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《译林版英语八年级上册Unit1-3单元测试.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版英语八年级上册Unit1-3单元测试.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unitl-3八年级阶段性学情调研一、 听力(共20题,计20分)A.听对话,回答以下问题。读两遍。()1. Who is Nicks uncle?、 A)2. What does Daniel like?A)3. Which team is the boy in?)4. Whats DaniePs favourite subject?BC)5. What place of interest does Tom want to go to?ABC. In the playgroundC. Her friends home.C. AmyC. No, she would like to.)6. Wh

2、ere are they talking?A. In the classroom. B. In the dining room)7. Where will Amy go before she goes home?A. The Reading Club. B. The library.)8. Whos Suzys friend?A. Jack B. Simon)9. Would the girl like to lend CD to the boy?A. Yes, she would like to. B. No, she wouldnt like to.()10. What do we kno

3、w about the bag?A. It is too heavy.B. There are some toys in it. C. Jane can carry it.B.听对话或独白,选出正确答案。读两遍。听第一段材料,回答第11、12题。)11. What is Sarah like?A. She is pretty, honest and hard-working. B. She is pretty, cheerful and easy-going.C. She is pretty, friendly and polite.)12. What would she like to be

4、 in the future?A. A youth worker. B. A factory worker. C. A social worker.听第二段好料,回答第1315题。PlaceThe students will go to13tomorrow.TransportThey will go there _14WeatherIt is15tomorrow.)13. A. the Palace Museum. B. the Great Wall C. the Summer Palace()14. A. by bike.B. by car.C. by bus.()15. A. cloudy

5、.B. rainy.C. sunny.听第三段材料,回容第1620题。()16. How many students are there in Sunshine Secondary School? A. 158. B. 1,200. C. 3,500.()17. Whose school is bigger? A. Daniels.B. Johns. C. The speakers.()18. What do the students in Johns school do every Friday afternoon?A. Have a meeting. B. Have a ball matc

6、h. C. Have classes.()19. What does John sometimes do after class?A. He sometimes does the housework. B. He sometimes goes to the clubs.C. He sometimes does his homework.)20. Why does the speaker think his school life is less interesting? A. Because there are more weeks off in the summertime.B. Becau

7、se there are fewer classes in a day. C. Because he cant go to the clubs. 单项选择(共15题,计15分)than that new one.than that new one.)21. The second-hand car is muchD. dearestD. longer and longerD. boring, boredA. cheapB. cheaperC. dear()22. When winter comes, the days get.A. short and short B. shorter and s

8、horterC. long and long()23.1 feel because my job is too.A. bored, boring B. bored, bored C. boring, boring ()24 -Shall we climb that hill? -.A. Yes, I shall. B. No, I shant. C. Good idea. D. Right.)25 -Help to some juice, boys and girls. -Thanks.A. himself B. yourselvesC. yourselfD. themselves)26. T

9、he boy is my sister, so he sits behind her.A. as tall as B. taller than C. not as tall as D. the tallest()27. Each student should listen to the teacher carefully.A. over class B. in class C. in classroom D. after class()28. He isat singing and he does in singing than anyone else in his class.A. good

10、, best B. good, better C. well, best D. well, better()29. 一 How did you make her ?A. to stop crying B. to stop cry C. stop crying D. stop to cry()30.? He is friendly and polite.A. What does he look like B. What does he like C. What is he like D. What is he alike)31. My school has)31. My school haswe

11、eksin the summertime than Johns.A. less, rest ()32.aA. Driving; takes ()33. - B. less, of C. fewer, rest D. fewer, off car less time than taking a bus.B. To drive; spend C. Drive; takes D. Drive; spends does Kate live from her office?Its half an hours walk .A. How long B. How often C. How far D. Wha

12、t time()34. You have to eat and take more if you want to be .A. fewer; exercises; healthyB. less; exercises; heathC. less; exercise; heathD. less; exercise; healthy()35. Millie often helps Sandy her Physics, and she also shares his school things her.A. to, to B. with, to C. with, with D. to, with三、完

13、形填空(共10题,计10分)。Bill and Fred were students at 36 university and they were friends. They didnt have much money, so when it was time 37 their summer vacation,段期),Bill said, “Lets 38 our vacation in trailer。舌动房 车),Fred. It is 39 than a hotel. I can borrow my father trailer.95 Fred was very happy, so th

14、ey got into the trailer and began their vacation.They wanted 40 early the next day to go fishing, 41 they didnt have an alarm clock. Thats 42 , Bill/5 Fred said, “ I have a good way. Ill put 43 bread on the roof of the trailer tonight and they will wakeus up in the morning.” Bill was very 44 , but h

