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《浙江省台州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-01完形填空.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省台州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-01完形填空.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省台州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编01完形填空一、完形填空(2022 浙江台州)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确 选项。A few weeks ago, I found a perfect pair of shoes waiting for me at the store. They were green, blue, red and white, with just the right style. I could actually hear them calling 1 “Leila, Leila, Leila!”“M

2、om!” I pointed at the 2 shoes. Those are exactly the ones I need! Can I have them? Please?”“Let s see how 3 they are, v said Mom.My heart broke when we saw the price 一$ 100! I knew Mom would 4 buy them.“I only have $25, “ I 5 what I was going to do.Autumn was surely here. The days were 6 , and the l

3、eaves were falling from the trees. I was looking out of the window one afternoon, watching the leaves falling in the yard. Suddenly I got a(n) 7 . I rushed downstairs.“Mom, I called into the living room. I think I know 8 I can make money to buy those shoes!”Mom looked up from her book. And how s tha

4、t, Leila?”“People want their 9 clean and tidy. I can rake (耙)leaves for them. ”A smile slowly spread across Mom s face. Now that s a good idea!vEach week, I 10 leaves in people s yards and put them in waste bins. It took five11 of hard work. I raked leaves until I got blisters (水疱)on my hands. My co

5、ats and trousers got dirty, but I didn t 12 . As time went by, I was getting closer to my goal. In the end, I got enough 13 .The big day finally came. Mom drove me to the store, and I walked 14 into the shoe store. I found the shoes I d wanted so much and tried them on in my size. They 15 me perfect

6、ly! I finally had the exact shoes I wanted!1. A. me B. youC. himD. them第1页共10页 when you give them care and attention and have a little bit of hopev 可知,西红柿需要很多照 顾。应选B。38 .句意:当番茄藤长得更高一点时,卢克把番茄藤绑在树枝上,这样它们就不会倒了。tied绑,系;pushed推;lifted举起;added添加。分析句子可知,此处表示“卢克把番茄藤绑在 树枝上,这样它们就不会倒了”,构成“tie sth to sth”短语。应选A

7、。39 .句意:这些西红柿确实需要特别注意!hardly 几乎不;lately 最新;lastly 最后;certainly 当然。根据前文 “Luke learned that a tomato plant does need much 7 可知,卢克学习到西红柿确实需要很多照顾,所以此处“当 然,确定”符合语意。应选D。40 .句意:最珍贵的东西确实需要很多关注,卢克。strange奇怪的;delicious美味的;valuable珍贵的;popular受欢迎的。根据后文“We should pay close attention to things that make our lives

8、 better. ” 和 “That is 11 you pay attention to Mom?可知,这里卢克把西红柿跟母亲联系到一起,母亲应是“珍贵的”,其他三项不符 合语意。应选C。41 .句意:这就是你关注妈妈的原因吗?when何时;how如何,怎样;where哪里;why为什么。根据后文pay close attention to you and Mom because you both make my 12 better. ”可知,是在说明原因,所以前句在询问 原因。应选D。42 .句意:我很关心你和妈妈,因为你们让我的生活更美好。work 工作;life 生活;decision

9、 决定;feeling 感觉。根据前文 “We should pay close attention to things that make our lives better.”可知,此处应表示“让生活更美好”。应选 B。43 .句意:卢克那天剩下的工作完成得很快。by在旁边;off离开;over结束;around在四周。分析句子可知,此处表示“卢克那天剩下的工作 完成得很快”的含义,此处构成go by”短语,翻译为“经过,时间流逝”。应选A。44 .句意:照顾西红柿的时候,卢克想象自己是在照顾爸爸妈妈。minded介意;imagined想象;regretted后悔;questioned质疑。

