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《2022年北京师大附属实验中学九年级英语第一学期期末统考模拟试题含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年北京师大附属实验中学九年级英语第一学期期末统考模拟试题含解析.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考前须知.考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。1 .试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一局部必须用2B铅笔作答;第二局部必须用黑 色字迹的签字笔作答。2 .考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。I.单项选择1、We must make full use of our valuable time to review lessons in the following days. It is important to study in theright ways. We should avoid listening t

2、o teachers carelessly having a rest as often as possible(3) sleeping in class writing down the important points and review them after classpracticing more with our teachers or classmatesA.B.C.2、The pen looks nice. Who bought it for you?Ifs a birthday present from my mother. I like it very much and i

3、t writes very.A. completely B. properly C. rapidly D. smoothly3、Jeff is hard-working boy and he got good grades at end of this term.A. an; / B. a ; the C. a ; an D. an: the4、What are the people in the US to do when they meet?A. supposed; at the first timeB. supposed; for the first timeC. expected; i

4、n the first time D. be supposed; for the first time5、 I dont care how you do the job. I only care it can be done. Just give me a date!A. where B. what C. why D. when-Excuse me. Could you please tell me?-Sure. Theres a bookstore on River Road.A. where I can get a dictionaryB. if is there a bookstore

5、on River RoadC. where can I get a dictionary D. how could I get a dictionary7、Cheer up! If you want to go up high, then your own legs.A to use B. use C. using D. used8、-1 wonder.-I think you should study harder.A that I will pass the history examTo: Li PingIm really looking forward to meeting your b

6、rother when he comes to Rome in the summer. I can show him around the city! Please tell me something about him! How old is he? What does he look like? What kind of person is he and whats he interested in?Hope to hear from you soon.Love,LindaSubject:From: Li PingTo: LindaDear Linda,Yours,Li Ping参考答案I

7、.单项选择1、C2、D3、B4、B5、D6、A7、B8、B9、D10、BII.完形填空11、 1. BA2. CC3. DA4. AD5. BCm.语法填空12、1. look2. ajumped3. onangrily4. call7 lying8. deaddown9. stoodIV.阅读理解13、 1. CC2. B 14、 1. AD2. CB3. A 15、 1. AD2. C16、 1. C2. C3.B4. A 17、 1. CD2. C 18、 1. DC2. DDV.书面表达19、Dear Linda,Thank you so much for agreeing to sh

8、ow my brother around Rome. Now let me tell you something about my brother. He is thirteen years old, easy-going and humorous-we get along really well. He loves dierent cultures. He is interested in museums and likes trying local food.My brother is also cute. Hes of medium height with short straight

9、black hair. He is good at Chinese kungfu, and usually wears T-shirts and jeans.Thanks again for your help!Yours,Li PingB. whether I can play computer games nowhow I could get on well with my classmatesC. why couldnt I get “A in my EnglishThe mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it.A.

10、 inventsB. inventedC. is invented D. was invented10、- What about playing soccer with us, Bob?-Td like to, but I look after my baby brother.A. may B. have to C. can D. couldIL完形填空11 Andy went home from school by bus one day. When an old woman carrying a basket full of apples got onto the bus, Andy 1

11、his seat. The old woman 2 her thanks to him and before she got off, she 3 three big apples and said, nI want to give you these three 4 apples. Tell one apple your wish, eat it and then wait and see.”The next day Andy went to a park with the apples. HI wish to be tall and strong/* Andy said when he s

12、aw boys playing baseball there. He ate the first apple and grew into a very tall boy. But all the boys ran away with 5 when they saw this.Andy was sad. He took out another apple and said, “I wish to be famous so as to have lots of friends.” With these words, he ate the second apple. But when hundred

13、s of reporters tried to interview him, he had to hide himself to 6 them, Andys third wish was to be one of the richest men in the world. But when his wish came true, he found himself still 7One night Andy 8 the old lady again in the street. She saw he was not in high spirits and asked him what he re

14、ally wanted to be. nI just want to be 9 !n Andy said. Suddenly he was at the 10 again. One of the boys came up and said to himJCome on and play with us!”1. A. refused B. offered C. kept D. shookA. expressed B. explained C. imagined D. regretted2. A. checked out B. pointed out C. picked out D. sold o

15、utA. bitter B. plain C. magic D. funny3. A. joy B. pride C. courage D. fearA. avoid B. control C. receive D warn4. A. lonely B. silent C. lively D. excellentA. came down B. came up with C. came to D. came across5. A. him B. me C. them D. youD. heavenD. heaven6. A. bus B. street C. parkm.语法填空12、阅读下面短

