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1、-新人教版七年级英语下册Unit5导学案-第 12 页Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?Section A 1a2d(听说课)编写: 王 静 审核:杨 熔 挂科领导:黄金富 使用者:_ 教师寄语:Love me ,love my dog . 爱屋及乌。学习目标:1. 掌握本课单词:panda, zoo, tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, animal, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary, kind, Australia, south, Africa, pet, leg, cat, sl

2、eep.2. 重点短语:kind of, South Africa, be from/ come from, walk on two legs, sleep all day. 3. 重点句型:Why do you like pandas? Because they are kind of cute. Where are they from? They are from China.重点、难点: 1. 重点单词,短语。 2. 重点句型及听力口语训练。学习过程:Step1、 感知(一) 了解话题歌曲呈现:Old Macdonald had a farm,欣赏歌曲回答问题:1. How many k

3、inds of animals are there on Old Macdonald had a farm ?2. Which animals have the “moo” sound ? 3.Where can we see more animals ?(二) 初听材料 1.听录音, 完成1b相应练习,核对答案。 2.与同伴对话练习完成1c。(三) 发现疑难 _step2、 内化(一)详听材料 1. 听录音,完成2a,2b和2c. 2.呈现听力材料,学生进行模仿朗读练习。3.学习2d. 默读对话,完成下列表格AnimalNameDescriptionCan doPeters petJenny

4、s moms pet(二)互动释疑1. Lets see the pandas first.让我们先看熊猫吧。 这是一个lets开头的祈使句,表示邀请,建议;意为“让我们吧”。lets是let us缩写,后面接动词原形。即let sb do sth肯定回答用That sounds interesting/ OK./All right./Yes, lets /All right或OK。否定回答用Sorry, I趁热打铁:Lets (play)volleyball, All right.Lets (go) to see a movie.Let me (tell) you about it.2.we

5、ll, because shes kind of boring. 嗯,因为它有点无聊。 kind of 是固定用法,常见口语中,意为“_”,修饰形容词时,可与a little互换。 eg:考拉有点害羞。 Koalas are _ of shy. kind可做名词,意为“_ ”。构成短语what kind of._ eg: 你喜欢哪种食品?_ _ _ food do you like? kind还可做形容词,意为“善良的、友好的”。他的妈妈是一个善良的女人。Her mother is a _ _.形近短语:all kinds of 各种各样different kinds of 不同种类的a ki

6、nd of 一种 3.she sleeps all day, her name is Lazy. 她整天睡觉,她的名字叫“懒妞”。 sleep作动词,意为“睡觉,睡着”,强调睡眠的持续状态。也可作名词,意为“睡觉, 睡眠”。常用短语:go to sleep “睡着,入睡”。4.be from句型询问“来自” 相当于come from5.he can walk on two legs.他会用两条腿走路。 on是介词,意为“靠,用”。walk on.表示“用某种方式行走” eg:他跪着走。He walks on his knees.(三)归纳总结 Step3、 拓展(一) 汇报点拨 单项选择1.

7、_ see the giraffes. A. Let B. Let we C. Lets 2. - _ do you like animals? - _ they are cute. A. Why, Because B. Why, So C. What, Because3. Do you want _?A. eat rice B. to eat rice C. to eat rices4. _ these tigers _ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, /5. I like koalas because they are _

8、friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of (二)训练展示 按要求完成句子1.I like monkeys because they are cute. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you like monkeys?2.us let pandas see. (连词成句)_3.do you tigers why like ? (连词成句)_4.The koala comes from Australia. (变否定句) The koala _ _ from Australia.5.He likes pandas very much. (变一般疑问句

9、) _ he _ pandas very much?6.Pandas are from China. (同义句转换) Pandas _ _ China.(三)反馈拓展 我的收获:_ 我的疑惑:_ Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ? Section A Grammar focusSectionA3c(读写课)编写:王 静 审核:杨 熔 挂科领导:黄金富 使用者:_ 教师寄语:Love me ,love my dog . 爱屋及乌。 学习目标: 1.重点语法:复习巩固why和where引导的特殊疑问句;because引导的句子表原因。Why do you like pa

