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《2022-2023学年安徽省合肥市一六八中学英语九年级第一学期期末复习检测试题含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022-2023学年安徽省合肥市一六八中学英语九年级第一学期期末复习检测试题含解析.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷请考生注意:1 .请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答 案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2 .答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的考前须知,按规定答题。I.单项选择1、一Kate, I* m going shopping. Anything to buy for you?一Yes, that will save me aA. hand B. trip C. visit D. bill3 、 Jacks parents always encourage him out his

2、 opinions.A. speak B. speaking C. to speak3、Nowadays, it takes us only hour and a half to travel from Changchun to Shenyang because of high speedrailway.A. an B. the C. a D. /4、 Why didnt you come to Marys birthday party yesterday?-Because I.A. didnt invite B. isn,t invited C. wasn9t invited5、The Ta

3、iwan Earthquake took place about 4 oclock Feb.6, while the people were sleeping.A. at; in B. at; on C. in; on6、一 I think the plan is just a waste of time. What do you think?一 Well, if you dont support the plan,A. neither do I B. so do I C. neither will I D. so will I7、一Can I learn English well if I

4、work hard on it from now on?Sure.A. One tree doesnt make a forestIts not work that kills, but worryB. Nothing is impossible to a willing heartTwo heads are better than one8、一 You have explored this forest for several months. Do you have any discoveries?No, I dont. I didnt see any tigers at all.A int

5、roductions B. flndings C. stories9、We wont get to the camp on time unless we early tomorrow morning.A. set out B. stay out C. lay out D. look out10、Hurry up, Stephen! Lefs cross the street as quickly as possible.No, you Dont you see that the traffic lights are still red?Dinosaurs lived on the earth

6、for more than 150 million years.Some dinosaurs ate plants; some lived on meat.Step 3 What can you do with what you want to learn? Ask questions, on your paper, start writing down questions about the dinosaurs as you think of them:Whafs the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?How many kinds of dino

7、saurs were there?Have dinosaurs really disappeared?Step 4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you learn more about your subject, youll probably discover some new questions. For example, you might discover that dinosaurs disa

8、ppeared about 65 million years ago. Why? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely.The next time you And something interesting to research, take time to organize your thinking by asking good questions. And remember that learning more always brings more questi

9、ons.1. Which of the following shows the right order of doing some research? List what you want to know. Choose a research subject.(3) List what youve already known. Discover new problems.A.B.C.D.2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Dinosaurs liked warm seasons.B. All the din

10、osaurs didnt live on meat.C. Dinosaurs appeared after human beings.D. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for 65 million years.3. What might be the best title for this passage?A. Discovering DinosaursB. Good Questions Help ResearchC Finding Right SubjectsD. Steps to Make DiscoveriesV.书面表达19、假设你是Susan,在家里你的

11、父母总是对你有很多要求,有时你是否感到厌烦?你是怎样解决的?请你根据以下表格提示用英语写一篇短文。父母的要求每天清扫房间;不能玩电脑游戏;晚上10点前必须睡觉你的看法虽太严厉,但理解他们你的解决方式与父母多交流,为父母做些家务要求:1 .文章必须包括表格中所给提示内容,可以展开思路,自由地适当发挥。2 .不能出现真实的校名、人名和其它真实信息。3 .词数80词右。前两句已经给出,不计入词数。参考答案I .单项选择1、B2、C3、A4、C5、B6、C7、C8、B9、A10、CII .完形填空11、 1. A2. D3. C4. D5. C6. B7. A8. D9. B10. Am.语法填空12

12、、 1. a2. patiently3. more active4. tools5. has introduced6. It7. with8. added9. to help10. butIV.阅读理解13、 1. B2. C3. D4. B5. A14、 1. C2. D3. B4. A5. D15、 1. D2. A3.B16、 321. D3.B4. D17、 1. B2. B3. A4. D5. B2. B3.BV.书面表达19、 My name is Susan. There are too many rules in my family. I have to clean the r

13、oom every day. I am not allowed to play computer games in my free time. I cant go out on school nights. I must go to bed by 10 pm. I think my parents are too strict with me. Sometimes I feel bored, but I understand they really love me. I communicate with my parents as much as possible, sharing my ha

14、ppiness and sadness with them. And I often help them do housework. These are my good ways to get on well with them.A. couldnt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. needn*tII.完形填空11、 Kaizhou is my friends hometown. Its in Chongqing. There are many places of interest there. When my friend Li Hai invited Jane and me

15、 1 there last month, I was really excited.Fist we went to Wanghou 2 It took us only three hours to get there. When we landed (着陆)safely, it was 10: 00 in the morning. Then we took a taxi to Kaizhou. We met Li Hai in a station and found a nice 3 to live in, the conditions were very good.The next earl