16、文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。One day the Prince of Wales wanted to go hunting with his men. He told his dog, Gelert, to stay at home andl. (look)after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle, which was like 2. small bed.When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his maste

17、r. He wagged his tail and 3, (jump) up to put his paws on the Princes chest. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelerfs jaws and head.“What have you done?” the Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor. The clothes were torn and th

18、ere was blood4 them.“ So you have killed my son?” the Prince said 5, (angry), “You unfaithful dog!” He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying, he managed to bark. Then the Prince heard a baby 6. (call) to the dog.The Prince ran back into the house and saw his son 7. (lie)on

19、the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew that Gelert had defended the baby and killed the wolf.The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was 8. (dead), The Prince was very sad indeed. Tears ran9, his face when he realized he had killed his faithful frien

20、d. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again. Every morning at dawn, he walked up the mountain andlO. (down) by the dogs grave for a few minutes.IV.阅读理解A13、Ai i Br A h年Price: $ 14.9 Number of pages: 127Storyl

21、ine: Bean and her best friend, Ivy, decide to create their own camp. They think up all the activities and, of course, they make the rules.Recommendation: Pd give this book a 10 because I love the characters. They are funny and creative.住r &邮之*siPrice: $ 15.9 Number of pages: 128Storyline: Zoe and Al

22、ices mother might just have the coolest job ever.She saves great Pyrenees dogs(大白熊犬)Recommendation: Id give this book an 8 because it is a little sad. I think kids who love animals and a good story will really like itPrice: $ 12.9 Number of pages: 192Storyline: A dog lives in an empty pipe under Hig

23、hway 16. He has four dog friends. One day, they decide to go on an adventure to steal the food from a human family.Recommendation: Id give this book a 9. It is funny. I was laughing out loud at all the funny scenes.Price: $ 15.9 Number of pages: 160Storyline: After their parents are killed in a car

24、accident. Jayna and her elder brother Rob are each others only family. Soon, Rob goes off to serve in the navy.Recommendation: Id give this book a 9. Im interested in romantic novels and science fiction, but not so much in historical fiction.Gingersnap really changed my opinion.1. has the most pages

25、.A. Ivy and Bean Make the RulesC. Stick Dog2. White Fur Flying.A. tells us about the life of four dogsC. is a book about saving dogsB . White Fur FlyingD. GingersnapB. is a historical fictionD. shows us the camp lifefor the two3. Tom wants to buy a copy of Ivy and Bean Make the Rules and a copy of G

26、ingersnap. He should payA. $ 14.914、BB. $30.8C. $ 12.9D. $15.9Chinese HandwritingChinese handwriting is a special art to Asian culture. Brush handwritingis much loved around the world. Wang Xizhi is very famous for his handwriting. He made a great difference to the development of Kaishu.books.Chines

27、e Folk MusicChina has a colorful culture. It is connected with Chinese ancient stories.Chinese folk music has a long history. One of the classics(经典著作),Shijing included some folk songs in 15 different areas from the West Zhou to Spring and Autumn Dynasty. Traditional Chinese musical instruments incl

28、ude guqin, guzhengy pipa, erhu9 xiao and so on.Chinese PaintingChinese painting is one of the oldest traditional Chinese painting forms in the world. Most of the Chinese paintings in ancient China were done on paper or silk. Traditional Chinese painting includes mountains and water, figures(A 物),flo

29、wers and birds. The highest form of Chinese painting is mountains and water.WeiqiWeiqi, called yi in ancient China, is a smart board game between two players with a history for over 3,000 years. The game can be treated as the beginning of all ancient chess games. It was introduced to Korea about 2,0

30、00 years ago and was popular among the higher classes.1. Wang Xizhi played an important role inA. Chinese handwritingB. Chinese folk musicC. Chinese paintingD. WeiqiThe is a traditional Chinese instrument.A. guitarB. violinC. pianoD. erhuThe highest form of Chinese painting is.A. birdsB. flowersC. m

31、ountains and water D. oil paintingThe underlined word classes“ means in Chinese.A.班级B.阶层C.课堂D.种类Classic Chinese culturesA. have a long historyB. are not welcomed by the higher classesC. are popular only in ChinaD. are the beginning of the world culture15、Hard Work Makes Dreams Come TrueAstronaut Ell

