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《【人教版】新目标英语八年级下Unit4单元测试题及答案(含听力材料)(9页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【人教版】新目标英语八年级下Unit4单元测试题及答案(含听力材料)(9页).doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-【人教版】新目标英语八年级下Unit4单元测试题及答案(含听力材料)-第 9 页Test for Unit 4(时间:120分钟,满分:120分)题号总分得分听力部分(25分).听句子,选择最佳答语。(5分)()1.A.Say sorry to John.BThis is too big.CIts not mine.()2.A.No,you mustnt. BYes,you can.CYes,you should.()3.A.In the evening. BMary.CWith my parents.()4.A.Yes,she does. BYes,they do.CNo,they did

2、nt.()5.A.I feel very tired. BHe saw an accident.CI finished my homework at 5:00.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)()6.A.The girls classmate. BThe boy.CThe girl.()7.A.He studied until midnight. BHe fell down.CHe coughed all the time.()8.A.At 8:30 pm. BAt 8:00 pm.CAt 7:30 pm.()9.A.Watch a movie. BTake afterschool cla

3、sses.CTake dance classes.()10.A.The girl. BThe girls parents.CThe girls brother.听长对话,选择正确答案。(5分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。()11.What is wrong with Maria?AShe hurt her leg when she played basketball.BShe failed in the last English exam.CSomething was wrong with her mother.()12.What will Tom do to help Maria?AT

4、o help her study English. BTo talk with Marias parents.CTo work harder next time.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。()13.How is Sue feeling now?AHappy.BWorried.CTired.()14.Why do Sues parents want Sue to study all day?ABecause they expect her to get good grades.BBecause they think students should always study hard.CB

5、ecause they want her to go to a good university.()15.What did Sue decide to do?ATo argue with her parents.BTo talk with her parents.CTo leave her parents.听短文,选择正确答案。(10分)()16.When did Jim get home?AAt 4:00. BAt 4:30. CAt 5:00.()17.Where did Jim put the school report?AOn the desk. BUnder the bed.CIn

6、his schoolbag.()18.What are Jims favorite programs?ATalent shows. BTalk shows. CSports shows.()19.Which subject did Jim do well in?AEnglish. BMath. CP.E.()20.Who found the school report first?AJims father. BJims mother. CJims dog.笔试部分(95分).单项选择。(15分)()21.Bob likes sports very much.Why not buy him a

7、_?Good idea.Abook Bfootball Cknife Dwatch()22.What should I do if my parents dont agree _ me?Youd better find a chance to communicate_ them.Awith;on Bto;with Cto;to Dwith;with()23.Linda is shy.She always feels _ when she speaks in front of people.Arelaxed Bnervous Cproper Dclear()24.Please _ this bi

8、ke with that one,and then tell me the differences between them.Acompare Badvise Cexplain Dreturn()25.When shall we start?Lets wait _ the rain stops.Aif Bas Cuntil Dsince()26.Its really kind of you to offer _ me the money.Ato lend Blending Clend Dto lending()27.Are you going to come?_.Ill see how I f

9、eel.AAlready BFinally CInstead DPerhaps()28.Would you like to go to the movies this evening?Id like to,but my parents dont allow me _ out at night.Ago Bgoing Cto go Dwent()29._ Mr.Smith was very tired,he stayed up late to finish his work.How hardworking he is!ABecause BUnless CWhen DAlthough()30.Don

10、t _ little Maria so hard.She is only six years old.Apush Bguess Ccause Dcompete()31.My mother often sends me to all kinds of classes,so I feel very tired.I think she should _ a few of your activities so that you can feel relaxed.Aget out Bwork out Cfind out Dcut out()32.I _ my best friend yesterday

11、morning.Why not call her up and say sorry to her?Adepended on Blooked forChung out with Dargued with()33.I have finished reading these books,so I will _ them to the library this afternoon.Aborrow Blend Creturn Dkeep()34._ pressure isnt good for childrens development.AToo much BToo manyCMany too DMuc

12、h too()35.Thanks for giving me so much useful advice._.AIm afraid not BI think so CNo problem DAll right.完形填空。(15分)I have a good friend.Her name is Judy.Though we often _36_ with each other about little things,we are still good friends.I want to tell you a story between us.It was a(n) _37_ day.I was

13、 running around doing what I needed to do.Then I stopped _38_ I felt my cellphone vibrating (震动)in my pocket.I _39_ keep my phone on.In the event of an emergency (紧急情况),my family and friends can get in touch with _40_It was an emergency.There was a _41_ in my family.I couldnt move or think after rec

