成, 我们仍学过很多不规章动词的过去

15、式形式.如: put put, see saw, eat ate 等,这些可需要我们在课下牢牢记住哟;【牵手中考】1. What to her yesterday evening.A. was happenedB. happenedC. happeningD. happen2. Hi, Kate. You looktired. Whats the matter.I well last night.A. didnt sleep B. dont sleepC. hasn t slept D. wont sleep3. When you your old friends.The day before

16、 yesterday.A. will; visit B. did; visitC. / ; visitD. have; visited三、用所给动词的适当形式填空.1. I watch a cartoon on Saturday.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -2. Her father read a newspaper last nigh

17、t.3. We to zoo yesterday, we to the park. go4. you visit your relatives last Spring Festival.5. he fly a kite on Sunday. Yes, he .6. Gao Shan pull up carrots last National Day holiday.7. I sweep the floor yesterday, but my mother .8. What she find in the garden last morning. She find a beautiful but

18、terfly.9. It be Ben s birthday last F1r0id.aWy e all have a good time lastnight.三 现在进行时态1 现在进行时表示此时此刻正在发生的事或正在进行的动作.常和时间状语now, at the moment连用.如:They are singing at the moment.他们正在唱歌.Li Ming is making a report now.李明现在正在做报告2 表示现阶段正在发生的动作也用现在进行时来表达,此常常和时间状语thesedays连用.如: We are mending the car these

19、days.这些日子我们始终在修车.3 某些瞬时动词如 come, leave, arrive, die等用现在进行时表示将来,即这个动作将要发生.如: She says she is coming soon.她说她立刻就来.The match girl is dying.那个卖火柴的小女孩快要死了.4 现在进行时态的基本句型1)确定句:主语 +am/ is/ are + V-ing +其他.如: Nancy is reading a book now.南茜正在读书. The twins are playing in their bedroom.2)否定句:主语 +am/ is/ are + n

20、ot +其他.如:Nancy isn t reading a book now.南茜没有正在读书.The twins arent playing in their bedroom.那对双胞胎没有正在卧房里玩3 一般疑问句: Am/ Is/ Are+主语+ V-ing +其他?如:Is Nancy reading a book now.南茜正在读书吗?Are the twins playing in their bedroom.那对双胞胎正在卧房里玩吗?【相关链接】1 现在分词(即 V-ing形式)的构成1)一般在动词的后面直接加-ing.如:listen listening,look look

21、ing.2以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词,去 e 加 ing.如: taketaking , make making .3)以重读闭音节结尾, 且末尾只有一个辅音字母时, 双写这个辅音字母再加ing .如 sitsitting, stopstopping .4)特别的如: lie lying, die dying等.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - -

22、- -2 一般现在时和现在进行时的区分1)一般现在时用以说明客观事实或情形, 或用于强调动作的永久性或常常性;而现在进行时强调动作正在进行,而且这个动作常含有未完成之意.如:We usually have four classes in the morning.我上午通常上四节课.Why cant Lily go with me.丽丽为什么不能和我们一起去了?Because she is doing her homework now.由于她正在做作业. 2)always 用于一般现在时用于说明事实,一般不带有感情颜色.而现在进行时与 always (即 be always doing sth.

23、)连用,常表示说话人的某种感情,如:颂扬,批判,厌烦等.如:He always works late.他总是工作到很晚.(表示事实)He is always working late.他总是工作到很晚.(表示颂扬)He is always talking big.他老爱说大话.(表示厌烦)【牵手中考】1. Look. The boys happily in the river.A. swimB. swamC. will swimD. are swimming2. -Can your brother make a model airplane.-Yes, this week he a new m

24、odel.A. buildsB. is builtC. had builtD. is building3. Shall we invite Tom to play football now.Oh, no. He his clothes.A. is washingB. washesC. has washed二、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:1. The boy drawa picture now.2. Listen .Some girls singin the classroom .3. My mother cook some nice food now.4. What you do now.5.