15、e didnt say anything. Fred was right. When it was at the first down to eat the bread, and their noise on the roof (屋顶)of the trailer woke them uplight, some 45 came quickly.()36. A.an()37. A.in()38. A.take()39. A.cheap()40. A.to get upB. aB. toB. takingB. cheaperB. getting upC. theC. forC.takesC. ex

16、pensiveC. gets upD. someD. onD. to takeD. more expensiveD. get up四、四、)41. A. and)42 A. right)43. A. a)44. A. happy )45. A. birds 阅读以下短文,B. butB. trueB. some piecesB. surprisedC. soC. all rightC. manyC. excitedB. dogsC. elephants从每题所给的四个选项中递出D. orD. wrongD. some pieces ofD. sadD. ants最正确答案。A man made

17、 a nice talking machine (ML器).It could weigh peoples weight .The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out.The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood o

18、n the machine, the machine thought fbr a few seconds to decide which language to speak. Good morning, Madam, it said in Indian. “Your weight is 72 kilograms. Thafs three kilograms more .If you eat more fruit and vegetables, you will be soon all right .Please have a nice day.”The second one to use th

19、e machine was a Chinese girl .She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. Good morning, Miss. the machine said in Chinese. Your weight is 45 kilograms. Its all right fbr your age. Keep eating what you eat every day .Please have a nice day,The third one to use the machine was a very fat A

20、merican woman. She thought for a long time to stand on the machine. The machine spoke quickly in English, Good morning .Will one of you get off?” ()46. The machine in this passage could.A. weigh and talk to peopleB. tell people what they should eatC. speak all kinds of languagesD. make people laugh(

21、)47. The man put his first machine.A. in the station B. in a train C. in the doctors waiting room D. in the womens room ()48. The machine told the Indian woman.A. she was a little lighterB. she was a little heavierC. it couldnt speak IndianD. to eat what she wanted to eat()49. The machine said to a

22、Chinese girl that she.A. should eat more B. should eat lessC. had to eat more fruit D. kept herself healthy ()50. How was the American woman?A. She was healthy. B. She liked thinking.C. She was too heavy. D. The machine didnt like her.(B)You may feel curious(好奇的)about students in other countries: Do

23、 they also have so much homework? What do they do in their free time?On April 8, a report came out on the life of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers too many of your questions in

24、 this report.Who studies hardest?Chinese students spend the most time studying. Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day. Thats much more than students of the US(26.4%), Japan(8.2%) and South Korea(5.2%).Who sleeps most often in class?Japanese students fa

25、ll asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off(打瞌睡)in class. In South Korea is 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.South Korean students dont like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, many fewer than in Japan(93%), China(90%) an

26、d the US (89%).Who is the most distracted(分心的)?American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they talk with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks(,点心、)in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated(无关的)books in class.What do they do aft

27、er school?In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students go out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises. Most South Korean students watch TV. ()51. In the report, who studies hardest?A. Japanese students. B. Chinese students.C. A

28、merican students. D. South Korean students.()52. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. 93% Japanese students like taking notes in class.B. Most Chinese students do physical exercises after class.C. 38.9% American students talk with friends in class.D. South Korean students fall

29、asleep in class most often.()53. In China, how many students fall asleep in class?A. 45%. B. 32%, C. 21%, D. 5%.()54. What do American students do in their free time?A. Do physical exercises. B. Study or surf the Internet.C. Watch TV. D. Go out with friends. ()55. What is the article about?A. It is

30、a report about the students* lessons in four countries.B. It is an article about the students* study and life in four countries.C. It is a story about students1 sports after class.D. It tells us that American students don*t like studying. 词汇(15分)A.根据句意和中文提示写出单词的正确形式。(5分,每题1分) 56. Max is very 幽默的),an

31、d he is good at telling jokes.57. Her (面带微笑的)face told us that she was happy at that moment.58. He was ill yesterday, but today he gets 更糟糕)Do you know the differences between American English andEnglish?(英国的)59. He often (主动提出)me some help with my homework.B.根据括号中英文解释写出单词的正确形式。(5分,每翁1分)I like comic

32、s because the pictures are interesting and beautiful, (not in or from your owncountry)During Reading week, I books with my classmates. ( talk about)60. English and French are my favourite. (words used in speaking and writing)Last month, our baseball team two games. ( be best or first in a competitio

