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《冀教版小学英语三年级上册全册教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版小学英语三年级上册全册教学设计.docx(97页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、冀教版小学英语三年级上全册教学设计Lesson 1 Hello!教学目的:学问及技能目的:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词hello, hi. 2. 能娴熟运用hello, hi 及别人打招呼。 可以用My name is _. 做自我介绍;并能用Whats your name? 来询问别人的姓名。情感目的: 1. 怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。 2. 乐于开口,主动参及。文化意识目的: 理解中西方互致问候时的不同。教学重点: 1. 词汇hello, hi. 2. 句型:My name is _. Whats your name?教学过程:I. Warm upT: Hello! Hi!

2、教师用 “Hello or Hi”向学生不断地问好 ,使学生自然地明白要用“Hello”或 “Hi”答复。Ss: Hello! Hi!S1: Hello! / Hi!S2: Hello! / Hi! 同桌或前后桌用Hello和Hi相互问好。II. New Concept1. Introduce “ English .T: This term well study a new subject “English”, I hope you all study hard . (呈现一些说英语国家的图片,让学生理解英语的普及程度,为什么学英语,激发学生学英语的兴致和热忱)。2. 视频呈现三个人物:Li

3、Ming, Jenny and Danny. (此处教师并不说出三个人的名字) (教师告知学生这三个人将陪伴我们一起度过将来的四年英语学习时间。)Li Ming:Hello .Jenny : Hello . Danny : Hi . 出示China and Canada的地图,Li Ming is a Chinese boy. Jenny is from Canada. They are good friends. They are also our friends. We are good friends. (学生理解到加拿大是一个国家,离中国很远,但他们及我们都是好挚友。)T: Lets

4、say “Hello / Hi” to Li Ming , Jenny and Danny.Ss: Hello ! Hi! (师板书)3. 视频呈现对话,思索:他们说了些什么?看完后,生答:他们在介绍自己的名字。 Watch the second time, think: 如何用英语介绍自己的名字? 指名答: My name is_. (对说出此句子的学生赐予确定及表扬。) T: Can you introduce yourself? S1: My name is _. S2: My name is _. S3: My name is _. S4: My name is _. Watch th

5、e third time, think: 如何询问别人的名字? 指名答: Whats your name? (对说出此句子的学生赐予确定及表扬。) T: Whats your name? S: My name is _. (板书:Whats your name? My name is _.) The fourth time: follow to read.III. Practice 1. pair work: S1:Hello, my name is _.Whats your name? S2: My name is _. 2. line work: S1: Hello, my name is

6、 _.Whats your name? S2: My name is _. Whats your name? S3: My name is _. Whats your name? S4: My name is _. Whats your name? 3. Listen to the song and sing IV. Production 1. 角色扮演:学生把自己扮演成自己喜爱的人物的名字,及同学对话。 S1: Hello! My name is Cheng Long. Whats your name? S2: My name is Da xiong. 2. Guessing game: 每

7、位学生在纸条上写下自己的特性姓名,投入到一个小盒子里。然后找一名学生从中抽出一个纸条,猜一猜这是谁?看谁用的时间最短,谁就是成功者。 S1: Hello! Whats your name? S2: My name is _. S1: Sorry. (to S3) Hi! Whats your name? S3: My name is _. S1: Yes!V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: read the book. Ask your pare

8、nts or friends in English. Sing the song for your family.板书设计: Lesson 1: Hello! Hello! Whats your name? Hi! My name is _.Lesson 2 Boy, girl and Teacher教学目的:学问及技能目的:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词boy, girl and teacher.2. 能娴熟运用句子This is a _ .对人或物做介绍。 3. 能娴熟运用句型Whats his/her name? 来询问别人的姓名,并能对别人的询问做出正确的答复:His/ Her name

9、 is _.情感目的: 乐于开口,主动参及。教学重点: 1. 词汇boy, girl and teacher.2. 句型:This is a _.Whats his/her name? His/ Her name is _.教学难点:区分his 及her 的用法。教学过程:I. Warm upT: Hello! Boys and girls.Ss: Hello! / Hi!T: Hi! Whats your name?S: My name is _.T: A pretty girl. / A lovely boy. (教师询问学生姓名后,自然浸透boy, girl. 为后面的学习做铺垫。)II

10、. New ConceptPart 1: Boy, girl or teacher?出示图片,T:Do you remember who they are? Ss: Li Ming, Jenny. T: Yes. Li Ming is a boy. Jenny is a girl.I am a teacher. (板书: boy, girl, teacher) How can you introduce them? Lets have a look.(观看教学光盘,呈现标准、地道的语音语调。)T:Can you say the sentence? S: This is a _. T: Yes

11、or No? Lets watch again, follow to read.T: Yes. Lets say it. (板书: This is a ) Point to the boys or girls or teacher in the classroom, say it: This is a boy/ girl/ teacher.Part 2: Whats his/ her name?T: I have a good friend. His eyes are big. His fur is white. His face is round. His hands are clean.

