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《第06讲介词(练习版)-【暑假自学课】2022年新七年级英语暑假精品课(人教版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第06讲介词(练习版)-【暑假自学课】2022年新七年级英语暑假精品课(人教版).docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第06讲介词【基础知识】高【学习目标】考点分布考点内容命题焦点1)地点介词2)时间介词3)方式介词4)方向介词1) 了解表示地点、时间、方式和方向介2)知道常见介词 on, in, at, to, for, with 等的基本用法。3)熟记常见介词短语的搭配。考查重点:常见介词的基本用法及 常见介词短语的搭配常考题型:选择题、填空题、完形 填空考点01地点介词atA用在表示地域面积不大的某个点的地方。at the cinema 在电影院at the airport 在机场at home在家on11“在的上面”表示两个物体的外表。on the table 在桌子上on the river 在河里

2、on a small island在一个小岛上in“在的里面”,也可以表示在一个很大的空间内。in the box在盒子里in Paris在巴黎in the zoo在动物园under“在的正下方”,与物体外表不接触,反义词是over。There is a cat under the bed.床 卜有一只猫。The rivers under the bridge.河水从桥下流过。over“在的正上方”,与物体外表不接触,反义词是under。There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。A lamp hung over us.我们上方有一盏灯。考点02时间介词ab

3、ove(.“在的上方,但不一定是正上方,两个物体之间也没有接触,反 义词是belowoThe plane is flying above the city.飞机在城市上方飞行。A lot of birds are flying above the trees.许多鸟在树的上空飞。below“在的下方,但不一定是正下方,两个物体之间没有接触,反义 词是above oWe could find something below the surface of water.我们能在水面卜发现 一些东西。The fields are below the sea level.地面低于海平面。near“在附近

4、”I dont need a car because I live near my company.我不需要汽车,因为我住 在公司附近。There is an underground car-park near here.附近有一个地下停车场。next to“紧挨着”She sat down next to him on the sofa.她紧挨着他的沙发坐下来。The cinema locates next to the hospital.电影院在医院附近。behindI “在的后面”The rabbit is behind the Easter Egg.这只兔子复活节彩蛋的后面。Olive

5、r hid behind tree. Oliver 藏在树的后面。between“在两者之间”The office building is between the library and school gym.办公楼在图书馆 和操场之间。He was sitting between two ladies.他坐在两位女士的中间。in front of“在的前面”,某个范围以外。There are some trees in front of the building.在这建筑物前面有很多树。My father is in front of the house.我的爸爸正站在房子的前面。in th

6、e front of“在的前面”,某个范围以内。The teacher is sitting in the front of the classroom.老师正坐在教室的前面。The dog is in the front of the car.那只狗坐在车的前面。beside“在旁边”Come and sit beside me.过来坐在我旁边。A football is beside the door. 一个足球在门的旁边。at1)具体时刻:at four thirty 在 4:302)节日:at Christmas在圣诞节3 )年龄:at the age of eleven 11 岁4

7、) 天中的某段时间:at night在夜里at noon在中午on1)某一天的某时段:on Sunday afternoon2)具体至煤 天:on June 23rd在6月23日on Monday在周3) 周末:on weekends 在周末in1)月份:in June在六月2) 季节:in summer 在夏天3)年份:in 2008 在 2008 年4) 一天中某段时间:in the morning 在早上in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上before表示时间“在之前”。I get up before 7:00 everyday morning.每

8、天早上我都是七点之前起床。We have to finish the work before tomorrow morning.我们必须在明天早上之 前完成工作。after表示时间“在之后”。I went to my grandma9s house after school.放学后我去 了 奶奶家。My mother often walks the dog after supper.我的妈妈经常在晚饭后去遛狗。from.to“从到”We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们周一至周五去上学。I work hard from morning to eveni

9、ng.从早到晚我一直努力工作。考点03方式介词by乘坐 ,表示父通方式。by car开车 by plane坐飞机 by air坐飞机by subway坐地铁 by bike骑自行车 by train坐火车 by taxi打车on使用每种交通工具。on a bus乘坐公交车on foot步行(步行只能用on)in使用某种语言、工具。in English用英语 in Chinese用中文 in a taxi乘坐出租车with表示使用某种工作或身体某部位。考点04方向介词I can see with my eyes.我可以用我的眼睛看到。 He eats jiaozi with chopsticks

10、.他用筷子吃饺子。其他介词:into表示“从外向里”。He jumped into the water to save the girl.他跳进水里去救那个女孩。I put my phone into my handbag, but now I cant find it.我把手机放在 了 手包 里,但是现在找不到了。out of表示“有里向外”。We look out the window and see the mountains.我们望出窗夕卜,看到了群山。The husband took the gift out of the bag.丈夫从包里拿出了 礼物。up表示“由下向上”。I c

