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1、-无锡一中江苏译林牛津版模块三Unit1-2单元测试卷-第 9 页单元测试Module3 Unit1&2一、课文填空 请按课文原文填空 (10*1=10)1. Of course, the Hubble is above the earths , so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant that we have ever seen.2. Winter was coming on and the hills the surrounding villages with .3. Jere

2、my Hampden has a large of friends and is very popular at parties. Everybody him for his great sense of humor4. This would serve as a port and a railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall were built above sea level.5. Dressed up as Father Christmas and by a of honor of six pretty gi

3、rls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.二、单词拼写 根据所给汉语或首字母写出空缺处单词的适当形式,使句子完整,语义正确,每空一词 (10*1=10)6. We cannot judge a book by its cover. Likewise, we cannot judge a person by a_ only. 7. Public bicycles, c economy, safety and convenience, aim to provide a g

4、reen and low-carbon transport service to the residents. 8. On this map the different lines show us different roads. What does this star r_?9. Dont be p by sharks: you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.10. The THAAD(萨德) anti-missile system in the Republic of

5、Korea should be b , for it will harm the strategic balance in the region and will not help maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.11. English, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic are the (官方的) languages of the United Nations.12. To be honest, few writers even begin to (靠近) Sh

6、akespeares greatness.13. When you say “once (咬), twice shy” to something, you mean you have had an unpleasant experience and now you are much more careful to avoid similar experiences.14. Nowadays, public places are becoming more accessible to people with (缺陷).15. The 2017 Wuxi International Maratho

7、n, (中断) by a heavy rain, has the distinction of the most picturesque marathon circuits in the world. 三、动词填空 请用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (10*1=10)16. -Why are you so upset, Mary?-My boss _ always _ (find) fault with me. He isnt so kind as you think.17. Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at ti

8、mes, _ (love) your parents is a normal and happy part of life.18. _ (lie) on the desk was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our reception during his stay here.19. When she got off the bus, she found her smart phone was nowhere _ (see).20. Richard was called in by the police to answer

9、 questions _ (concern) the disappearance of Thomas Riley.21. I was about to go to bed when I felt the house _ (shake). Then everything became silent.22. When first _ (introduce) to the market, these products enjoyed great success. 23. Years of overdevelopment in this region has led to the ecosystem

10、_ (destroy) greatly. 24. -That must have been a terrifying experience.-Yeah. I _ (stick) in the damaged car, unable to move.25. -What are you going to do during the May Day Holiday?-To spend it in Thailand. Im sure we _ (enjoy) the beautiful scenery in Thailand then.四、句子转换 根据上一句的意思,完成下一句,每空一词 =10)26

11、. Men and beasts are different because the former are able to make tools while the latter arent.Men _ _ beasts _ _ the former are able to make tools while the latter arent.27. Different from his brother William, when Sharon saw the snake, she was frozen with fear._ his brother William, when Sharon _

12、 _ of the snake, fear held her _.28. Many people assume that sharks often attack humans, but in fact, they only do so when they get the wrong idea that you are a fish._ _ what many people assume, sharks seldom attack humans unless they _ you _ a fish.29. Do you think Chinese will be widely used in t

13、he world and take the place of English in the future?Do you think Chinese will _ _ _ use in the world and _ English in the future?30. It is believed that everyone else has made good preparations for this exam, not including me.Everyone else _ me is believed _ _ _ good preparations for this exam.五、完成

14、句子 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词 =10) 31. 一条狗的使命这部电影中的主角贝利是一位非常忠诚的伙伴,总是在主人伊森有困难时过来帮他忙。Bailey, the main character in A Dogs Purpose, is a rather loyal friend. Whenever Ethan needs help, he will _ _ _ _.32. 我们已经为高二的学生们制作了振奋人心的海报,期盼他们能够在小高考中取得优异的成绩。We have made inspiring posters for the senior two students, _ _ th

15、em to get excellent grades in the Primary College Entrance Examination. 33. 我们一中的书店很有特色,因为妍妍店主为人随和。更重要的是,在那儿我们有接触新奇文具的机会。The bookstore of No.1 High School is quite distinctive because Yanyan, the storekeeper, is easygoing. Whats more important is that each student _ _ _ some novel stationery there.

