2023年人教版高考英语总复习第二部分考点培优训练 考点二十八选择性必修 第三册Unit 2Healthy Lifestyle.docx

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《2023年人教版高考英语总复习第二部分考点培优训练 考点二十八选择性必修 第三册Unit 2Healthy Lifestyle.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年人教版高考英语总复习第二部分考点培优训练 考点二十八选择性必修 第三册Unit 2Healthy Lifestyle.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、二十八选择性必修第三册Unit 2 HealthyLifestyle(限时60分钟)i.阅读理解ABy mimicking (模仿)the properties (特性)of spider silk, one of the strongest materials in nature, researchers from the University of Cambridge have created a plant-based, sustainable material which promises to replace plastic in many common household prod

2、ucts.Created by using a new approach for assembling plant proteins into materials which mimic silk on a molecular (分子的)level, the new material is as strong as many common plastics in use today. The energy-efficient method, which uses sustainable ingredients, results in a plastic-like film. Non-fadin

3、g “structural“ color can be added to the film, and it can also be used to make water-resistant coatings.For years, Professor Tuomas Knowles from Cambridge has been researching the behavior of proteins. Much of his research has been focused on what happens when proteinsmisbehave, and how this relates

4、 to health and human disease, primarily Alzheimers disease. As part of the research, Knowles and his team became interested in why materials like spider silk are so strong when they have such weak molecular bonds (键). Having found that one of the key features that gives spider silk its strength is t

5、hat the hydrogen bonds are arranged regularly in space and at a very high density, the researchers successfully replicated (复制)the structures found on spider silk by using soy protein isolate (SPI), a protein with a completely different composition.Other researchers have been working directly with s

6、ilk materials as a plastic replacement, but theyre still an animal product. In a way weve come up with vegan spider silk-weve created the same material without the spider. ”“This is the culmination of something weve been working on for years, which is understanding how nature generates materials fro

7、m proteins, said Knowles. “We didnt set outI understood immediately what my parents were worried about.【参考范文】The pay day arrived at last. Although the job was very tiring, I was very happy in my heart for I got something from my work. The toil of labor was forgotten for the time being. I thought I s

8、hould have my own money and planned how to spend it. “How much money have you earned? ” Dad asked. I was surprised, reluctant to say my income. The next morning, my dads livestock truck started running. I saw my father hard-working figure and thought of his words “A jobs a big step to growing up.I u

9、nderstood immediately what my parents were worried about. They were worried that I was too selfish to give. I realized that my labor was very hard, but my growth and our whole family had been depending on the hard work of my parents! Dad never complained about unfairness! He even seemed to think tha

10、t was fair. I thought, Ive only worked for two weeks, but how many years my father has worked! ”In the evening, Dad came back. I proudly took out my own money and handed it to Dad.to solve a sustainability challengewe were motivated by curiosity as to how to create strong materials from weak interac

11、tions.【文章大意】本文是说明文。文章介绍了科学家研制出一种新的材料可以替代日常塑料。1. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. How the new material was created.B. What makes the ideal ingredients.C. Who are in charge of the research.D. Why health and disease are connected.【解析】选Ao段落大意题。根据第三段最后一句可知,这段主要讲述了这种新材料是如何 被研制的。故选A。2. Which of the foll

12、owing might Knowles agree with?A. Life is full of surprises.B. Ideals light our way forward.C. Failure is the mother of success.D. We must believe in ourselves.【解析】选Ao推理判断题。根据第三段可知,研制这种新材料的科学家Knowles最初并不 是为了研制这一材料,而是在为了弄清楚蛋白质混溶与健康和人类疾病的关系的研究过程中 无意间发现了蛋白质的这一特性。这一事件所表现出的正是“无心插柳柳成荫”的原喜。故选 A。3. How is t

13、he new material different from other silk materials?A. If s strong.B. Its efficient.C. Its sustainable.D. Its replaceable.【解析】选c0细节理解题。根据最后两段可知,这种新型材料不需要借助蜘蛛,是可持续 的。故选C。4. Which of the following is the underlined word “culmination” closest in meaning to?A. Fruit.B. Demand.C. Complexity. D. Change.【解

14、析】选A。词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知,该词指新研发的这种材料,是多年来 研究的成果。故选A。BOne of Britains most outstanding scientists says the growth in use of electronic tablets and smartphones is causing people to spend at least one hour less outdoors each day, so that they need to take regular vitamin D supplements球卜充)to make up for th

15、e lack of sunlight they receive naturally.Speaking at the Hay Literary Festival in Wales, geneticist Steve Jones said he himself was a follower to the cause and urged others to follow. I never thought I would be a person who would take vitamin supplements, I always thought it was absolute nonsense.

