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1、-九年级上英语Unit2导学案-第 11 页九年级上英语Unit 2. I think that mooncakes are delicious.(Period 1)编制人:【学习目标】:知识目标:学习并掌握mooncake, lantern, stranger, relative,pound等重点单词及短语put on等;了解由that, if , whether引导的宾语从句和感叹句;能力目标:通过对话练习,角色扮演等活动中,能初步运用目标语言谈论有关节日的话题;情感目标:了解中外各种节日习俗,关注中外文化,乐于接受外国习俗。【学习重难点】:学习使用宾语从句和感叹句描述相关的节日。能够联系

2、实际,运用所学目标语言表达自己对节日的看法。【学习方法指导】:利用有关节日的图片,认识相关节日的英语表述。初步感知宾语从句和感叹句。【预习案】一 你了解中外节日吗,请将相关信息连线。 Festival Specials(特色)Dragon Boat Festival mooncakes, watch the moonSpring Festival zongzi, dragon boat raceThanks Giving DaySanta Clause, Christmas treeMid-autumn Festival dumplings, family mealChristmaseat t

3、angyuan, Lantern Festivalturkey, say thanks to others二、阅读 p10-2d完成下列问题。1. _is the hottest month of the year in ChiangMai.2. When is the water festival in Thailand?_3. What do people do in Thai New Year?_4. Why do people throw water at each other?_【探究案】探究一:温故感叹句(找到1a,What a great day!)感叹句:是表示惊讶、赞美、喜悦

4、、愤怒等情感的句子,通常由_或_引导。常见结构: 1)What a/an形容词可数名词的单数(主语谓语)! 他是多么聪明的一个男孩啊!What _ _ boy he is! 2)What形容词不可数名词(主语谓语)! 今天的天气真好!What_ _ it is today! 3)How形容词或副词(主语谓语)! 这个故事多么有趣啊!_ _ the story is! 那个男孩跑得真快啊! _ _ the boy runs! 探究二:感知宾语从句。(仔细读1b中的句子,你会发现什么?)1. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting

5、to watch.2. Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year.结论:由一个句子来构成主句的宾语的句子,称之为:_1,2两句中的连接词是_和_.即学活用:1.She believes _ I _ _ _.(她相信我一定会成功的)2.I want to know. Is she at home?合并句子I want to know _ _ _at home.九年级上英语Unit 2. I think that mooncakes are delicious.(Period 2)编制人:【学习目标】:1.知识目标:1)单词:f

6、olk,goddess,whoever,steal,lay,dessert,garden,tradition,admire2)词组:in the shape of,traditional folk stories,shoot down,live forever,fly up to. call out, lay out, admire the moon,share.with., as a result2.技能目标:能读懂3a短文,解决课后问题(3b,3c)。【学习重难点】:学习重点:读懂短文,掌握部分短语的用法。学习难点:如何提高阅读速度。【学习方法指导】:结合短文前的三个问题去读文章,掌握大意

7、及关键短语的用法。【预习案】1、单词过关民间的,民俗的_ 女神_ 偷,窃取_ (过去式_ 过去分词_ )安置,放置_ (摆开_ 下蛋_ )花园,园子_ 甜点_ 欣赏,仰慕_2、短语过关的形状_ 寄托人们对的祝福_传统的民间故事_ 在中秋之夜_最令人感动的_ 射下,击落_长生不老_ 飞向月亮_大声呼喊的名字_ 结果_的传统_ 和分享_结果_ 赏月_【课堂互动】 完成3a课文学习并交流1、快速阅读课文,完成3a任务并交流意见2、仔细阅读课文,完成3b任务并核对答案3、默读课文第1段,回答问题:How long have people celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival?_

8、Do we celebrate it during the day or at night? _4、默读课文第2段,判断正误:( ) There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.( ) A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine before he shot down the nine suns( ) Change refused to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all( ) One night, Feng Meng f

9、ound that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.( ) Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.【探究案】探究一:Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.have been celebrating 是现在完成进行时,其结构为“have/h

10、as been +_”。现在完成进行时表示动作在迄今为止的一段时间内曾经延续进行或目前仍在继续并有可能一直继续下去,强调动作持续进行的状态。常和“for + 时间段”或“since + 时间点”连用。探究二:He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.1. lay out 意为“_”,lay 动词,意为“放置,安放”。其过去式和过去分词均为_,现在分词为_.2. lay 作动词,还可意为“_,_”其过去式和过去分词为_ _探究三:辨析hope 和 wishwish表某种强烈的愿望时,后加从句,一般表示难以

