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《浙江省杭州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04根据首字母填空&作文.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省杭州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04根据首字母填空&作文.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、浙江省杭州市三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编04根据首字母填空&作文根据首字母填空1.2.(2022 浙江杭州)Jim will be on summer vacation in June and J3.(2022 浙江杭州)is the color of the sky on a sunny day.4.(2022 浙江杭州)I love China and I am pof being Chinese.5.(2022 浙江杭州)Lisa, don, t talk with your mfull! It s bad manners.6.(2022 浙江杭州)My desk

2、mate cthe school bus this morning, but I missed it andwas late for school.6.(2022 淅江杭州)Families often get together and admire the full mon the Mid-Autumnnight.7.(2022 浙江杭州)After finishing university, Tom came to China. Three years 1he wasable to speak good Chinese.8.(2022 浙江杭州)Doing chores helps to

3、develop children s independence and teaches themhow tolook after t9.9.(2022 浙江杭州)Although the heavy rain bmany things apart, it brought familiesand neighbors closer together.10. (2022 浙江杭州)一Will you please help me to carry this box?With p.Im more than happy to do it.11.(2021浙江杭州)is the fifth month o

4、f the year in the Western calendar.12.(2021浙江杭州)As the sayinggoes, “An aa day keeps the doctor away. ”13.(2021浙江杭州)me,can you tell me how I can get to a nearby restaurant?14.(2021浙江杭州)The sun risesin the eand sets in the west.15.(2021浙江杭州)volleyball is this?Itmust be Carlas.She loves volleyball.16.(

5、2021 浙江杭州)I can t bthat today is the last day of junior high school.I stillremember the first day of Grade 7 like itwas yesterday.17.(2021 浙江杭州)The number 1,000, 000 iswritten with a one and six z18.(2021 浙江杭州)When a person va foreign country, it is important to know19.20.(2021 浙江杭州)According to the

6、 latest census (人口普查),China has a pof1, 411,78 million.21.(2020 浙江杭州)Lis a meal that you have in the middle of the day.how to ask for help politely.(2021 浙江杭州)While I was watching TV, the doorbell r第1页共11页the history of Chinese tea there.Hope this helps. And tell me if there is anything else you nee

7、d to know.Li Ping 【解析】 【详解】1 ,题干解读:题目要求根据邮件内容进行回复,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。2 .写作指导:写作时要以第一和第三人称来介绍,时态用一般现在时。作文要分别介绍学校的一些有 趣的活动,以及介绍关于中国文化的活动。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。32 .例文Dear Matt,It s good to hear from you. Everything is fine with me here. Thanks for the invitation! I will definitely come! It will be good to meet Mi

8、ke. I 11 arrive at around 5:30 next Saturday and bring some traditional Chinese foods, like dumplings and zongzi for you. I hope you would like them. Don t worry. I will stay after the party to help you clean up.Thanks again for the invitation. I am really looking forward to it!All the best.Li Ping

9、【解析】【分析】【详解】1 ,题干解读:该题目属于应用文写作,但写作时要按邮件格式写。在写作时根据收到的邮件内容,接 受邀请并回复,内容包括几点到达,以及所带的食物等。2 .本文应该用第一人称为主来表达内容;时态采用一般将来时和一般现在时;在写作时丁力求语言准 确,格式准确,保证条理清晰。33 .例文Dear Larry,Thank you so much for your invitation. As a big fan of Chinese folk music, it s my great honor to share something interesting with all of

10、you. I m available on the Friday evening, July 10th and I 11 be there on time. But I am still wondering more details about the talk. The first question I would like to know is where the talk will be held. Moreover, I will appreciate if you tell me how long the talk will last so that I can arrange th

11、e content of my talk. The last one is who will come to the talk. Thanks again for your invitation.Looking forward to your reply!Yours,Li Ping 第10页共11页【解析】【详解】1 .题干解读:此题为书信作文,要求根据已有的邮件进行回复,开头和结尾已经给出。人称用第一人 称,时态应用现在时。2 .例文点评:例文按照书信格式,采用“感谢并接受邀请一一询问细节一一再次感谢邀请”结构,其 中对三点细节的询问(地点、时长、参与人员)是本文写作重点。例文书信格式标准,

12、层次清楚,思路清 晰,到达了题目写作要求,是一篇优秀的例文。3 .高分亮点:短语:share with, on time, thanks for, look forward to。句型:(1) Thank you so much for your invitation, (thank you for 句型)(2) As a big fan of Chinese folk music, it s my great honor to share something interesting with all of you. (it 作形式主语)(3) Moreover, I will appreci

13、ate if you tell me how long the talk will last so that I can arrange the content of my talk.(宾语从句)第11页共11页22. (2020 浙江杭州)In many countries, New Year,s Day falls on the first day of J.23. (2020 浙江杭州)They ve been good friends s they were little kids.24. (2020 浙江杭州)China has a history of more than five

