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《48个英语音标课件材料(共48张).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《48个英语音标课件材料(共48张).ppt(48页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、音标教学,(一)元音,(二)辅音,单元音:,长元音:/i:/:/:/:/ /u:/ 短元音:/ /e/,/i:/,e : we he she , ea : teacher speak please ee : feel tree meet need ie : piece,单元音:,/,sit picture list mix fix pig big miss minute many twenty happy dictionary,Practice: 1.Please have a seat. Seeing is believing. 2.I like coffee, I like tea, I

2、like Lingling skipping with me.,常见字母及组合 ea e a,head bread bed egg best better lesson pen many any,Breakfast is ready. Lets get together again soon. Well, lets get everything ready!,/e/,Pen and pencil. Pencil and pen. Pen and pencil. Say it again!,Lets read together.,常见发音字母 a,map hat fat bad mad back

3、 man hand thank,Im a cat, cat, cat In a cap, cap, cap. Im a cat, cat, cat in a hat, hat, hat.,/,/:/,ar: arm art hard a: fast last class father Bark Bark Bark The dog is barking after the car.,/ /,u: up supper lunch fun cup bus o: come mother dose brother love ou: trouble oo: blood,/:/,/,er: teacher

4、remember player speaker or: doctor actor ou: delicious dangerous ar: dollar o: together tomorrow today polite a: ago pizza elephant banana Japan China e: happen,Enough is enough ! Just shut up. Whats up? Nothing much. Hurry up!,I love China. China and America should always work together.,I have to w

5、ork early tomorrow. Words are not for hurting other people.,Lets read together.,/:/,al: small wall talk tall hall ball call walk or: short horse forty sport story floor augh: caught daughter au: autumn August bought warm,“w+ar” ,ar发 : warm war toward,/:/,/,o: hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss dollar

6、 a: want wash watch au: because e.g.:Bob Bob Bob is an orange dog.,/u:/,o: do shoe who oo: food too moon noon smooth u: true blue,/,oo: look good foot book wood ou: should could u: put push O: woman,合口双元音的特点: 发音时口腔动作从开到合,最终滑动成为一个音。 除外,集中双元音的特点: 发音时到最后不会滑成一个音,而是从前面的原因向后面的元音集中。,I hi mice like Friday b

7、y cry dry fly lie pie tie high light night right buy, ,boy toy destroy noise oil spoil point,no go home those hello zero goat boat toe kown show snow shoulder,i,eer: beer deer ear: ear dear near ere: here ea: idea,。,ear: pear bear air: chair air fair hair pair are: care hare ere: there where cheer,a

8、u,ou: house out south cloud house proud loud mouse round about mouth ow:flower down now cow how town,oor: poor ure: sure,u,u au i,Today is cold. Rose is in the boat.She wants to have a coat. Put on your coat.You know you have a cold.,Hello Kate,hello May. They are playing by the lake. David ,David .

9、You are so late. Come on ,David. Lets make a birthday cake,1.hate 憎恨,2.mat 草席,8.hope 希望,7.hop 单足跳,6.suck 吸,5.hike 远足,9.kit 用具包,4.slit 撕开,3.mate 伙伴,Lets read together.,Lets read together.,a字母组合,al,1,4,2,3,ay,ar,air,ea,ea,ee,ea,er,ear,ea,ear,ere,er,e字母组合,1,4,5,10,9,8,6,2,3,7,igh,i字母组合,ir,1,2,o字母组合,10,

10、9,8,1,4,5,6,2,3,7,11,12,13,oy,ou,ow,ow,oa,or,our,ou,oo,oor,or,ong,oo,ur,u字母组合,There is a little bee. Coming from the apple tree. Flying in the flowers. And cant see me.,The brown cow is out now.,Bark.Bark.Bark. The dog is barking after the car.,Look.This is little John. Goes to bed with his trousers

11、 on. One shoe off and one shoe on. Look.This is little John.,1. The baby and the lady are playing by the lake. 2. The four tall reporter are talking about sports. 3. I like the toy bear.I often brush its hair. I have a pear near the chair. 4.Today is cold.Dont forget to put on your coat.You can go t

12、o school by boat. 5.Kate often makes birthday cakes on holiday. 6.David is saying”Maybe Kate cant skate.” 7.The ugly man has one hundred ducks. 8.The farmer has a large farm and a car. 9.After art class we put down sunglasses and sit on the grass. 10.Miss Mo, Shes tall.She has a dog, its small.She likes walking and riding a horse.,


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