10、分析句子可知,卢克照顾西红柿 像照顾父母一样用心,所以此处表示“卢克想象自己是在照顾爸爸妈妈”,其他三项语意不通。应选B。45 .句意:带着一点家庭魔力和极大的关注,卢克确信一旦8月到来,这些西红柿将是他见过的最 漂亮的。farm 农场;family 家庭;vegetable 蔬菜;nature 自然。根据前句 uLuke 14 he was taking care of his mom and dad. ”可知,卢克照顾西红柿口寸,想象自己在照顾父母,所以此处强调 “带着一点家庭的魔力”。应选B。第10页共10页2. A. big3. A. funny4. A. always5. A. ha

11、ted6. A. hotter7. A. gift8. A. how9. A. storesB. oldB. heavyB. usuallyB. agreedB. coolerB. ideaB. whyB. roomsc.uglyD.colorfulc.expensiveD.differentc.sometimesD.neverc.refusedD.wonderedc.wetterD.longerc.emailD.photoc.whenD.whetherc.yardsD.schools10.A. talkedabout11.A. daysB.weeks12.A. careB.decide13.

12、A. timeB.money14.A. sadlyB.angrily15.A. fitB.foundB. played withC. monthsC. followC. coatsC. excitedlyC. helpedC. listened to D. picked upD. yearsD. answerD. shoesD. secretlyD. missed(2021 浙江台州)The summer I turned 12, I wished to grow up more quickly.Summer camp was coming. and I was so worried abou

13、t my 16 that I d gotten into a big argument with my mom.“But I 1117 it!” I cried. I was certain that everyone would see me as nothingmore than “the short girl” .“You won t know anything 18 you get there, “ calmed my mom. And I had to 19 .On Monday, my teacher Maggie told us about the climbing course

14、, and my heart sank when I saw the wall I was the 20 one to try to climb that huge wall. It might have been ten floors high, and knew that I had no 21 to succeed. But I had to, after the other campers finished.I asked for a “short person s pass, “ smiling 22 and walking around the wall.“You know. Am

15、y, what the mind can believe, the heart can achieve. 23 Maggie.I d really like you to do your best to 24 the wall.”I pretended (假装)to hurt my knee 25 I could avoid it.“How s the knee? Does it hurt a lot?” Maggie asked. She was so kind, which made me第2页共10页feel 26 because I didn, t like to lie.Maggie

16、 was really patient, showing me 27 she climbed the wall. And some camperswere there cheering for me.I didn t want to 28anymore, and I didnt want to give up again. I could see howmuch everyone believed in me,and I wanted to showthem how much I valued their 29 , soI kept trying.And then something 30ha

17、ppened一I made it!“What the mind can believe, the heartcan achieve,Maggie reminded me.And this time I knew it was true.16. A. hair17. A. accept18. A. if19. A. agree20. A. first21. A. riskB. buildB. beatB. afterB. explainB. lastB. chance22. A. happilyB. proudly23. A. encouraged24. A.buildup B.25. A.so

18、B.26. A.angryB.27. A.howB.28. A.tryB.29. A.dreamB.30. A.funnyB.(2020 浙江台州)pull down orbored whenlie decision creativeC. heightC. hateC. whenC. refuseC. onlyC. timeC. warmlyB. announcedC. get overC. unlessC. lonelyC. whereC. practiceC. supportC. popularD. weightD. manageD. untilD. complainD. rightD.

19、pressureD. weaklyC. introduced D. repealedD. knock atD. butD. badD. whyD. competeD. successD. amazingLukes father is a farmer.Instead of cows, pigs, and horses, there is corn, beans, strawberries and tomatoes around his house.Luke doesn,t mind that there are no 31, In fact, he likes living a fruit-a

20、nd- vegetable farm much better. He feels its magical that his vegetable to 32 something in the place where there used to be nothing.I m planting 33 today, son. Luke,s father said. They grow best in hot summer heat, 34 I need to plant them early in spring. That way there will be tall, healthy第3页共10页

21、tomato vines (藤)once August arrives. /zHow do you 35 they grow tall and healthy?” Luke asked.“The vines grow strong when you give them care and attention and have a little bit of hope, z/ his father laughed.“Can I help?” Luke begged.0f course!said his fatherSo when Luke was 36, he helped his father

