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1、-九年级Unit8单元测试I单项选择。(计15分)( )1. Hed like to be a when he grows up. He loves animals. A. veterinarian B. translator C. coach D. teacher( )2. What do you want ?Im not full. I want some more milk shake.A. other B. else C. more D. any( )3. _ of them like to play basketball. A. Each B. Everyone C. Every D

2、. Both( )4. I _ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me. A. take after B. hang out C. give away D. put off( )5. Now I spend time _ what I love to do. A. to do B. doing C. do D. did( )6. He looks sad. Lets cheer him _ . A. up B. in C. out D. at ( )7. Amy _the windows already, so the

3、 room looks much bright. A. cleans B. has cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean( )8. The zoo was far away from my hotel. It _ me at least two hours to get there. A. took B. has take C. takes D. will take( )9. Im sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, not at all. I _here for only a few minutes. A. was B. is C

4、. have been D. had been( )10. My mother _dinner when I got home. A. was cooking B. cooked C. has cooked D. cooks( )11. Our sports meeting has been till next Monday because of the bad weather. A. put on B. put up C. put off D. put down( )12. I _like to help kids with their schoolwork. A. could B. wou

5、ld C. should D. will( )13. Mrs West had a lovely dog. It has her life pleasure. A. filled; of B. full; with C. filled; with D. full; by( )14. Lucy, could you help me the heavy box to my room? A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. get( )15. Not only the students _ also their teacher likes football. A. too B.

6、 except C. however D. butII. 完形填空。(计10分)Dear Reader, Imagine an 1 child whose days are often spent washing clothes, looking after a baby, working hard in the fields. Imagine a little girl 2 knows there will not be enough food for dinner, who cant fill her stomach 3 water because its polluted, and wh

7、o has watched life slip away from her father and little brother and sister because the family is too poor to see a doctor. Is it hard to believe? For Maria Pastora, these are the real life. Maria would gladly walk miles to school, 4 her mother, now alone, needs her badly at home. Maria will grow up

8、without any schooling. What will be her future? In many ways, it will be disastrous.But for just 52 pennies a day, you can sponsor(赞助) a child like Maria. 5 her that somewhere, someone cares about her. Through “Save the Children”, you can help Marias mother get the tools and ways she needs to turn t

9、heir poor food into a good dinner and get the money she needs to buy clothes and school things for Maria. To help Maria most, your money 6 together with that of other sponsors, so hard-working people can help themselves. Build a school, a hospital, bring in clean water. This is what “Save the Childr

10、en” has been about 7 1932. For you there are many rewards. Have the chance to write to or hear from your sponsored child. 8 photos or progress reports. Know you are reaching out to another person. Not with a hand out, but a hand up. Thats how “Save the Children” works. But 9 you, it cant work. Pleas

11、e take a moment now to fill in and post the form below to help a child like Maria and her village. It can 10 such a difference in her life and yours.For the children,David L. Guyer President( ) 1. A. 11-year-oldB. 11-years-oldC. 11-years oldD. 11 year old( ) 2. A. whatB. whoC. whoseD. which( ) 3. A.

12、 withB. inC. upD. of( ) 4. A. andB. soC. butD. because( ) 5. A. MakeB. TakeC. LetD. Show( ) 6. A. putB. puttingC. is putD. puts( ) 7. A. inB. forC. sinceD. as( ) 8. A. ReceiveB. TakeC. ShowD. Make( ) 9. A. withB. withoutC. becauseD. because of( ) 10. A. doB. makeC. workD. turnIII阅读理解。(计40分)AHaving F

13、un “Growing” and “Stealing”?Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students. People can “farm” on a piece of”land” and “grow”, “sell” or even “steal” “vegetables”. “flowers”. And “fruits” on the Net , They can earn some e-money and buy more “seeds”, “pets”

14、 and even “houses”.Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.Harold: I dont quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world. Allan:I enjoy putting some “bugs” in my friends gardens and weve become closer

