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《湖北省恩施三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04语法填空&多句选词填空&完成句子.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省恩施三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04语法填空&多句选词填空&完成句子.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、湖北省恩施三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编04语法填空&多句选词填空&完成句子一、语法填空(2022 湖北恩施)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过 3词)。When you are watching TV, you will notice that many famous stars make the ads on TV. Many people believe them because they are famous. 1, have you ever thought whether the adsare real or not?In

2、the past few years, lots of stars 2 (be) on TV as spokesmen (代言人)of some products. People spent much money on these products, but 3 (final) , many of them were not like what the stars said. Many people aren, t 4(satisfy) with the famous actors for makingthe ads after accidents.What are the public s

3、5(idea) about the famous people making ads on TV? Do youagree that the famous people should take responsibility if the products have 6(some)problem? A research shows that about 36% think it the 7(star) fault (过错),but theyall think stars should give out the money they got from the ads to the charity

4、(慈善机构).More than 34% think stars must take responsibility, or they will 8 (punish).So we should be more 9 (care) when buying things advertised (做广告)by stars. We must find what these things are really like instead 10 listening to what the stars say. Think it over before we make a decision.(2021 胡4匕恩施

5、)Now, more and more foreigners are living in China. They are studying or working here. They love China 11 are used to their everyday life. But sometimes they have problems. For example, some of them don t know how to give gifts. Here are some 12 (suggest) for them.It s necessary 13 (bring) a gift.In

6、 China, it s a 14 (tradition) custom to bring a gift when you are invited to someone? s home. Usually fresh 15 (flower) and fruit are your best choices. The number ,eight”16 (consider) lucky, so eight apples or eight oranges are a good idea.You d better wrap (包)your gift.When you buy a gift, the sel

7、ler usually 17 (help) you wrap the gift. Don t be surprised if your gift is wrapped. Wrapping paper will make your gift 18 (look) more beautiful. In China, people don t open gifts at once. They usually do it in the evening or after you leave.Give something that can be shared.If you have some co-work

8、ers, don t give gifts 19 only one person. You d better第1页共11页47. provide【解析】【详解】provide提供,情态动词can后加动词原形,故填provide。48. is based on【解析】【详解】固定搭配:be based on 源于,基于,主语“The TV play”是单数形式,句子用一般现在时,故 填 is based on。49. places of interest【解析】【详解】名胜place of interest,此前有many修饰,使用名词复数,故填places of interesto50. gi

9、ve up making【解析】【详解】不努力 give up making efforts,根据 “if theyefforts, the world will lose hope” 可知,此 处是if引导的条件状语从句,应满足“主将从现”原那么,从句用一般现在时,主语是they,动词用原形, 故填 give up makingo51. said to himself【解析】【详解】say to oneself “自言自语”,连词and连接并列成分,根据rose可知,此处用一般过去时,主语he 对应的反身代词是himself。故填said to himself o52. explain to

10、【解析】【详解】explain to sb “向某人解释”,位于情态动词cant后,作谓语,用动词原形,故填explain to。53. sounds sweet【解析】【详解】sound sweet 听起来甜美,主语the voice of Celine Dion是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单 数形式,故填sounds sweet o54. two pairs of【解析】第10页共11页【详解】pair 双,是可数名词,表示“两双”,故填two pairs of。55. to use【解析】【详解】根据句型Its necessary to do sth “做某事是必要的,it是形式主语,

11、to do sth是真正主语, 故填to use。第11页共11页 treat 20 (they) equally. It s better to give something that can be shared, like food.(2020 湖北恩施)A new bridge was just opened on Oct. 24, 2018. It is the Hong Kong Zhuhai-Macao Bridge ( HZMB). Its construction b 21 in December, 2009 and it was opened to traffic on Oc

12、t. 24, 2018. It costs over 120 billion yuan . Now, its the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. The bridge looks 1 22 the letter Y” . Its also regarded as one of the seven wonders of the modern world.The HZMB is unique in many ways. It has a service life of 120 years, 20 years longer t 23 most bri

13、dges. Its not only a bridge but includes a tunnel and two islands. In one part, the bridge turns into a 6. 7 km-long undersea tunnel that passes through two man-made islands.The HZMB will make it much f 24 to travel among the three areas it connects. The Y-shapes bridge will cut travel t 25 between

14、Hong Kong and Zhuhai from three hours to just 30 minutes.二、多句选词填空(2022 湖北恩施)仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结 构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)A. keep in touch withB. a symbol ofC. couldn t help jumping0. be confident aboutE. for the betterF. unfortunately26. No matter what happens, we should ourselves.