10、ndas? Because theyre kind of interesting. Why does John like koalas? Because theyre very cute Why dont you like tigers? Because theyre really scary. Where are lions from? Theyre from South Africa.2. 重点单词和短语:friendly, shy, a lot, other, else重点、难点: 1. why 和 because 引导的句子。2.利用所学句型和单词短语编对话。学习过程:Step1、 感

11、知1.了解话题 询问来自哪里用_; 询问为什么用_; 回答原因用_2.翻译1). a lot_ 2). black and white_3). youre right _ 4). 你为什么不喜欢狮子? 5). 因为它们真的很恐怖。_3.完成第27页3a,3b。Step 2、内化(一)发现疑难1.They are from South Africa. 他们来自南非。 (1)South Africa 意为“南非”,其中south 用作形容词,意为“南方的,南部的”,后街名词。 South 还可作方位名词,意为“南,南方,南部”前面常加the。方位词还有:east(东),north(北),west(

12、西),southeast(东南),southwest(西南),northeast(东北),northwest(西北)。 (2)Africa 为专有名词,“非洲”,首字母大写,形容词形式为African, “非洲的,非洲人的”。2. 辨析smart,cute与clever 三者都有“聪明的,伶俐的”意思。Smart 指人时多指“乖巧,伶俐”。cute指“惹人喜爱的,漂亮的”,多指动物。clever多指人或动物脑子灵活、理解事物快。(二)归纳总结 _Step3、 拓展(一) 汇报点拨 翻译下列短语。1). friendly _ 2). shy _ 3). 美丽的_ 4). 懒惰的_ 5). Wha

13、t animals do you like? 6). I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart._(二)训练展示 句型转换,每空一词。1. Sam likes pandas very much. (对画线部分提问) Sam like very much?2. Julie likes koalas because theyre very interesting.(对画线部分提问) Julie koalas?3. Jim is from Canada.(改为同义句)4. Is the elephant from Africa?(改为同义句) the

14、 elephant Africa?5. The cat is kind of lazy.(改为同义句) The cat is lazy.(三) 反馈拓展 完形填空There is a zoo near my home.I often go there to _ the animals.There are many kinds of animals _ it.Theyre tigers,elephants,giraffes,koalas and so on(等)_ are very scary.I dont like _.I like elephants because theyre smart

15、.They can help people _ much work.Giraffes are beautiful.They eat leaves _ the trees.They dont eat _.Koalas are my favorite.They are very cute and interesting.Theyre from _.They also eat leaves,_ they dont eat meat.They sleep during the day and _ up at night.Do you like animals?Do you often go to th

16、e zoo?What animals do you like?Well,can you write and tell me about them?1Asee Blike Chave Dlook2Aon Bin Cof Dat3AZoos BAnimals CDogs DTigers4Ahis Bit Cthem Dthey5Ado Benjoy Cwant Dfind6Aat Bon Cin Dwith7Agrass Bfood Cvegetables Dmeat8ACanada BChina CAmerica DAustralia9Aso Bbut Cbecause Dif10Ago Bst

17、and Cget Dtake 我的收获:_ 我的疑惑:_ Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?Section B1aSectionB1d(听说课) 编写:王 静 审核:杨 熔 挂科领导:黄金富 使用者:_ 教师寄语:Love me ,love my dog . 爱屋及乌。 学习目标: 1.学会用下列词描述动物:(smart,beautiful,lazy,small,friendly,cute,scary,shy.) 2.能正确表达自己的喜好并陈述原因。 重点、难点: 能正确使用why,what和where引导的特殊疑问句进行回答。Step1、感知(一)了解话题引入:T

18、: Can you describe the tigers? 谈论1a图片 (二) 初听材料1.按要求完成Section B 1a中的练习;2.听力练习:听听力,完成Section B 1b 。 (三)发现疑难 完成下列对话并根据下列句型进行操练; A: What animals do you like? B: I like _. A: Why? B: Because they are _ . Step2、 内化(一)详听材料 1.完成1c听力。 2.分角色朗读1d对话,学生示范表演。(二) 互动释疑1. friendly 友好的friendly形容词,意为“友好的”,其反义词为unfrien