15、 because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it. Laura:You know, people in the city are longing for(渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure, besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a “thief”. Ivy:Well. its just a waste of timeTeenagers

16、 playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on (专注于)their study. ( )1. According to the passage, people cant _things in this game. A. growB. borrow C. steal D. sell ( )2. Among the people Joyce interviewed,_ likes the game while_ dislikes the game. A. Laura; Allan B. Allan; H

17、aroldC. Harold; IvyD. Ivy; Allan ( )3. From Lauras words, we can guess that shes most probably_ A. a studentBan office workerC. a farmer D. a thief ( )4. Which is NOT the reason why people like the game? A. They are longing for country life.B. They can have fun with friends.C. The game can relax peo

18、ple and give them a new experience.D.They are confident enough to face the real world.( )5. Where can you find this passage? A. In a car magazine. B. In an advertisement.C. In a newspaper D. In a science book BChoose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the sentences.( )6. Its hard

19、 to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with others.( )7. Talk about the things you like and do best. Dont hide your strong points.( )8. Watch carefully how they make and keep friends. Dont copy all of the things they do,

20、 but try to notice what they do. Then try some of those things yourself.( )9.Its very difficult to have a conversation with people whose eyes are looking to the left, to the right, or at the floor. People may think youre not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.( )10. Let people t

21、alk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me”. Ask lots of questions and show an interest in their answers.A. Be a good listener. B. Tell others your own ideas.C. Keep in touch with others a lot. D. Be honest with others.E. Learn from people who have many friends.F. Look at people in the ey

22、e when you talk to them. CHelp Stray (走失的) Animals We need to raise money to take care of stray dogs and cats. You can also adopt (收养) one if you like from Mar. 25 to Apr. 15.Please help!Animal Centerwww. sa-animalfoundation.orgDonate Your Old Clothes!Do you have clothes you dont wear anymore?Well c

23、ollect them and give them to the poor.Love Foundation(基金会)4327-6754Seventh Grade Food Stand (货摊)Do you want to enjoy fresh fruit juice and delicious fast food at a low price?Visit us at the school market on Mar. 15!Ping-Lin Junior High SchoolCool Pet ShowBring your pet to the talent show at 1 pm on

24、Mar. 22.Have fun and win big prizes!Expect to see you!Redwood City Zoo根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( ) 11. Peter who wants to get a pet should go to _.A. Animal Center B. Redwood City Zoo C. Love Foundation D. Ping-Lin Junior High School( ) 12. Ping-Lin Junior High School s market is on _.A. April 15 B. March

25、 25 C. March 22 D. March 15 ( ) 13. Carla who has a lot of old clothes can _.A. give them to the stray animals B. take them to Love Foundation C. take them to Redwood City Zoo D. give them to the students from Ping-Lin Junior High School ( ) 14. Sally can _ in order to win big prizes. A. make her pe

26、t cat new clothes B. take her pet dog for the talent show.C. visit the animals at Animal Center D. help a student from Ping-Lin Junior High School( ) 15. Which of the following is NOT true?A. We can help the poor by donating our old clothes to Love Foundation.B. Pets can be taken to take part in the

27、 talent show at Redwood City Zoo. C. Whenever we go to Animal Center, we can take one stray dog home. D. There is cheap fresh fruit juice at Ping-Lin Junior High Schools market.BJohn Carlin was a “jack-of-all-trades.” He was an artist and writer. He taught himself five foreign languages. He was a le

28、ader among the deaf.John Carlin was born in Philadelphia in 1813. His father was a poor shoemaker. His younger brother, Andrew, was also deaf. John and Andrew did not need to do things that other children of their ages had to do, so they had much free time to walk around the city.John got many rich

29、experiences when he was young. He showed his talent for drawing early in life. He often drew pictures on the floor with chalk and when his mother saw what he had done, she would quickly clean them with a mop(拖把).John went to work as a house painter when he was 12. His days were busy with work. Howev