11、limbed up the top of the hill.我爬到 了 小山的山顶。I ran up the stairs.我爬上了 楼梯。down表示“由上到下”。They climbed down from the roof.他们从屋顶上爬下来。She went down to the first floor.她下到一楼去了。from表示“从”,来自”Sara is from Canada. Sara 来自加拿大。I got a birthday gift from my parents.我收到了爸妈给我的生日礼物。to表示“到,向,往”I go to the school at 7:00

12、.我七点去学校。That spring we went to Paris.那年春天我们去了巴黎。across含有“横穿”的意思,常与street, bridge等名词联用。 There is a bridge across the river.有一座桥横跨河两岸。 Go across the street, and youll see the hospital.through表示“从里面穿过”。The train went through the tunnel.火车穿过了 隧道。We walked through the forest.我们穿过森林。along表示“沿着,常与road, str

13、eet, river等名词联用。Go along the street, youll see the bank.沿着这条街走,你会看到银行。He drove his car along East Street.他开车沿着东大街走。for1)表示目的、对象,意思是“为”I buy a pair of shoes for my grandma.我给奶奶买了 一双鞋。2)表示原因,意思是因为。I am sorry for being late.对不起,我来晚了。3) for+一段时间They have lived in China for ten years.他们在中国已经生活了 十年了。about

14、表示某种事物的内容,意思是“关于”。Can you tell me more about the movie?你能告诉我关于这个电影的更多信息 吗?with表示“和在一起”。Can you go to the hospital with me?你能和我去医院吗?in衣小 牙詹,甫询 OThe girl in the blue is my little sister.那个穿蓝衣服女孩是我的小妹妹。of表示所属关系,意思是“的”。This is a map of the world.这是一张世界地图。like表示比拟,意思是“像”。This lady looks like Zhang Ziyi.这

15、位女JL看上去像早子怡。攀【考点剖析】考点1、时间介词1. I had breakfast at about 8 : 00Tuesday morning.()C. at the morning.()C. in; atC. atC. inC betweenC. leftA. inB. on2. He will go to school 7: 00A. in; onB. at; in考点2、地点介词1. They are the playground.()A. outB. on2. The art room is the first floor.()A. atB. on考点3、方向介词1. Kim

16、 is Li Ming and Danny.()A. inB. under2. Walk Winter Street.()A. alongB. right3. Does Jimmy sit your right? ()A. inB. onC. by4. The boys are in front of the girls.The girls arethe boys.()A. besideB . behind考点4、方式介词1. - - How do you come to school ?-I often comebike.A. toB. byC.in2. She often eats noo

17、dles chopsticks.(A. ofB. forC.with1.【真题演练】Childrens Day is June 1st.()A. atB. inC. ofD.onI go to school Mondays.()A. atB. inC.onVisit Uncle Bookysix oclock.(A. onB. atC.inWe will have a singing contestMay.(A. inB. atC.onHe has a dog the farm.()A. inB. atC.onLingling is sittingAmy and Darni

18、ng.(A - - L -D)A. besideA. besideB between7.7.We will meet the gate of the museum tomorrow.()8.8.A. onB. inJohn is behind Mike.Mike isA. behindC.John.()B.atbetweenD.aboutC. in front of9.9.This is my room.There is a deskthe bed.A. inB , betweenC.beside10.How do I get to the hotel ?WalkGreen Street.()

19、A. alongB. longC away11. The trash bin is11. The trash bin isthe door.()A. inA. inB. onC. behind12. Its your desk.()A. underB. thisC. Nobus.(C. by; on)C. withA. byB. withC. at; onC. ofC. atC. toC. besideC underC. onC. toC. inC. onThe box falls the floor. The nails are on the floor. ()A. onB. ontoC.

20、downWe are going to Hangzhou ship. ()A. byB. onC. with- How do you come to school?- I usually come foot.SometimesA. on; byB. by; byI like to play sports my friends.A. forB. to【过关检测】 题Fathers Day is the third Sunday June.()A. on; inB. in; onIt will start seven oclock.()A. onB. atIts warm April in Gua

21、ngdong.()A. inB. onOur classroom is the second floor.()A. nextB. onThe restaurant is the hospital.()A. frontB. in frontIts the map!()A. dadB. headYou can turn left the traffic lights.()A. toB. atMy aunt flew Shanghai last Sunday.()A. inB. ofLook the library rules.()A. atB. forMany people like to tra

22、vel plane. ()1. Are you going air ? ()A. byB. inC. on2. He usually goes to school foot. ()A. inB. byC. on二.填空题3. Sarah and her family will eat mooncakes (on/in) Mid - Autumn Day.4. What do you enjoy doing (on/at) weekends?5. My parents dont go to work Saturdays and Sundays.6. He watches TV the eveni

23、ng.7. - Where is the cat? - She is (on/in ) the kitchen.8. The football is (在.下面)the desk.9. My coat is (在后面)thedoor.10. There are some umbrellas the door, You can*t see them.11. Whats the tree? There is a bird.12. The little bear is the tiger and the panda.13. Is there a dog the table? Yes, there is.14. Peter livesLondon.


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