人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit3 Food and Culture课时作业3:Reading and Thinking(2).docx

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1、Reading and Thinking(2)【.单词拼写.You can eat nearly every kind of cuisine(菜肴)here.1 .Mix up the salt with the pepper(胡椒粉).2 .A bold(大月H的)worker boasted that he could do it well.3 .He folded the dough(生面团)and then flattened it with his palms.4 .Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients(成分).5 .Oli

2、ves(橄榄树)look romantic on a hillside in Provence.7.Mom puts the sausage(香肠)in the basket.8.1 need to better control my temper(脾气).9.Tve cleared out all that old iunk(无用的东西)in the attic.10.1 have yet to think of a recipe(食谱)that is not in their database.n.单句语法填空.As far as I know, he has just recovered

3、 from a disease.1 .Roughly speaking, the tendency (tend) of the market is still uncertain.3.1 dont trust Bill because his words never consist with his actions.4.5 he spends her spare time tending(tend) to her old mother.5.Davids strength is that he wonl give up whatever difficulties he meets with.6.

4、Consumcrs(consumc) spending on sports-related items amounted to 9.75 billion.7.She has recovered(recovery) her lost watch.8.Our class consisted of fifty students at that time.9 .The only difference is that the skater does so more elegantlyfelegant).10 .The cooperation has grown rapidly and stably(st

5、able) over the years.HI.补全句子.The beauty of Venice consisls largely in ihe style of its ancient buildings. 威尼斯的美很大程度上在于古建筑物的风格。1 .Thc football team, consisting of 22 players and three coaches, was set up aboutyears ago.这支由22名球员和3名教练组成的足球队是约3年前成立的。3 .There is a growing tendency for people to work at h

6、ome instead of in offices. 人们在家里而不是在办公室里工作的趋势日益增加。4 .LiuYang is the first Chinese woman astronautto tiave around the earth in space.刘洋是第一位在太空中围绕地球飞行的中国女宇航员。5 .Whalever happens, you shouldnt lose heart. 无论发生什么事,你都不要丧失信心。6.1 lend lo your opinion to a certain extent. 一定程度上我倾向于赞成你的观点。M阅读理解When Joanne Mo

7、rton and Lydia Shaw came across the Boston Public Market, which features only New England business persons, they knew they had to stop in.The women, visiting from southeastern Connecticut, always try to buy local. We always try to support our local farmers and businessmen ,“ saysMs.Shaw. Wcrc not in

8、to big companies, “ adds Ms.Morton.They arent alonc.A great number of Americans continue to be attracted by “local” food and to buy it, according to recent surveys from the International Food Information Council Foundation, the Pew Research Center, and British polling firm Ipsos.But what does it mea

9、n to shop local? For some, local is still a matter of geography.For others, it is about supporting their local economy (经济).And for still others, it is about knowing where their food comes from and how it is made, even if it is coffee shipped from a Costa Rican company.In 2008, Congress passed a bil

10、l that gave money to support local food.According to the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act, a product that can be considered local has to travel less than 400 miles.But Lydia Zepeda, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has found the largest agreement about what is local is any produ

11、ct that comes from within an hours drive. But is that with or without traffic? ” She asks. What if it crosses state lines ? ” adds John Hayes, a food science professor at Pennsylvania State University. u A customer might like to buy local to help an old town, “ he says. Or maybe its just because loc

12、al food tastes better. It is for Kaitlin Bohon. I taste a diffcrcncc ” she says at the Boston Public Market.For Ms.Bohon, buying local is both about supporting New England business and knowing who grew and handled her food.K语篇解读这是一篇新闻报道。调查说明许多美国人更愿意购买本地产品, 短文阐述了在本地购物对不同人来说有不同的意义。1 .What does the und

13、erlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?A.We never go into big companies.B.Were not interested in big companies.C.Big companies dont support local farmers.D.Big companies are not good shopping places.K答 案X B K词义猜想题。由第一段 The women, visiting from southeastern Connecticut.says Ms.Shaw.可知,来自康涅狄格东南部的肖女士总是试图

14、购买当 地的产品。莫顿补充说,“我们不喜欢大公司生产的商品,”所以得出她们愿意 购买本地产品,而不愿意去购买大公司生产的商品。故带下划线的句子的意思是“我们对去大公司不感兴趣”。故B选项正确。H2 .According to the passage, buying local in America.A.is becoming more and more popular.is a way to support big companiesC.means people will spend much lessD.allows people to know about their foodK答 案U

15、A K 细节理解题。由第二段“A great number of Americans.the International Food Information Council Foundation.”可知,国际食品信息理事会基 金会、皮尤研究中心和英国益普索调查公司最近的调查显示,许多美国人继续被 “本地”食品所吸引并购买它们。所以根据这篇文章可以看出,购买本地商品正 变得越来越流行。故A选项正确。23.What can be infen-ed about Kaitlin Bohon according to the text?A.She is from New England.B.She kno

16、ws every cook in her town.C.She likes to taste different foods.D.She works at the Boston Public Market.K答案 A K推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句For Ms.Bohon, buying locaL.and handled her food.”可知,对于Bohon来说,购买本地食品既是为了支持 新英格我的生意,也是为了了解谁在种植和经营她的食品。所以通过关键词 “buying local, supporting”然后通过逆向推理判断出,她既然购买本地食品是为了 支持新英格兰的生意,故判断出她