12、His head is clever. Guess, Whats his name? Yes. His name is Xi Yang yang. (板书) (教师采纳简笔画形式呈现新知,边画边介绍,其中反复出现新词汇his ,最终落脚到Whats his name? His name is _. 同样的方法呈现Whats her name? Her name is _. 这样学生在情境中去反复感知、识记新词,印象更加深入。)T:Whats his name?S1: His name is _.T: Whats her name?S2: Her name is _.(教师指着教室里的学生,进展

13、师生问答。)T: Can you find the difference between his and her?(在大量的感知、理解和理论后,让学生自己去发觉规律, 总结出his 用来指男生,her 用来指女生。)III. Practice 1. Game: Who is faster? (介绍人或物) 教师出示图片,学生分两队,每队依次选代表抢答,看看谁更快? This is a _. 2. Pair work: S1: Whats his/her name? (指着班里的同学问答)S2: His/ Her name is _.IV. Production 1. Ask and answe

14、r. 教师出示两组图片,(第一组是大家熟知的人物,第二组有两位是名人,另两位是一般人物,生可以发挥想象,尽情的猜,没有固定答案,充分开展了学生的发散思维)学生之间进展问答练习。 S1: Whats his/her name?S2: His/ Her name is _. 2. Memory game. 记忆力大考验。 找出三个同学到前面来,每位同学说出自己的名字(留意不是真名,而是特性姓名),然后再把你的同伴介绍给大家。 S1: My name is _. S2: My name is _. His name is _. S3: My name is _. His name is _. Her

15、 name is _.( 第一轮完毕后,依次增加学生人数,从而增加难度,增加挑战性。同时此活动还兼顾到了不同程度的学生,使每个孩子都能开口说英语,都能享受成功的喜悦。)V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: read the book. Finish the exercises.板书设计: Lesson 2: Boy, Girl and Teacher boy. This is a girl. Teacher. Whats his name? Wha

16、ts her name? His name is _. Her name is _.Lesson 3 HowAreYou?一、教学目的:1. 学问技能目的:能用句型How are you? Im fine.相互问候和演唱这首歌曲。能听懂,会说,认读,拼法单词book, chair, desk, school。能用句型Whats this? Its a_.议论这些四种物品。 2. 情感看法目的:学生敢于开口,乐于学习本课的句型和单词。学生对本课英语歌曲有主动的爱好,体验用英语沟通的乐趣。学生主动参及小组活动,并及别人主动合作。3. 学习策略目的:学生在学习中集中精力,对所学内容主动练习和运用。学

17、生主动及别人合作,共同完成学习任务。二、教学重点:词汇:book, chair, desk, school句型:How are you? Im fine. Whats this? Its a_.三、教学过程Step I Class opening and reviewT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Ss: Hi, Miss T: Whats your name? S1: My name is _.T: Whats his/her name?S1: His/her name is S2T: Hi,S2,How are you?S2: Hello.通过g

18、reeting复习上课所学句型,浸透How are you?Step II New concepts Part 1: How are you? (1)视频呈现对话,让学生感知要学内容。T: Look, This boy is This girl isSs: Li Ming. Jenny.T: What are they doing?(2)再次观看视频,并跟读仿照录音。T: What are they talking?Ss: How are you? (板书)T: How to answer?Ss: Im fine, thanks. (板书)T: Lets listen again. Follo

19、w it.(3)Pair work. T: Hi, S1. How are you? S1: Im fine, thanks.T: Please talk with your partner.师生练习对话。同桌两人练习并展示对话。S1:Hello,How are you?S2:Im fine, thanks.(4)Lets sing a song.Listen.播放歌曲。教师要先协作动作示范,吸引学生主动参及。Lets sing it together.合唱歌曲,共同参及。Part 2: Whats this? (1)T: Hi, boys and girls. Whats this? Ss/

20、T: Its a book. (板书)以实物或课件为例引出book,desk, chair, school. 句型Whats this? Its a_贯穿始终。留意单词的书写。引导学生留意字母的发音规则。(2)Game1: Point to the book/chair/desk/school.Game2: Whats missing? book,desk, chair, school.两个小嬉戏稳固词汇。(3)Pair workS1: Whats this?S2: Its a 同桌两人练习并展示对话。(4)Guess 看局部被隐藏的图片,揣测是什么。T: Whats this? Ss: It