22、and Luke learned that a tomato plantdoes need much 37, lie spent one whole day in the early June sun, hitting woodensticks into the ground by young tomato plant. After the tomato vines had grown a little taller, Luke38 the tomato vines to the sticks so that they would not fall over.“The tomatoes 39

23、need a lot of attention!,z, Luke said one late afternoon.“Most 40things do require a lot of attention, Luke,“ replied his father with asmile.What do you mean?” asked Luke.his father said. We should pay close attention to things that make our lives better. z,“That is 41 you pay attention to Mom? aske

24、d Luke.Yes, replied his father, pay close attention to you and Mom because you both make my 42 better.The rest of Luke,s work that day went 43 a lot quicker. Taking care of thetomato plants, Luke 44 he was taking care of his mom and dad. With a little bit of45 magic and a lot of attention, Luke was

25、certain these would be the most beautiful tomatoes he had ever seen once August arrived.31. A. gardensB. poolsC.animalsD.hills32. A. digB. buildC.createD.throw33. A. beansB. carrotsC.potatoesD.tomatoes34. A. soB. butC.asD.or35. A. make sureB.worry aboutC.turn down D. talk about36. A. strongB. proudC

26、.freeD.lucky37. A. sunshine B. careC.waterD.warmth38. A. tiedB. pushedC.liftedD.added39. A. hardlyB. latelyC.lastlyD.certainly40. A. strangeB. deliciousC.valuableD.popular41. A. whenB. howC.whereD.why-42. A. workB. lifeC.decisionD.feeling第4页共10页43.A. byB. offC.overD.around44.A. mindedB. imaginedC.re

27、grettedD.questioned45.A. farmB. familyC.vegetableD.nature参考答案:1. A2. D3. C4. D5. D6. B7. B8. A9. C10. D11. B12. A13. B14. C15. A【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了作者通过自己的辛苦努力,获取了足够的钱,最后买到了自己心慕已久的鞋子的故 事。1 .句意:我都能听见他们在叫我蕾拉,蕾拉,蕾拉。me 我;you 你;him 他;them 他们。根据 “Those are exactly the ones I need! Can I have them可知,似乎这双漂亮的鞋在向“

28、我”召唤,应选A。2 .句意:我指着那些彩色的鞋子。big 大的;old 旧的;ugly 丑陋的;colorful 富有色彩的。根据They were green, blue, redand white, with just the right style”可知,这双鞋五彩斑斓的,应选D。3 .句意:让我们看看它们有多贵。funny 滑稽的;heavy 沉重的;expensive 昂贵的;different 不同的。根据 “My heart broke when we saw the price 一$ 100”可知,是去看看这双鞋多么昂贵,应选C。4 .句意:我知道妈妈不会买的。always

29、总是;usually 通常;sometimes 有时;never 从不。根据 “My heart broke when we saw第5页共10页 the price $100”可知,看到昂贵的价格作者就知道妈妈不会买的,never符合语境。应选D。5 .句意:我不知道我该怎么办。hated憎恨;agreed同意;refused拒绝;wondered想知道。根据“I only have $25”及前文的描 述可知,这双鞋的价格是$100,作者只有$25,所以不知道怎么办,应选D。6 .句意:天气比拟凉爽。hotter更热的;cooler更凉爽的;wetter更湿的;longer更长的。根据“A

30、utumn was surely here”及常识可知,秋天来了,天气会更凉快,应选B。7 .句意:突然我有了一个想法。gift 礼物;idea 想法;email 邮件;photo 照片。根据 “I think I know I can make money to buy those shoes”可知,作者想到了自己赚钱买鞋的方法,应选B。8 .句意:我想我知道怎么赚钱买那双鞋了。how 怎样;why 为什么;when 何时;whether 是否。根据 “People want theirclean and tidy. I can rake(耙)leaves for them.”可知,想到了如

