人教版(新教材)高中英语选修3Unit2 Healthy Lifestyle精品学案:Using Language & Other Parts(步步高).docx

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1、Using Language & Other Parts】吾篇理解 精读演练萃取文本精华I What s the passage mainly about?A. An introduction of the summer camp.B Something about being sleepy.C. Something about some sports.D. Two students letters to the editor about the changes of their lifestyles.K答案DII .Read the passage carefully and choose

2、the best answer.1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Wang Lu never ate any sugar.B Wang Lu ate much sugar before attending the summer camp.C. George Fielding often felt stressed out after starting high school.D. George Fielding used to be crazy about online ga

3、mes.K答案AThrough climbing, George Fielding did the following things EXCEPT A. getting refreshedB spending more time with his dadC. getting to meet new friendsD. feeling more stressedK答案DWang Lu s bad habits included before attending the summer camp.A. playing online gamesB exercising regularlyC. goin

4、g climbingeating too much sugarK答案D基础自测自主学习落实基础知识I .重点单词liberation n.解放;摆脱1. shave vi. & vt.& n,剃(须发);刮脸皿“.跳过;不参加;悄悄溜走沅.蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳n.蹦跳2. dizzy adj.头晕目眩的stimulate ”.激发;促进;刺激3. dentist n.牙科医生dynamic 力.充满活力的;精力充分的;动态的4. comedy n.喜剧;喜剧片;滑稽节目monthly adv& adj.每月:每月一次的n.月刊“5. enhance ”.提高:增强;增进refresh ”.使恢复

5、精力:使凉爽;刷新6. absorb ”.吸引全部注意力:吸收compose 式.组成;作曲;撰写f composer n,作曲家7. surgeon n.外科医生f surgery.外科手术;外科学15.specialist n.专科医生;专家f special -d/.专门的,特别的f specially以加.专门地;特别地16. consultant n.顾问;高级顾问医师f consult ”.咨询掌握规律巧记单词monthly adu.& 切.每月;每月一次的.月刊类似的还有yearly, weeklyrefresh ”.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新类似的还有rewrite, retel

6、lII .核心短语make up one s mind 下 定 决心1. be composed of由组成(或构成)的shave off剃掉:刮去2. stress out焦虑不安:疲惫不堪worn out筋疲力尽的:疲惫的3. suffer from 遭受in control of控制(表状态)4. take control of 控制(表动作)try out 实验m.经典句式whenever引导让步状语从句Whenever I went out with fidends, I brought snacks from home, things that didn t have any ad

7、ded sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc.无论什么时候我和朋友出去,我从家里带的都是不含糖的零食:水果、坚果和干肉,等等。1. how引导表语从句Best of all, in my opinion, is how I feel about myself.在我看来,最好的是我对自己的感觉。2. sothat.如此以至于I got so absorbed that 1 played the games day and night.我如此投入,以至于我整日整夜地玩游戏。3. get done 结构I get refreshed through climbing

8、, spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends. 通过攀岩,我精神焕发,和爸爸一起度过了更多时间,认识了新朋友。互动探究/探究重点互动撞击思维N重点词汇n We need toand show some disciplines, and make small changes overtime.我们需要下决心、显示自律、做一些小的改变。make up one, s mind 下定决心change one s mind 改 变主意bear/keepin mind将记在心中come into one s mind进入某人的脑海mi

9、nd one s own business 另U 管闲事(l)Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.她一旦下定了决心,就不会改变主意。(2)When I first met Mike I didn t like him, but I have changed my mind recently.我第一次见到麦克时并不喜欢他,但是近来我的看法变了。(3)Whenever or however you take notes, keep/bear in mind that note-taking is a selective proc

10、ess. 不管何时以何种方式记笔记,你都要记住,记笔记是个有选择性的过程。(4)Suddenly, a terrible thought came into my mind.突然,一个可怕的念头出现在我的脑海里。(5)Why don t you just mind your own business and leave me in peace? 你为什么就不能别管闲事,让我清静一下呢?Life isof many elements, such as family, friends, study, work, entertainment and soon.生活是由很多元素组成的,例如家庭、朋友、

11、学习、工作、娱乐等等。compose vt.&近.组成;作曲;撰写Xbe composed of 由组成Xcomposition n.组成;构成;创作;作品be made up of 由组成consist of 由组成(l)England, Scotland, and Wales compose the island of Great Britain. 英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成了大不列颠岛。(2)Could you tell me what water is composed of?你能告诉我水是由什么构成的吗?(3)The young girl is good at the composi

