2022年湘教版八年级上unit4topic1sectionB教案 .pdf

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1、Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us. Section BThe main activityis1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases: above, joy, rose, share with , snake, fox, frog, feed, feed on 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)They give us joy. (2)We sh

2、are the same world with them. 3. Go on learning comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1) I think animals are more interesting. (2) I like plants better. I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. (3) I like cats best because they are cuter than any other animals. (4) Whic

3、h kind of animal / plant do you like better, or ? (5) Which kind of animal / plant do you like best, , or ? (6) Because they are the most interesting 4. Talk about nature anddescribe animals and plants: (1) Which do you like better, plants or animals? (2) I like animals better. I keep a pet dog. I t

4、hink animals are more interesting. (3) I like birds. They are also beautiful, and they can sing to us. (4) Plants and animals are important to us. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /一束玫瑰花或玫瑰花的图片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 ( 时间 :8 分钟 )通过复习动物名称,讨论喜好,导入本课新词。1. (让学生分组比赛。用英语描述学过的动物,调动他们

5、学习的积极性,同时复习上节课所学的内容。 ) T: Now, let s play a game in groups of ten. If one student can say an animal sname in English and describe it, he/she will get one score. For example, dogs. They re the bravest on the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页farm. OK, begin. Ss: (教师在黑板上记分。) T: S

6、top! Group 3 has the highest score. So Group 3 is the winner.( 教师给予表扬。) 2. (通过师生问答,引出生词和多音节形容词比较级,导入新课。) T: From your talk, you seem to like animals, right? Ss:Yes. T: But I like plants better. Let me make a survey. Do you like plants or animals, S1? S1: I like animals. I think animals are more inte

7、resting. (帮助学生回答。) (板书,让学生观察interesting 的比较级形式。) interestingmore interesting T: Why do you think so? S1: Because animals are our friends. They can make us happy. T: Yes, they can give us joy. (教师板书并要求学生掌握。) joy T: What about you, S2? S2: I like plants better. T: Really? Do you like this kind of flow

8、er? (教师拿出一束玫瑰花或玫瑰花的图片。) S2: Yes. T: What are they?Do you know how to say them in English? S2: They are roses. (教师帮助学生回答。) (板书,要求学生掌握。) T: Are they beautiful? Ss: Yes, they are. T: And I think roses are the most beautifulof all the flowers. (板书并让学生观察beautiful 的最高级形式。) beautiful most beautiful T: (对着

9、S3) Do you like plants or animals? S3: Both animals and plants, because they are important to us. T: What about you, S4? S4: I like cats best, because they are more lovely than other animals. (板书,让学生观察lovely 的比较级。 ) lovely more lovely T: I agree with the studentsabove. So we must share the same worl

10、d withplants and animals. (板书并要求学生掌握。) above, share with rose 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现 ( 时间 :5 分钟 )通过听录音和理解对话,让学生体会多音节形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。1. (听 1a录音,理解对话并回答问题。) T: From your answers, I know some students like animals, and some students like plant

11、s. What do Wang Wei, Michael and Maria like? And why do they like them? Now listen to the tape, and then answer my questions: (用小黑板呈现听力问题。) (1)What do Wang Wei, Michael and Maria like? (2)Why do they like them? (核对答案。 ) 2. (再听 1a,完成 1b。) T:Very good. Now let s listen to 1aagain and match the people

12、with the things they like and their reasons in 1b. (核对答案。 ) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固 ( 时间 :12 分钟 )通过朗读,表演对话和对多音节形容词比较级及最高级的练习,使学生能灵活地运用多音节形容词比较级和最高级。1. (学生先自读1a,然后听录音核对语音语调,注意关键词。) T: Please read 1a by yourselves, then listen to the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation and the key

13、words. 2. (分角色表演,训练学生的交际能力。) T: Please role-play the dialog according to 1a. Then I ll let some of you act it out in the front. (挑选几组学生到前面表演。评出最佳表演组。) 3. (根据 1b 提供的单词和短语,复述课文内容。) T: Boys and girls, let s retell the dialog. You can begin like this: Wang Wei is talking about animals and plants. He say

