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1、-上海市黄浦区2018年高三英语一模试卷-第 12 页黄浦区2017学年度第一学期高三年级期终调研测试英 语 试 卷(完卷时间: 120分钟 满分: 140分)第I卷(共100分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conver

2、sations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Before dinner.B. During the meal.C. After dinner. D. Tomorrow evenin

3、g.2.A. In a hotel.B. At a bus station.C. In a cinema.D. At an airport.3.A. Salesman and customer.B. Boss and secretary.C. Doctor and patient.D. Doctor and nurse.4.A. 4.B. 5.C. 6.D. 7.5.A. The lecture.B. The heat.C. The workload.D. The air quality.6.A. Confident.B. Nervous.C. Uninterested.D. Annoyed.

4、7.A. Visit the company.B. Re-write his resum.C. Get a job on campus.D. Apply for a job with PICC.8.A. He is fearless.B. He is forgetful.C. He is helpful.D. He is thoughtful.9.A. Talking about sports.B. Writing up local news.C. Reading newspapers.D. Putting up advertisements.10.A. She expects to see

5、him soon.B. She agrees with the man.C. She doesnt believe he can do it. D. She will work for the library.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear one longer conversation and two short passages. After each conversation or passage, you will be asked several questions. The conversation and the

6、passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 14 are based on the following conversation.11.A. The scien

7、tific steps to write a paper.B. A funny story that they read recently.C. An assignment of a creative writing course. D. A detective case that was just finished.12.A. She encountered a bottleneck when writing a story.B. She was happy that she finished the story easily.C. She was expected to finish th

8、e story in a month.D. She decided to give up the story eventually.13.A. Change to another topic.B. Give the story an ending first.C. Do work for another course.D. Write everything occurring to her.14.A. Buy jewels for her mother.B. Locate the security camera.C. Do some research for her writing.D. Ro

9、b a jewelry store for ideas.Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage.15.A. They dont attach importance to scores.B. They attract fewer and fewer students.C. They will take place next week.D. They will no longer exist.16. A. To inspire young people to practice more.B. To encourage y

10、oung people to be creative.C. To motivate young people to keep learning. D. To urge young people to start up companies.17.A. To bring more economic benefits.B. To help students memorize better.C. To change the present education system.D. To develop teachers multi-skills.Questions 18 through 20 are b

11、ased on the following passage.18.A. More communication with others.B. Construction of the life journey.C. Revealing of determination.D. Loss of the social identity.19.A. Depression and isolation.B. Walking around the corner.C. Lack of sleep.D. Getting impatient.20.A. Making it possible to get a pay

12、rise. B. Providing people with new business.C. Giving people time to think about their life again.D. Helping people to find jobs based on their hobbies.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically c

13、orrect. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Norway is Teaching Travelers to TravelAfter 15 people died during Easter in 1967, the Norwegian Trekking Association and the Red Cross anno

14、unced their campaign Welcome to the mountains, but be responsible. Fjellvettreglene, the mountain code (21) _ encourages people to have a healthy and respectful relationship with nature, has since become a crucial part of Norwegian culture. It includes points such as bringing necessary equipment (22

15、) _ (assist) yourself and others, seeking shelter if necessary and feeling no shame in turning around.Nationally, Norway (23) _ (experience) an 11% increase in tourism in the past decade. From just 1,000 tourists in the whole of 2010, Trolltunga, a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the m

16、ountain, (24) _ (see) 1,800 visitors in one 2017 day alone. Why? Because people want the same picture they see on Instagram and Facebook. A lot dont care about the experience of the hike. They just want proof (25) _ they did it. But, while good for the economy, this tourism boom has become a threat

17、(26) _ Norways natural environment.Used toilet paper, (27) _ (abandon) tents and plastic bottles can be found littered all around Trolltunga. And with the high amount of people who come unprepared for such an active hike, Norways leading hiking group, Friluftsliv, also has called forregulationson th

18、e number of tourists (28) _ (hike) to Trolltunga. Lasse Heimdal, leader of the outdoor organization said, “On a busy day, you may have to wait in line for an hour and a half just to get a picture. To control this, wed like to regulate (29) _ _ people can hike in a day. Starting hike times should als

19、o have regulations so people dont start too late and find (30) _ stuck up here.”Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. accommodationB. annualC. declineD. destinationE. diner

20、sF. hostedG. ingredientsH. preciselyI. rankedJ. remote K. talentedWorlds Best RestaurantThe Black Swan, a rural pub inEnglandhas been named “the worlds best restaurant” by TripAdvisor. After scoring up positive feedback, the review website 31 the pub over fine dining establishments from New York to

21、Paris in its 32 Travelers Choice awards.So whats it got going for it?Firstly, this isnt some backwater pub enjoying in insignificance. Tommy Banks, a(n) 33 young cook, is already a TV regular in the UK and has had a Michelin star to his name since becoming the youngest receiver ever in 2013 at the a

22、ge of 24. Secondly, its not really a pub anymore. Like many rural UK pubs, the Black Swan had been in 34 for many years before 2006, when Banks family took over. After their attempts to run it as a pub struggled, they decided to make it a dining 35 .It now operates as both restaurant and fashionable

23、 36 , offering food-and-stay packages that help draw customers to its truly 37 location. Its usually booked up well in advance with 38 coming from near and far. During CNNs visit, neighboring tables included a couple on an overnight break from their kids. Another 39 two of the Banks brothers old sch

24、ool teachers, on a trip up from York 40 the kind of crowd that have helped lift the Black Swan to TripAdvisor glory.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase

