What do you think about my hometown(25页).doc

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1、-What do you think about my hometown-第 25 页-. What do you think about my hometown?-_.选择一项:A. The greatest part about the town, in my opinion, is the beautiful lake and mountain.B. I plan to make a trip to your hometown.C. I spend summer holiday there.反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“谈论家乡”的交际用语。当问者询问对方对家乡的看法时,答者应明确给出

2、,所以正确答案为“I plan to make a trip to your hometown.”。题目2不正确标记题目题干-Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation?-_.选择一项:A. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.B. No, I already have plans.C. It is nice of you to say so, but Im busy tonight.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“表示询问”的交际用语。拒绝他人一般不直接说No,

3、而要婉言谢绝(通常会说明理由)。所以答案为It is nice of you to say so, but Im busy tonight.。题目3不正确标记题目题干There _ two hundred dollars to pay.选择一项:A. areB. isC. were反馈你的回答不正确译文:还要付200美元。解析:如果主语是复数名词表示一笔金额、一个总数或单个概念时,则be仍用单数形式is或was。题目4不正确标记题目题干_dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!选择一项:A. What aB. HowC. What反馈你的回答不正

4、确译文:在繁忙的道路上快速行驶是多么危险啊!解析:感叹句型中形容词或副词前用how。题目5正确标记题目题干There must be something wrong with my computer, _ there?选择一项:A. isntB. needntC. mustnt反馈你的回答正确译文:我的电脑出了点问题,是吗?解析:句中的must表示推测,这个时候的反义疑问句取决于具体的时态,这里是对一般现在时的肯定猜测,所用isnt。题目6部分正确标记题目题干二、英译汉:为句子选择正确的翻译。(共50分)操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。1. Its busy during sum

5、mer, so buying or reserving tickets in advance is recommended.回答 A.这里夏天很忙碌,所以建议提前买好或预订好票。 B.这里夏天很忙绿,所以购买或提前预订票被建议。 C.这里夏天很忙绿,所以建议提前保存好票据。2.A large sandy beach is filled with shops, restaurants and lodging in the Nye Beach area.回答 A.一个大型的沙滩上充满了商店,餐馆和奈海湾地区的旅店。 B.商店、餐馆和旅店充满了奈海湾地区的大沙滩。 C.奈海湾地区的大沙滩上满是各种商

6、店、餐馆和旅店。3.Visitors can also sign up for bay tours and whale watching tours.回答 A.游客还可以签约参加海湾游和赏鲸之旅。 B.游客还可以为海湾游和赏鲸之旅而注册。 C.游客还可以报名参加海湾游和赏鲸之旅。4. Parking can be hard to find, so it pays to go early, or visit during a walk around town.回答 A.停车位可能很难找,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。 B.停车位能够艰辛地找到,所以最好早去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。 C.

7、停车位可能很难找,所以要花点钱早点去,或者可以步行绕小镇游览。5. The small, juicy Yaquina Bay oyster made Newport a world famous place for seafood lovers.回答 A.对海鲜爱好者来说,那个小个、汁多的亚奎纳湾章鱼最闻名于世。 B. 对海鲜爱好者来说,正是个小、多汁的亚奎纳湾龙虾在纽波特闻名于世。 C. 对海鲜爱好者来说,正是个小、多汁的亚奎纳湾牡蛎使纽波特闻名于世。反馈答案:1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. BHow far is the Great Bay from your house?-

8、_.选择一项:A. Yes, the Great Bay is real beautiful.B. Sorry, its too longC. The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and its fantastic.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“描述事物”的交际用语。选项“Yes, the Great Bay is real beautiful.”和选项“Sorry, its too long”均不符合通常的交际习惯,所以正确答案为选项“The Great Bay is five minutes away from my hou

9、se and its fantastic.”。题目2正确标记题目题干-Wow! This is a marvelous room! You must spend a lot of time and energy in it.-_.选择一项:A. Dont mention it.B. Thanks you. It really cost me that much.C. Great, I am very art-conscious.反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“表示判断”的交际用语。在西方,先赞美,后说出自己的判断是礼貌的行为。别人也容易接受。选项“Great, I am very art-co

