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《新东方面试英语口语课件.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新东方面试英语口语课件.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、24What were some of your achievements in your last job? 在上一份工作中,你最大的成就是什么?What were some of the disappointments in your last job? / what is your biggest failure so far?What was your most impressive experience?/ what was your biggest success/ what was your biggest failure?问题分析:一个颠扑不破的面试哲学是:在上一份工作中有成就

2、的,才有可能在新工作中有成就(you were good, and you will be good)。原则:what experience or what knowledge/skill can be transferred to the job you are applying. Not just experience, skill, 更重要的是你是如何获得这个成就的, how to achieve intellectually, physically, mentally and professionally?原则:无论是成功还是失败, 都按照以下的步骤1 what is that?2 h

3、ow you deal with it (example, data),第二步一定要透露出一些品质,例如,for the deadline, have to take advantage of the advanced technique though riskyyou are familiar with the up-to-date technique; work on the urgent project, 16 hours a day, 7 days in a row-can work hard under stress.3 what have you learn? Experience

4、, skill, ability另外关于失败,可以参考“weakness”的答题思路。Example1: When I just got my master degree in the UK, I was planning to find an office andstablejob. However, no matter how hard I try, the ones who gave me chance were all sales, recruitment consultant with target to achieve and pressure to stand. It wasnt

5、 my original choice, however, because I had to make a living, I took the job. At the beginning, my language barrier, lack of selling/communication skill killed me, if not for living, I wont go on. And since it was completely commission-based, no basic, so I listen, learned and applied. I recorded al

6、l the refusing excuses and thought about how to turn them down. I asked the experienced colleagues how to deal with them. For the language problem, I read newspaper and imitated the Birmingham accent. For the target, I have to walk the extra mile to cover my blunt selling technique. As a result, I w

7、as granted the top sales prize for the month after six months.I realized that sometimes not you choose the road, but the road chooses you. And if you cant reject, you need to devote yourself in it rather than forsake yourself. Solution rather than question finder.答的过程一定要诚恳,真实。其实整个interview的艺术, 就是在寻找

8、人性的弱点,动之以情, 晓之以理, 击败HR. 你和HR的关系, 既是敌人又是朋友,除了粉碎他的不信任,同时你需要得到他的认同和喜欢。Example2(success) :I ranked no.1 out of 50 salesman in the annual performance evaluation, and got a raise. I felt very happy, but I wasnt arrogant. However, the colleagues gradually isolated me somehow.From this, I realize that human

9、 being will show their self-satisfaction subconsciously so now matter how happy you are, even “won a lottery”, you still have to keep a low profile, as low as you can especially you are outstanding.25 Why you quit your last job?The purposeof this question is: will you leave me for the same reason, w

10、ill u do the same to me at your next job, mate?General instructions: no negative thing, not any dissatisfaction of ur former job, but praise about ur former employer.你需要表现出来的是忠肝义胆, 如关二哥一样;但是迫于客观形势(你所说的形势一定不会在你现在这家公司出现, 否则就是致命的答案), 你不得不走; 你的形象又再一步提高, 有情有义, 忠君爱家,不选你选谁呢? 当然后面会说到, 要看对方的反映来做调整。角度:1.no sp

11、ace for promotion. (The company is kind to me; the director gives me lots of chance to prosperpraise ur former company; however, the companys structure is typical bureaucracy and seniority-based不得不走. Somy director suggest a change would be beneficial to my career处处流露出忠心的形象.)2. relocation problem.(Th

12、e company is kind to me; the director gives me lots of chances to prosper; however, our office is relocated to xxx。I would have followed them had I not been the only child of the family查清楚这份工作有没有需要你relocated.)3. organization redundancy(cos the former company hasnt done well in the past 2 years, they

13、 have to make some redundancy and our department is lucky enough to be one of them不用”I”因为不要引起为什么就是你被裁员的问题;这里的point不多,但是你还是让人感觉到你的sense of humour, 你的形象分有加一份, 就像打篮球,每次出手你都要拿分)4. family problem(you have got a new-born baby, and the company ask for long night shiftresponsibility-oriented, 如果你对自己家庭都不负责,

