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《【江苏省】届高三预测金卷(英语)及答案解析(17页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【江苏省】届高三预测金卷(英语)及答案解析(17页).doc(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-【江苏省】届高三预测金卷(英语)及答案解析-第 17 页江苏省2016届高三预测金卷英 语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分) (略)第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 35 分)第一节: 单项填空 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 请阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. w

2、henever答案是 B。21. This is the main use that the scientists make_ natural resources. A. in B. up of C. from D. of22.-What do you think made Mary so upset?- _her new bike. A. Lost B. As she lost C. Losing D. Because of losing23. It is_ any wonder that his friend doesnt like watching television much. A.

3、 no B. almost C. nearly D. hardly24. -Mr. Wang ,whom would you rather _ the important meeting?-Tom.25. There are eight tips in Dr. Rogers lecture on sleep, and one of them is:_ to bed early unless you think it is necessary. A. doesnt go B. not to go C. not going D. dont go 26. We agree to accept _th

4、ey thought was the best tourist guide. A. whichever B. whoever C. whatever D. whomever 27. -English has a large vocabulary, hasnt it? -Yes. _more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known28. If an excellent Chinese novel is trans

5、lated into English, _ means many more people in the world can enjoy it. A. as B. which C. what D. that 29. Mr. Smith used to smoke_ but he has given it up.A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. hardly 30. The Smiths dont usually like staying at _ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very

6、nice hotel by _sea. A. /: aB. the; theC. /; the D. the;a31. _ surprised me most _ to see the headmaster of our school and some strangers seated on the benches at the end of the room. A. What; was B. What; were C. That; was D. That; were32. He burned all the important documents _ that they should fal

7、l into the enemys hands. A. unless B. so C. lest D. for fear 33. We have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.A. may notB. needntC. cantD. mustnt34. -Mike and I will celebrate our thirtieth wedding anniversary next month. -Oh,_.A. cheer up B.well done C. go ahead D. congratu

8、lations35. The persons who are out of work should _ themselves to the new situation quickly. A. fit B. match C. suit D. adapt 第二节: 完形填空 (共 20 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分) 请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Lara was dying to discover how college could benefit her. Day after day, she sat

9、in the 36 , waiting for something her professors said to have a(n) 37 . By the end of the semester nothing 38 had happened and she was 39 . She approached one of her 40 and asked, “Is this all there is?” The teacher looked at her for a moment and answered, “For you, apparently so.” As simple as it i

10、s, this story contains an important 41 for all potential students to learn: you cannot depend entirely on others to 42 you. If you do, you will get 43 with the education system with its inefficiencies and imperfections. Youll enjoy your educational experience more and get more 44 if you realize that

11、 45 education is self-education, as it is you who 46 how much and how well you will learn. Learning is a partnership of two or more willing minds. Your teachers can 47 you with information and guidance, but much of the responsibility to learn is on your 48 . If you welcome this 49 , you will exercis

12、e more control over your 50 experience, both in and out of the classroom. Then, even if some of your instructors 51 to meet their responsibilities in the partnership, you can still 52 the situation from your side. Having more control will make you feel more fully involved, and feeling more involved

13、will make you more 53 about your education; 54 , you will not only increase your capacity to learn but will probably 55 the process more. You will also experience a greater sense of freedom and direction.36. A. study B. theater C. classroom D. hall37. A. judgment B. result C. joke D. influence 38. A

14、. strange B. negative C. impressive D. moving 39. A. puzzled B. disappointed C. pleased D. worried 40. A. professors B. classmates C. teammates D. partners41. A. truth B. symbol C. memory D. reality 42. A. change B. educate C. follow D. invite 43. A. concerned B. frustrated C. satisfied D. connected

15、 44. A. pleasure B. information C. benefit D. help 45. A. compulsory B. formal C. real D. public 46. A. decides B. notices C. recognizes D. guesses 47. A. assist B. mix C. honor D. charge 48. A. family B. desk C. feet D. shoulders49. A. trick B. fun C. luck D. responsibility 50. A. business B. trave