15、27. With the help of his teacher, his English has changed .28. The boy as soon as the host announced he was the winner.29. Bing Dwen Dwen is the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.30. Nowadays, people of all ages their relatives and friends by Wechat. (2021 湖北恩施)A. get along with, B. in memory of, C. succ

16、essfully, D. put on, E. luckily, F. am weak in31. It s cold outside. You d better your coat when you go out.32. I don t like jumping, so I the high jump.33. China s first Mars rover, Zhurong (“祝融号”火星车),reached Mars on May 15th,2021.34. Nowadays, it s difficult for parents to their mythical creatures

17、 (“神兽”).35. After Dr. Wu Mengchao, s death, people in Shanghai held all kinds of activities him.(2020 湖北恩施)第2页共11页Neither across communicating with confident a symbol of comfortable36. The bright sunshine is another fine day.37. We can get together often nor go to the crowded places during the speci

18、alperiod.38. We should be always about our motherland.39. I have to walk a river when I go to school.40. In some way, smart phones prevent us from our families.三、完成句子41. (2022 湖北恩施)我的笔友戴维来自一个欧洲国家。(come) My pen pal, David, a European country.42. (2022 湖北恩施)在适应这里的生活后,汤姆过得和以前一样幸福。(happy) After getting

19、used to the life here, Tom lives before.43. (2022 湖北恩施)据说从下学期开始,煮饭会成为小学生的一项必备技能。(say) (that) cooking will be a basic skill for pupils from next term.44. (2022 湖北恩施)毫无疑问,冬天是堆雪人的好时节。(snowman) No doubt it s a good time to in winter.45. (2022 湖北恩施)昨天早上,我很开心收到了多年未见的朋友的来信。(hear)To my great joy, I a friend

20、 whom I haven? t seen for years yesterday morning.46. (2021 湖北恩施)我盼望收到你的来信。(forward)I m hearing from you.47. (2021 湖北恩施)你认为主播会给我们提供更廉价的商品吗?(provide) Do you think the livestreaming host can cheaper goods?48. (2021 湖北恩施)电视剧最美逆行者源于抗击新冠肺炎的真实故事。(base)The TV play Heroes in Harm s Way a real-life incident

21、that Chinese people defeated COVID-19.49. (2021 湖北恩施)春节期间,许多名胜对游客免费开放。(interest)Many are open to visitors for free during the Spring Festival.50. (2021 湖北恩施)人们告诫“后浪”(年青一代),如果他们不努力,世界就会失去希望。(give) Younger generation is told that if they efforts, the world will lose hope. 51. (2020 湖北恩施)他从地上爬起来,自言自语道:

22、“我能行!”(say) He rose up from the ground and , “I can do it!52. (2020 湖北恩施)很抱歉我不能向你解释理由。(explain)第3页共11页r m sorry I cant you the reason.53. (2020 湖北恩施)席琳狄翁的声音听起来非常甜美。(sound)The voice of Celine Dion54. (2020 湖北恩施)来自我奶的那两双手套饱含着对家人的爱。(pair)The gloves from my grandma are full of love for the family.55. (2

23、020 湖北恩施)对我们来说多使用公筷很有必要。(use)Its very necessary public chopsticks more.第4页共11页参考答案:1. However2. have been3. finally4. satisfied5. ideas6. any7. stars8. be punished9. careful10. of【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了明星代言的广告也会有虚假产品,所以在购买明星宣传的东西时要更加小心。1 .句意:但是,你有没有想过这些广告是真的还是假的?根据Many people believe them because they are f

24、amous. have you ever thought whether the ads are real or not?” 可矢口此处是表示转折 美系,空后有逗号,however符合,置于句首,首字母大写。故填However。2 .句意:在过去的几年里,很多明星都在电视上担任某些产品的代言人。根据In the past few years 可知句子是现在完成时,主语是复数,助动词用have,故填have been。3 .句意:人们在这些产品上花了很多钱,但最后,很多都不像明星所说的那样。final “最终的”, 形容词,此处应用副词finally修饰整个句子,故填finally。4 .句意:

