八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou'll have a great time综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版(9页).doc

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1、-八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party,youll have a great time综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版-第 10 页Unit 10 综合水平测试听力部分 (20分)一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1.Can you give me some advice?2What will happen if you have the party today?3Whats your problem?4When is a good time to have the meeting?5What do you think I

2、 should do?( B )1.A.It doesnt matter.BSure.CThats right.( A )2.A.Many students wont come to it. BIm glad to hear that.CI dont mind it.( B )3.A.Im going to be a doctor. BI always forget things.CI practice English every day.( A )4.A.Lets have it tomorrow. BSounds boring.COnce a week.( B )5.A.By subway

3、. BCall Maria. CTwenty minutes.二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:W:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?M:Sure.Im free on Saturday.( B )6.When will the girl have a party?AOn Saturday morning. BOn Saturday afternoon.COn Saturday evening.听力材料:W:Tom,will you hang out with us today?M:Sorry.If I

4、hang out with you,I wont finish my homework.( A )7.What does Tom have to do today?ADo his homework. BWash the dishes.CHang out with friends.听力材料:W:Im going to wear a skirt to school.M:If you do,the teacher wont let you in.( C )8.What shouldnt the girl wear to school?AHer Tshirt. BHer jeans. CHer ski

5、rt.听力材料:W:Dave,are you going to college or work?M:Im not sure,Susan.( A )9.What are Dave and Susan talking about?ADaves plan. BDaves job. CDaves college.听力材料:W:Cindy likes traveling around the world.M:Really?She has the same hobby as my brother Joe.( A )10.What does Joe like?ATraveling. BTalking wit

6、h Cindy.CListening to Cindy.三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听下面一段较长对话,回答第1112两个小题。听力材料:M:Hi,Tina!Lets go to the school party.W:OK,Robert.But wheres my school ID card?If I dont take it,the teacher wont let me in.M:Is it in your schoolbag?W:No,oh,my God!Where is it?M:Look!Its in your hand.( C )11.Where ar

7、e Tina and Robert going?ATo the theater. BTo a birthday party.CTo the school party.( A )12.What is Tina looking for?AHer school ID card. BHer bank card.CHer schoolbag.听下面一段较长对话,回答第1315三个小题。听力材料:W:Hello,John.Theres a basketball game on TV this evening.M:Really?What time will it start?W:At 8:00.I thin

8、k youll like it.M:Yes,I love basketball.I want to be a great basketball player when I grow up.W:If your dream comes true,all of us will be very happy.M:Thanks.Will you watch the game this evening,Lisa?W:No.I have to study for the math test.Im not good at math,you know.M:Well,my uncle is a math teach

9、er.If he helps you,I believe youll get better grades.( B )13.When will the basketball game start?AAt 7:00 pm. BAt 8:00 pm. CAt 9:00 pm.( A )14.Who wants to be a basketball player?AJohn. BLisa. CJohns uncle.( C )15.What will Lisa have to do this evening?ATo clean her room. BTo do the dishes.CTo study

10、 for her math test.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:Hi,everybody.I am Diana.I come from America.I studied at a high school in Boston.Ill go to college next month.After college,I think I will be a reporter.Its my dream job.If I become a reporter,Ill work for a famous TV station.I will travel around and

11、 write some articles about traveling.I like traveling and thats my hobby.When I was at my high school,I worked for my school newspaper.I think I learned a lot from that.I am sure my dream will come true.( B )16.Which city did Diana study at a high school in?ALondon. BBoston. CSydney.( B )17.When wil

12、l Diana go to college?ANext week. BNext month. CNext year.( A )18.What does Diana think she will be?AA reporter. BA host. CA writer.( B )19.What will Diana do?AShe will travel around and make friends with others.BShe will travel around and write some articles about traveling.CShe will travel around

13、and write some articles about funny things.( C )20.What did Diana work for when she was at her high school?AHer school TV station.BHer schools traveling club.CHer school newspaper.笔试部分 (100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)( B )21.How do you usually go to school?By _ subway.But I took _ taxi yesterday.Aa;theB/;

14、aCthe;aD/;/( C )22.When I have problems _ my schoolwork,I often ask my classmates for help.Afor Bof Cwith Dat( D )23.Most of us thought Alice wasnt able to do the job because she had little _.Aexercise BdifferenceCdiscussion Dexperience( C )24.Why was Nancy so _?Oh,because she lost her wallet just n