25、 that best fits the context.Could Buying Paintings Make You Rich?Is investing in paintings a good way to get rich fast? And how should you invest in art?“With extreme 41 ” is the advice of Patrick Connolly, a financial adviser. “We dont 42 our customers to invest in art because the downsides are gre

26、ater than the upsides. It doesnt produce income or earnings. What you 43 is exclusively based on supply and demand, and there are big movements upwards or downwards if there are changes in the economic environment,” he said.To invest in art as a true investment, you need a starting fund of at least

27、$5,000. But its not just about having enough 44 to buy the painting in the first place. Expensive works of art are often stored in protective boxes complete with detectors to monitor humidity and temperature levels, and to protect them from sun damage or other 45 such as a spilled cup of coffee. And

28、 if you do put it on your wall, then your insurance costs are likely to be high. If word gets out that you have expensive art hanging on your wall, then youre likely to be a 46 for thieves.Art is also not a regulated investment so when things go wrong for example, an artwork turns out to be a fraud

29、(赝品) then investors cannot fall back on 47 for any repayment.Of course given the current environment of low interest rates, thats still a(n) 48 return than many savings accounts will give you. As art has no association to the stock market, it means paintings can 49 in value even when the market cras

30、hes, making it a good option for investment 50 .It is reported that after a decrease in the global art market throughout 2016, auction(拍卖) sales 51 in the first six months of 2017. Yet you dont necessarily have to be super-wealthy to invest in art. There are a growing number of art fairs and online

31、marketplaces aimed at buyers with a more 52 budget. Most art industry experts suggest that you buy a piece of art because you like it, not because you want to get rich. The most 53 approach is probably to buy something you like and can 54 and, be prepared to keep it just for your own pleasure. If it

32、 goes up in value that should be just a(n) 55 benefit.41. A. accuracy B. carefulnessC. enthusiasmD. generosity42. A. beg B. control C. forbid D. recommend43. A. get back B. look intoC. take outD. turn to44. A. desireB. energyC. moneyD. time45. A. accidents B. appliances C. measuresD. drinks46. A. pa

33、rtner B. spectator C. targetD. therapy47. A. initiative B. regulation C. strategy D. tradition48. A. better B. earlier C. healthier D. lower49. A. fall apart B. fall down C. go ahead D. go up 50. A. funds B. levels C. selections D. rates51. A. ceased B. proceeded C. recovered D. shrank52. A. fixed B

34、. limited C. massive D. modest 53. A. creative B. direct C. flexible D. sensible 54. A. afford B. preserve C. transfer D. undertake55. A. added B. maximum C. obviousD. socialSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements

35、. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.( A )Post-00s is a documentary about growing up. It covers almost every aspect of millennials experiences on their path toward adolescence the

36、ir struggles with schoolwork, their relationship with peers, their confusion if a younger brother or sister is born into the family, and their growing desire to keep a distance from their parents. But this five-episode series was different from any other TV program with a similar theme. Post-00s was

37、 filmed over a period of 10 years, during which the shows makers followed a group of kids from when they were infants through to when they became teenagers. In other words, the shows “characters” grow older for real, and their stories are all real. “Coming-of-age” stories, as theyre known, have a sp

38、ecial appeal. They satisfy our curiosity of looking at someone elses life, and we become more and more attached to the characters as if we truly know them. And while we enjoy the truthfulness of the stories because nothing is set in advance, we also cant help but feel the cruelty of reality. After a

39、ll, theres no re-writing of the script (剧本) and theres no turning back this is real life. This realness can also be seen in Boyhood, a 2014 film that won the Silver Bear award for best director at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival. During a period of 12 years, the film follows the life of

40、Mason Jr played by US actor Ellar Coltrane from when he was 6 to when he finished high school. One of Boyhoods appeals comes from its “ordinariness”. Mason Jr isnt some child genius. He is a quietly spoken, fairly typical American boy, growing up in the Texas suburbs. He likes riding his bike and pl

41、aying video games. While coming-of-age stories may look ordinary on the outside, they often allow us to look underneath the surface and see something extraordinary the power of life itself. 56. In the documentary, we see post-00s growing experience EXCEPT _.A. how they deal with their studiesB. how

42、they help look after brothers or sisters C. how they get along with people of their ageD. how much they long to be independent of their parents57. What do Post-00 and Boyhood have in common?A. Theyre intended to win an award for best director.B. The heroes and heroines are characters themselves.C. T

43、heyre a kind of reality show of ordinary kids growth.D. The stories are based on true life but polished by writers.58. Audience are interested in “coming-of-age” stories because _.A. they can see the truth of lifeB. they know the characters wellC. they are much fond of gossipD. they appreciate stori

44、es of daily life59. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. Post-00s are different geniusesB. Actors are ordinary charactersC. Documentary is real lifeD. Life is one big story ( B )B B C SHOPEntertaining. Informing. Inspiring.WHAT A RELIEF!Delight everyone on your holiday g

45、ift list with great gifts from the BBC.Youll earn heartfelt thanks from nature lovers for Planet Earth I & II: The Complete Collection (page 41) inspiring look at our planets wildest, most mysterious creatures and their breathtaking home.from mystery lovers for Sherlock: Complete Seasons 1-4 and The

46、 Abominable Bride Giftset (page 13) entertaining proof that Holmes can be difficult, dangerous, accurate, and absolute funny.and from those who appreciate all things British. Delight Charles Dickens fans with Dickensian (page 7). The new drama series with more adventures for Dickens charactersDinner with Dickens Cookbook (page 9) with procedures for his favorite dishesand Tom Baker Reads “A Christmas poem” (page 8) for a wonderful new holiday tradition.Plus teapots, T-shirts, shortbre


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