32、en Ochoa shows that with a good education and hard work, you can reach for the stars. Ochoa is the first Hispanic astronaut woman to fly into space.As a child, Ochoa didnt know what she wanted to be when she grew up. But her mother always told her to stay in school and study hard. She listened to he

33、r mother. When she was 13 years old, she won a spelling contest. In high school, Ochoa spent many hours each week studying for all her classes. She finished with the best grades in her class. After high school, Ochoa went to college. One day in college she heard that the U.S. government had chosen s

34、ix women to become astronauts. At that time, Ochoa decided to become an astronaut, too.Her many years of hard work paid off at last. She was asked to be an astronaut in 1990. In April, 1993 in the space shuttle(航天飞机)named Discovery, she made history by becoming the first Hispanic woman to travel to

35、space. Ochoa and the other astronauts had many jobs while on the Discovery. One of her tasks was to use the shuttles robot arm to move large objects. Ochoa used a computer to make the arm pick up a satellite and put it into space. A satellite is a spacecraft that moves around the earth or some other

36、 objects. Satellites can take pictures and gather information about planets and stars. During her second trip in 1994, she used the robot arm again. She used the arm to pull in a satellite from space. The satellite had been used to study the air around the earth. Then Ochoa went to two more shuttle

37、trips. Altogether, she spent a whole month in space. Thats more than 700 hours.Ochoa knows that she is a hero to many young people. She often tells them the same thing her mother told her when she was a little girl. Get a good education and believe in yourself, says Ochoa.1. When did Ochoa decide to

38、 become an astronaut?A.When she was in college.B.When she was 13 years old.C.Before she went to high school.D.After she went to work.2. On the Discovery, Ochoa used the robot arm to.A. repair the shuttles computerB.take pictures of the earthC.gather information about planetsD.put a satellite into sp

39、ace3 Ochoa probably advises the young people to.A. fly into space one dayB. become scientists some dayC. do their best in schoolD. learn how to use robot armsD16、Bicycle sharing systems are also known as yellow bicycle programs, white bicycle programs, public bikes, or free bikes. They are increasin

40、gly popular in Europe now. Paris has the worlds largest urban (城市的)cycle rental system. This is a bike rental station in Paris. The workers are showing how to use a new self-service bike. They say that Paris will become “a green capital of bikes” and they plan to park 20,000 bicycles at 1,600 statio

41、ns. Paris created this plan to reduce waste gas displacement (废气排气量).At a rental station, you only have to put your credit card into the machine to rent a bike. It provides French, German, English and Chinese services. If you ride the bike for only 30 minutes to relax, you neednt pay for it. A two-h

42、our bike rent only costs you 4 euros.These stations work for 24 hours every day, so a bike is rented for 10 to 14 times a day. In this way there are 200,000 people using bikes a day.In the past few years, Paris has encouraged its people to ride bikes, but something unhappy has happened now and then.

43、 Some people break the traffic rules during rush hours. Some park their bikes everywhere. So how to park their bikes is a problem that Paris will face. But this project is still a helpful way to improve its traffic environment.1. Bicycle rental system can help Paris become afashion capitalA. sleepy

44、citygreen capital of bikesB. green capital of stationsThe machine at a bicycle rental system offers language services.A. two B. three C. four D. fiveAccording to the passage, the problem that Paris will deal with isA. how to encourage its people to ride bikeshow to park their bikesB. how to improve

45、its traffic environmentD how to obey the traffic rules2. From the passage we can infer (推断)that the writer.A. thinks bicycle rental systems are greatthinks Paris is a bicycle capitalB. doesnt agree with the idea of bicyclethinks bicycle rental systems are bad17、Doctor Seuss was born in 1904. By the

46、middle 1950s, he had become one of the best-loved and most successful childrens book writers in the world. His books are very popular with young readers. They enjoy the invented words and the pictures of unusual funny animals and plants.In 1954, life magazine published(刊登)a report about school child

47、ren who could not read. The report said many childrens books were not interesting. Doctor Seuss strongly hoped to help children and decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read. He used words with the same ending sound, like fish and wish. He did not receive training in art. Yet he

48、drew the pictures for most of his books.In 1957, Dr. Seuss wrote The Cat in the Hat He used less than 230 words to write the book and even a six-year-old kid should be able to read it. It was a fun story and easy to read. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today it is still one of the stories they like best. The success of The Cat in the Hat made him want to write more books for children.In 1960, he wrote a book using less than fifty words. The book is called Gre


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