14、对工作也不会负责)5. salary(cos the former company hasnt done well in the past 2 years, and they have salary fozen for 2 years. I have done well during this period. And my manager implied I should change虽然这是一个很现实的情况, 但是不到万不得已,不要用这个作为你的离开借口; 我们也难保我们不会有冻薪的情况阿)26.what is the most important thing you learned fro

15、m your college experience?你在大学里面最大的收获是什么?27 what have you learned from the part-time experience in that company?原则一定是work-related or something making you more mature.Never say teamwork, leading ability, communication, because most the others said this.可是大学生生涯学到的无外乎几样:Knowledge, technique, working ex

16、perience, and people skill (如果你讲communication skill那与其他人没什么两样)。In terms of knowledge and technique, I have pursued “geographic science” and “management”. Although I am not going to do anything in Geography, I believe information searching, data analysis and independent thinking benefit me a lot. Apa

17、rt from knowledge, my practice as class monitor develops my general people and organizational skill due to the election, activity organization, planning and persuading experience.点评:这个答案有两个优点,第一是总结得很到位,把大学的收获清晰地分成了知识与技能、综合素质两个逻辑层次;第二是很个性化,突出了求职者修两个专业和曾担任班长这两个值得骄傲的经历。28. How did you finance your coll

18、ege education? 你大学的费用是怎么样支付的?(家里供还是自己打工?)Purpose: 这个问题的一定是想问测试你的独立性。原则:很多人倾向答自给自足, 但更建议以真实的答案为上。因为,如果你其它问题里显示出你并非很多part-time经验, 虚假的形象就足以毁掉你的interview.Example: I was gonna finance myself independently before I entered university while I find out the study of my major didnt really allow so afterwards.

19、 However, it didnt change my mind as I keep paying back my tuition fee after gruduation. Now I am a clean and clear person again!如果你真的是自给自足, 直接叙述就是了,最好是你的part-time经验给了你什么人生启示或工作所需的能力经验。 如果是家里的资助, 用上面的答案从另外的角度显示了你的坚持,并不忘show你的幽默感。29. Would you briefly describe this company to me? 介绍一下你的原单位,好吗?/ Would

20、 you describe a typical working day of yours? 请你描述一下自己典型的一天的工作吧原则:如果你的公司很有名, 他不会有这个要求, 不过会请你介绍你的department.如实介绍, 不过请有的放矢, 把与申请的工作相关的部分突出一点。回答示范:“广盛发”主要从事女鞋的外贸业务,目前只有10名员工,但是生意做得并不小,去年的营业额大约是1500万。我是三名内勤中的一个,工作内容包括打单、跟单、客户服务等等。因为人手少业务量大,所以每个内勤的工作负荷都很大,旺季的时候每周七天上班,平均上十几个小时。淡季就正常上下班了。“广盛发” is specializ

21、ing the exporting lady shoes with 10 employees so far. However, the turnover is up to 15,000,000 rmb. I am one of the three customer service officers, with the responsibility of order taking, tracking and general customer service roles. Due to the limited number of staff, we all overwork with more t

22、han 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in busy season and regular office hours during normal season.点评:很明显,这个回答既体现了自己原来的公司的规模,也暗示了自己能够适应繁忙的工作。30 How did u manage your time to study with so many campus activities?Purpose: 很可能是因为面试官对你太多的experience显示怀疑, 所以追加了问题。原则:只要合情合理即可解释了怎样平衡就可以了。Example: yes, it is tou

23、gh. However, sometimes I have to deal with the exam and the responsibilities from the clubs. Apart from work and study hard, I also learn to delegate the work and organize the club schedule in order to avoid the exam period. On the other hand, a healthy study habit, e.g preview and revise every clas

24、s, solve each classs problems by asking teacher and classmates and sitting on the front row in class does improve efficiency a lot. In addition, I found that hanging around with advanced students certainly improve study and attitude. With this, I am lucky to pass through a couple of crisis. You know

25、, have to work on the efficiency while time is limited, right?用真实的细节来表明你平衡的能力;最后一句以获取对方认同的问句,更令整个conversation是一个casual的谈话(不断地互相获取认同),有助增进你与面试官的感情(这个非常重要,you are dealing with a human being, not a machine; Interpersonal relationship works not just in China)。31 you didnt join any club at school?Purpose