16、34. 参加了社会实践之后,我们可以得出结论:在竞争社会中,合作和团队极为重要。After participating in social practice, we may _ _ _ that cooperation and team work really count in this competitive society. 35. 由28个会员国组成的欧盟在世界经济发展中占据了重要位置。The European Union _ _ 28 member countries occupies an important position in the development of world

17、economy.36. 尽管学习的结果很关键,学习的过程也很重要。While learning outcomes count a lot, we should also _ _ _ the learning process. 37. 当被问及是否自愿为国家牺牲时,比利林恩毫不犹豫的回答:“是”。When asked _ he volunteered to sacrifice for the country, Billy Lynn said “YES !”_ _.六、单项填空 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(15*1=15)38.

18、 Is this hotel _ we were to stay?A. where B. which C. in that D. in which39. Would you please put the book _ it belongs?A. to whom B. to which C. to that D. where40. It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, _ cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.A. of which the top B. the top is C

19、. the top of which D. with its top41. Great honors will be given to _ we think has successfully rescued the victims of the earthquake.A. whom B. whoever C. who D. whomever42. -How are things going, Janet?-They have set out to deal with the present situation _ they think deserves their immediate atte

20、ntion.A. which B. where C. when D. what43. With the reform of educational system, the teachers _ school I worked before have greatly changed their way of teaching.A. in whose B. whose C. in which D. which44. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _ sight matters more than he

21、aring.A. when B. whose C. which D. where45. The conclusion _ the police came to _ the boss was as much to blame as anyone else for the great fire didnt satisfy everyone.A. where; that B. which; it C. that; when D. that; that46. He always checked and rechecked his game and saw _ he could improve.A. w

22、here B. when C. what D. how47. _ is known to us all is that the old scientist, for _ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose48. -How do you think I can make up with Jack?-Set aside _ you disagree and try to find _ you have

23、in common.A. where; whether B. where; what C. what; whether D. what; what49. Our factory has been developing rapidly these days. This years production is five times _ it was ten years ago.A. what B. that C. which D. as50. Nowhere else in the world _ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.A. a tourist c

24、an find B. can a tourist findC. a tourist will find D. a tourist has found51. I have read the material several times but it doesnt make any _ to me.A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. significance52. As he didnt have much money, he had to _ a second- hand computer for his work.A. pick up B. give up

25、 C. look up D. take up七、完形填空 根据所读文本选出符合上下文的最佳答案 (20*1=20)The relationship we have with ourselves will determine the relationship we have with the world around us. Many people have spent precious(宝贵的) time trying to change someone or something in their lives but _53_. To feel more at _54_ with the wo

26、rld, all we need to do is change ourselves. When we change, the _55_ around us automatically changes. If you desire to live a less _56_ life by changing the relationship you have with yourself, herere some tips to consider.Watch out for the ego. The ego, or sense of self, is very _57_. It never want

27、s to see itself as the problem, _58_ it will make you believe nothing is ever your fault. The most important thing to remember is that your actions and feelings are always generated(产生) by you _59_. The way others behave is their doing, while your _60_ to it is your doing._61_ yourself. When making

28、a mistake, you have two _62_: you can think a lot about it, or you can _63_ it, learn from it and move on. When choosing to learn from our mistakes, we _64_ being so hard on ourselves for making them first. We can move forward with our lives without living in the _65_. The best thing about forgiving

29、 ourselves is that we find it _66_ to forgive others.Point the finger back at yourself. When someone _67_ you, use it as an opening to see what part of your ego is being hurt. Every _68_ situation is a chance for self-awareness, and a chance to choose a more _69_ reaction.Trying to change the world

30、around us can be very difficult. We _70_ the key to our happiness in the behavior of others who may or may not ever change. To get to the root of the problem, _71_ your attention inward and focus on changing yourself first. Youll find you _72_ fewer problems in the outside world when youve made peac