14、eiving the call.I excused myself from work early.I _42_ to my apartment and didnt know what to do next.I wondered if I wanted to call my friend,Judy.Death is a sensitive (敏感的)subject for some people.After thinking for a while,I decided to call her.I _43_ she wouldnt refuse to help me.I was so _44_ t

15、hat I made the call.Without a second thought,she said,“Ill be right over there.” When I saw her,I was touched.Having my friend there,holding me in silence (沉默),_45_ the world to me.I was so grateful to my friend.()36.A.continue Bargue Cdepend Dprovide()37.A.usual Bproper Cexciting Dfair()38.A.but Bb

16、efore Cbecause Dso()39.A.finally Bperhaps Cinstead Dalways()40.A.me Byou Cher Dthem()41.A.cloud Bmember Cdeal Ddeath()42.A.compared Bdropped Creturned Dtraveled()43.A.guessed Bexplained Cadvised Ddisagreed()44.A.nervous Bglad Cangry Dclever()45.A.reached Bstood Cmeant Dgave.阅读理解。(20分)ADear Paul,I ha

17、vent seen you for a long time and I miss you very much.Now Im writing to you to ask for your help.My doctor is a woman and I feel nervous about it,especially when I have to wear nothing at the doctors office.What should I do?Im afraid to see the doctor even if I have a bad cold.Is there something wr

18、ong with me?Please help me.Im looking forward to your reply.PeterDear Peter,Im happy to hear from you and I miss you,too.As for (关于) your trouble,there is no need to worry about it.Little kids often run around wearing nothing and feel natural about it.But as you get older,you care more about your bo

19、dy and want to have your own room.So its normal to feel shy when taking off your clothes at the doctors office.But your doctor does need to examine (检查)you to make sure if you are healthy.To make you more comfortable,you can ask your mom or dad to come into the examine room with you.You can also ask

20、 for a gown (长袍)Most doctors offices have these gowns for patients.So just relax,and your doctor can examine you better to keep you in good health.Paul()46.Why does Peter feel nervous when he sees a woman doctor?ABecause he has no money. BBecause he has a bad cold.CBecause he wears nothing. DBecause

21、 he was a little boy.()47.When the boy gets _,he will care more about his body.Astronger BtallerColder Dfatter()48.Why does the doctor ask the boy to take off his clothes?ATo ask him to take a shower. BTo examine him.CTo make sure his clothes are clean. DTo make him feel nervous.()49.How many pieces

22、 of advice does Paul give Peter?ATwo. BThree. CFour. DFive.()50.Which of the following is TRUE?APaul is afraid to see a man doctor.BAll the patients have to wear nothing when they see the doctor.CLittle boys run around with nothing and they dont care about it.DAll doctors offices have gowns for pati

23、ents.BYou dont have to feel terrible all the time on school days.Your school days can be some of your happiest time!Yes,it is possible.Let me tell you what you should do.On every weekend,take a piece of paper and write down the title “My Schedule (计划)”Under it,you write the days of the week.Next to

24、the days you can write what you should do.You should give yourself enough time for study and some time for activities you like to do.In class,you have to listen to the teachers carefully.Also,try to answer the questions he asks in class and talk about your ideas.You will be someone interesting for t

25、he teachers and someone special for your classmates.Try to make friends with your classmates.If they dont like to make friends with you,its fine.Notice if there is someone whom you feel you can be friends with.If you want to do something or you feel bad these days,you can discuss it with the friend

26、you trust.It is very helpful to have a best friend who can reach for your hand and touch your heart.Invite your friends to your home or ask them if theyd like to hang out with you.Other times,do homework with them in the same time or place.You could give them ideas and they may have helpful thoughts

27、 that would help both of you.()51.When does the writer advise students to write down the schedule?AOn Monday. BOn Tuesday.COn Friday. DOn Sunday.()52.The schedule should be _.Afor study and activities Bfull of subjectsCfull of activities Dmade with your friends()53.What should you do in class?AThink

28、 about your ideas. BTry to answer the teachers questions.CHelp your classmate with his studies. DDiscuss your problems with your friends quietly.()54.What does the underlined word “helpful” mean in Chinese?A遥远的 B有益的 C真实的 D无意义的()55.What is the best title for the passage?AHow to Study at School BHow t