16、But now I take vitamin D every day. Today, because I knew the sun wasnt going to shine, I took an extra one, “ he said.Exposure to UV light from the sun is the major source of vitamin D. However, people are spending less and less time outdoors in many areas. The problem is particularly serious in Sc

17、otland. “The Scots are the palest people in the world. for their entire body systems are crying out fbr vitamin D, he said, adding that life expectancy in Scotland is two years shorter than in England or Wales. Multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症),a medical condition which is often seen in northern Europe, is

18、 also higher in Scotland than in England.Vitamin D helps with the absorption of Ca, which helps keep bones strong, and he said the fact that rickets, a bone disease, was making a comeback in Britain after nearly 50 years was another sign of how changing behavior patterns were bringing physical harm.

19、Jones admitted that concerns over the damaging effects on skin of long-time exposure to the sun were reasonable, but said sunlight was healthy and necessary for the human body, and could help in lowering blood pressure. If you lie on the beach for an hour, you will drop your blood pressure by about

20、10 points, because it relaxes your blood vessels(血管). So, get out in the sun while we still can. He said.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。随着电子产品的流行,人们待在户外的时间越来越少,缺少 阳光照射,导致缺乏维生素D,这一现象在苏格兰地区尤为严重。作者呼吁人们多一些户外活 动,增加晒太阳的时间。5. How are people affected by the rise of technology according to the passage?A. They are more sensi

21、tive to sunlight.B. They take more vitamin D supplements.C. They get less vitamin D than before.D. They become addicted to electronic games.【解析】选Co细节理解题。根据第一段可知,平板电脑和智能手机使用的增长导致人们待 在户外的时间很少,以至于他们需要服用维生素D补充剂。故选CoWhats Jones attitude towards taking vitamin D supplements?A. Skeptical.B. Cautious.C. Wor

22、ried.D. Supportive.【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第二段可知,他之前认为服用维生素补充剂是毫无意义的,但 是现在每天都会服用维生素D,并且鼓励别人追随这一做法。因此可以推断他是支持服用维 生素D补充剂的。故选D项。6. Why are the Scots the palest people in the world?A. Because they are in great need of sunlight.B. Because they have short sunlight duration.C. Because their blood pressure is very l

23、ow.D. Because they are easy to suffer multiple sclerosis.【解析】选Ao细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The Scots are the palest people in the world.for their entire body systems are crying out for vitamin D”可知,苏格兰人全身的系统都急需维生素 Do此处“crying out for”相当于“in great need”,意为“迫切需要”。再结合第三段第一句阐述的 事实“太阳发出的紫外线是获取维生素D的主要来源; 以及第三段中的“peopl

24、e are spendingless and less time outdoors in many areas. The problem is particularly serious in Scotland.“可知, 苏格兰人苍白的根源是他们更少在户外晒太阳。故选A项。7. What may be the best title for the text?A. Get out and gain more Vitamin DHead for the beach and enjoy sunshineB. Keep away from tablets and phonesSay no to vita

25、min D supplements【解析】选Ao标题归纳题。通读全文,文章开头讲现在电子设备使人们在户外的时间越来 越少,天然维生素D摄入越来越少,危害健康。以苏格兰人日晒少,脸色苍白为例,表达了维 生素D缺乏导致缺钙的严重性,后面讲述遗传学者支持服用维生素D补充剂,由最后一段中 的“If you lie on the beach fbr an hour, you will drop your blood pressure by about 10 points, because it relaxes your blood vessels. So, get out in the sun whil

26、e we still can. 可知,“走出去并 获得更多的维生素D”适合作为本文标题。故选A项。II.完形填空When Leah was 10, she saw a need fbr change in the world. People are supposed to show_ 1 and sympathy, “ she says. But that wasnt happening.Leah decided to 2 her hand-made bracelets at a local event and asked each person who got one to do a kin

27、d deed for someone else. A note 3 to each bracelet said, Lets just show other people they are 4 .“As Leah gave out bracelets, 5 spread. She began to receive bracelet requests worldwide, and to hear from people who had delivered kind deeds. One person 6 a tired store clerk with sandwiches. Another pa

28、id for a strangers coffee. A story that 7 touched my heart was that someone established a homeless camp! ” she says.When Leah couldnt 8 requests for the bracelets, she began selling wristbands with “Kindness Travels on the outside and “kind on the inside in 9 languages.So far, she has sent out 10, 0

29、00 wristbands. She has 10 a party for kids at a homeless shelter, paid rent for hurricane 11 and more, using the money from wristbands 12 and donations.Leah hopes to 13 other kids who want to help others. Just come up with ideas! Never be 14 , “ she says. “Age is just a 15 . You always have the powe