14、s he likes plants better. He thinks roses 4. (对话练习,学会描述动物和植物。练习形容词比较级和最高级句式,完成1c。) (让学生看1c,先了解要操练的句型。) T: In 1a, we know how to use comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Now let s practice them. Please look at the sentence patterns in 1c. (一分钟后。 ) T: OK, I want to ask two students to he

15、lp me make up a new dialog with the expressions in 1c.Hi, S1,which kind of animal do you like better, dogs or birds? S1:Birds. T: Why do you think so? S1:Because they are more beautiful than other animals and they can sing to us. T: Quite well! Hi, S2,which kind of animal do you like best, dogs, bir

16、ds or cats? S2:I like dogs best. T: Why do you think so ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页S2:Because they are the most interesting of all the animals, and they are our friends. They can give us joy. T: Very good. (教师示范后,让学生两人一组进行练习。练习时,学生可以站起来大声操练,使课堂气氛轻松、活跃、和谐。) T: OK. Now p

17、lease practice in pairs. You can use any word about plants and animals you have learnt and you can stand up to practice it loudly. (学生操练几分钟后。) T: Now stop. Which pair can act out your dialog for us? OK, you two please. (待他们已灵活运用这些句式并能用所学的新词表演时,要求他们离开座位与其他同学用任意的动物或植物的名词代替1a中的动植物名词进行会话,从而再次复习了上节课学过的动物

18、名词。完成1c。) Step 4 Practice 第四步练习 ( 时间 :10 分钟 )通过运用形容词比较级和最高级来描述生态规则,增强学生保护生态环境的意识。1. (看 2中的图片,学生学习新词。) T: Look at the pictures in 2. These are all living things in the world. Can you give me their English names? Ss:Bird, plant, (对于学生说不出来的新词,教师给予补充。) (教师根据将要板书的单词,提示学生看对应的图片。) (板书并要求学生掌握snake, fox, fro

19、g;理解 living, insect 。) living, snake, fox, insect, frog T: Look at the pictures. Which is the smallest, the insect, the frog or the snake? Ss: The insect. T: Which is the longest, the insect, the frog or the snake? Ss: The snake. T: Insects feed on plants. Birds feed on insects. Foxes feed on birds.

20、 (板书并要求学生掌握。) feed, feed on T:Now let s look at the pictures again and talk about them. Which are bigger, birds or insects? Ss:Birds. T:Which are the strongest, insects, frogsor snakes? Ss:Snakes. T:What do insects feed on? Ss:Plants. T: What do frogs and birds feed on? Ss:Insects. T: What do snakes

21、 feed on? Ss:Frogs. T: What do foxes feed on? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页Ss:Birds. T: Insects feed on plants. Birds and frogs eat insects. Snakes eat frogs and foxes eat birds. That s nature. That s our world: They depend on each other. Is it right? 2. (学生分组谈论2 中的图画,练习运用

22、比较级和最高级。两分钟后汇报讨论结果。) T: Look at the pictures, and discuss in groups. You must say at least three sentences with the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. After two minutes, please give me your report. Example: G1:Snakes are bigger than frogs. Frogs are bigger than insects. Snakes are th

23、e biggest of all. G2:Frogs are stronger than insects. Snakes are stronger than frogs. Snakes are the strongest of all. 3. (看图画,独立完成2。) T: Now please look at the pictures and finish 2 by yourselves. (核对答案。 ) Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间 :10 分钟 )通过活动,讨论动、植物之间的关系,进一步增强学生保护生态环境的意识,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. (将学生分成

24、若干小组,每组5 人,讨论下列有关动植物的问题。) T: We know many animals and plants. Now please discuss the following questions in groups of five: (1) Do you know the importances of plants and animals to us? (2) What will our world be like if there are no plants or animals? (3) What should we do to protect plants and anim

25、als? (学生讨论后,每组派一个代表陈述他们的观点。) T: After the discussion each group needs to choose one student to state your view. 2. Homework :画出自己所喜爱的动植物,不局限于一种。运用比较级和最高级写一篇短文对其进行描述,并表达自己的喜爱程度及原因。板书设计 : Plants and animals are important to us. Section B interestingmore interestingWhich kind of animal do you like bett

26、er, or ? the most interestingWhich kind of plant do you like best, , or ? beautifulmore beautifulthe most beautifulBecause it s more friendly feed on Because they re the most interesting精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页share with 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页


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