15、ow.Asurprised Bglad Cupset Drich( B )25.Do you think Bill will love this gift?Hell _ love it.This is his favorite book.Afinally Bcertainly Ccarefully Dhardly( C )26.Im busy with my schoolwork these days.Thats great!You wont get good grades _ you study hard.(易错题)Auntil Bbecause Cunless Dthough( D )27

16、.Dont worry.Your son is old enough to look after _.Amyself Byourself Cherself Dhimself( A )28.Finally,we all decided to _ a concert for the coming New Years Day.Aorganize Bdraw Cserve Dforward( B )29.Im afraid we dont have enough rooms for our guests _.Ato live Bto live inCliving in Dto living( A )3

17、0.Its best _ about personal things in the office.Your work is more important.Anot to talk Bto not talkCnot to talking Dto not talking( A )31.Alice doesnt want to do it now,so we have to find _ to do it.Asomebody else Belse anybodyCelse somebody Dnobody else( C )32.Jane has few friends.Shes _ shy _ t

18、alk to anyone she doesnt know.Aso;that Benough;to Ctoo;to Dsuch;that( B )33.Jenny,do you know _ Mr. Smith?(易错题)Maybe hes in his office.You can go and have a look.Ahow I found Bwhere to findCwhere I found Dhow to find( B )34.Helen,do you know if Martin _ to my party next week?I think he will come if

19、he _ free.(易错题)Awill come;will be Bwill come;isCcomes;is Dcomes;will be( D )35.Lets go swimming this Sunday,Jake._.AIts a pleasure BYoure welcomeCThanks a lot DThats a good idea六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)“The next class is geography.Im _36_ with it.Lets cut the class and go for a walk!” Grace said to Karen

20、.In fact,Karen liked geography.She had no idea what she _37_ do.“If I _38_ Graces invitation,she will be angry with me,” she thought.“But if I go with her,I _39_ catch the class.” It was difficult for her to say no to Grace.Then Karen remembered Moms words,“Remember who you are.And _40_ do the right

21、 thing.”“Im sorry,Grace,” Karen said.She finally made the right _41_And she _42_ Grace to take the class,too.“We have lots of time for a _43_ after school,dont we?Wed better take the class,_44_ we will probably fail (不及格) the final exam.I dont want the teacher to call our parents.”Finally,the two gi

22、rls sat in the geography classroom and listened to the teacher _45_Did you ever have the experience like Karen?What did you do?( B )36.A.glad Bbored Csad Dsurprised( C )37.A.must Bneed Cshould Dcould( A )38.A.refuse Baccept Cchoose Ddisagree( B )39.A.will Bwont Ccan Dmay( A )40.A.always Bhardly Cnev

23、er Dalmost( D )41.A.invitation Bdiscussion Cplan Ddecision( D )42.A.expected Bsent Cpromised Dadvised( C )43.A.meeting Bgame Cwalk Dmovie( D )44.A.though Bif Cunless Dor( B )45.A.beautifully Bcarefully Ccomfortably Dprobably七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计20分)ADear Mrs. Mills,I feel so upset.My mom always looks at

24、her phone and never listens to me.I say,“Hey,Mom.Mom!Mom.” And this usually goes on for a few minutes until she shouts,“What?” Then she goes on looking at her phone.My aunt has a fiveyearold son named Eli,and my mom loves him.Once I was swimming in the pool with my swimming glasses.I dislike swimmin

25、g without them.My mom was there and said,“Eli can swim without glasses.” And I said,“So can II just dont like that.” She kept talking about him.Finally I got angry and shouted,“Maybe Eli should be your son.” And she said,“Yes,he should.”When we were leaving,she asked,“Whats wrong?” She even didnt re

26、alize her words had hurt (伤害) me.What should I do?Please help!Yours,Susan( A )46.Susan writes the email to _.Aask for help Bgive some adviceCsay thanks Dmake an invitation( D )47.Mom always _ when Susan tries to talk with her.Alistens to her Btalks to othersCwatches TV Dlooks at the phone( B )48.Mom

27、 talked about Eli when she saw Susan _.Aplaying with Eli Bwearing swimming glassesCtalking with her aunt Ddoing her homework( A )49.Susan felt _ about Moms words.Asad Bsurprised Cnormal Dfunny( D )50.What do we know from the passage?ASusant mom is always busy.BEli is Susans brother.CSusan lives with

28、 her aunt.DSusan doesnt think her mom is nice.BDear Lisa,It happened again this morning.My neighbor threw rubbish (扔垃圾) into my garden.It was the fourth time.I was so angry.Yesterday I threw it back into their garden,but it didnt make any difference.I dont know why they did that.They are new here.I