14、 t.25. (2020 浙江杭州)He always arrives e than others, as he has the key to the classroom.26. (2020 1折江杭州)A the traffic was heavy, we got to the railway station ontime.27. (2020 折江杭州)Whether she wins or whether she 1, this is her last game.28. (2020 浙江杭州)My parents are very s with me. I am not allowed t

15、o hang out with friends even on weekends.29. (2020 i折江杭州)Many young people look up to these basketball h such as Yao Ming and Michael Jordon and want to become like them.30. (2020 浙江杭州)Many road accidents can be a if we all follow traffic rules. 六、电子邮件31. (2021 浙江杭州)假定你是李平,请阅读以下邮件,接受邀请并回复。词数80左右,可适当

16、 增加细节,以使行文连贯。To: LiPingmail. comSubject: Exchange Visit!Hi there, Li Ping!My name s Jack and I m going to be at your school for the exchange visit next month. I m really excited about it!Well, why am I writing right now? for one thing, I really want to know something about the interesting activities

17、 at your school, so could you introduce one of them? Also, I am interested in Chinese culture. So what do you suggest I do after school?Take care and hope to hear from you soon.JackDear Jack,第2页共11页Li Ping 32. (2021 浙江杭州)假定你是李平,请阅读以下邮件,接受邀请并回复。词数80左右,可适当 增加细节,以使行文连贯。Hi Li Ping, How is everything goi

18、ng with you? Next week my cousin Mike is staying with me. We re having a party next Saturday. Please come! We, 11 have lots of drinks. But if you remember, can you bring some Chinese food? The party will be starting at 6 p. m. What time do you think you 11 be coming? I 11 probably need one or two pe

19、ople to help me tidy up after the party. Do you think you 11 be able to stay and help?Anyway, hope you can make it. Please write back to tell me if you can come or not.All the best.MattDear Matt,Li Ping33. (2020 浙江杭州)假定你是李平,请阅读以下邮件并回复。内容包括接受邀请并询问至少三个 相关细节(如具体地点)注意:1,词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Li P

20、ing, We would like to invite you to give us a talk on Chinese folk music. The talk will be on the evening of Friday, July 10th at 7:00. If you re able to come, please reply in writing to this invitation by July 2nd. Hope you can make it!Larry SmithPresident of Foreign Students ClubDear Larry,第3页共11页

21、第4页共11页Yours,Li Ping参考答案1. (J)uly【解析】【详解】句意:吉姆将在六月和七月度暑假。根据首字母提示可知,六月和七月放暑假,July “七月”符合句 意;故填(J)uly。2. (B)lue【解析】【详解】句意:蓝色是晴天天空的颜色。根据“B.is the color of the sky on a sunny day. ”和常识可 知,晴天天空是蓝色的,blue “蓝色”,在句中作主语,故填(B) lue。3. (p)roud【解析】【详解】句意:我爱中国,我为自己是中国人而自豪。根据首字母提示和“I love China”可知,以是中国人 为傲,be proud

22、 of ” 以为傲”,故填(p)roud。4. (m)outh【解析】【详解】句意:丽莎,嘴里有东西的时候不要说话!这是一种不好的习惯。根据首字母提示和“Its bad manners. 可知,嘴里有东西不要说话,mouth符合句意;故填(m)outh。5. (c)aught【解析】【详解】句意:今天早上我同桌赶上了校车,但是我没赶上,上学迟到了。根据“My deskmate -the school bus this morning, but I missed it and was late for schoolv 及首字母可知,我错过了校车,同桌 赶上了, catch 赶上,根据missed

23、”可知,句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(c)aught。6. (m)oon【解析】【详解】句意:家人经常在中秋之夜聚在一起赏月。根据首字母提示和“on the Mid-Autumn night”可知, 是欣赏满月,moon “月亮”符合句意;故填(m)oon。7. (1)ater【解析】第5页共11页【详解】句意:大学毕业后,汤姆来到了中国。三年后,他能说一口流利的中文了。根据“Three years,he was able to speak good Chinese”及首字母可知,此处指三年后,一段时间+later表示“多久以后”, 故填(l)ater。8. (t)hemselves【

24、解析】【详解】句意:做家务有助于培养孩子的独立性,并教会他们如何照顾自己。根据首字母提示和“look after” 可知,是自己照顾自己,them的反身代词是themselves;故填(t)hemselves。9. (b)roke【解析】【详解】句意:虽然大雨破坏了许多东西,但它让家庭和邻居们走得更近了。根据首字母提示和“many things apart” 可知,大雨破坏了很多东西,break “破坏”,结合 “it brought families and neighbors closer together,需要动词的过去式,break的过去式是broke;故填(b)roke。10. (p

25、)leasure【解析】【详解】句意:一一请你帮我搬一下这个箱子好吗?一一我很愿意。我非常乐意做这件事。根据Will you please help me to carry this box?” 可知,请对方做某事,结合答语 I m more than happy to do it. ” 可知,同意对方请求,with pleasure “我很愿意”符合语境,故填(p) leasure。11. (M)ay【解析】【详解】句意:在西方日历中五月是一年中的第五个月。根据“the fifth month of the year”及结合首字 母提示,可知句意为“五月是一年中的第五个月”,此处表达的是“五