21、s a (5)Guess 学生做能表现这些单词动作,让其别人的猜一猜。S1: Whats this? Ss: Its a Step III Class closingHomework: 1. Sing the song “How Are You?” with your friends. 2. Read the book. 3. Write the words: school, book, desk, chair板书设计:Lesson 3 How Are You?How are you? Im fine, thanks.图片Whats this? Its a book.图片desk图片chair

22、图片schoolLesson 4 Number 1-5一、教学目的:1. 学问技能目的:能用句型Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.相互问候沟通。能听懂,会说,认读,拼法单词one, two, three, four five。能说唱chant. 2. 情感看法目的:学生敢于开口,乐于学习本课的句型和单词。学生对本课chant有主动的爱好,体验用英语沟通的乐趣。学生主动参及小组活动,并及别人主动合作。3. 学习策略目的:学生在学习中集中精力,对所学内容主动练习和运用。学生主动及别人合作,共同完成学习任务。二、教学重难点:重点:学习句型Nice to

23、meet you. Nice to meet you, too.单词one, two, three, four five。交际用语的综合运用。难点:名词单复数的区分。三、教学过程Step I Class opening and reviewT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S:Im fine, thanks.? T: Hi, Whats her name?S1: Her name is S2. T: Hello, S2. How are you?S2: Im fine, thanks. How are you?T: Im fine, too. What

24、s this?S: Its a book. T: Yes,Its one book. Today well learn numbers.通过greeting复习上课所学句型. 从a book,引出 one book.导入新课。Step II New concepts Part 1: How many?(1) Show the cartoonT:How many numbers do you see? S: five.让学生视察,发觉其中有什么规律。总结出一个即单数是,物品名词后不加s.比一个多即复数时名词词尾要加s. 板书one book, two books, three booksShow

25、 the cartoon again. Follow it.(2) Lets chant.先听,把握节奏,留意s.第二遍在一起chant.(3) Point and say.T: How many? S: One教师指生答利用教室里有的人或物练习.(4) Pair work 同桌两人互指互答。S1: How many?S2: One/two/three/four/five(5) What do you see?教师出示课件,让学生快速说出看到的物品及数量。T: How many?S: three books/ four chairs/ five desks/ two girls/ one te

26、acher Part 2: Nice to meet you.(1 )Show the cartoon.T: What are they talking?S: Whats your name? / How are you? / Nice too meet you.T: How to answer?S: My name is / Im fine, thanks. / Nice too meet you, too.观看动画,理解要学内容,板书。(2)Show the cartoon again. Follow it.再次观看动画,仿照标准的语音语调。(3)课本角色扮演S1:Hi!My name i

27、s Jenny. Whats your name?S2: My name is Guo Yang. How are you?S1: Fine, thanks. And you?S2: Fine, thank you. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.(4)自选角色扮演。教师供应一些角色,让学生自己选择喜爱的任务练习并表演。如:Tom, Jerry, Lucy, AnnaS1:Hi!My name is Tom. Whats your name?S2: My name is Jerry. How are you?S1: Fine, thank

28、s. And you?S2: Fine, thank you. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.(5) Lets play! 随机表演。 T: Go! Stop! S1: Hello, whats your name? How are you? Nice to meet you? S2: Hi 依据课本No.4,组织学生进展嬉戏。让学生在真实的环境中体验应用所学学问。到达对学问的综合运用。Step III Class closingHomework: 1.Chant with your friends. 2. Read the book.

29、3. Write the numbers.板书设计:Lesson 3 Numbers 15Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.How many? one book two books three four fiveLesson 5: How many?教学目的:学问及技能目的:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词pencil, pen, ruler, crayon, pencil box. 2. 能娴熟运用句型:Whats this? Its a _.来询问物体的英文名称。 3. 能娴熟运用句型:How many _ do you have? I have

30、_. 来询问全部物品的数量。情感目的:乐于开口,主动参及。教学重点:1.词汇:pencil, pen, ruler, crayon, pencil box.2. 句型:Whats this? How many _ do you have?Its a _. I have _.教学难点:物品数量两个以上的表达时末尾加“s”.教学过程:I. Warm upGreetings:Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Review:1. Whats this? Its a _.(book, desk, chair, school) (出示词汇卡片练习,先师生问答,然后生生问