17、是一名新英格拦人。故A选项正确。 4.The purpose of the passage is.A.to introduce how popular buying local isB.to attract more people to buying localC.to explain why people like buying localD.to discuss the meaning of buying localK答案X D K主旨大意题。通读全文可知,调查说明许多美国人更愿意购买 本地产品,紧接着开始阐述了本地购物对不同人来说有不同的意义。所以短文是 在讨论本地购物的意义。故D选项正

18、确。V.完形填空Shamatt had just arrived in Las Vegas when he realized his wallet was gone.lt contained $60, his bank card, and his identification (身份证明)card.He was 1, but it washis sisters wedding weekend and he didnt want to make a big deal of it.He thought maybe he lost it on his plane from Omaha to Vega

19、s, so he called the 2 .He had no luck.u I thought it was3 forever, “ he said.Following the wedding, he headed to the airport to fly home but was 4 about boarding the plane without ID.After an hour-long interview, Shamatt was finally 5 onto the plane.The following day, a package (包裹)arrived at his ho

20、me which contained his wallet一6 intact (完好的)一with a note that said: I rounded your cash up to an even $100 7 you could celebrate getting your wallet back.Have fun!“No way, no way, Shamatt remembered saying upon 8 the note. That cant be.“ Everybody was so 9 ; none of us could believe it, “ Shamatts m

21、other said. Il was really amazing.”Shamatt wanted to thank the 10 stranger, so he posted a picture of the note on Facebook with a message asking for help 11 the strangcr.lt got thousands of likes and shares.12 , the man in question was identified as Todd Brown.Shamatt wrote Brown a letter:“Sir, I re

22、ally 13 what youve done.I never expected to see my wallet again, let alone with $40 morc.Thank you so much.Tvc got student loans (贷款)and it really makes a(n) 14 .”Brown was 15 by how meaningful his act had been to the Shamatt family. He told me he cried when I told him everything that happened, “ Sh

23、amatt said.R语篇解读本文是记叙文。一名叫Shamatt的男子丢了钱包。没想到,钱包不仅被好心人寄了回来,而且钱包里面的钱还多了。1 .A. boredB.unhappyC.tiredD.afraidK答 案5B K由上文的描述可知,Shamatt的钱包不见了。再结合下文中的 “but it was his sisters wedding weekend and he didnt want to make a big deal of it ” 可推断,Shamatt有些“沮丧(unhappy)“.A.airlineB.policeC.stationD.familyK 答案 HAK 由

24、本句中的“He thought maybe he.it on his plane from Omaha toVegas”可知,他给“航空公司(airline)”打了个 。.A.takenB.goncC.damagedD.wastedR答案 BK由上文的描述以及下文中的“I never.。see my wallel again, letalone widi$40more”可知,Shamatt心想自己的钱包永远”找不回来了(B.seriousC.angryD.worriedR答案D K由第一段可知,Shamatl丢了钱包,里面有自己的身份证。故 此处表示他很“担忧(worried)”自己没有身份证

25、不能登机。B.invitedB.invited5 . A.orderedC.allowedD.advisedK答案XCK由本句中的“After an hour-long interview”以及下文的描述可知,经过长达一个小时的面谈,Shamatt最后被“许可(allowed)登机。6 .A.partlyB.probablyC.hardlyD.perfectlyK答案D K由语境可知,有人将Shamau的钱包寄了回来,钱包完好无损, perfectly符合语境。U.A.ifB.asC.butD.soK答案X D KShamatt的钱包里原来有60美元的现金。寄包裹的人把他的 现金增添到100美

26、元,希望“这样(so) Shamatl就可以庆祝成功找回钱包了。 B.readingC.writingD.leavingK答案HB K由上文可知,Shamatt收到一个包裹,里面有他的钱包,还有一张便条。此处表示他“看了(reading)”便条,觉得简直不可思议。19. A. proudB.surprisedC. nervousD.carefulK答案B R由后一句中的noneof uscould believe it”可知,所有人都很“惊 讶(surprised) “10 .A.richB.braveC.patientD.kindK答案D KK解析见下题。. A.findingB.visit

27、ingC.protectingD.interviewingK答 案A K由上文可知,Shamatl的钱包不仅失而复得,而且钱包里面的 钱还多了。因此,Shamatt想感谢那位“好心(kind)”人,他将便条的照片“发布(posted)到Facebook上,希望大家能帮助“找到(finding)”那位好心人。B.SuddenlyC.FinallyD.NaturallyK答 案 C K由上文中的“It got thousands of likes and shares”以及下文中的 “Shamatt wrote Brown a letter”可知,“最终(Finally)” , Shamatt 找

28、到了那位好心 人。H.A.supportB.appreciateC.doubtD.considerK答案H BK由上文的描述以及下文中的“Thank you so much”可知,Shamatt非常“感激(appreciate) Brown 先生。H.A.differenceB.mistakeC.choiceD.excuseK答 案 A K由本句中的Tve got student loansn以及下文中的“how meaningful his act had been to the Shamatt family”可知,对 Shamatt 来说,Brown 先生所做的一切很重要,故填difference。make a difference意为“有影响”。B.frightenedC.touchedD.encouragedK答 案X C K由下文中的“hecried”可知,Brown先生得知自己的所作所为 对Shamatt一家来说意义重大,他也很受“感动(touched)” o3


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