26、: 怕你是一个书呆子。原则:不要一味突出你专注学习,拿奖学金, 否则更强化了你在HR心里的书呆子形象,除非你应聘的是学术研究型的工作。应该适当地加part-time经验, 并用例子或数据突出你有相关的动手能力及成熟。当然你可以直接说:hey, buddy, u thought I am a bookworm? You know, I have to work after my high school cos I wanna be somebody not relying on my parents你直接并轻松地说出他的concern,并用例子证明你不是,对方一定会非常impressed. 当然

27、, 人有很多种, 如果你的轻松幽默not his cup of tea, 请临场调节,这也是以后你工作中与人相处的一种能力与艺术。You have to be at the same wavelength as the interviewer, adjust accordingly. You can!32 why did you choose to work in that company part time?Purpose:与why you want to work for us的原因一致,他想知道的是what motivation are you looking for from the

28、job?原则:但part-time同正职有区别, 但回答的应该是获取所申请工作的experience, 让对方知道你是一个很有plan的人。Example|: The reason I choose HR as my major is due to that I wanna become a professional HR specialist. And the part-time experience can be a good supplement to my theoretical knowledge. That makes my career much easier. And anot

29、her reason is, is just for you HR, cos we all know there will be a question like this从上学到选part-time都是朝着一个目标,深谋远虑的形象跃然纸上, 而不着痕迹。最后一句是optional的, 意在调整气氛, makes you more acceptable by your interviewer, and build the rapport with him/her.33 How do your classmates find their jobs?Purpose:这并不是一个很有目的性的问题,可是

30、如果你可以突出自己而又不着痕迹,会超出HR的expectation,增加你在他心目中的印象。Example: as you know, most of the methods would be “job ad”, “job fair”, “on-line application”, “referral schemes” and so on. But some of us get more active, and send application straightly to the position we are interested in, disregarding if they are r

31、ecruiting. Some of email has bee sent to companies “complaint email box” or department manager rather than HR. it sometimes works better though.突出了你的与众不同, 大胆创新。Referral schemes其实是一些hr上的术语,意为熟人推荐;如果对方不明白,会引起对方的兴趣, 效果更好。34 Did you send your CV to us randomly?Purpose: 对方正质疑你应聘的真正目的。原则:除非是事实, 否则直接的否认比较虚

32、假,那个毕业生不是海投简历的? 但你可以add something to make it different.Tell you the truth, I do send CV randomly. However, once I got an interview, I will do a detailed research before I go, to see if it is worth/suitable or not. 然后把你的真正的motivation说出来, 表达的方法参照回答motivation那部分。F. Goal关于职业目标的问题35 Where do you see your

33、self being in your profession in five years? In ten years? How did you establish these goals (are you able to objectively judge yourself, and be realistic)? What will you need to do to achieve these goals? 你的五年职业目标是什么?十年呢?你为什么会确定这样的职业目标?你将如何实现这些目标呢?Purpose:They want to know if you areambitious. If y

34、ou find it hardto look five years out, try this: Five years seems like a long time. I can see myself as a programmeranalyst in two years. Five years from now, I might be a software developer or a systems analyst. I cannotknow which direction I want to take until Ive been in the field for awhile. How

35、ever, dont go over the limit by sayingstart my own business.原则:1第一个角度:把你的目标定高一点, 可是不要太高,be realistic because 5 or 10 years couldnt make you become the U.S president, or Chinas. 然后可以简单的告诉对方你achieve的方法,需要显示的是你有计划, 踏实。2第二角度个, 翻查公司的structure, company aim, culture, HR development plan,找到他能够给你一些什么机会, and

36、say it out. 如果不是高层面试你, 可能你的面试官不如你熟悉这家公司, 可以告诉他你的research 结果。Example: Based on my strength, weakness, background and the opportunities I might have, I could possibly be a brand manager in 5 years. I know this gotta be difficult, however,I have learned that long-term goals are best achieved when I bre