26、月”,May “五月。是专有名词,首 字母要大写,故填(M)ay。12. (a)pple【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:俗话说:“一天一个苹果,医生远离我。”。由语境及keeps the doctor away.可知,应该是每 天一个苹果,会远离疾病。apple意为“苹果”;由空前面的冠词a可知,此处需用单数。故填apple。13. (E)xcuse【解析】第6页共11页【分析】【详解】句意:打搅一下,你能告诉我怎么去附近的餐馆吗?ucan you tell me how I can get to a nearbyrestaurant?”可知,此处应该用Excuse me来引人注意。故填Excu

27、se。14. (e)ast【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。根据“sets in the west.及所给的首字母可知,太阳从东 方升起,east意为“东方”,in the east在东方。故填east。15. (W)hose【解析】【详解】句意:这是谁的排球?一一一定是卡拉的。她喜欢排球。根据回答It must be Carla s. 及 首字母提示可知,此处指的是“谁的,whose “谁的”,位于句首首字母要大写,故填(W)hose。16. (b)elieve【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我不敢相信今天是初中的最后一天。我仍然记得七年级的第一天,就像昨天一样。根据“

28、I still remember the first day of Grade 7 like it was yesterday. ?及首字母提示可知,应该是不敢相信这 是最后一天,believe意为“相信;can t是情态动词,后跟动词原形。故填(b)elieve。17. (z)eros#(z)eroes【解析】【详解】句意:数字1,000,000是由1和6个0组成的。根据“1,000,000”可知,此处表示“0,用zero表 示,此前有six修饰,使用复数形式,故填(z) eros/(z) eroes。18. (v)isits【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:当一个人去外国访问时,知道如何礼貌地

29、寻求帮助是很重要的。根据“it is important to know how to ask for help politely. v及首字母提示可知,这里指去外国访问,“访问”为visit,是动词; 又结合句意,该句为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,谓语动词visit应用单三形式visits,故填(v) isits。19. (r)ang第7页共11页【解析】【详解】句意:我正在看电视时,门铃响了。根据首字母提示及“the doorbell”可知,此处是ring “响。 是动词,结合was watching TV”可知,此处的动词要用过去式,故填(r)ang。20. (p)opulation

30、【解析】【详解】句意:根据最新的人口普查,中国有141178万人口。由1, 411, 78 million及所给的首字母可知, 此处的数字应该是人口数,population意为“人口”;空前面有冠词a,此处需用单数。故填population。21. Lunch 或 Luncheon【解析】【详解】句意:午餐是你在中午吃的一顿饭。考查名词。根据meal和the middle of the day,可知要填“午饭”。故答案为Lunch或Luncheon。22. January【解析】【详解】句意:在许多国家,元旦是在一月的第一天。考查名词。“New Years Day”是指元旦,所以此处要填一月。

31、故填January。23. since【解析】【详解】句意:他们从小就是好朋友。根据句中“have been good friends”可知,句中时态为现在完成时;结合句中“they were little kids”可知,此处是“自从他们是小孩的时候,他们就成了好朋友;since是连词,意为“自以来: 故填sinceo24. thousand【解析】【详解】句意:中国有五千多年的历史。考查数词。中国五千年的历史,此处填数词“千”。表示具体的数字,用原型。故填thousand。25. earlier【解析】【详解】句意:他总是比别人来得早,因为他有教室的钥匙。第8页共11页考查形容词。由tha

32、n可知此处要填比拟级,依据句意可知此处指的是“到的较早”,设空处修饰前面 的动词,所以用副词early,其比拟级为earlier,故答案为earlier。26. Although【解析】【详解】句意:尽管交通拥挤,我们还是准时到达了火车站。考查连词。前半句表达的是交通拥堵,后半句指我们准时到达,可知此处表达“尽管。故填Althougho 27. loses【解析】【详解】句意:不管她赢还是输,这是她最后一场比赛。考查动词。用or连接两个whether,前后表达意思相反,or之前表达“赢得”,or之后指的是“输”, 且主语是三单,此处动词也要用三单。故填loses。28. strict【解析】【

33、详解】句意:我父母对我很严格。即使在周末我也不允许和朋友出去玩。考查形容词。固定搭配be strict with sb. ”对某人严格。故填strict。29. heroes【解析】【详解】句意:许多年轻人仰慕这些篮球英雄,如姚明和迈克尔乔丹,并希望变得像他们一样。分析句子可知,此处表示“英雄”的含义,可用hero表示,名词;因为此前有these修饰,所以用 其名词复数形式。故填heroeso30. avoided【解析】【详解】句意:如果我们都遵守交通规那么,许多交通事故是可以防止的。考查动词。交通事故可以被防止,此处考查被动语态,所以要填avoid过去分词。故填avoided。31. On

34、e possible version:Dear Jack,I m pleased to know that you re coming for the exchange visit.We have many interesting school activities. Among them, the singing competition is the most popular. It offers a great chance to show our talents and helps us to learn something new. As for Chinese culture, I suggest you visit the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. You can learn about 第9页共11页


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