10、nscious.”过于自信,选项“Dont mention it.”他人感谢,正确答案为“Thanks you. It really cost me that much.”。题目3正确标记题目题干At a time of this economic crisis, our _ should be very clear about what we need to do.选择一项:A. priorityB. premiumC. principle反馈你的回答正确译文:在发生经济危机时,我们的首要任务应当是非常清楚地表明我们要做什么。解析:Principle意为“原则”;priority意为“优先考

11、虑的事”;premium意为“保险费”。题目4不正确标记题目题干_pity you missed the lecture again!选择一项:A. HowB. WhatC. What a反馈你的回答不正确译文:你又一次错过了讲座,真是太遗憾了!解析:感叹句型中,名词前用what或者what a。如果是名词复数形式或不可数名词,用what;如果是可数名词的单数形式,用what a。题目5正确标记题目题干Criminals are given the _ of going to jail or facing public humiliation.选择一项:A. optionB. opportun

12、ityC. opinion反馈你的回答正确译文:罪犯们被给予进监狱或面对公众羞辱的选择权。解析:Opinion意为“意见,主张”;option意为“选择权”;opportunity意为“机会”。题目6不正确标记题目题干二、阅读理解:根据上下文,补全对话内容。(共50分)操作提示:通过下拉选项框,选择答案。A. So maybe we should avoid long traveling hours, and make the trip a relaxing one.B. Lakes always bring people peace and quiet.C. Actually the bos

13、s told me to make plans for the trip.D. One more thing, we need to make safety a priority.E. There will be less traffic and fewer people there.Zhang Hua:Do you know that the senior members of our company were whispering about a short trip?Liu Hui:Yes, I heard about it this morning.回答.Zhang Hua:Reall

14、y? Then you will need to think hard about it.Liu Hui:Sure. Since you are here, maybe you can help me work out some ideas.Zhang Hua:For a start, we need to bear in mind that many of them are about sixty years old.Liu Hui:回答.Zhang Hua:Right. What about the countryside?回答.Liu Hui:That is an option. Bes

15、ides, its better to go to a place with a lake or river and hills covered with trees in the area.Zhang Hua:I like this idea.回答.Liu Hui:And they can either walk around the lake or take a boat for relaxation.Zhang Hua:回答.Liu Hui:Exactly. Thank you for your suggestions, I will work out an itinerary for

16、the trip this afternoon.Zhang Hua:Youre welcome.反馈答案:1. C 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. D-Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation?-_.选择一项:A. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.B. No, I already have plans.C. It is nice of you to say so, but Im busy tonight.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“表示询问”的交际用语

17、。拒绝他人一般不直接说No, 而要婉言谢绝(通常会说明理由)。所以答案为It is nice of you to say so, but Im busy tonight.。题目2不正确标记题目题干-What about mailing it in the fastest way?-_.选择一项:A. Post office is over thereB. Thank you very muchC. By air mail反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“表示建议”的交际用语。What about引导的问句实为建议。C项表示用航空邮递,选项“Thank you very much”和选项“Pos

18、t office is over there”均不符题意,所以正确答案为选项“By air mail”。题目3不正确标记题目题干A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been _ for him.选择一项:A. reservedB. deservedC. conserved反馈你的回答不正确译文:一间带阳台的海景双人房已预留给他。解析:Reserve意为“预留,预订”;deserve意为“应受,应得”;conserve意为“保存,保护”。题目4不正确标记题目题干The Chinese Red Cross contributed

19、 a _ sum to the relief of the physically disabled.选择一项:A. generousB. genuineC. general反馈你的回答不正确译文:中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。解析:General意为“一般的,普通的”;genuine意为“真实的,真正的”;generous意为“慷慨的,大方的”。题目5正确标记题目题干If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please notify us _.选择一项:A. in timeB. in advanceC. on ti

20、me反馈你的回答正确译文:开会时间如有变,请提前告诉我们。解析:In time意为“及时,适时”;on time意为“准时”;in advance意为“提前”。题目6部分正确标记题目题干二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。(共50分)A Speech about My HometownMy lovely hometown is located on the south shore of an island. Its a small town with only about 9,000 people and an area of about 3.8 square miles.First, I

21、want to talk about the people in the neighborhood. Generally speaking, people are very nice here, especially in summer. I feel that in summer everyone is in a great mood, and very generous. For example, one summer afternoon, I was at the gas station filling up my car and was short of money. Generous

