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《人教PEP版小学四年级英语下册期末测试题及复习资料听力材料.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版小学四年级英语下册期末测试题及复习资料听力材料.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、小学四年级(下)期末英语模拟试题听力局部(共30分)一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1、Adangerous B difficult Cbeautiful()2、Aconcert B country Ccousin()3、AAmerica B AustraliaCAmerican()4、Aperfect B piano Cplanet()5、Amanager B machine Cmessage二、 听音,依据你所听到的依次,将下列5幅图片按数字(1、2、3、4、5)的依次标号。(10分)三、 依据你所听到的问句,找出适当的答句。(10分)( )1、AWe have a good

2、 time. BA computer shop. CIts beautiful.( )2、AYes, I will.BYes, I did.CNo, I wasnt.( )3、AThey speak English. BHeres a map of Australia. CBecause I love Australian animals.( )4、AHe played the pipa.BHe is going to go to Canada.CHe is in the zoo.( )5、AShe is playing the piano.BShe likes swimming.CShe i

3、s going to London.笔试局部(共70分)一、 按要求,写出下列单词的适当形式。(6分)1、kangaroo(复数形式)_ 2、potato(复数形式)_3、expensive(反义词)_ 4、wash(第三人称单数)_ 5、hear(过去式)_ 6、leaf(复数形式)_二、 从A、B、C、D 中选出最佳答案。(16分)( )1、The dog is very cute. My sister looks _ it.A、for B、at C、after D、like ( )2、We can _ the watermelon_home on the bike. A、take,for

4、 B、take,to C、have,to D、take,in( )3、This computer is good _ computer games. A、at B、to C、for D、of( )4、This TV costs_ . A、nine thousand eight hundred yuan. B、nine thousand and eight hundred yuan. C、nine thousands eight hundreds yuan. D、nine thousands and eight hundreds yuan.( )5、A car is _. And a penci

5、l is cheap.A、beautiful B、expensive C、powerful D、fantastic( )6、Its important_ me to use it.A、to B、of C、for D、at( )7、Where did Daming go? _.A、He goes to Hong Kong.B、He went to Hong Kong by plane. C、He went to Hong KongD、He went there last week.( )8、Los Angeles is _ the west of America.A、to B、in C、of D

6、、at三、读句子,圈出斜体局部的一个单词,使句子意思完好通顺。(10分) 1、Beijing is in /to the north of us. 2、What did you do onwomans /womens day? 3、Dont/Didntsleep in the class. 4、What /Howdid she play? She played the guitar. 5、The planet is near to/far fromthe sun. Its very cold.四、连词成句。(10分) 1、look、very 、tall、tree 、for、a_ .2、the

7、、capital、 Washington,D.C、is、of 、 America_ .3、this 、Saturday、 have a class、 lets 、 party_ .4、he、 live、does、 in、New York_ ?5、will、what、do、 you、 in、the、holidays_?五、 看图答复问题。(8分)1、2、How much is it? Which city is to the south of us?_3、 4、Where will she go? What did she play?_六、将所给句子的番号填入横线上,补全对话。(5分)A、Whe

8、re is he from?B、this is my cousin Tim.C、its in the west of America.D、I want to go there.E、you are right.Mary:Look, _He will come to China for his holiday.Linda: _Mary:He is from east of America.Please guess(猜一猜) where is he from.Linda:Is he from Los Angeles?Mary:No, _Linda:Is he from New York?Mary:Y

9、es,_Linda:I like New York. _七、依据短文内容,用所给单词填空。(每空一词,每个单词只能用一次)(5分)special buy didnt pet wentOne day,Amy went to_a pet.She_want a cat or a dog.“I want a_pet,”Amy said.So she_ to the _ shop.八、依据短文内容,从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(10分)Last year, I wasnt in England. I was on a farm in the countrysid

10、e for my holiday. It was a beautiful place. There were many trees and flowers. We lived in a nice house near the river. We had many animals on the farm: sheep, cows, horses, pigs and chickens. We looked after them. It was great fun to stay on the farm, but we had to work hard. My father worked in th

11、e fields. My sister and I helped him with the farm work. My mother cooked for us. After work, we went swimming or went fishing in the river. We had a good time there. 1、 Last year, I was_.A、 in England B 、on the farmC 、back to England D、 ready for a holiday2、The farm was_.A、in the river B、 in Englan

12、dC 、near the river D、 near England3、I went to the farm_.A、 for a holiday B、 to do farm workC 、to look after our animals D 、to see my father4、 On our farm, mother_.A、did farm work B、helped father with his workC、cooked food for us D、helped us with our lessons(功课)5、I was very_on the farm.A、sad B、worrie

13、d C、scared D、happy四年级(下)期末英语模拟试题听力材料一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍)1、dangerous 2、cousin 3、America 4、planet 5、machine二、 听音,依据你所听到的依次,将下列5幅图片按数字(1、2、3、4、5)的依次标号。(听两遍)1、New York is in the east.2、Dont touch the machines, please.3、He is painting flowers and birds.4、Ill send you a postcard.5、This planet is near to the sun.三、依据你所听到的问句,找出适当的答句。(听三遍)1、What about this computer?2、Will you send a postcard from England?3、Why do you like Australia?4、What is he going to go?5、Whats she doing there?


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