31、何赚钱,应选A。9 .句意:人们希望他们的院子干净整洁。stores 商店;rooms 房间;yards 院子;schools 学校。根据 leaves in people, s yards” 可 知,作者想到的方法是清扫院子,应选C。10 .句意:每个星期,我都在人们的院子里捡树叶,把它们放进垃圾箱里。talked about 谈论;played with 与玩耍;listened to 听;picked up 拾起。根据 uleavesin people s yards and put them in waste bins”可知,拾起树叶并放进垃圾桶,应选D。11 .句意:这花了五个星期的

32、艰苦工作。days天;weeks星期;months月份;years年。根据“Each week”可知,作者花了五周来清扫院 子,应选B。12 .句意:我的外套和裤子脏了,但我不在乎。care 关心;decide 决定;follow 跟随;answer 回答。根据 “My coats and trousers got dirty” 及but可知,虽然很脏,但是作者并不在乎,应选A。13 .句意:最后我得到了足够的钱。time 时间;money 金钱;coats 外套;shoes 鞋。根据 “I think I know-I can make money to buy those shoes”可知

33、,最后作者赚足了钱,应选B。14 .句意:妈妈开车送我去鞋店,我兴奋地走进鞋店。sadly 难过地;angrily 生气地;excitedly 兴奋地;secretly 秘密地。根据 In the end, I got enough可知,作者拿着自己赚的钱,兴奋地去买喜欢的鞋,应选C。15 .句意:它们非常适合我。fit 适合;found 找到;helped 帮助;missed 想念。根据“I found the shoes I d wanted so much and tried them on in my size”可知,鞋非常适合自己,应选A。16 . C第6页共10页17 . C18

34、. D19 . A20 . B21 . B22 . D23 . A24 . C25 . A26 . D27 . A28 . B29 . C30 . D【解析】【分析】本文主要讲述了作者因为身高很矮,在参加夏令营时,不敢爬过高墙,在Maggie和同伴的鼓励下, 她勇敢地做到了。16 .句意:我非常担忧我的身高,以至于和妈妈大吵了一架。hair头发;build体格;height身高;weight体重。根据the short girl”可知,作者担忧自己 的身高问题,应选C。17 .句意:但我会讨厌它。accept接受;beat击败;hate讨厌;manage管理。对于自己身高很矮这件事感到厌烦,应

35、选C。18 .句意:你到那之前什么都不会知道。if 如果;after 在之后;when 当时;until 直到。根据 “You won t know anything-youget there, ”可知,此处用notuntil表示“直到才”,应选D。19 .句意:我不得不同意。agree同意;explain解释;refuse拒绝;complain抱怨。在妈妈冷静地劝解下,作者不得不同意 了,应选A。20 .句意:当我看到那堵墙时,我的心沉了下来,我是最后一个试图爬上那堵高墙的人。first 第一;last 最后;only 只有;right 正确地。根据But I had to, after t

36、he other campers finished”可知,作者是最后一个要爬过这个墙的,应选B。21 .句意:它可能有十层楼高,我知道我没有成功的机会。risk风险;chance机会;time时间;pressure压力。作者身高很矮,这个墙有十层楼高,作者认 为自己没有机会成功,应选B。第7页共10页22 .句意:我要了一张“矮个子通行证”,虚弱地微笑着绕着墙走着。happily开心地;proudly骄傲地;warmly温暖地;weakly虚弱地。作者身高很矮,看到要爬过这 么高的墙,脸上是带着虚弱的微笑,应选D。23 .句意:Maggie鼓励地说。encouraged 鼓励;announce

37、d 宣布;introduced 介绍;repealed 撤消。根据 I d really like you to do your best to”可知,Maggie鼓励作者勇敢一些,应选A。24 .句意:我真的希望你能尽最大努力翻过那堵墙。build up 增进;pull down 摧毁;get over 克服;knock at 敲。根据 I d really like you to do your best to the wall”可知,Maggie鼓励作者要勇敢地翻过那个墙,应选C。25 .句意:我假装伤了膝盖,这样就可以防止了。so 所以;or 或者;unless 除非;but 但是。“