11、实现的愿望。从句常用虚拟语气。“希望做某事”_“希望某人做某事”_wish + that 从句 “希望” e.g. I wish I can fly.表示美好的祝愿。wish + 宾语 + 宾语补足语(形容词或名词)e.g. 我希望你幸福开心。_hope表示可以实现的或能达成的愿望。“希望做某事”_hope + that 从句 “希望” e.g. We hope that we can see you again.注:没有hope sb. to do sth. 的用法。探究四:复习感叹句用法1. What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!2. What+(形容词)+可数名词复

12、数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!3. How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!将下列句子改为感叹句1. Tom is a clever boy. What_! How_!2. The flower is beautiful. What_! How_! 3. The book is very interesting. What_! How_! 4. The weather is sunny. What_! How_! 5. The work is very hard. What_! How_! 九年级上英语Unit 2. I think that mooncakes are delicious.(Per

13、iod 3)编制人:【学习目标】短语:one, the other, giveto,take out, more and more popular句子:Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?I believe that there are many ways to show our love.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. 【学习重难点】1. 学会运用宾语从句来表达句子。2. 学会运用what和how表达

14、对某事物的感叹。【情感目标】通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操。【使用说明与方法指导】:同学们应结合导学案中的语法讲解进行预习,并提前做好习题。如有不明白的句子做出记号,以备课堂中提出疑问。【探究案】探究一:宾语从句的分类1. I know who he is . 2. Our success depends on how well we can cooperate with one another.3. Im afraid(that)Ive made a mistake. 合作归纳:宾语从句放在_、_、_之后,充当复合句中的 _。探究

15、点二:引导宾语从句的引导词Task1观察例句: 1.Lin Tao feels (that) his own team is even better. 2.He said (that) he would like to see the headmaster.3.His teacher said (that) the book was very interesting and that you can read it.【合作归纳】一、当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定句),连词由_引导,在从句中_成分,_意义,在口语或非正式文体中常_,但是当并列第二个以上的宾语从句,或有插入语时不能省略_.

16、小试牛刀:1.The teacher told us _.(明天要考试)2.The teacher said he was happy about the result and _we should work harder.Task2观察例句:1.Lily wanted to know if /whether her grandma liked the handbag .2.She asked me if /whether she could borrow these books .3.I dont know whether or not I will stay. 4.I worry abou

17、t whether I hurt her feelings.二、当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词_或_ 引导,翻译成_,_ 意义,_省略。如果从句中含有or或or not时,只能用_ 而不用_ 。介词后面的宾语从句只能用_ 不能用 _ . 小试牛刀:(1、2题转换句子,3、4、5填连词)1.I wonder _ he will come here tomorrow.3. Were worried about _ he is safe.4. I dont know _ or not he is well.Task3观察例句:1.Do you know what he said just now

18、?2.I dont remember when we arrived .3.I asked him where I could get so much money . 4.Please tell me who (whom) we have to see .三、当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由连接代词_或连接副词_ 引导,_成分,_意义,_省略。宾语从句的语序用 _语序:_跟踪练习:1.He asked _.(谁能回答这个问题) 2. Please tell me _.(他在哪里)3. Can you tell me _?(我怎样才能学好英语)4. Could you tell me _?(火车为何

19、晚点)探究三、时态1. 主句是一般现在时,从句的时态根据需要而定。1. I know (that) he _ (join) the League in 1985.2. I see that they _ (play) football over there.3. Tell me where he _ (live).4. I want to know how long you _(have) this bike.5. I hear that he _(come) tomorrow. 2.主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的某一时态I knew who_ (live) here. I saw she _

20、(talk) with her mother. He asked whether his father _(come) back tomorrow. He said that he _ (see) it . 3.当从句是客观事实普遍真理时用一般现在时。 The teacher said that the sun_(travel)around the earth . It was true that there _(be) twelve months in a year.注意事项could / would是委婉语气,而不是过去式,因此宾语从句的时态根据实际情况用不同时态。 Could you p

21、lease tell me where we_(show) our tickets ? Would you like to know when he _( come) back ? 学习宾从三注意,时态语序和连词。时态主从要呼应:主句若为现在时,从句时态随句意;主句若为过去时,从句时态变过去;宾从若是表真理,时态不变无质疑。语序要用陈述序,切莫照搬疑问句。That 连接陈述句,省与不省要注意。从句若表“是否”时,if / whether要慎记。特殊问句作宾语,仍用原来疑问词。三个问题需牢记,切莫丢东忘了西。九年级上英语Unit 2. I think that mooncakes are del