16、l C. college D. work51. A. fail B. continue C. stop D. desire 52. A. damage B. control C. avoid D. describe 53. A. scared B. enthusiastic C. careful D. guilty 54. A. in particular B. for example C. in other words D. as a result 55. A. believe B. doubt C. regret D. enjoy第三部分: 阅读理解 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分,

17、满分 30 分) 请阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AWe tend to think of plants as the furniture of the natural world.They dont move,they dont make sounds and they dont seem to respond to anythingat least not very quickly.But as is often the case,our humans view of the world misses quite

18、a lot.Plants talk to each other all the time.And the language is chemical.Over the years,scientists have reported that different types of plants,from trees to tomatoes,release compounds(化合物) into the air to help neighboring plants.These chemical warnings all have the same purpose to spread informati

19、on about one plants disease or infestation so other plants can defend themselves.But exactly how plants receive and act on many of these signals is still mysterious.In this weeks Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,researchers in Japan offered some explanations.They had identified one ch

20、emical message and traced it all the way from release to action.The scientists looked at tomato plants infested by a common pest,the cutworm.The researchers studied leaves from exposed and unexposed plants.They found one compound showed up more often in the exposed plants.The substance is called Hex

21、Vic.When the scientists fed HexVic to cutworms,it knocked down their survival rate by 17%.The scientists identified the source of HexVic,and sprayed it lightly over healthy plants.Those plants were then able to start producing the cutwormkilling HexVic.Researchers confirmed that uninfected plants ha

22、ve to build their own weapons to fight off bugs and disease.How do they know when to play defense? They are warned first by their friendly plant neighbors.It is a complex tale,and it may be happening in more plant species than tomatoes.It may also be happening with more chemical signals that are sti

23、ll unknown to us.Further studies are needed to increase agricultural efficiency.56How do plants warn their neighbors?AThey make use of winds.BThey release some chemicals.CThey identify the chemicals.DThey are exposed early.57Whats the function of HexVic?AIt damages the cutworms body.BIt shows up mor

24、e.CIt cures the disease.DIt sprays over healthy plants.58It can be inferred from the text that_Athere are not chemical signalsBthe phenomenon may be happening in less plant species than tomatoesCfarmers may benefit from the further studiesDplants are warned first by their neighbors59The passage is l

25、ikely to appear in _Aa newspaper advertisementBa physics textbookCa science magazineDa finance reportBConsumers everywhere are faced with the same dilemma:given limited resources,what sorts of purchases are most likely to produce lasting happiness and satisfaction? Recent research has confirmed that

26、 experiential purchases tend to produce greater hedonic (享乐的)gains than material purchases.The reason why experiences improve with time may be because it is possible to think about experiences in a more abstract manner than possessions.For example,if you think back to a fantastic summer from your yo

27、uth,you might easily remember an abstract sense of warm sunshine and youthful exuberance(生气勃勃),but youre less likely to remember exactly what you did daybyday.Material possessions are harder to think about in an abstract sense.The car you bought is still a car,that great new jacket you picked up che

28、ap is still just a jacket.Its more likely the experience of that summer has taken on a symbolic meaning that can live longer in your memory than a possession.Purchasing may have a negative impact on happiness because consumers often buy “joyless” material possessions,resulting in comfort but not ple

29、asure.In general,people adapt to experiences more slowly than to material purchase.This can be seen in both negative and positive purchases:hedonic adaptation would result in a positive experience causing more happiness but a negative experience causing less happiness than the comparable material pu

30、rchase with the same initial happiness level.Experience,however,seems to be more resistant to these sorts of unfavourable comparisons.It is because of the unique nature of experience.Its more difficult to make an unfavourable comparison when there is nothing directly comparable.After all,each of our

