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《世界著名建筑(英语课堂演讲).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《世界著名建筑(英语课堂演讲).ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Some World famous architecture,北京故宫Forbidden City, Beijing,Construction place: located in the Centre of Beijing, Tiananmen Square North 1 Km, Jingshan South Gate opposite,Construction time: Built 1406 ,1420 basic completion,承德避暑山庄Chengde Mountain Resort,Construction time: Founded in 1703 ,Built in 8

2、9 time-consuming Construction place: Located in northern chengde city, hebei province of China,长城 the Great Wall,Construction time: The existing wall is built in the 14th century Construction place:JiaYuGuan west, east of the bank of the yalu river,白宫The White House,Construction time:Went into opera

3、tion on October 13, 1792 , and completed on November 1, 1800 Construction place:Lie in Pennsylvania Avenue of the urban area centre of Washington of U.S.A.,自由女神像Statue of Liberty,Construction time:The statue project went into operation in 1874, totally completed by 1884 Construction place:Located in

4、 the nearby freedom island of New York of New York of U.S.A.,埃菲尔铁塔Eiffel Tower,Construction place: located in the Paris Mars square,Construction time: Jan. 27 1887 -March 31, 1889,凯旋门triumphal arch,Construction place: Located in the central plaza of Paris Charles DE gaulle star,Construction time: La

5、id a foundation on August 15, 1806, Completed on July 29, 1836,卢浮宫Muse du Louvre,玻璃金字塔Glass pyramid,Construction time:1989 Construction place:On Times river of London of Britain,大笨钟Big Ben,Construction place:Located in the north of Houses of Parliament on the riverside of Times of London of Britain,

6、Construction time:Built it in 1859,伦敦桥Tower Bridge,Construction time:1176-1209 Construction place:On Times river of London of Britain,克里姆林宫Moscow Kremlin,Construction time:Established in 1156 Construction place:Lie in the center of Moscow of Russia,红场Red Square,Construction time:Lie in the capital c

7、enter of Moscow of Russia Construction place: it Built in 1873,泰姬陵Taj Mahal,Construction time: Began to start building in 1631, it lasted 22 years Construction place: In Agra (Agra) of northern Nation of India of today, receive right side of the river inferiorly and solemnly,金字塔pyramid,Construction

8、time:Probably 2700-2500 B.C. Construction place:Lucky Sa plateau near Cairo of Egypt,比萨斜塔The Leaning Tower of Pisa,Construction time: Established in 1173 Construction place: Lie behind Rome type cathedral of Pizza city on the right side,悉尼歌剧院Sydney Opera House,Construction time:Disclosed and collected the design works from all parts of the world from 1955, opened formally on October 20 of A.D. 1973 Construction place:Shellfishs Buddhist nuns bright cape of Sydney of Australia,帆船酒店Lugger Hotel,Thank you !,


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