30、er, he taught himself foreign languages at night. When he was 20, he went to New York to learn drawing. When he ran out of his money, he went to work again. But he would return to drawing whenever he could afford to.John was the first person to receive an honorary degree(荣誉学位) from Gallaudet. He was

31、 one who didnt let deafness stop him from doing what he wanted to. He beat all difficulties and became a successful American.( )16. The underlined phrase “jack-of-all-trades” may mean “” in Chinese.A. 多面手 B. 生意经C. 工作狂 D. 守财奴( )17. John Carlin when he was young.A. worked hard at schoolB. learned five

32、 foreign languages at schoolC. didnt go to schoolD. often walked about Philadelphia after school( )18. John showed his talent for drawing .A. before 12 years oldB. at the age of 12C. when he was 20D. in his early thirties( )19. John went to New York to learn drawing with money .A. donated by an orga

33、nizationB. by selling his paintingsC. that his parents gave himD. that he earned by himself( )20. “Gallaudet” in the last paragraph is probably the name of .A. a college for the deafB. a man who donated money to JohnC. a man who built a college for the deafD. a middle school built by a person named

34、GallaudetIV. 单词考查。(计25分)A. 根据句意、首字母或英语提示完成句中所缺的英语单词。 1. Lucy and Lily are twins, so they are s_ in many ways.2. My computer is broken. He is r_ it for me.3. The house is just as what she has i . Its so beautiful.4. If you want to know more information, you can visit our w on the Internet.5. The s tr

35、ained dogs can help the blind a lot.6. All the children looked very (please) after the (pleasure) trip.7. Its necessary to set up an organization to help (disable) people.8. Coach Blake spent the whole winter (coach) his soccer team.9. The poor child died of ( hungry).10. I tried to contact (联系) him

36、 but was (able).B. 用方框内所给的适当的词组的适当形式填空。 set up put up clean up call up cheer up11. We are going to _ a food bank to help hungry people. 12. I hate doing homework. Well, _! Its part of your job. 13. The city park is not clean. We need to help _ it _. 14. If the UFO came, I would _the police. 15. We c

37、ould _some movie posters on the wall of our cinema. V. 按照要求进行句型转换。(计10分)1. He told me not to shut the door.(改为直接引语)“ the door,” he said to me.2. Can you come up with a better plan?(改为同义句) Can you a better plan?3. They set up a help center to help the homeless people.(使用定语改写句子, 句意不变) They set up a he

38、lp center to help the people have a home.4. Jim looks sad. Lets make him happy.(改为同义句) Jim looks sad. Lets him .5. The girl standing over there looks like her mother.(改为同义句) The girl standing over there her mother. VI.补全对话。(计5分)A. Who are you?B. Im an English guide from Beijing China Travel Service.

39、C. Here you are.D. Are you Miss White from New York?E. Im so lucky that I could meet my guide as soon as I got off the plane.F. Can you help me?G. It will take us to the hotel.A: Excuse me. 1 B: Yes, and you are?A: 2 . This is my membership card. Would you please show me your passport?B: OK. 3 A: We

40、lcome to Beijing, Miss White. I am so glad that you are the first guest I have received.B: Thank you, Miss Chen. 4 A: Let me help you with your suitcase. Our car is waiting for us just at the entrance. 5 B: Thank you very much for your good service.A: Its a pleasure.VII.书面表达。(计15分)Sandy、Simon和Daniel是第一中学的三个学生。他们根据自己的兴趣和爱好,每周花几个小时的时间参加不同的志愿者工作。根据以下要点,以“Being a volunteer is great”为题,写一篇关于他们的志愿者的工作情况及他们的感受的短文。词数为80左右要点:1. Sandy到小学帮助小学生阅读;2. Simon到动物医院照料动物;3.Daniel到医院给病人演唱歌曲;4.参加志愿者的感受等。Being a volunteer is greatNo. 1 Middle School is proud of three students. They are -第 6 页-


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