19、dly“不友好的”。Eg: The old woman is very friendly. 那位老妇人非常友好。拓展:(1)be friendly to sb.意思是“对某人友好”,指对别人的态度好、热情,相当于be kind to sb.。Eg: My classmates are all friendly to me. 我同学都对我很友好。(2) be friendly with sb. 意思是“和某人关系好”或“与某人要好”。Eg: The classmates in our class are friendly with each other.我们班上的同学相互关系都很好。即学即练:-

20、How are you getting along with(相处) your new classmates ?-Very well. They are all me.A. afraid of B. friendly to C. angry with D. sorry for 2. shy 羞怯的;腼腆的shy形容词,意为“羞怯的;腼腆的”,在句中可作定语、表语。Eg:She is a quiet, shy girl. 她是一个安静、害羞的女孩。 She is very shy with strangers. 她在陌生人面前很害羞。3.But I like tigers a lot .但是我很

21、喜欢老虎。a lot是固定短语,意思是“很;非常”,在句子中做副词,相当于very much.a lot 还可以表示“许多,大量”,做名词短语,相当于many/much,与fewlittle相对。a lot of表示“许多,大量”,相当于_/_/_,后接_或_,常用于肯定句。练习:用a lot, a lot of 填空1.I love you _. 2. I learn _ from the book .3.There are _ people at the party . 4.I wast (浪费)_ time .(三)归纳总结 Step3、 拓展(一)汇报点拨 单项选择1. _ these

22、 tigers _ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, /2. I like koalas because they are _ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 3. -_ he _ breakfast at home? - Yes. A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has4. Does this lion _ from Africa or America? A. be B. is C. come D. go 5. -What _

23、do you like ? - I like penguins(企鹅). A. sports B. subjects C. music D. Animals(二)训练展示 根据汉语意思完成句子(1)我有点冷。I am cold.(2)这只老虎3岁了。The tiger is 3 _ _ .(3)他喜欢吃什么水果?_ fruit _he like ?(4)他想玩电脑游戏.He play computer games.(5)欢迎来到我们学校 to our school.(6)狮子惹人喜爱。The lions _ _.(7)咱们先读第三单元吧_read Unit 3_.(8)但我很喜欢熊猫.But

24、I _pandas _ _?(三)反馈拓展用下列单词的适当形式完成短文,每词只能用一次。beautiful, Chinese, old, this, eat, sleep, quiet(1) _ is Lily. She is five years (2) _ and she is from (3) _.She(4) _ bamboo (竹子). She is very (5) _ and she likes to (6) _. So please be (7) _. Do you love her?我的收获:_我的疑惑:_ Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ? se

25、ction B 2aSelf Check(读写课)编写:王 静 审核:杨 熔 挂科领导:黄金富 使用者:_ 教师寄语:Love me ,love my dog . 爱屋及乌。 学习目标: 1. 掌握本课单词: save, flag, forget, place, water, danger, cut, down, tree, kill, over,2. 重点短语:get lost, be in (great)danger, cut down, (be) made of, one of, 重点、难点: 1.重点词汇:save, forget 2.重点短语:get lost, be in (gre

26、at)danger, cut down, (be) made of, one of, 3.重点语法知识点。4.浏览,跳读,信息归纳和建构思维导图的阅读技能。学习过程:Step1、 初读(一)新课导入 翻译1. save the elephants 2. one of Thailands symbols 3. get lost _ 4. be in great danger_ 5. 砍倒_ 6. made of ivory_ 7. An elephant never forgets. 8. People also kill elephants for their ivory. 背景文化介绍:象与

27、泰国 大象是泰国的象征。 它在泰国人的心目中有极为重要的地位在泰国大象的形象随处可见, 上至国王下至百姓几乎人人爱象。在古代, 泰国人作战时, 大象就如同战马一样,战士们以大象为坐骑冲锋陷阵,君主以白象作为御骑以增神威。在宗教方面, 泰国以佛教为国教, 相传佛主释迦牟尼是在其母亲梦见白象后诞生,因而古往今来白象成为泰国的镇国瑞兽,象征昌盛吉兆。(二)初听快读 听并读2b录音,圈出难点词语。 (三)问题初探仔细默读文章,找出每一段落的主题句及文章的中心句。第一段主题句:_.第二段主题句:_.第三段主题句:_.请根据段落主题句在文章右上角的候选项中为本文选出最佳标题:_Step2、 精读(一) 再