38、I pretended (假装)to hurt my knee” 与I could avoid it”是因果关系,用连词so表示“所以,应选A。26 .句意:她太善良了,这让我很难过,因为我不喜欢撒谎。angry生气的;bored无聊的;lonely孤单的;bad差的。Maggie的善良让试图通过撒谎而逃避爬墙 的作者感觉自己很差劲,应选D。27 .句意:Maggie很有耐心,向我展示她是如何爬墙的。how 怎样;when 何时;where 哪里;why 为什么。根据showing meshe climbed the wall可 知,是向作者展示她是如何爬过这个墙,应选A。28 .句意:我不想

39、跟任何人撒谎。try 尝试;lie 撒谎;practice 练习;compete 比赛。根据 “I didn t like to lie” 可知,作者 不想撒谎,应选B。29 .句意:我想让他们知道我有多重视他们的支持,所以我一直在努力。dream 梦想;decision 决定;support 支持;success 成功。 根据 “And some campers were there cheering for me”可知,其他的同伴都为作者加油,作者觉得自己应该对得起他们的支持,应选C。30 .句意:然后神奇的事情发生了一一我做到了。funny搞笑的;creative有创造力的;popula

40、r受欢迎的;amazing令人惊讶的。作者起初认为自己 个子很矮,所以无法爬过那个高墙,但是在同伴和Maggie的鼓励下,她做到了,这是一件令人惊异的 事,应选D。31 . C32 . C33 . D34 . A35 . A36 . C37 . B第8页共10页38 . A39 . D40 . C41 . D42 . B43 . A44 . B45 . B【解析】【分析】本文主要表达卢克一家住在果蔬农场,他和父亲种了西红柿,卢克听了父亲的话相信要用对家人一 般的爱来照顾西红柿,并相信等成熟时,自己种的西红柿一定是最漂亮的。31 .句意:卢克并不介意没有动物。gardens 花园;pools 池

41、塘;animals 动物;hills 小山。根据前文 “Instead of cows, pigs, and horses, there is corn, beans, strawberries and tomatoes around his house. “ 可知,农场没有动 物只有蔬果,但是卢克并不介意没有动物,他更喜欢蔬果。应选C。32 .句意:他觉得他的蔬菜能在这个曾经一无所有的地方创造出一些东西,这真是神奇。dig挖;build建立;create创造;throw扔。分析句子可知,此处表示“在这个曾经一无所有的地 方创造出一些东西,这真是神奇”,蔬果的成长在此处意译为“创造”。应选C。

42、33 .句意:“儿子,我今天在种西红柿J卢克的父亲说。beans 豆子;carrots 胡萝 卜;potato6s 土豆;tomatoes 西红柿。根据后文“That way there will be tall, healthy tomato vines (藤)once August arrives. v 可知,种的是西红柿。应选 D。34 .句意:它们在炎热的夏季生长得最好,所以我需要在早春种植它们。so所以;but但是;as因为;or或者。分析句子可知,前后两句构成因果关系,此处强调“所 以”。应选A。35 .句意:你如何确保它们长得又高又健康?make sure 确保;worry ab

43、out 担忧;turn down 拒绝;talk about 谈论。根据后文回答“The vines grow strong when you give them care and attention and have a little bit of hope” 可 知,父亲说如果你给予它们照料和关注,再给它们一点希望,它们就会茁壮成长,所以此处应表示卢克 问父亲如何确保西红柿长得乂高又健康。应选A。36 .句意:所以当卢克空闲的时候,他帮助他的父亲,卢克了解到西红柿植物确实需要很多照顾。strong强壮的;proud骄傲的;free空闲的;lucky幸运的。分析上下文可知,卢克应该是在空闲 的时间来帮助父亲照顾西红柿,其他三项不符合语境。应选C。37 .句意:所以当卢克空闲的时候,他帮助他的父亲,卢克了解到西红柿植物确实需要很多照顾。sunshine阳光;care关心,照顾;water水;warmth温暖。根据前文“The vines grow strong第9页共10页


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