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《北京市东城区2021-2022学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市东城区2021-2022学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、东城区2021-2022学年度初一年级第二学期期末统一检测一、单项填空(每题0.5分,共6分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最正确选项。Alices father works at a hospital.is a doctor.A. HeB. SheC. HisD. Her- Is it Marys camera?-Yes. Its.A. herB. hersC.myD. mineWe plan to celebrate my cousins birthday the 10th of August.A. inB. forC.atD. on2. - Alex, c

2、an you take these bowls the kitchen?-Fm coming. Dad.A. onB.inC. toD.at-did you have for breakfast today?-Some bread and juice.A. WhyB. WhereC. WhatD. Howlike my art teacher Mr. Yang very much,he is very friendly.A. becauseB. orC. butD.so- Did you go to school by bus this morning?-Yes J.A. amB. wasC.

3、 doD. did- Lily, what does your brother usually do at weekends?-He football with his friends.A. is playing B. playsC. will playD. playedTony will Palace Museum with his classmates next Sunday morning.A. visitedB. visitsC. will visitD. visitThere a good film on TV yesterday.D. hasD. will readA. wasB.

4、 isC. had- What is your sister doing now?-She a book in her room.A. readsB. is reading C. readMy grandparents in Tianjin ten years ago.A. liveB. are living C. will liveD. lived二、完形填空(每题1分,共8分)It was a sunny morning. Daniel sat down at the table and had his favorite breakfast.“What do you want to do

5、today?” Daniels mom asked him.Im going to play in the woods (树林)behind the houseDaniel said.Daniel quickly finished his(13) and ran to get dressed.“Mom, Ill be back later!When he opened the door, Daniel felt the(14) air. He smiled at the sun. Perfect weather to play, he thought. The leaves were just

6、 beginning to grow on the trees.Daniel picked up a long stick (木棍)and used it to(15) a way through the woods. Suddenly, he saw something that wasnt a rock or a leaf. When he got closer, he found a small bird among the fallen leaves. He looked around and saw its nest in a tree. He carefully climbed u

7、p the tree to get a closer look. He didnt see any birds around. Then, he(16) to tell his mom about all this.“Mom, I found a bird and it couldnt move!” he told her as he hurried through the door.She looked for a(17) and then she said, “Well, lets go and have a look.Daniel took his mom back to the bir

8、d. His mom looked carefully at it.“Lets try to(18) it!” she said. She picked up the bird and put it in the box. Then she said, “We can take it to the animal hospital in town.”They took the bird to the animal hospital. After a few days, with the bird, an animal doctor(19) Daniels house.The animal doc

9、tor said, “The bird is ready to go back to its home in the trees/9Daniel was so(20). He looked at the bird and said, Tm happy youre all right. I hope I can see you again. Bye!”13. A. houseworkB. studyC. mealD. game14. A. warmB. hotC. coldD. dirty15. A. changeB. pickC. knowD. clear16. A. waited17. A.

10、 leaf18. A. save19. A. left20. A. interestedB. ranB. nestB. findB. checkedB. excitedC. promisedC. basketC. sellC. visitedC. kindD. rememberedD. boxD. keepD. noticedD. lucky三、阅读理解(每题2分,共18分)阅读以下短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最正确选项。Many young people write blogs 6尊客).Lets meet three young blog write

11、rs.EmmaLast year I wrote for my school magazine. I think its quiteeasy to write a good blog. My blog is about things from daily life. My older brother Adam also has a blog, but were writing about different subjects. We dont talk about what were going to write, but we read each others blogs. Sometime

12、s our parents also readour blogs.I started writing my popular movie blog because I loveKevinmovies. Some readers send me passages by email about the movies theyve seen, and I put these on my blog. Im still at school and writing well really takes time. I dont think Ill write it for much longer. Fm bu

13、sy, and its time to do something new.I wrote for a school magazine two years ago. I stopped later, but I missed it. Then I started my own blog. Writing a blog is a new thingfor me. I write about my daily life. I get writing ideas from my friends. We always think of something interesting and special.