29、o Make FriendsCHow to Be Happy on School Days DHow to Get Good Grades.情景交际(10分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项多余。A:Hello,Tony!You look worried._56_B:I lost my bike.A:How did it happen(发生)?B:I rode my bike to the library yesterday afternoon._57_ When I came out of the library,it was lost.A:How did you

30、 get home?AI took a bus.BMy parents may get angry with me.CI rode my bike.DWhats wrong?EI got a parttime job.FBut I dont have enough money.GI put my bike on the street.B:_58_A:Then you need to buy a new one.B:_59_A:You could borrow some from your parents.B:Its not a good idea._60_A:You should say yo

31、ure sorry and you will be more careful later.B:Sounds good.Ill have a try this evening.A:Good luck!56_57._58._59._60._.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分)61老师不允许我们上课迟到。The teacher doesnt allow us_ _ late for class.62你应该在电话中向她道歉。You should say sorry_ her _ the phone.63安解不出这道数学题。Ann cant_ _ the math problem.64玛丽和她的

32、父母和睦相处。Mary_ _well with her parents.65尽管她错了,但那没什么大不了。_ she was wrong,its not a big _.任务型阅读。(10分)It took me about 2 months to plan my daughters birthday party.She was three years old.I got many ideas from the Internet that I thought I could use for the party.I had sleepless nights because I wanted th

33、is to be the best birthday.I looked for a place to have our party.Luckily,I found Monte Verde Park.It is a very beautiful park.After booking it,we started to buy gifts for all the kids.We went to LA for good prices.I had 40 gifts in my room for a month and I wanted to give them all away.I bought two

34、 beautiful skirts for my daughter.I also bought red cards at Tall Mouse.I then sent them to my daughters friends.I invited them to my daughters third birthday party on September 25 at 6:30 pm.at Monte Verde Park.They could eat cake and have a good time.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。66How long did the writer spend p

35、lanning her daughters birthday party?_67What gift did the writer buy for her daughter?_68Who did the writer invite to her daughters third birthday party?_69When and where did they have the party?_70What did they eat at the party?_.书面表达。(15分)假如你叫林琳,你的美国笔友Joe给你写了一封邮件倾诉自己的烦恼。请你根据邮件的内容,给他写一封回信,帮助他解决烦恼。D

36、ear Lin Lin,I am feeling unhappy these days.I dont know why I get angry so easily now.I shouted at my parents last week and had a fight with my best friend yesterday.What should I do?Could you give me some advice?I look forward to hearing from you.Yours,Joe要求:1.词数为70左右。2要求思路清晰,层次分明。提示词:forgive v. 原谅

37、solve v. 解决_Test for Unit 4.听句子,选择最佳答语。1What should I do?2Should I call him tonight?3Who has too many afterschool classes?4Do your parents allow you to play football after school?5Whats wrong with you?.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。6W:My best friend,Kate,and I had a fight yesterday.I want to call her but Im too shy

38、.What should I do?M:Maybe you can write her a letter.Q:Who had a fight with Kate?7W:You look very tired.Whats wrong with you?M:I coughed day and night.Q:Whats wrong with the boy?8M:Did you say sorry to Lucy,Linda?W:Yes.I called her at 8:30 last night.Q:When did Linda call Lucy?9W:Would you like to g

39、o to the movies with me on Saturday,John?M:Id like to,but I have too many afterschool classes.The whole day is full.W:What a pity! I think you should have more relaxing time.Q:What will the girl do on Saturday?10W:I cant get on with my brother.He watches TV all the time at home but he doesnt let me

40、watch my favorite TV shows,even half an hour.Its unfair.M:Why dont you talk about your feelings to your parents? They may help you.W:They are too busy.They only come back home once a week.Q:Who always watches TV?.听长对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。W:Hello,Tom.This is Maria speaking.M:Hello,Maria.You sound

41、 worried.Whats wrong?W:I failed in the last English exam.And my parents are angry with me.M:Sorry to hear that.If you go on working hard,youll do better next time.W:Thank you.But my English is so poor that I cant understand what the teacher says in class.M:Dont worry.Im good at English and I can hel

42、p you with it.W:Thats very nice of you.Thanks a lot.M:Its my pleasure.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。M:Sue,its Saturday today.You should feel happy,butW:But,Tony,Im really tired.M:Whats the matter?W:I did too much homework till 11:00.M:When did you start to do it?W:At 8:00.M:Oh,the time is long enough.Maybe you should learn to relax.W:But my parents wan


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