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1、初二英语下期末试卷(冀教版)命题人:赵玉萍(酒泉市肃州区三墩中学)听力部分笔试部分总分序号评分 听力部分(20分) 句子理解:你将听到五个句子,根据你所听到的句子选择适当的答语。(5分)( )1.A.Several years ago . B.Last two years C.For about ten years ( )2.A.Speaking B.Im LiPing C.I dont know ( )3.A.Nothing serious B.Im a stranger too C.Thank you all the same( )4.A.It was a pleasure B.What

2、a good idea . lets go C.We enjoyed ourselves( )5.A.No hurry .Take your time ,please. B.All right .Im glad too C.Hold on fpr a moment, please对话理解:你将听到五段对话及十个问题,根据你所听到的对话和对话后的问题选择正确答案(10分)( )6.A. last Wednesday B.next Tuesday C.last Friday( )7.A.Because she doesnt like its tasts. B.Because she likes b

3、eer C.Because she is afraid of getting drunk( )8A knife spoon .B knife fork C.knife fox( )9.A.He use a fork with his left hand and a knife with his right hand B.He uses forks with both of his hands C.He uses both the knife and fork with his hand ( )10.A.Music B.Art C.Picture ( )11.A. A song B.A film

4、 C.A TV play ( )12. A.Park B.Film C.Zoo( )13.A.At 8:oo B.At 8:30 C.At 9:oo ( )14.A.cotton B.wood C.cloth( )15.A.Its made in Shanghai B.Its made of cotton Cit;s made in Jinan 短文理解:你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容选择下面问题的正确答案。(5分)( )16.Mrs .Blacks home is in _.A.a small town B.a big city C.a small city ( )17.How old i

5、s Jack ? He is _.A.twelve B.twenty-one C.twenty ( )18.The small town is _the city .A.far from B.near C.beside ( )19.When Jack left his telephone his mother because _A.angry B.glad C.sad ( )20.Jack didnt telephone his mother because _.A.he had no telephone B.his mother had no telephone C.he didnt lik

6、e his mother 笔试部分(80分) 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式(每小题1分,共10分)1 Radio(复数)_ 2Busy(副词)_ 3Sun (形容词)_4Thirty(序数词)_ 5.Better(反义词)_ 6.Write(名词) _ 7.Care(副词)_ 8.Begin(现在分词)_ 9. Stop (过去分词)_ 10.dangerous(名词)_.根据句意,用适当的单词填空(每小题1分,共5分)1. Excuse me , which is the way _East Lake ?2. Theres an old stone bridge _the river .3.

7、 Id like Chinese tea _nothing in it .4. _my angry , he took away my book without talking me .5. The film will be _at seven this evening .单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分) ( )1My mother _when someone knocked at the door . A.cooked B.is cooking C.will cook D.was cooking ( )2.Theres an something wrong with my radio .C

8、an it _ ? A.be mended B.is mended C.was mended Dmend . ( ) 3.Can you tell me _to use the computer ? A.what B.how C.which D.when ( )4.Mike is _American boy . He studied in _university in America . A.the ,a B.a , a C.an , a D.an ,an . ( )5._I open the window ? Its too hot here . A.Will B.Do C.shall D.

9、Would .( )6.About one third of workers in the factory _women . A.is B.are C.be D.am . ( )7.I dont know who gave you a call , but it was a girls _. A.sound B.number C.answer D.voice ( )8.Please get everything ready _classes begin . A.until B.after C.before D.while ( )9.Its very hot in the room .Youd

10、better _your coat . A.take off B.put on C.think about D.try on ( )10.Whats the time _your watch ? A.on B.from C.by D.with ( )11.He liked my bike so much that I had to lend it _ him . A.from B.to C.for D.on ( )12.“Dont do that again !”“Sorry ,I _do it again ” 。 A.am not B.dont C.cant D.wont ( )13.Thi

11、s kind of skirt looks _and sells _ . A.nice ,well B.nice ,good C.well ,well D.good , nice ( )14.-Do you want an apple or a pear ? -, I just want an apple . A.Both B.None C.Either D.Neither ( )15.The child is _to _himself .A.old enough , wear B.old enough , dress C.too young ,dress D.young too , wear

12、 ( )16. I havent seen you for weeks. How are you getting on with your English? -, thanks. A. Very well B. Thats OK C. Im all right D. Too bad( )17. Turn on the radio. -_? -I asked you to turn on the radio.A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Dont you D. Pardon( ) 18. Would you like to go out for a walk? -_,but

13、Im busy.A. No, I cant B. Yes, I will C. Id love to D. I like( )19. Is your mother really ill? -_. She s in the hospital.A. I dont think so B. No, she isnt C. I hope so D. Im afraid not( )20. Dad, theres something wrong with my watch. -_. I can mend it for you.A. Youre right B. Thats right. C. Never

14、mind D. Thats OK用括号内所给的单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1 The Great Wall is a place of _(interesting) in China.2 Tomorrow it will be _(rain).3 The _-(thank) man was too excited to say a word.4 -Did you sleep _(good) -No, I slept _(bad)!5 I was _(deep) moved by his story.6 December is the _(twelve) month of the

15、year.7 Its a long time since we _(meet) last year. 8 When he heard the news, he was _(surprise).9 She became a teacher in her _(twenty).10 Its a _(please) to work with you. 补全对话(从七个选项中选出五个,完成以下对话,每空1分,共5分)A: I want to spend my holidays in Dalian. 1 .B: Yes, I have been there many times. A: 2 .B: Yes