14、 At first, almost nobody read my blog, but now more do.21. Emma thinks writing a good blog isA. funB. easyC. wonderfulD. importantIf you are interested in popular movies, whose blog will you read?A. Emmas.B. Adams.C. Kevins.D. Lisas.22. Lisa gets her writing ideas from her.A. friendsB. parents C. br

15、othersD. readersBWhen Nicos first moved to Kensington in July, he was very unhappy. He came from a big city where he knew every kid in his building and did lots of things together with his friends. He noticed that Kensington was very quiet unlike his home city, which was always noisy.Nicos was worri

16、ed about the start of school because he hadnt met any other kids yet. One day he decided to ride his bike to the town park. He was happy to see people at his age there. Then he noticed some of them looking at him and quietly speaking to one another. “Uh-oh,“ Nicos thought, they probably dont like ou

17、tsiders/5A tall boy with carrot-colored hair broke away from the group and walked toward Nicos. The boy stopped a few feet away. Nicos didnt know what to do, but suddenly the boy smiled at him, “Hey, he said.“HeyJ Nicos answered.“Whats your name?” asked the boy.“Nicos. Whats yours?” asked Nicos.Im T

18、im. Nicos is an unusual name. Wheres it from?” Tim asked.“Its Greek (希腊语)answered Nicos.Tims eyes widened. Cool, are you from Greece?” he asked.“Well, my family is, but Im from London/5 said Nicos.“London!” said Tim. Thats awesome!” He shouted to his group, Hey, this guys from London!”The other kids

19、 headed toward Tim and Nicos. This is Nicos,“ said Tim.The other kids introduced themselves as Tommy, Michelle, Leo, Martin, Chad. Cory, and Keith. They were around him and started asking him questions so fast that he couldnt keep up. Whats the subway like?” “Are there fun things to do there?”“Hey,

20、were going to a pool (泳池)party at Nicoles house this afternoon J said Lee. “You want to come with us?”Nicos smiled, Sure!” he said. Chad lived near him, so he and Chad rushed home together on their bikes to get their swim trunks.Nicos had a great that afternoon. Everyone was so friendly!Even though

21、almost everyone in Kensington knew almost everyone else, there was still room for someone new.23. How did Nicos feel when he first moved to Kensington?A. Bored.B. Sad.C. Excited. D. Safe.24. Why did Nico have a great time that afternoon?A. Because he rode bikes in the park.B. Because he introduced h

22、is hometown to others.C Because he went to a pool party with other kids.D. Because he got to know almost everyone in town.26. Nicos story mainly tells us that.A. swimming brings us a lot of funmaking friends in the park is a good ideaB. being new doesnt mean people won5t like youliving in small town

23、s helps kids know each otherCHave you ever started a book, read a few pages, and found that it isnt interesting at all? If you have, you may be faced with a dilemma: should you keep going with the book, even if you arent enjoying it, or put it down and find something else?Some people say its better

24、to go on reading the book youve started. Some of the best books ever written are full of difficult words and paragraphs, with lots of characters (人物)and different storylines. Its an important skill (技能)to keep going and get to the end. Besides, if you stop reading halfway through, how will you know

25、how everything turns out for the characters? Whats more, the book might suddenly become really interesting, and there might even be a surprise change. Giving up is easy, but trying to finish a difficult book is a good skill to have.But not everybody has the same idea. Cressida Cowell, the new Childr

26、ens Laureate (儿童文学桂冠奖得主),says its OK to stop reading a book you dont like. She says young readers should read books they enjoy, not those that arent of much interest. There are lots of wonderful books waiting to be read in libraries and bookshops, so spending hours and days trying hard to read an un

27、interesting story ismeaningless. Nobody would choose to sit through a boring TV show. Giving up and trying a different book is the same as picking something else to watch on TV. Besides, its important to enjoy reading and not think of it as a chore (苦差事). If you have to finish a book that you are no

