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《IP认证相关知识.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《IP认证相关知识.ppt(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、IP Certificate Option IIP 认证 方案一,“Hard IP” “严格IP” (也称硬IP) SGS need to certify the whole supply chain (from the seed till end product); SGS需要认证整个供应炼(从种子到最终产品); Each stage need their own IP system; 每一个阶段都需要其独立的IP体系; SGS will certify one by one; SGS将逐一认证;,IP Certificate Option IIP 认证 方案一,Compliance cri

2、teria: 符合标准 SGS IP SGS IP及非转基因供应链认证标准, 和/或 BRC Technical Standard for the Supply of Identity Preserved Non-Genetically Modified Food Ingredients and Products. BRC IP非转基因食品成分和产品技术标准,IP Certificate Option IIIP 认证 方案二,“Soft IP” 宽松IP (软IP) Producer implement their own IP system from raw material input t

3、ill the products; 生产商建立其自己的IP体系, 从原料(如:大豆)直到其最终产品; No the other supply chain, especially no seed merchant and grower IP control; 没有其他供应链, 特别是没有种子采购和种植的IP控制; Raw material checking by 100% GMO testing to keep its identity Non GMO; 对原料(如:大豆)进行100%的GMO测试以保持其非转基因特性;,IP Certificate Option IIIP 认证 方案二,SGS

4、will pay documents review and processing line review; SGS将对文件和加工过程进行审核; Compliance criteria: 符合标准 Producers IP system. 生产商自己的IP体系,Difference Between The 2 Options该两个方案的不同,Option I 方案一(硬IP) Scope: From Seeds till the end products 范围: 从种子到最终产品 Compliance Criteria: BRC or SGS IP standards 符合标准: BRC或SGS

5、 IP标准 Wording of certificate: IP Certificate with mentioning the scope & compliance criteria 证书用词: IP证书, 并指出范围和符合标准 证书有效期:三年,Option II 方案二(软IP) Scope: Part of the supply chain 范围: 供应链的一部分 Compliance Criteria: Applicants IP system 符合标准: 申请人的IP体系 Wording of certificate: IP Product Certificate with mentioning the specific IP product with scope & compliance criteria 证书用词: 文件审核及符合证书, 并指出范围和符合标准 证书有效期:一年,


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