16、, I like the city very much. Shes coming one of the most modern cities in the world.A: 3 .B: The city is clean and beautiful. The people are kind and the football team is strong.A: 4 .B: No, not very hot. You may have a swim in the sea.A: How cool! Swimming in the sea must be more wonderful than in

17、the lake.B: Im sure youll have a good time there.A: Would you please go with me?B: 5 .A:What a pity! A. I like the city very much. B. Is it hot there in summer?C. Can you swim here? D. Have you ever been there?E. Sorry! I have no time. F. Do you like the city?G. What do you think of the city? 用方框中所给

18、单词或词组的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分) look, arrive, wash, fail, live, go, move, neithernor, notuntil, eitheror1. To my surprise, Han Juan _ her maths exam last week.2. I dont think Sam can help you because he _ to the market.3. Their classroom is too dark. So they have decided _ to a brighter one.4. _ your cloth

19、es before you go out to play.5. Do you enjoy _ in Lanzhou?6. Ill let _ you _ he go there, I think both of you are good.7. He had _ food_ water flor several days. Perhaps he was ill.8. He _ finish his work _ eleven oclock.9. As soon as he _ Guilin, he would call me.10. he _ very tired, doesnt he? 阅读理

20、解(每小题2分 , 共10分) The green lived in a small village. There were three people in the family, Mr. Green, Mrs. Green and the only child John. John was twenty yeas old. He worked in the village and lived with his parents, but he didnt like to work in the village. Later he got work in a town with the name

21、 of Greens. It was quite a long way from the village. John liked his new work very much, but his parents were not happy about it. “John, youd better come back to work in the village, and live with us.” Mrs. Green said one day. John said, “ But there isnt any good work for me here, Mum.” So he went t

22、o work in Greens and lived there. Last Sunday, Mrs. Green was very angry, she got on a bus and went to johns house in Greens. “John,” she said to him. “Why do you never call me?” John laughed and said, “Mum, you havent a telephone. ” “No, ” she answered, “ I havent , but you have got one.” 根据短文内容,判断

23、下列句子正(T)误(F) 1. At first John worked in Greens. ( )2. His parents didnt want him to work in Greens. ( )3. There wasnt any good work for John in Greens. ( )4. There was a bus between the village and Greens. ( )5. Mrs. Green didnt know how to make telephone calls. ( ) 书面表达(10分) 请你根据中文提示,用英文给网友Tina 506

24、0个词的电子邮件。 假如你叫李明,来自兰州,是兰州一中的初二年级的学生,16岁,爱好打篮球、游泳和集邮。你学习很努力,语文、数学学得很好,但英语口语方面较差,请T给予帮助,并希望Tina 尽快回信。参考答案听力部分句子理解:你将听到五个句子,根据你所听到的句子选择适当的答语。(5分)1 How long have you lived in America ?2 Is that Lin Tao speaking ?3 Sorry ,I dont know the way to the post office .4 Thanks for you help last Sunday . 5 Could

25、 you answer the telephone , please ? Im busy now .对话理解:你将听到五段对话及十个问题,根据你所听到的对话和对话后的问题选择正确答案(10分)6. M: Would you like to have some red wine ? 7. W:No thanks .I would like to have a tea .I drank some red wine last Friday when we were at my moms birthday .It was too sweet .M: Ok . A tea for you and a b

26、eer for me .Question :6. When is his mothers birthday ? 7.Why doesnt the women like to have red wine? (8-9)W:Bob ,you use the fork with your right hand .Thats different from the Europen ways ,isnt it ?M:I guess it is .We use a knife to cut food with our right hand ,then we put down the knife and use

27、 a fprk to eat it .I feel it a lot easier to do it this way .W:But that may keep you busy at the table .M:It may look like that but we are used it to it . Question:8.Do you know knife and fork ? 9.Which is Bobs way of using a knife and fork ?(10-11)M:The film is really nice . W: I think so . I ve se

28、en it twice .M:The music in the film is wonderful . . Question:10.What is wonderful in the film ?11.What are they talking about ?(12-13)M:What time shall we go to the park ?W:What about eight oclock ?M:I wont be free until nine . W:Ok see you then .Question:12.Where will the go ?13. What time will t

29、hey go to park ?(14-15)W:Your T-shirt is very nice . Whats it made iof?M:I think its made of cotton .W:Isit made in Shanghai ?M:No ,its made in Jinan .Question:14.What is made of T-shirt ?15.Wheres the man T-shirt made ? 短文理解:你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容选择下面问题的正确答案。(5分) Mrs Black lives in a small town .Her husb

30、and died twelve years ago ,but she has a son .His name is Jack .He is twenty-one years old .He worked in the shop in the town and lived with his mother ,but now he left the town and worked in a big city .It is far from the small town .He wanted to live there .Mrs Black was sad for it . Last Sunday m

31、orning Mrs Black got on a train and went to her sons house in the city .When she saw her son .she said to him ,“Jack , why do you never telephone me ?”Jack laughed , “But ,mother ,you havent got a telephone .”She answered , “No ,I havent , but you have got one !”Key : 听力: 15 :BBCCA 610 CDBBA 1115 CA

32、AAC 1620 ABACB 笔试:、1.radios 2. busily 3.sunny 4.thirtieth 5.worse 6.writer 7.carefully 8.beginning 9. stopped 10.danger 1to 2. over 3. with . 4. to .5.on . DABCC BDCAC BDADB ADCDC.1. Interest 2. rainy 3. thankful 4. well 5. badly 6. twelfth 7. met 8. surprised 9. twenty 10. pleasure . DFABE. 1. Failed 2. has gone 3. to move 4. Wash 5. living 6. either or 7. neither , nor 8. didnt until 9. arrived in 10. looks . F T F TT 略。


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