人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit1 Art课时作业5:Learning About Language.docx

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1、Learning About Language【基础巩固】I .句型转换The young man should be praised by the boss.The young man is to be praised by the boss.1. What shall I do if she asks me for some advice?What am I to do if she asks me for some advice?2. As a matter of fact, the driver should be blamed for it.As a matter of fact,

2、the driver is A blame for AThey will hold a party when they arrive at the island.They are to hold a party when they arrive at the island.3. They are supposed to arrive before noon.They are to arrive before noon.n .单句写作.我的愿望是三年后被一所理想大学录取。(one, swish is to do)My wish is to be admitted into an ideal un

3、iversity after thiee years.1 .这次活动的目的是加强学生保护环境的意识。(The purpose is to do)The purpose of the activity is to strengthen the students awaieness of protecting the environment.2 .此次事故我应负责任,因此,我写信向您抱歉。(be to blame)I am to blame for the accident, and hence, I am writing to apologize to you.3 . 一场汉语演讲比赛将于5月1

4、8日在市图书馆举行。(betodo)A Chinese speech conlest is to be held in the City Library on May 18.4 .如果我的申请被拒绝,我该做些什么呢?(betodo)What am I to do if my application gets declined?5 .电影丝绸之路将于下周六晚上8点在我们学校的报告厅上映,因此,我写信邀请您 加入我们。(betodo)The film. The Silk Road, is to be shown in our school hall a eight pm next Saturday

5、, so I m writing to invite you to join us.6 .获奖作品将于6月16日在我们的校报上出版。(betodo)The winning entries a】e to be published in oui school newspaper on June 16.7 .我们必须保证明天上午7点到达校门口。(be to do)We must guarantee that we are to arrive at the school gate at 7 am tomorrow.【能力提升】in.阅读理解Jamie Wardley is a special kind

6、 of artist-an ice sculptor.He first trained as a sand sculptor.Later, he learned about ice sculpture.Now he does sand sculpture in summer.And in winter, he sculpts ice.When sculpting ice, Wardley has to work in cold temperatures.If the weather is cold enough, he can work outside.But winter in the Un

7、ited Kingdom is not always very cold.So often he works in a large freezer where the temperature is about -12 .Wardley enjoys sculpting ice outside in winter.When he sculpts in the open air, people can watch.They can be part of the creative process.Wardley makes ice sculpting sound simple.But the too

8、ls Wardley uses are sharp and dangerous. And the ice is very heavy.Each block of ice weighs 120 kilos. And some larger sculptures are made of several combined blocks of ice.Sometimes ice sculptures can be as big as buildings.In Kemi, Finland there is an ice hotel called the Snow Castle.Each year, Wa

9、rdley helps build the Snow Castle.Inside the Snow Castle, the temperature is _ 50.Even the dining tables are made of ice.So you have to wear winter clothes when eating and wear a hat when sleeping. The ice hotel is built every year in January.Then it melts in April.Each year we rebuild it and create

10、 a new design, Wardley said.The Snow Castle is a large and amazing work of ice, but Wardley? s smaller ice sculptures are special too.One winter, in the city of Bradford, the UK, Wardley created several small sculptures.He used the sculptures to tell a story which contained an important message abou

11、t goodwill and understanding.Ice sculptures are temporary works of art.When the temperature rises, they will melt.But that does not mean that their beauty is lost.The sculptures from that day in Bradford have now melted away, but their message of goodwill, understanding and acceptance remains.语篇解读本文

12、讲述了艺术家杰米沃德利进行冰雕创作,帮助建造了芬兰的冰雪城堡, 以此将冰雕的美展现给人们的故事。1. According to the text, Wardley .A. loves sand sculpture more than ice sculpturesculpts ice in a large freezer in summerB. worked as an ice sculptor in the beginningenjoys carving ice outdoors in winterK答案Dk解 析U 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 Wardley enjoys sculptin

13、g ice outside in winter.可知D项正确。应选D。2. Which of the following can best describe Wardley s sculpting?A. Easy and amazing.B Special but difficult.C. Boring and dangerous.D. Simple but temporary.K答案BK解 析I 推理判断题。根据第四段所描述的创作冰雕过程的艰难和倒数第二段第一句中 的 “but Wardley? s smaller ice sculptures are special too” 可知,B 项

14、“特别但艰难的”可以 描述杰米沃德利的冰雕。应选B。3. What do we know about the Snow Castle?A. It lies in the city of Bradford, the UK.B. It is too cold for people to live in.C. It requires to be built every year.D. It is built between January and April.K答案cK解 析 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句中的“Each year we rebuild it”可知选C项。 4. What does

15、the author think of ice sculptures?A. They never melt in people? s hearts.B It takes time to understand them.C Their beauty doesn t last forever.D. They add more beauty to Bradford.(答案X AK 解 析 U 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 u But that does not mean that their beauty is lost.The sculptures from that day in Bradfor