37、ak them into small goals. And every time when I achieve a small goal, that makes me aware I am a step closer to my ultimate victory. So the first step is to get a job as a marketing officer, and maybe assistant of manager after.However, I am ready for setbacks on the road (谨慎而乐观, 而对困难有所准备, what else

38、 they want?).36。What are you salary expectations for this position? Starting salary? Salary in five years? 你期望的薪资是多少?你希望五年以后你的薪资会是多少?问题分析:必问的环节。Purpose: HR减少人员流失率的很重要的措施就是“never disappoint any anticipation the company couldnt offer”, 因此如果你报了一个他们不能offer的价钱, you ruin your chance. 另一方面, 如果你报价太低,对方会怀疑你的

39、动机,觉得你是不惜任何代价想先捉住机会, 再骑牛找马。原则:do some research on the labor market about price of the similar position, and if you believe you are one of the top candidates or you believe they are a multi-national company, you can increase the price a bit, say, 5% ish. And the salary of the position you want to be

40、in five years. The question of “salary of 5 years” is just another way of asking your long-term goal.Example1As I am still young, career plan is much more important to me rather than money. I dont have a specific salary expectation as long as I can keep my current life style: share an apartment with

41、 a friend, can afford Macdonalds!幽默, 但把问题返回给对方, 暗示“I just want an average wage, dont out it too low.”. 对待西方的HR绝对可行, 可是中国的HR很喜欢打破沙盘问到底, 一定要你给出一个specific的数字。Example2: The graduates from our school can usually get a range between one thousand five hundred and three thousand. Thats my salary expectation

42、 too.当一定要你给出数字时 找一个标准去衡量, 可以是同行的市价, 也可以是你同学的一般身价。Example3: I make three thousand Yuan now. And I expect four thousand Yuan, plus insurances and other benefits.合理的要求37Why havent you decided not to continue your studies in graduate school?Purpose:just worry about if you will drop in 1 year.Direction:1

43、. family cant afford it.2. I believe education should match your experience. When you are only 28, but you have got a PhD degree, this aint do any good to yourself at this stage. Knowledge only performs when combined with the appropriate experience. I might consider it when I got more experience in

44、5 years.G. End:38. Have you had any interview with other company? What do you think of them?Purpose:一般你有比较好的机会才会问你这个问题的,想知道你是否抢手。原则:答有,并且是类似的大公司;可以说他们的职位与你的不相符,但不要表示其他公司都是shit,非进你公司不可, 太狗了。永远不要表达很想进这家公司,欲擒故纵。I have passed the first round with XXX, XXX, got an invitation from XXX. “what do think of t

45、hem?” well, XXXs position is perfect apart from a bit too far from my major. And XXX is good, but a bit too far and training opportunities are not enough although salary is absolutely awesome.39. When could you join us? (不要以为别人问了你这个问题就是一定喜欢你, 真的是一个standard procedure来的)Tips:as I have been in my last

46、job for a while, I dont wanna let them down. The requirement would be 1 month notice, however, I will try my best to cut this down and fit myself into this role as soon as I can.这样回答,给对方一个什么形象呢?40。What questions do you have for me? 你有什么问题要问我的吗?问题分析:与中国面试官相比,老外更愿意你多多提问,或者提出高质量的问题。Purpose: just a gest

47、ure.因为这个是一个two-way selection的过程。所以其实整个过程, 都可以问面试官问题, 这里只是专门让面试者有机会了解公司, 做出选择。 但从另一个角度, 他也想知道你关心些什么,真正的意图(motivation), 例如, 问training 机会, 表示你更关心career; 问pension scheme(退休计划),表示你关心stability, 小心, 跟对方一样,每一个问题都从某个程度反映你的concern; 面试官也好像我们研究他们一样, 研究每个你问的问题。原则:Never ask any question which are clearly answered

48、 in the employers brochure or which may appear trivial, such as “will you have Christmas Day off in this china mainland company?”, unless you are very religious, or “can you tell me your canteen facility?” unless you are applying to be a cook.Prepare your questions and pitch it high. No too many questions, maximum 4. If your questions have been answered, say it rather than appearing disinterested by having no questions.


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