16、y morming, we had a big 4 Then we went to the Hanfeng Lake by bus. The Hanfeng Lake was 5 a beautiful lake that we like it soon. The water was clear and we could see many kinds of fishes swimming in it.Trees were green and birds were singing.On the second day, we visited the Liu Bocheng Memorial (纪念

17、馆),Its 6for our national hero, Liu Bocheng.There were so many people that we couldnt find a proper place to 7 photos.On the third day, we climbed the Mount Xuebao. Air there was 8 than that in some cities. The air made us feel very comfortable. And we enjoyed wild mushroom (野生蘑菇)soup. I was fond of

18、its smell and taste, so I bought two bags of dry wild mushroom 9 my parents.The 10 trip gave me many surprises. Im looking forward to traveling there again.1. A. to go2. A. by bike3. A. shop4. A. bread5. A. very6. A. interesting7. A. take8. A. dirty9. A. with10. A. three-daym.语法填空B. to go toB. by bu

19、sB. bankB. supperB. soB. famousB. bringB. freshB. forB. three-daysC. goingC. by trainC. hotelC. lunchC. suchC. dangerousC. carryC. dirtierC. toC. three daysD. wentD. by planeD. hospitalD. breakfastD. muchD. poorD. moveD. fresherD. onD. three day*sThis is Tammela School, a primary school in Finland.

20、The students are having a math class with their robot teacher.The “teacher isl. small, blue machine about 25cm high, Reuters reported.Whenever students have problems, it helps them very2. (patient) and never gets bored.“The robot can make studentsX(active) in class than usual. I see Eliasas one of t

21、he 4, (tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom, a teacher told Reuters.So far the schoolSCintroduce) four robot teachers, one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance to music.H 6. is necessary to encourage kids to come up7. new ways to m

22、ake use of technology in school life,n the head of the school 8. (add) in the interview.The robot teachers are used9, (help) improve learning. This doesnt mean that human teachers will lose their jobs. The robots can teach wellJO, they are not able to keep class in order. The school still needs huma

23、n teachers.IV.阅读理解A13、HomeArchiveGamesAbout UsContact UsDisclaimerBedtime Stories for Kidsby Uncle Amon$ 9.99(Paperback) 661 reader reviewsAre you looking for a childrens book that is full of bedtime stories, and is great for early readers? This childrens storybook has it all! Each story is easy to

24、read and exciting with cute and bright pictures for younger readers! This book is especially great for traveling, waiting rooms, and reading aloud at home.About the WriterUncle Amon is a best-selling childrens book writer with over 100 published books. He wants to bring great changes in the world th

25、rough childrens books.Most Recent Reviews Cute stories (By Keisha on November 13, 2016)I read them to my 4-year-old niece, and she likes the cute characters. The only thing that I would add would be more pictures. The pictures in the book are lovely so itd be nice to see more. Completely disappointe

26、d! (By Candi on August 5, 2016)There were grammatical mistakes in this book. There werent enough pictures for children to look at. There were pages in the book for children to color and to create their own story. It seems that these pages were added to make the book longer. This is my favorite so fa

27、r from Uncle Amon (By Helen on May 2, 2016)I am the grandma of three kids aged 2, 5 and 6. Bedtime Stories is the third book we have read from Unde Amon and by far my favorite. It encourages children to build on their dreams and teaches them to talk openly about them.1. This book is written by Unde

28、Amon .A. for school teachersB. for young childrenC. for grandparentsD. for teenagers2. Uncle Amon writes childrens books for the purpose of.A.making more moneyB.becoming famousC.changing the worldD.educating parents3. Keisha thinks if the book, it would be better.A.could have more charactersB.could

29、bring great changesC.could talk more about travellingD.could have more pictures4. According to Candi,stories in this book are too shortA. the pages for coloring pictures are not necessarybooks like this are not enoughB. childrens own stories are full of grammatical mistakesWhich of the following is

30、true according to the passage?A. Helen often reads books with her grandchildren.B. Helen cannot stand Uncle Amons books any more.C. Uncle Amon has written three children books so far.D. Bedtime Stories is Uncle Amons most popular book.B14 Henry was a carpenter (木匠)of our village. Once I asked him to

31、 make a dining table for my wife. He made it just the right size to Hll the space between the two windows. When I arrived home that evening, Henry was drinking a cup of tea and writing his bill for his work.My wife said to me, quietly, “Thats his ninth cup of tea today.” But she said loudly, Its a b