28、t enjoying, it might put you off reading other books in the future.If you ask me, I think you shouldnt give up after page one. You can read around 20 pages and then you can stop reading if you dont like the characters or cant easily jump into their world. Sometimes youre just not in a place for a bo

29、ok, and its OK to set it aside and revisit it later. A book youre not loving today could end up being your favorite in a few years.27. The word “diemma” in Paragraph 1 probably means A. a big changeB. a difficult problemC. a different futureD. a special planCressida Cowell probably agrees (同意)that.A

30、. reading books you dont enjoy may make you not want to read laterreaders may change their ideas about the same book as time goesB. keeping reading a book helps students learn difficult wordschildren should read books but not watch TV programs28. What is the best title (标题)of the passage?A. Is it Im

31、portant to Have Reading Skills?B. Is It Right to Read Only Books That Interest You?C. To Read Best Books or to Read Books That You Love?D. To Stop Reading a Book Halfway or to Go On Reading t?第二局部本局部共10题,共28分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务。U!阅读表达(每题2分,共10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答以下问题。Charlie Condell, an 18-year-old boy, has f

32、inished bike trip around the world in just 318 days. He became the youngest British person to bike around the world.To set a round-the-world biking trip record (纪录),a person must start and end in the same place and ride about 24,900 miles (40.072 kilometers). They are allowed to fly and take boats,

33、but they must finish most of the trip on bikes.Last July, Charlie left his home in Bristol. England. He was taking a year off before going to college and he liked the idea of the challenge (挑战).He loved his bike, and he named it “ColirT. Colin was very light, which made it easier for Charlie to put

34、in long days with lots of miles. Some days Charlie rode as many as 125 miles (200 kilometers).Charlie had many hard times. He didnt have anyone travelling with him to help him. He carried his own gear (装备)and camped out most nights. He had to deal with rain, wind, bad drivers, and countless flat tyr

35、es (漏气的车月台).He says the trip taught him to believe in himself.Charlie posted many pictures and notes of his trip on a website to record the trip, which shows a young man having the time of his life. He also made friends all along the way.After biking over 11.000 miles (17.700 kilometers) through Eur

36、ope, Asia, and Australia, something bad happened. He woke up one morning to find that his bike and all of his gear had been stolen (被偷).Charlie posted his story on the Internet. He soon had new clothes and a new bike with peoples help. He was on his way again.Charlie went on his trip. Finally, on Ma

37、rch 11, before his birthday, he returned to Bristol, England, where he started his trip nine months earlier.Charlie will start college in the fall. For anyone planning to take on their own challenge, Charlie tells them. Just step out of the door and keep on going till youve made it.”How many days di

38、d it take Charlie to ride around the world?29. Where did Charlie begin his bike trip?30. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?31. How did Charlie ask for help after he lost his bike and his gear?32. What do you think of Charlie? Why do you think so?五、根据中文提示完成句子。33. 在我们教室里有一个失物招领盒,你可以去那儿找找你的钱包。There is i

39、n our classroom. You can there.34. 我想参加舞蹈社团,因为我会跳舞。rd like to , because I我盼着能再次见到小学的老师和同学们。Im my primary schoolagain.35. 当中国人见面的时候,我们常常握手并微笑,有时我们也点头。When we Chinese meet, we often . Sometimes we六、文段表达(10分)36. .根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不 计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。中国音乐有着悠久的历史和深厚的积淀。作为中国文化的

40、有机组成局部,它蕴 含着中华民族的精神和思想。假如你是李华,你校英语社团公众号计划做关于中国音乐的系列推送,现就 “My favourite Chinese music”这一题目在校内收集素材。请你用英语给公众号留 言,谈谈你最喜爰哪种中国音乐,对其作简要介绍,并说明你喜爰这种音乐的理由。 提示词语 :classical, long history, play, beautiful, learn 提示问题:1. What kind of Chinese music do you like best?2. What do you know about it?3. Why do you like it?


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