12、tion(compose) of short stories.这个小女孩擅长写短篇小说。R一句多译U据说这个小组由50位科学家组成。It is said that the team is made up of 50 scientists.(be made up of)It is said that the team consists of 50 scientists.(consist of)It is said that the team is composed of 50 scientists.(compose)(高级表达U(5)1? d like to meet the young man

13、 who has composed the sweet songs.r d like to meet the young man composing the sweet songs.(用非谓语动词改写)It was not polite to disturb your neighbors with loud music last night.昨天晚上用很大的音乐干扰邻居是不礼貌的。disturb以打搅;搅乱;使烦恼Xdisturbing a切.引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturbance儿才丁扰;扰舌L(l)Sorry to disturb you, but I have an urgent

14、message from your husband. 很抱歉打搅你,我这儿有你丈夫的一份急件。(2)For most of us, it was really a piece of disturbing(disturb) news.对我们大多数人来说,这确实是令人不安的消息。(3)1 need a place where I can work without disturbance(disturb).我需要一个可以静心工作的地方。K高级表达(4)You d better say sorry to those who were disturbed by your loud noise.You d

15、 better say sorry to those disturbed by yourloud noise.(用非谓语动词改写)This stimulated my motivation.这激发 了我的动机。stimulate 激发;促进;刺激X stimulate sb.to do sth.激励某人做某事Xstimulating adj.使人兴奋的Xstimulation机激励;刺激(l)The discussions stimulated a free exchange of ideas.讨论促进了思想的自由交流。(2)An inspiring teacher can stimulate

16、 students to succeed(succeed).一个启发性的教师可以激发学生取得成功。(3)We had a most stimulating(stimulate) conversation.我们进行了一次非常振奋人心的谈话。(4)This was a debate that needed no stimulation(stimulate).这是一场自发的讨论。After starting high school,I felt strgsseOut and always relaxed by playing computer games,在上中学之后,我感到焦虑不安,总是通过玩电脑

17、游戏来放松自己。stress out疲惫不堪;焦虑不安Xstress n.压力”.强调under stress在压力之下put stress on 让承受压力lay stress on 强调X stressed adj.焦虑不安的X stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的 (l)After the long journey, the old traveller was stressed out.在长途跋涉之后,那位年长的旅行者精疲力竭了。(2)Nowadays, a lot of students are under stress.现在,很多学生压力很大。(3)With so much

18、work filling his mind, he felt stressed(stress). 心中装着那么多工作,他感觉焦虑不安。(4)The girl didn t want to take the stressful(stress) job.这个女孩不想接受这份压力很大的工作。(5)0ur teacher often lays stress on the importance of working hard. 我们的老师经常强调刻苦学习的重耍性。到别的放松方式。take control of控制(表动作) beyond one s control某人无法控制in control of控

19、制;支配(表状态) in the control of 由控制lose control of对失去控制out of control不受控制under the control of 受控制(l)She realized she should take control of her illness, not let it control her.她意识到自己应该控制疾病,而不是受疾病的控制。(2)Who is in control of that house whose windows have been broken?那栋窗子已经坏了的房子归谁所有?(3)Everyone was too afr

20、aid to go in because the fire was out of control. 因为火势已经失去了控制,大家都太害怕了以至于不敢进去。(4)A11 schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education.所有的学校都归教育部管辖。After six months of tryingQUt new ways of relaxing, I feel much more energetic用 了 六个 月尝试新的放松方式后,我感到精力更充分了。try out实验;尝试 try to do sth.努力做某事 try d

21、oing sth.试着做某事 try on试穿try out for参力口选拔(l)When he was young, he was always trying out some new ideas. 他年轻时经常尝试一些新想法。(2)1 tried to persuade(persuade) her to change her mind, but failed.我尽力说服她改变主意,但是失败了。(3)John isn t here.Try phoning(phone) his home number.约翰不在这里。试试打他家里的 。(4)This sweater looks nice.Ca

22、n I try it on?这件毛衣看着不错。我可以试试吗?(5)A11 the students in the class tried out for the basketball.班里所有学生都参加了篮球选拔赛。Absorbing stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else.但是,为了有效地吸收压力,你必须做一些让你完全忘 记其他事情的事情。absorb训吸收全部注意力;吸收 absorbed 功.专心致志的