32、eautiful table, dear, isnt it?n“I wont decide about that until I see that bill.” I said.Henry laughed and gave me his bill for the work. It said:BILLOne dining table June 10, 2013Cost of wood $ 17.00Paint (油漆)$1.50Work, 8 hours (1 an hour) $ 8.00Total (总计)$36.50BILLOne dining table June 10, 2013Cost

33、 of wood $ 17.00Paint (油漆)$1.50Work, 8 hours (1 an hour) $ 8.00Total (总计)$36.50When I was looking at the bilL Henry said, its been a fine day, hasnt it? Quite sunny.”“YesJT said. MFm glad it is only the 10th of June.”“Me too”,said Henry. If you wait, ifll be a bit hotter by the end of the month.”“Ye

34、s. Hotter and more expensive. Dining tables will be 20 more expensive on June 30th, wont they, Henry?”Henry looked hard at me for half a minute. There was a little embarrassed smile in his two blue eyes. It seemed that he had done wrong. I gave his bill back to him.“If it isnt too much trouble, Henr

35、y, I said, nPlease add it up again. You can forget the date.”I paid him $26. 50 and he ran away in a hurry.1. When the writer got home, Henry.A. was talking with the writers wife B. was waiting for himC had finished the dinning table D. had drunk ten cups of tea2. Henry talked about weather when the

36、 writer was looking at the bill because.A. he didnt know how to say except weatherhe wanted the writer to look at the bill carefullyC he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was likeD he didnt want the writer to go through the bill carefully3. The writer thought Henry would ask for dollars if

37、he made a dining table on the last day of June.A. 26.50B. 56.50C. 46.50D. 20.004. When the writer gave him the money, Henry was.A embarrassed B. angryC surprised D. sad5. From the story we know that Henry.A. didnt make a mistake in the billgot $36. 50 for his work in the endC had written out the bil

38、l before the writer got homewanted to try to get more money for his workLew travel?HelpWantedJoin us asatourgukte* Fun time, must speak Engbsh. $12 per hour.E*mat guideh 渤 63 White Persian male cat caied Lizzie.15、Lost18 months old. fnendy nature Any info about Uzzie. Large reward.Phone Tim 555-3826

39、even0698Family borne. 3 bedrooms. Urge yardCaM Andrew 555-4863How much money can a tour guide get for working eight hours a day?A. $24.B. $48.C. $72.D. $96.1. If you find Lizzie the cat, you shouldA. call 555-3826B. call 555-4863C. email D. keep it as your own petAccording to the information above,

40、which of the following is TRUE?A. A tour guide doesnt have to speak English.B. Andrew can help you find a house with a yard.C. A single girl can rent a room for$35 a month.D. The owner will give you a large pet if you find Lizzie.D16、 World Environment Day is held each year on Junel. It is an import

41、ant way through which the United Nations stimulates (激发) worldwide awareness of the environment and gets political attention and action. Word Environment Day helps to improve the Earthfs environment, such as protecting forests.What do people do?World Environment Day is celebrated in many ways in cou

42、ntries such as Kenya, NewZealand, Poland, Spain and theUnited States. Activities include concerts, tree planting and clean-upcampaignsIn many countries, this annual(每年的)event is used to get political attention and action towards improving the environment.Public lifeThe world Environment Day is not a

43、 public holiday, so public life is not affected (影响).SymbolsThe main colors forth is event are natural colors. These colors are often green, brown and blue. Images of the Earths natural features, such as snowy mountains) clean beaches and unpolluted rivers are used to improve campaigns supporting th

44、e day.321. Which is NOT the UNs aim to hold World Environment Day? A. Get political attention and action.B. Improve the Earths environment.C Stimulate awareness of the environment.D. Give people a public holiday.3. What can NOT be used to improve campaigns supportingWorld Environment Day? A. Theunpo

45、llutedrivers.B. The polluted lakes.C. Thesnowymountains.D. The clean sea beaches.4. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. World Environment Day will influence peoples life.B. World Environment Day is held on Julylth every year.C. There arent many activities on World Environment Day.D The import

46、ant colors for World Environment Day are natural colors.E17 Xiao Jing, a Beijing girl took home a cup of iced tea for her father after having supper at McDonalds. But when the father happily started to drink his daughters gift, he found that there was a filter tip (过滤嘴)inside it. Xiao Jing and her f

47、ather got very angry.This is not the first time that McDonalds has let Chinese customers down. According to a CCTV program on World Consumer Rights Day(消费者权益保护日)on March 15, a McDonald restaurant in Beijing sold chicken wings 90 minutes after they were cooked. The companys rules set a 30-minutes limit. Whats more, some workers changed desserts9 expiration dates (保质期)or even put them into a new bag or box to sell them aga


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