30、r to do something.【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 10岁的Leah认为人们应该表现出爰和同情, 于是决定在当地的一次活动上分发她手工制作的手镯,并要求每个得到手镯的人为别人做一 件好事。当Leah分发手镯时,消息传开了。她开始收到来自世界各地的手镯请求,并听取那 些曾经做过善事的人的意见。她还通过自己出售腕带和捐赠的钱来帮助他人,鼓励其他想帮 助别人的孩子。1. A. pleasure B. patienceC. loveD. curiosity【解析】选c。考查名词词义辨析。根据后文“and sympathy”以及Leah通过分发手镯来呼吁 人们重视他人,可推测

31、她认为人们应该表现出爱和同情。故选C。2. A. pick up B. put awayC. show off D. hand out【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。呼应后文“As Leah gave out bracelets”指Leah分发她制 作的手镯。故选D。3. A. compared B. attachedC. openedD. connected【解析】选Bo考查动词词义辨析。根据前后文语境“A note. . to each bracelet”可知,指手镯 上附有Leah的标注,应用attach0故选BoA. ignoredB. infectedC. valuedD. enga

32、ged【解析】选Co考查动词词义辨析。结合上文“asked each person who got one to do a kind deed for someone else”可知Leah要求每个得到手镯的人为别人做一件好事,说明她希望人们向其 他人展示他们被重视,故选C。4. A. wordB. passionC. anxietyD. happiness【解析】选Ao考查名词词义辨析。根据后文“She began to receive bracelet requests worldwide” 可知Leah分发手镯的消息传开了, word spread”消息传播开符合语境。故选A。5. A.

33、 bothered B. surprisedC. upset D. embarrassed【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。结合上文“to hear from people who had delivered kind deeds” 可知此处列举的都是他人为别人做的善举,故推测是一个人用三明治给一个疲惫的店员带来 了惊喜。故选及A. genuinely B. hardlyC. slightlyD. relatively【解析】选Ao考查副词词义辨析。根据后文“touched my heart was that someone established a homeless camp”可知,此处是指

34、这件事情真正触动了 Leah的内心,故选A。6. A. denyB. advanceC. meetD. delay【解析】选co考查动词词义辨析。根据后文“she began selling wristbands”可知,Leah无法满 足人们对手镯的需求,所以开始售卖腕带。故选CoA. nativeB. complexC. naturalD. different【解析】选D。考查形容词词义辨析。根据第三段中“She began to receive bracelet requests worldwide”可知,Leah收到的是来自世界各地的手镯需求,所以推测她用不同的语言写的。故 选D。7.

35、A. attended B. organizedC. canceled D. postponed【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。根据后文“a party for kids at a homeless shelter”指为孩子 们组织了一个聚会。故选B。8. A. victims B. researchersC. reporters D. observers【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。结合上文“paid rent for hurricane”可知指为遭受了飓风的 受害者付了房租,故选AoA. sales B. fundsC. designs D. advertisements【解析】选Ao考

36、查名词词义辨析。呼应上文“she began selling wristbands”可知Leah用的是 销售腕带和捐赠的钱来帮助他人。故选Ao 13. A. respect B. contactC. recommend D. encourage【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。根据前后文“Leah hopes to other kids who want tohelp others”可知,Leah希望通过自己的行为来鼓励其他想帮助别人的孩子。故选D。14. A. mean B. scaredC. content D. proud【解析】选Bo考查形容词词义辨析。根据后文可知Leah鼓励他人去做一

37、些事情,所以是 说让别人不要害怕,多有一些想法。故选Bo 15. A. gap B. problemC. number D. barrier【解析】选Co考查名词词义辨析。根据下文“You always have the power to do something. 可知年龄在Leah看来只是个数字,无论处于哪个年龄段都可以为别人提供帮助。故选Co III.读后续写My dad, George, only had an eighth grade education. A quiet man, he didnt understand my world of school activities.

38、From age 14, he worked. And his dad, Albert, took the money my dad earned and used it to pay family expenses.I didnt really understand his world either: He was a livestock trucker, and I thought that I would surpass anything he had accomplished by the time I walked across the stage at high school gr

39、aduation.Summers in the mid-70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for my future as a quarterback on a football team. In poor weather, I read about sports or practiced my trombone. The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys

40、that a neighboring fanner hired to work in his field. He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals. After a short way, the farmer stopped and pointed at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened ov

41、er and over, but we soon learned to identify different grasses. It was tiring work, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasnt sure how much it would amount to.At home, my dad said, “A jobs a big step to growing up. Im glad you will be contributing to the household. My dads words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.My labors lasted about two weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasnt interested. I decided it was not fair that I had to contribute my money. 注意:续写词数应为150左右。The pay day arrived at last.


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