23、;全神贯注的be absorbed in = absorb oneself in 全神贯注于(l)Service work absorbed a great number of women who arrived in the cities from the country. 服务业吸纳了很多从农村来到城市的妇女。(2)When something did interest me, I could become absorbed(absorb). 当某件事确实让我感兴趣时,我就能全神贯注。(3)Absorbing(absorb) himself in his lessons, he didn

24、t notice his mother come in.正专注于学习,他没有注意到他妈妈进来。K高级表达X(4)When he is absorbed in work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping.When absorbed in work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping.(用三日谓语动词改写)经典句式nI brought snacks from home, things that didn t haveany added sugar: fruit, nuts, d

25、ried meat, etc.无论什么时候我和朋友出去,我从家里带 的都是不含糖的零食:水果、坚果和干肉,等等。本句中的whenever引导让步状语从句,意为:无论何时,可以与no matter when.替换。口。matter 常与 what/who/when/where/how/which 等连用,表示“无论;不管”。“nomatter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,而“wh-ever”不仅可以引导让步状语从句, 还可以引导名词性从句(wherever, whenever除外)。(l)However/No matter how insignificant the news was, it

26、was never taken lightly.无论新闻多么不重要,它从没被轻视过。(2)You have to go on no matter what/whatevcr difficulties you meet.无论你遇到什么困难,都必须继续下去。(3)Whoeve】/No matter who you are, please never make any decisions for me. 无论你是谁,请绝不要替我做任何决定。K句型转换U(4)No matter where I went, the dog always followed me.Wherever I went, the

27、dog always followed me.(5)Whenever I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.No matter when I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.I getxeJtahfed through climbing, spend more time with my dad, and get to meet new friends.通过攀岩,我精神焕发,和爸爸一起度过更多时间,认识了新朋友。本句

28、中的get refreshed是get done结构。常见的get done结构:get broken 才丁破了 get hurt受到伤害 get married 结婚* get excited 激动get punished受到惩罚get admitted 被录取 get annoyed 生气 get separated 被分开(l)If you keep on doing like that, you will get punished.如果你一直那样做,你会受到惩罚的。(2)The mother tried her best to prevent her children from get

29、ting hurt(hurt).这位母亲尽全力防止自己的孩子受到伤害。(3)Three years later they got mamed(marry) and then had a child.三年后,他们结婚了,后来有了一个孩子。(4)If you often make mistakes, your teacher will get annoyed(annoy).如果你总是出错,你的老师会生气的。(5)When my friend and I entered the hall, we got separated(separate).当我和朋友进入大厅时,我们被冲散了。达标检测1/当堂检测

30、基础达标演练I .单句语法填空It is not a very formal party, so you needn t get dressed(dress).1. A team composed(compose) of 20 people was sent there.2. . There is a disturbing(disturb) increase in the crime rate in that area.3. He planned to change his job but he didn t make up his mind.4. The young girl found h

31、er new job challenging and stimulating(stimulate).5. I have been really stressed(stress) out at work recently.6. It is said that the young man will take control of the company next month.7. John hopes to try out his new running shoes this weekend.II .完成句子Whenever he comes to se。his sister, he always

32、 brings her some books. 无论何时他来看妹妹,总是给她带来一些书。8. While he was playing football on the ground, his left leg got broken. 他在操场踢足球时,左腿断了。9. When the boy is absorbed in his lessons, you d better not disturb him. 这个男孩专注于学习时,你最好不要打搅他。10. It was his speech that stimulated the students to work harder. 是他的演讲激发了

33、学生们更加努力地学习。11. He often drinks some cold water to refresh himself after a long journey. 在长途跋涉之后,他通常喝些冷水来使自己恢复精神。HL选词填空下面的短文是P20的课文改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完成此 文。easy, change, regular, strong, take, adjust, absorb, month, refresh, energyWang Lu used to get the flu 14.easily and experience many toothach

34、es.After she attended the summer camp about health and lifestyle choices, she changed her lifestyle.She made up her mind 15.to change two things in her life: to eat nothing with sugar and to exercise 16,regularly.The results have been fantastic.She feels more dynamic and 17,stronger than ever, in bo

35、th body and mind.After 18.taking part in the summer camp about personal life choices, George Fielding realized that it was very important 19.to adjust his lifestyle.He used to get 20.absorbed in computer games, but now he and his father go rock climbing together 21.monthly.He gets 22.refreshed through climbing, spends more time with his dad, and gets to meet new friends.After six months of trying out new ways of relaxing, he feels much more 23.energetic.


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