22、icious.(Period 4)编制人:【学习目标】1. 学习了解圣诞节的有关知识和中国的传统节日2. 复习并能熟练的运用感叹句和宾语从句。3. 理解圣诞节精神所在:向周围的人给与爱和送去欢乐。【阅读技巧】Inferring 推断【预习案】一写出下列短语的英文表达1. 圣诞节_ (圣诞树_; 圣诞礼物_; 圣诞老人_ ; 圣诞袜_; 圣诞前夕_ )2. 愚人,傻瓜_ (笨的,愚蠢的_;愚人节_) 3. 平躺,处于_(过去式_;过去分词_;现在分词_)4. 死的,失去生命的_ (死v._; n._;快要死的_)5. 生意,事业_(繁忙的_;商人_;商人复数形式_;因公出差_)6. 惩罚_; 被

23、惩罚_7. 警告,告诫_(警告某人做某事_; 警告某人别做某事_; 提醒某人注意_about_)8. 礼物_ (同义词_)9. 温暖,暖和 n._; 温暖的 adj._二阅读2b短文,在文中找出下列短语1. .的真正含义 _ 10. 使某人想起. _ 2. .的重要性 _ 11.提醒某人做某事_3. .的例子 _ 12. 醒来_4. 关心 _ 13. 发现,找出,查明_5. 挣钱 _ 14. 决定做某事 _6. 被惩罚 _ 15. 改变某人的生活/人生_7.需要帮助的人 _ 16. 承诺做某事 _8. 结束;告终 _ 17. 处于困境中,需要帮助_9. 带某人回到. _ 18. 用善良与热情待

24、人_三完成下列句子1. He punished the boy for _ (copy) homework.2. 这位老师经常警告我们不要抄作业。 The teacher often _ us _ _ _ homework.3. 她现在用温暖和善良对待每一个人。 She now treats everyone with _ and kindness.4. 圣诞老人把爱和快乐传播给他去的每个地方。 Father Christmas _ love and joy everywhere he goes.四 完成课本第14页2a.五 Fast-reading 快速阅读课文,回答2b问题。1. What

25、 are the common things that people think of for Christmas?2. Who wrote A Christmas Carol?3. What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas?【探究案】Careful-reading一 再读一遍2b,完成2c中的表格二 运用阅读策略inferring(推测),完成2d中的问题。1. Why does Scrooge hate Christmas?2. Does Scrooge have a lot of friends? Why or why not?3.

26、Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died?4. Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge? How do you know?5. How does Scrooge feel when he wakes up on Christmas Day?6. What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits?三完成3a中的表格。谈谈你最喜爱的中国传统节日。Unit 2 词汇检测1. We often eat m_ in Mid-Autumn Festival.2. The

27、re are so many _ (灯笼)in the shop. 3. Dont talk to s_ on the street.4. He is one of my _(亲戚) 5. I ve _ _ five kilos this summer vacation.6. He spent one hundred_ on the food.7.There are many traditional _ (民间的)stories about this festival.8. Nowadays, we often call the girl you like best g_.9. W_ you

28、are, you must follow the rules at school.10.The thief_ (偷) my money yesterday. 11. I l_ the papers on the desk.12. He _ the map _ on the table.(展开,摆开)13. I like to eat ice-cream for _ (甜点).14.we can see a lot of flowers in the g_.15. There is a _(传统)in my family that we have a party in Chinese _ (传统

29、的)festival. 16. I really _ (欣赏,佩服)you for your hard-working.17.He bought two _(领带) for his father.18. They _ (绑)the bad man to a chair.19.I read a frightening(可怕的) story which took place in a h_ house.20. I dont believe there is _ (鬼)in the world.The kids are always playing t_ on their teacher.Dont

30、worry the cost, Ill _(招待)you.All the s_ have eight legs.24. In Western countries,C_is the most important festival.25. When my mother came home, I was l_ on the sofa.26. I like reading _ (小说)in my free time.27. In China, we often send apples to friends on Christmas _.(夜,前夕)28. His grandma _ _ _ (die)

31、 for ten years.29. It s been a pleasure to do _ (生意)with you .30. The man p_ his son for telling lies.31. The police w_ us not to go out at night.32. We _ _ going home on foot. (结果)33. What is your _ (现在的)job?34. What can I get him for a birthday _ (礼物)?35. The sun gives us_ (warm) and light.36. The radio _ (传播)the news as soon as the game finished.


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