29、dont really want to argue with them.In fact,I would like to be friends with them.What should I do?Yours,AmyDear Amy,I understand how upset you feel.I think you should go and say hello to them.Why dont you invite them to your place to take a cup of coffee?If you do this,they will be glad.Then you can

30、 talk about the rubbish with them.They will not do the same thing.Do you think so?Im looking forward to your good news.Yours,Lisa( A )51.Amy felt _ because of what her neighbor did.Aangry Bthankful Csad Dglad( D )52.Amy wanted to _ her neighbor.Asay hello to Bhang out withCargue with Dmake friends w

31、ith( B )53.Lisa is trying to _.Ateach Amy how to throw rubbishBhelp Amy solve her problemCinvite Amy for a cup of coffeeDask Amy to help clean her garden( D )54.What does the “good news” refer to (指的是)?AAmy makes her garden clean again.BAmy makes her neighbor move away.CAmy invites her neighbor to h

32、er party.DAmy gets on well with her neighbor.( C )55.What can we learn from the material (材料)?ALisa is Amys best friend.BAmy has a beautiful neighbor.CLisa advises Amy to be friendly.DAmy is new to her place.八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。56Laura is lucky to have such understanding (善解人意

33、的) parents.57How about watching a video (录像) at home this weekend,Sarah?58“Never eat chocolate (巧克力) before dinner,” the doctor told me.59You must be very careful (小心的) when you go across the street.60I cant trust (信任) my memory.Id better write everything down.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。61Mrs. Brown adv

34、ises us to_eat (eat) healthy food.62They traveled (travel) 200 miles on the first day.63Im sorry,Mom.It was careless (care) of me to break the cup.64Dont be afraid of making mistakes (mistake)You can learn much from them.65Just stay there and wait!OK.I wont take any steps (step) until you arrive.九、句

35、子运用。(每小题2分,共计10分)根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。66有件事你能帮我做,但你要保密。Theres one thing you can do for me.But keep it to yourself67剥掉洋葱皮并把它切成两半。Peel the onion and cut it in half68现在,我们仅仅完成了作业的一半。Now we are only halfway to finishing our homework.69我们不能逃避这些事实。We cant run away from the facts.70安娜太累了,现在什么也不想考虑。Anna is too

36、 tired to think about anything now.十、情景交际。(每小题2分,共计10分)(原创题)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)A:Hi,Lucy.71._E_B:No,I wont.A:Why?72._C_B:I know.But Mary and Jack dont go.A:Well,Ill go.73._G_B:Thats a good idea.Lets take the bus to the party.A:Take the bus?74._A_B:Well,how can we go to the party?A:By taxi.B:That

37、 is expensive.A:You and I can take a taxi together.75._F_B:That sounds great.Lets go.AIf we do,well be late.BCan you come to my party?CIf you dont go,youll be sorry.DSure,Id love to.EWill you go to the English party this evening?FThatll be cheaper.GWhy dont you come with me?十一、短文填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)从方框中

38、选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两词多余)either,trust,with,too,solve,understand,for,travel,angry,activity,teenager,agreeMy parents always decide things for me.This winter holiday,they took me to a camp.The camp was boring and I didnt want to 76.travel outside.I didnt want to accept this plan.But I couldnt r

39、efuse it,77.either,because I knew they loved me,and I didnt want them to be 78.angry with me.Sometimes I want to go skating with my friends.But my mom doesnt 79.trust my friends.She also says that skating is a dangerous 80.activityWhen my friend invites me to a party,she will ask me about my friend.

40、She only wants me to make friends 81.with those who are hardworking.As a 82.teenager,I think I need more space to do what I want to.I want to make my own decisions.If I have any problems that I cant 83.solve,I will ask my parents for help.I can grow up more quickly only in this way.I should have a t

41、alk with my parents,but Im not sure whether they will 84.agree with me.I just wish them to be more 85.understanding and know that I love them,too.十二、书面表达。(共计15分)格林先生由于工作压力大,睡眠出现了问题。下面是他给心理专家Dr. Smith写的一封信,请根据以下提示给他写封回信,提出一些合理的建议,使他重新恢复健康。词数70左右。提示:1.尽量不想白天的工作;2睡前适当做些运动;3听一些音乐。Dear Dr. Smith,I was he

42、althy before,but these days I cant sleep very well.I always cant stop thinking about the work in the daytime.I dont know what I should do.Could you help me,please?Thanks a lot!Yours,Mr. GreenOne possible version:Dear_Mr._Green,Im_sorry_to_hear_that_you_cant_sleep_well.There_are_a_lot_of_things_to_do



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