28、听精读 再听2b录音,跟读理解。(二) 探究质疑 小组讨论找出文章中的困难语句。(三)互动解惑1. save 是一个动词,意为“救,救助”。 例句:我们必须救它们。We must _ _.另外,做动词时还有“贮存,储蓄、节省、保存等意思。节约水_ 贮存食物_2. “one of.”意为.之一.,后接可数名词复数形式。one of.结构做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例句:我的一个同学来自云南。_ _my classmates _ from Yunnan.3. symbol是一个名词,意为_.常用短语a/the symbol of.表_. 例句:白鸽是和平的象征。The dove is _ _ _

29、 the peace(和平)。4. danger 是一个名词,意为“危险”,常用短语 be in danger意为“处于危险中”。 danger前可用great修饰,表示“巨大的”.(be) in (great) danger 意为“处于(极大)危险之中”;(be) out of danger意为“脱离危险”。例句:那个男孩会面临巨大的危险。The boy can _ _ _ _.5.forget (v.)意为“忘记”,常用短语:forget to do sth 意为“忘记要作某事” (事情还没做);forget doing sth 意为”忘记做过某事“(事情已做,但是忘了。)Eg: Dont

30、 forget to close the door. 不要忘记关门(门还没关)I forgot closing the door. 我忘记已经关上门了。(门已经关了)6.Isnt she beautiful ?1.本句是一个否定疑问句,否定疑问句通常以be动词、情态动词或助动词与not的缩写形式开头,可表示说话者惊异的情绪、责难的口吻或赞叹;也可表说话者的某种建议、邀请、请求或看法等。2.否定疑问句的回答与一般疑问句的回答一样,凡与事实相符的用Yes,不相符的用No。但翻译时,要将Yes翻译为“不”;要将No翻译为“是的”。翻译:-Doesnt she want to buy ? _-Yes

31、,she does./No, she doesnt ._选择:1.-Isnt he a reporter ? -_.Hes an English teacher in our school . A.No, he is B. Yes, he is C. Yes,he isnt. D.No,he isnt2.- Cant she a cook.(厨师)? -She always make delicious food for us. A.Yes,she is. B.No,she isnt. C.No,she is.Step3、 拓展(一)汇报点拨 根据思维导图小组分工,复述课文。(二)内化训练 翻

32、译下列句子:1.大象在泰国是祥瑞之兆_2.大象是一种聪明的动物,它们能长途跋涉却从不迷路。_3.大象还能记得住有食物和水的地方,这有助于它们生存。_4.人们大肆伐木,大象们无家可归。_5.人们为牟利象牙杀害大象,大象濒临灭绝的危险。_6. 不要买象牙做的东西,停止砍伐树木,让我们行动起来拯救大象吧!(三)写作拓展 完成教材3b作文我的收获:_我的疑惑:_Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 3aSelf check(读写课)编写:邓艾萍 审核:蒲佳丽 挂科领导:黄金富 使用者:_ 教师寄语:Love me ,love my dog . 爱屋及乌。 学

33、习目标:1.复习本单元重要词组和句型。 学习过程:Step1、 初读 知识回顾重点句子复习:1. 让我们先看熊猫吧。_2. 你最喜欢什么动物?_3. 你还喜欢其他什么动物? _4. 你为什么喜欢熊猫? _5. 因为它很可爱并还有点有趣 7. 熊猫不是很聪明,容易忘记事情,但是它对人们很友好。_8. 熊猫来自中国,是中国的象征,但现在正濒临灭绝。_(二)问题初探 1写出你知道的单词(英文和中文),看谁写得又多又好:动物:panda (熊猫) 形容词:interesting(有趣的) 2. I like pandas _ they are beautiful.A. soB. and C. because3. Many children like koala bears because they are _.A. lazy B. scaryC. cute4. 玲玲很害羞,所以请安静。 Lingling is very _, so please _ _.5. Molly is twelve years old. (对划线


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