16、d have now melted away, but their message of goodwill, understanding and acceptance remains. ”可知,作者认为冰雕作品虽然会融化,但它们所传达 的寓意将永存在人们心里。应选A。BEven though a lot of art galleries and museums are free in the UK, many people seldom visit them for fear that they won t understand the art on display.They are afra

17、id that other visitors may be more knowledgeable and that everyone else there understands what the artworks mean.But this simply isn t true.Everyone is equal in front of an artwork and there are no wrong answers.Modern art can be particularly difficult to understand and appreciate but enjoying an ar

18、twork is a natural gift.Do you like it or not? Do you want to find out more or not? It is really that simple.A very well-respected art historian, Ernst Gombrich believed that a viewer completed the artwork, and that part of an artwork? s meaning came from the person viewing it.So, you see- even if y

19、ou don t have an art history degree, there really are no wrong answers, as the viewer is completing the artwork.But there are things you can do to understand and appreciate art a little bit more.When I look at an artwork, I undertake a visual analysis.I look at the formal elements-color, texture, si

20、ze.Imagine we re viewing a painting.I look at the color; I look at the brush strokes; I look at what is being described.If you re looking at artworks in a gallery, read the wall text at the side of the artwork.If staff are present, ask questions.Ask your fellow visitors what they think.Asking questi

21、ons is the key to understanding more.But above all, have confidence in front of an artwork.If you are appreciating an artwork, then you are the intended viewer and what you think matters.You are the only critic that counts.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章整篇介绍艺术,并告诉读者如何欣赏艺术。5. According to the text, why do people se

22、ldom visit museums?A. Many art museums are free in the UK.B They aren t confident in front of artworks.C. The artworks there are not completed.D. They are not interested in artworks.K答案BK解析U 推理判断题。由第一段第一句可知,尽管在英国有很多美术馆和博物馆都是兔 费的,但很多人很少去参观,因为他们担忧看不懂展出的艺术。从“担忧看不懂展出的艺术” 可推断出人们在艺术品面前不自信。应选B。6. What is E

23、rnst Gombrich s opinion about artworks?A. Their meanings vary from person to person.B. Asking questions is the key to understanding them.C. It takes an art history degree to appreciate them.D. They need an analysis of color, texture and size.K答案UAK解 析 推理判断题。由第三段第一句可知,Ernst Gombrich认为,观看者完成了艺术 品,而艺术品

24、的一局部意义来自观看者。由此可推断出Ernst认为艺术品的意义因人而异。 应选AoWhere is this text most likely from?A. A diary.B. An art magazine.C. A novel.D. A science report.(答案UBK解析H题。文章全篇在讲艺术,因此,最可能在艺术杂志上看到这篇文章。应选BoWhat can be the best title for the text?A. How to Understand ArtB . The Power of ArtworksC. The Road to Modern ArtHow t

25、o Open an Art GalleryK答案工AK解析 标题归纳题。本文通篇讲艺术,并告诉读者如何欣赏艺术,所以A项符合文意。 W .语法填空Shadow play has a long history and is 1. unique kind of art form.It is performed 2. sending shadows of puppets(木偶)on a piece of white cloth.The puppets made of leather(皮革)3.(paint) in very bright colours, so that the shadows th

26、ey make are very 4.(colour).The players stand behind the cloth and move the puppets against strong light when 5. (show) a shadow play, and the shadows of the puppets fall on the cloth.At the same time, the players talk or sing,telling a story with 6.(music) playing the drums and other instruments, s

27、uch as erhu, sanxian, sheng, etc.People on the other side of the cloth can see the shadows of the puppets do all kinds of movements.lt? s just like the movie today.Shadow play started in the Han Dynasty.7. is said that Emperor Wu of Han was sad and didn t want to do anything because one of his favou

28、rite wives died.8.(cheer) him up, his officer made a puppet like the emperor? s dead wife with leather.He moved it and got it 9. (act) behind a piece of cloth.The emperor enjoyed it very much.After that, shadow play became 10. (popular) known in China.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了皮影戏的表现形式和它的由区厂K答案】aK解 析R 考查冠词

29、。a kind of 一种,kind被unique修饰且unique的发音以辅音音素开头,所以用不定冠词a。1. K答案1 byk解 析U 考查介词。by doing sth.通过做某事。2. K 答案 I are paintedK解析 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子可知,句子为一般现在时,主语 为The puppets,与谓语paint之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,且主语是复数。故填are painted。 4. K答 案colourfulK解析U 考查词性转换。be动词后接形容词作表语。5. K答 案UshowingK解析I考查省略句。本句为省略句,还原后为:when they a

30、re showing oK答 案UmusiciansK解 析X考查词性转换和名词的单复数。此处为“with+名词+现在分词”结构。musician 为可数名词,根据句意可知,用复数musicians。6. K答案X ItK解 析X 考查代词。It is said that“据说”,其中It作形式主语。7. K答案 To cheerK解析X考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,这里应用动词不定式作目的状语。8. K答案X to actK解 析X考查非谓语动词。get sb.to do sth.使某人做某事。9. K答案H popularlyK解析X考查词性转换。popularly为副词修饰形容词known。


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