31、答。)2. How many? ( one-five) (看课件,先师生问答,然后生生问答。)II. New Concept1. Whats this? 观看教学光盘,What are Li Ming and Danny talking? 指名答:Whats this? Its a _. (看光盘,是为了给学生一个原声输入,学生在第三课已接触过此句型,因此给时机让他们答复,既熬炼了自主实力,又进步了仿照实力。) Watch the second time, follow to read. think: What things do you know? (较难读的 crayon, 要多读几遍,并

32、教给学生先分后合地去读。) 师出示实物,让学生再次试读新词,操练句型。 T: Whats this? S: Its a _. (板书) S1:Whats this? S2: Its a _. (利用自己手中的文具,相互问答。)2. How many? 观看教学光盘,What are Li Ming and Danny talking? 引导学生答出:他们在询问物品的数量。 Watch the second time, think:How do they ask? How many books does Li Ming have? How many pencils does Jenny have

33、? T: How many books /pencils do you have? (板书) I have _. (板书时“s”用彩笔标示,引起学生留意。) T: How many books does Li Ming have? S: One book. T: How many pencils does Jenny have? S: Three pencils. (师强调末尾的“s”.) Watch the third time, follow to read. T: How many _s do you have? S: I have _. (询问学生的学习文具数量,孩子们边数边答,是真实

34、的情境,更利于学生承受并理论。)III. Practice1. Guessing game: Whats this? (运用单词卡片,稳固五个词汇。)2. Look at the pictures and answer: How many? (课件出示图片)3. pair work(学生利用自己手中的文具进展问答): S1:Whats this? S2: Its a _.S1:How many _s do you have?S2:I have _. IV. Production 文具展销会:比一比看谁家的文具品种全,数量多。找出四五名同学扮演文具展销商,其他同学为顾客,进展观摩提问: Hell

35、o! Whats this? Its a _.How many _s do you have?I have _. Good-bye!V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: read the book. Ask your parents or friends in English. Finish the exercises.板书设计: Lesson 5: How Many? pen. pencil. Whats this? ruler. How man

36、y _s do you have? Its a crayon. I have _. pencil box.Lesson 6 Numbers 610 一、 教学目的:1. 学问技能目的:知道并能能运用表达再见的常用句型Good-bye. Bye. See you later! 能听懂,会说,认读,拼法单词six, seven, eight, nine, ten。能说唱chant. 2. 情感看法目的:学生敢于开口,乐于学习本课的句型和单词。学生对本课chant有主动的爱好,体验用英语沟通的乐趣。学生主动参及小组活动,并及别人主动合作。3. 学习策略目的:学生在学习中集中精力,对所学内容主动练习和

37、运用。学生主动及别人合作,共同完成学习任务。二、教学重点:句型:. Good-bye. Bye. See you later!单词:six, seven, eight, nine, ten。三、教学过程 Step I Class opening and reviewT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S:Im fine, thanks.? T: Do you remember the Number chant? Now lets chant: one book, two books, three books four. One, two, three,

38、four, five books more.S1: one book, two books, three books four. One, two, three, four, five books more.T: Good. How many pencils do you have?S: I have . pencils.T: Good. Today lets learn more numbers.通过greeting复习前几课课所学内容,通过chant唤起学生旧知,为学习新课做铺垫。Step II New concepts Part 1: How many?(1) Show the cart

39、oonT:How many numbers do you see? S: five.再次总结出单数时,名词后不加s.复数时名词词尾要加s. 板书six ,seven, eight, nine, ten.Show the cartoon again. Follow it.(2) Lets chant.先听,把握节奏,可通过动作,图片等适当说明open the door. Pick up sticks. Dont be late.第二遍一起chant. (3) Lets count!T: How many boys?S: Pair work练习No.3并展示。(4) Group Work. thi

40、ngnameHow many _ do you have?rulerbookpencilpencrayonpencil box S1: How many _ do you have?S2: One/two/three/four/five小组合作练习,完成表格。并汇报。(5) What do you see?教师出示课件,让学生快速说出看到的物品及数量。T: How many?S: Part 2: See you later!(1)Show the cartoon.T: What are they talking?S: Good-bye. See you later! Bye.观看动画,理解要学

41、内容,板书。让学生明白这三个都是表达再见的意思。(2)Show the cartoon again. Follow it.再次观看动画,仿照标准的语音语调。(3)课本角色扮演S1:Good-bye. See you later.S2: Bye!(4) 配音表演教师出示几张图片,让学生为图片配上适宜的句子。并表演。Step III Class closingHomework: 1.Chant with your friends. 2. Read the book. 3. Write the numbers.T: Now class is over. Good-bye. See you later!S: Bye!板书设计:Lesson 3 Numbers 15six seven eight nine ten. Good-bye. S


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