22、ly an old gentleman gave me the money to pay the gas attendant. Thats the type of people you can expect from my hometown.The greatest part about the town, in my opinion, is the location. The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and its fantastic. Another great thing is how close everybody li

23、ves to each other. With it being such a small town, all my friends live five minutes away, which is a great advantage to me and everyone else. Lastly, the nightlife is great. On any Saturday night every bar is packed with people, so theres always something going on.So far Ive explained the good side

24、 of my hometown, but there are also some boring things about it. It is great in summer, but it is a different story in winter. When winter comes around, the town turns into a “ghost town”. This is because there is nowhere to go. The only thing we have is a shopping center. It would be nice if we had

25、 a few more options to choose from.操作提示:正确选T,错误选F。1. My lovely hometown is located on the north shore of an island.回答2. Once I was at the gas station filling up my car and didnt have enough money with me.回答3. I dont think it a great advantage that all my friends live five minutes away.回答4. On any Sa

26、turday night every bar is full of people.回答5. When winter comes around, we still have many options to choose from.回答反馈答案:1.F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. FWow! This is a marvelous room! You must spend a lot of time and energy in it.-_.选择一项:A. Great, I am very art-conscious.B. Dont mention it.C. Thanks you. It

27、really cost me that much.反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“表示判断”的交际用语。在西方,先赞美,后说出自己的判断是礼貌的行为。别人也容易接受。选项“Great, I am very art-conscious.”过于自信,选项“Dont mention it.”他人感谢,正确答案为“Thanks you. It really cost me that much.”。题目2正确标记题目题干-. What do you think about my hometown?-_.选择一项:A. The greatest part about the town, in my opi

28、nion, is the beautiful lake and mountain.B. I spend summer holiday there.C. I plan to make a trip to your hometown.反馈你的回答正确解析:本题考核“谈论家乡”的交际用语。当问者询问对方对家乡的看法时,答者应明确给出,所以正确答案为“I plan to make a trip to your hometown.”。题目3正确标记题目题干There _ some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table.选择一项:A. will beB

29、. areC. is反馈你的回答正确译文:桌上有一些牛奶,几个鸡蛋和几个苹果。解析:There be句型中靠近be的名词是单数或不可数名词时,be用is或was。题目4正确标记题目题干_pity you missed the lecture again!选择一项:A. WhatB. What aC. How反馈你的回答正确译文:你又一次错过了讲座,真是太遗憾了!解析:感叹句型中,名词前用what或者what a。如果是名词复数形式或不可数名词,用what;如果是可数名词的单数形式,用what a。题目5不正确标记题目题干There _ two hundred dollars to pay.选择

30、一项:A. isB. wereC. are反馈你的回答不正确译文:还要付200美元。解析:如果主语是复数名词表示一笔金额、一个总数或单个概念时,则be仍用单数形式is或was。题目6部分正确标记题目题干二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分)Lilian Hanson, a college students, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is her age73 years. She has been studying at

31、college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.When Lilian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the bank to borrow money for the further education. The banker gave her no encouragement. He didnt think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college. He thought she should be at hom

32、e doing work in the house or around the farm. So Lilian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college. Mrs. Hanson never forgot her dream of getting a higher education. When her children were grown, she tried again.She finds the hardest part of going back to schoo

33、l at her age is to sit in class for long periods of time. Because she is not as quick as she used to be, Mrs. Hanson often gets up and walks around classes to keep from getting stiff (僵硬). At the beginning of a course in using the computer, the other students all stood up to give her a warm welcome

34、when she introduced herself and explained why she was there and what her aims were.操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。1. Mrs. Hanson couldnt go to college immediately after she graduated from high school because回答.A. she hadnt got enough moneyB. she was a country girlC. the banker ordered her not to borrow mone

35、y2. Mrs. Hanson wanted to borrow money from the bank回答.A. to support her familyB. because she was 73 years oldC. to further her education at college3. In the college, what makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is回答.A. the fact that she is poorB. that she has a family of nine childrenC. tha

36、t she is 73 years old4. The computer students welcome Mrs. Hanson warmly because回答.A. she had got an excellent result in the examB. she was good at telling funny storiesC. they were deeply moved by her spirit5. Mrs. Hanson is the sort of person who回答.A. cares for study very muchB. likes to borrow money from the bankC. tries to save money for her family.反馈答案:1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C


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