33、n)65.1 never feel with him, because he often makes me laugh. (not interested)C.句型转换:(5分,每空0.5分)1. There is nothing in the fridge.(改为同义句)There66、67 in the fridge.2. Amy runs the fastest among all the students in her class.(改为同义句)Amy runs 68 than 69 7071 in her class.3. I have more orange juice than B

34、etty.(改为同义句)Betty 7273 orange juice than me.4. Daniel spends about an hour playing computer games and playing chess.(就划线局部提问) 7475 does Daniel spend playing computer games and playing chess.六、翻译以下句壬一万声 每空05分). Daniel 花大约半小时下象棋。Danielabout half an hour 1 .我们学校至多有40。名学生。 Our school has 400 students.2

35、.星期五下午,我们学校比往常放学早。Friday afternoon, our school ends.我能告诉他任何事情,因为他能替我保守秘密。I can tell him about anything, because he 5.长大后,我想成为一名社荟工作者。Ito be awhen I七、短文首字母填空(共io空,vFioDavid one of my best friends. He is sixteen years old. He is the t 96 in our class-almost 1.78 meters and weighs 65kg.He has a s _ 97

36、face and a big nose .Everyone likes his b 98and smiling eyes .Both of his parents are teachers and he likes to work with children, so he wants to be a teacher when he g99up.David is a h _100 boy. If someone has problem, he is always w 101 to help them.One day, David and I w 102 for a bus on a busy r

37、oad. Suddenly, he saw an old lady c i03the road/9 Its very dangerous J he said. He ran to the old lady as q 104as possible to help hercross the road. The old lady thanked him a lot. He looked h 105 after he did it. I thank I should learn from him. 八、书面表达(计10分) 假设你有名叫南希的好朋友。根据以下信息以My best friend为题,用英

38、语写篇介绍她的短文。 要点:1.方脸,明亮而笑眯眯的眼睛,短而黑的头发,漂亮的女孩;2.老实,与人友善,助人为乐,愿意与别人提供东西;3.朋友多,学习很刻苦;4.各门功课都很好,是班上最好的学生之一;5.她喜欢,长大后想. 要求:1.短文应包括要点中所给的信息,第5点可作适当发挥;2.行文连贯,书写规范; 4.字数80词左右。英语试卷答题纸五、1、听力(共20题,2、(试卷分值:10。分 考试时间:100分钟) 第I卷(选择题共55分)计20分)3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、六、单项选择(共15题,计15分)21、22、23、24

39、、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、七、完形填空(共10题,计10分)。36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、四.阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最正确答案。(共10题,计10分)46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、五、词汇(15分)B.根据句意和中文提示写出单词的正确形式。(5分,每题1分)56. 57,585960、B.根据括号中英文解释写出单词的正确形式。B.根据括号中英文解释写出单词的正确形式。(5分,每题1分)61、62. 63、6465、D.句型转换:(5分,每空0.5分)66、67、68、69、

40、70.71、72、73、74、75六、翻译以下句子:(10分,每空0.5分)76、 77、78、79. 80、81、 82、83 84、85 86、87 88、89 9()、91、92 93、94 95、七、短文首字母填空(共10空,计10分)96、97 98、99 100 10k 102 103、104 105、八、书面表达(计10分)八年级英语试题参考答案.听力(共20题,计20分)1-5 B BBBB6-10A A A B C11-15 C CCCC16-20CB B B C一 .单项选择(共15题,计15分) 21-25 B B A C B 26-30 B B B C C31- 35

41、D A C D C三 .完形填空(共10题,计10分) 36-40 B C A B A 41-45 B C D B A.阅读理解(共10题,计10分) 46-50 A A B D C 51-55 B A D D B四 .词汇(15分)C.根据句意和中文提示写出单词的正确形式。(5分,每题1分)56. humorous 57. smiling 58. worse 59. British 60. offersB.根据括号中英文解释写出单词的正确形式。(5分,每题1分)61. foreign 62. discuss 63. languages 64. won 65. boredE.句型转换:(5分,

42、每空0.5分)66. isnt 67. anything 68. faster 69. any 70. other 71. student72. has 73. less 74. How 75. long六、翻译以下句子:(10分,每空0.5分)76. spends 77. playing 78. chess 79. at 80. most 81. On 82. earlier83. than84. usual 85. can 86. keep 87. a 88. secret 89. for 90. me91. want92. social 93. worker 94. grow 95. up七.短文首字母填空(每空1分,共10分)96. tallest 97. square 98. bright 99. grows 100. helpful 101. willing102. waited 103. crying 104. quickly 105. happy八.书面表达评分参考建议:分分分分分内容完整准确5结构清晰完整2语法正确1拼写正确1标点符号1


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