31、 youthful summers is different.Its well established that social comparisons can have a huge effect on how we view what might seem like positive events.One striking example is the finding that people prefer to earn $50,000 a year while everyone else earns $25,000,instead of earning $100,000 themselve

32、s and having other people earn $200,000.A similar effect is seen for possessions.When there are so many flatscreen HD TVs to choose from,its easy to make unfavourable comparisons between our choice and the others available.60An abstract sense in the passage refers to awareness of something _Ayou can

33、not think aboutByou cant remember wellCyou cannot understandDyou cannot see or touch61If you make an experiential purchase before a material purchase,you may go to_Aa theatre before going to a storeBan exhibition before going to a parkCa mall before going to a grocersDa market before going to a rest

34、aurant62The example of earnings is given to actually indicate_Ahow ridiculous people areBhow people feel contentChow nearsighted people areDhow people hold prejudice63It is implied in the passage that,after their material purchases,people might_Aenjoy their ownership of what they have boughtBpick ev

35、ery fault in the products they have gotCregret making a wrong decision to buy the itemsDleave what theyve purchased untouched at homeCELMONT,N.Y.(AP)Elmont High School senior Harold Ekeh had a planhe would apply to 13 colleges,including all eight Ivy League schools,figuring it would help his chances

36、 of getting into at least one great school.It worked.And then some,the teenager from Long Island was accepted at all 13 schools,and now faces his next big test:deciding where to go.“I was stunned,I was really shocked,”Ekeh told The Associated Press during an interview Tuesday at his home near the Be

37、lmont Park racetrack,his four younger brothers running around.He found out last week he had been accepted to Princeton University.That made him eight for eight in the Ivy Leaguehe had already been accepted to Yale University,Brown University,Columbia University,Cornell University,Dartmouth College,H

38、arvard University and University of Pennsylvania.His other acceptances came from Johns Hopkins University,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,New York University,Stony Brook University and Vanderbilt University.“We are so proud of him,” said his mother ,Roseline Ekeh.“Hard work,dedication and pray

39、er brought him to where he is today.”Born in Nigeria,Harold was eight years old when his parents brought the family to the United States.“It was kind of difficult adjusting to the new environment and the new culture,” he said.But he saw his parents working hard,“and I took their example and decided

40、to apply_myself”He referenced that effort in his college essay,writing,“Like a tree,uprooted and replanted,I could have withered in a new country surrounded by people and languages I did not understand.Yet,I witnessed my parents persevere despite the potential to give in.I faced my challenges with n

41、ewfound zeal; I risked insults,spending my break talking to unfamiliar faces,ignoring their sarcastic remarks.”“Harold is tremendously focused in everything he does.” said John Capozzi,the schools principal,“Hes a great role model.All the students and faculty are so proud of him.”Harold is the secon

42、d Long Island student in as many years to get into all eight Ivies.Last year,William Floyd High Schools Kwasi Enim chose to go to Yale.Harold,who has a 100.51 gradepoint average and wants to be a neurosurgeon,said he was leaning toward Yale,and had heard from Enin,offering congratulations.Like Enin,

43、hes likely to announce his college choice at a press conference later this month.The deadline to decide is May.64Which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase“apply myself”?AWork hard.BWrite to the college.CMake a formal request.DMake an adjustment.65Which of the following is TRUE about Harol

44、d?AHe was born in a Nigerian family in the US.BHe planted a tree once he moved to the US.CHe was always welcome and popular in his schools.DHe paid a lot to make his way to offers from all Ivies.66Harold is probably going to_AHarvardBPrincetonCYale DMIT67What can we infer from this passage?AToo many

45、 cooks spoil the soup.BHe who laughs last laughs best.COne can kill two birds with one stone.DChance favors only the prepared mind.DThese days a green building means more than just the color of the paint.Green buildings can also refer to environmentally friendly houses,factories,and offices.Green building means“reducing the effect of the building on the land”,Taryn Holowka of the US. Green Build


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