25、 Look . They have an English lesson . 6.They not ,water the flowers now.7. Look. the girls dance in the classroom . 8.What is our son doing. She listen to music.9. It5so clock now. We havesupper now10. Helen wash clothes. Yes ,she is .三一般现在时和现在进行时练习题1. Who over there now.A. singingB. are singC. is s

26、ingingD. sing2. It s eight o clock. The students an Englishclass. A.haveB.havingC.is having D.are having 3. Listen. The baby in the next room.A. cryingB. criedC. is cryingD. cries4. Look. The twins new sweaters.A. are wearingB. wearingC. are wearD. is wearing 5. Don t talk here. Grandparents .可编辑资料

27、- - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -A . is sleepingB. are sleepingC. sleepingD. sleep6. Tom is a worker. He in a factory. His sisters in a hospital.A. work/ workB. works/ workC. work/ works 7. Who

28、English best in your class.A. speakB. speaksC. speaking8. Mrs Read the windows every day.A. is cleaningB. cleanC. cleans9. We music and often to music.A. like/ listenB. likes/ listensC. like/ are listening 10. She up at six in the morning.A. get B. gets C. getting11. The twins usually milk and bread

29、 for breakfast, but Jim some coffee for it.A. have/ haveB. have/ hasC. has/ have四、过去进行时:概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作.时间状语: at this time yesterday, at that time或以 when 引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等.基本结构: was/were+doing否定形式: was/were + not + doing.一般疑问句:把was 或 were 放于句首.过去进行时是表示过去某一时刻或某一时间内正在进行或发生的动作.可以从两个方面来懂

30、得:1 过去某一时刻正在进行或发生的动作.E.g. They were playing football at ten o clock yesterday morning.My mother was cooking when I got home.I waswashing my clothes at this time yesterday.2 过去某阶段连续进行的动作What were you doing during the holiday.另外,在复合句中, 如主要动作和背景动作是同时发生的,那么主从句都可用过去进行时 e.g. Jenny was reading while Danny

31、was writing.其结构是助动词 be 的过去形式 was/were +v-ing.其句式变化仍旧要在be 上做文章. E.g. We were working in class.We weren t working in class.Were you working in class.过去进行常常与过去某一特定时间的状语连用,如last night, at that time, at noon yesterday, last Sunday等. 也有时没有时间状语,要通过上下文的示意来确定用过去进行时. E.g. The students all worked hard. Everyon

32、e knew what he was working for.做题常常见错误如下:一、易把 be+现在分词记成be+过去分词例: He was talked talk to his mum at that time.答案: was talking解析:过去进行时与现在进行时结构上的区分表达在be 动词上.二、丢掉 be 动词或遗忘把动词变成现在分词可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - -

33、 - - - - - - - - - -例: 1 I watching watch TV when he came in.2 They were play play games at 5:00 p.m. yesterday.答案: 1 was watching2 were playing解析:现在进行时中 “ be现+ 在分词 ,缺一不行 ”的规律也可应用于过去进行时.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_三、对动词或动词词组提问时丢掉doing例: We were flying kites at 5:00 p.m. yesterday. 对 What were you at 5:0

34、0 p.m. yesterday.划线部分提问 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_答案: What were you doing at 5:00 p.m. yesterday.解析:现在进行时中 “Whatdoing”句.式同样适用于过去进行时. 四、易与现在进行时弄混例: My mother is cooking cookwhen I got home.答案: was cooking解析:这两种时态的共同点是都表示动作正在进行,但现在进行时前提是现在,而过去进行时前提是过去,由when I got home 可看出前提是过去.五、易与一般过去时弄混例:昨晚我在读一本故事书.I

35、read read a story book yesterday evening.答案: was reading解析:这两种时态的共同点是都用于表示过去发生的动作.但过去进行时强调动 作正在进行, 而一般过去时就表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,它表示的动作往往已经完成.“在”说明正在进行,而 “I read a story book yesterday可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_evening.时.的”意思是昨晚我读了一本故事书,言下之意已经读完了. 故用过去进行可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_另外,在宾语从句中当主句为过去时,从句如是现在进行时,

36、 需变成过去进行时.e.g. He said that he was drawing a cat at noon yesterday.专项训练:一 、单项1 What from three to four yesterday afternoon.A have you doneB had you doneC did you doD were you doing 2 I call you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.- Oh., I m sorry I dinner at my friend s home.A homeB hadC was

37、havingD have had 3 My mother while my father TV.A cooked; was watchingB was cooking; was watching C was cooked; watchedD cooked; watched4 When I got home, my son the music.A am listening toB listened toC was listening toD was listening 5 We heard a cry when we TV last night.A were watchingB would wa

38、tchC watchD watched6 She asked him whether he back for lunch. A comeB was comingC cameD had come7 Could you tell me when .可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -A she is comingB she was comingC

39、will be comeD is he coming 8 The teacher when I came into the classroom.A is drawingB drawsC has drawnD was drawing二 、填空1 they feed the animals at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. 2 Mrs. Green not wash clothes at this time yesterday. 3 Grandpa mend his clock when I reached home.4 As I walk in the park, I saw some children playing game.s可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载


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