31、e with all of the problems inside you.53. A. without hesitation B. in tuneC. without successD. in advance54. A. home B. peace C. restD. school55. A. land B. earth C. globeD. world56. A. stressful B. privateC. immediateD. boring57. A. fragile B. commonC. energeticD. changeable58. A. since B. soC. orD

32、. but59. A. alike B. firstC. aloneD. too60. A. devotion B. introductionC. adaptationD. reaction61. A. Face B. AcceptC. ForgiveD. Believe62. A. limits B. choicesC. levelsD. outcomes63. A. recognize B. rememberC. collectD. avoid64. A. regret B. delayC. ignoreD. stop65. A. moment B. pastC. debtD. storm

33、66. A. freer B. kinderC. easierD. luckier67. A. angers B. defeatsC. frightensD. concerns68. A. serious B. negativeC. dangerousD. extreme69. A. challenging B. amazingC. shockingD. loving70. A. find B. placeC. shareD. promote71. A. receive B. catchC. turnD. refuse72. A. notice B. solveC. discussD. cau

34、se八、阅读理解 阅读文本,选出适应题项的最佳答案 (5*2=10)By todays standards, my mobile phone is pretty rubbish. Its a Nokia 1616. If that doesnt mean much to you (its not the kind of phone you see advertised on television), all you need to know is that its a small, not very heavy device with which you can send and receiv

35、e telephone calls and text messages. It also has a very handy torch on the top for when you cant find your keys, or when you drop something on the floor in the cinema. Other than that, my phone doesnt do much. Well, it has an alarm, and it probably has a calculator and things like that, but its noth

36、ing compared to a smart phone. Why would I want one of those?I have often been told that the big advantage of having a smart phone is that “you can do everything with them!” But when was the last time you saw someone doing “everything” with a smart phone? Okay, so they may have an endless list of fu

37、nctions, but generally they are used for checking social networking sites, playing games, and receiving and replying to emails. Im happy just doing all of those things at home on my laptop.As far as I can tell, the best thing about having a smart phone is that you can be connected to the Internet al

38、l the time. Dont get me wrong, I love the internet, but I just dont see the point of constantly being online. I cant remember the last time I received a Facebook update which was so very urgent that I had to read it as soon as it appeared, and I cant imagine ever having a job which was so important

39、that I would need to read work-related emails immediately. I would think that if someone needed me urgently, they would just ring me rather than send an email. And my trusty Nokia can manage that.One of the most peculiar effects of the smart phone is, in my opinion, the newly-found addiction to maps

40、 and navigation(导航) systems. Is there anything more boring than knowing exactly where you are all of the time? How do you get to know an area if you dont get lost there a few times? And if you are dependent on online maps, what happens to those great places you find just by chance? You cant exactly

41、find out from Google maps the journey from “here” to “that hidden cafe with the tasty-looking cakes”, or to “that pond next to the church which looks really pretty in the evening sun.” It is, of course, true that we all occasionally need to be pointed in the right direction, but I find that there ar

42、e often real-life humans you can ask.There are many benefits of having a very basic mobile phone, like the fact that it cost me about twenty pounds, and that I dont have to worry too much about it being stolen. But the main benefit has to be the fact that it provides me with the word “greatest excus

43、e” for my bad habits. Whether its turning up late to events, or getting lost on a trip, or missing buses or trains, or forgetting about an appointment at work, Im pretty sure Im covered with the following explanation “Im really sorry. I dont have a smart phone.”73. The writer uses his Nokia 1616 mai

44、nly to _.A. play online games B. do calculating work C. check social network sites D. make calls and text messages74. It can be inferred from the above passage that _.A. a Facebook update is usually very importantB. a laptop and a smart phone share many functionsC. smart phones should always be connected to the netD. work-related emails should be answered immediately75. According to the passage, if you use navigation systems, you may _. A. miss some really wonderful placesB. find a boring trip actually excitingC. be persuaded to eat in a certain ca


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