25、许多人对那些在事故发生后拍广告的著名演员不满意。固定短语be satisfied with 对满意”,故填satisfiedo5 .句意:公众对名人在电视上做广告有何看法? idea “想法”,可数名词,根据“are”可知名词用 复数,故填ideaso6 .句意:你是否同意产品出现问题应该由名人承当责任? some “一些,一般用于肯定句,疑问句里 一般用any,故填any。7 .句意:一项研究说明,大约36%的人认为这是明星的错。空后是名词,所以空处应填名词所有格 修饰名词,且应用复数形式,故填stars。8 .句意:超过34%的人认为明星必须承当责任,否那么会受到惩罚。分析主语they和动

26、词punish可知 它们是被动关系,结合will可知应用一般将来时的被动语态:will be done。故填be punishedo9 .句意:所以我们在购买明星宣传的东西时要更加小心。根据“be more可知空处应用形容词作表 语,故填careful。10 .句意:我们必须找出这些东西的真实情况,而不是听明星说什么。固定短语instead of而不是”,第5页共11页故填Ofo11. and12. suggestions13. to bring14. traditional15. flowers16. is considered17. helps18. look19. to20. them【

27、解析】【分析】本文主要是为在中国的外国人提出一些送礼物方面的建议。11 .句意:他们热爱中国,习惯了他们的日常生活。“They love China与are used to their everyday life”是并列关系,故填and。12 .句意:这是给他们的一些建议。some修饰可数名词的复数形式,suggestion表示“建议”,是可 数名词,故填suggestionso13 .句意:带礼物是必要的。固定句式:it,s+形容词+t。do sth “做某事是”,动词不定式作 主语,it作形式主语,故填to bring。14 .句意:在中国,当你被邀请去别人家时带礼物是一种传统习俗。此空修

28、饰名词custom,要用形容 词作定语,故填traditionalo15 .句意:通常鲜花和水果是你最好的选择。此空不是指一束花,所以要用其复数形式,故填flowerso16 .句意:数字“8”被认为是幸运的,所以8个苹果或8个橙子是个好主意。主语“the number eight 与动词“consider”之间是被动关系,且句子是一般现在时,应用一般现在时被动语态is/am/are done 的结构,主语是单数形式,故填is consideredo17 .句意:当你买礼物时,卖家通常会帮你包装礼物。根据usually”可知,此句应用一般现在时, 主语the seller,动词用三单形式,故填

29、helps。18 .句意:包装纸会让你的礼物看起来更漂亮。固定搭配:make sth do sth 使某物做某事”,省略 to的动词不定式作宾补,故填looko19 .句意:如果你有一些同事,不要只给一个人送礼。固定搭配:give sth to sb “给某人某物”, 故填tOo20 .句意:你最好平等地对待他们。动词treat后接人称代词宾格,故填them。21 . began22 . like第6页共11页23 . than24 . faster25 . time【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了港珠澳大桥的建立以及它的独特之处。21 .句意:它于2009年12月开始建设,2018年10月24

30、日正式通车。根据 it was opened to traffic on Oct. 24, 2018.可知,先开始建设,然后通车,根据 in December, 2009,此处用一般过去时,故填began。22 .句意:这座大桥看起来像字母“Y”。look like “看起来像,故填like。23 .句意:它的使用寿命为120年,比大多数桥梁长20年。根据longer可知,此处是比拟级,故填than。24 .句意:港珠澳大桥将使其连接的三个地区之间的交通更加快捷。根据后文的 “The Y-shapes bridge will cut travel t 5 between Hong Kong a

31、nd Zhuhai from three hours to just 30 minutes.可知,这座大桥缩短了三个地区之间的旅行时间,因此更快了,根 据much此处用比拟级,故填fastero25 .句意:这座Y形大桥将把香港和珠海之间的旅行时间从3小时缩短到30分钟。根据from three hours to just 30 minutes. ”可知,此处表示缩短了旅行时间,故填time。26 . D27 . E28 . C29 . B30 . A【解析】26 .句意:无论发生什么事,我们都应该对自己有信心。根据No matter what happens, we should* ours

32、elves. v及备选词可知,无论发生什么都应该对自己有信心,be confident about 对 有信心” 符合语境,should后接动词原形,应选D。27 .句意:在老师的帮助下,他的英语有了好转。uWith the help of his teacher, his English has changed”及备选词可知,英语逐渐有了好转,for the better 好转”符合语境,应选E。28 .句意:主持人一宣布他获胜,这个男孩就忍不住跳了起来。根据as soon as the host announced he was the winner”可知,此处表达了男孩的兴奋心情,备选词

33、couldn t help jumping 忍不住跳了 起来”符合语境,应选C。29 .句意:冰墩墩是2022年北京冬奥会的象征。根据“Bing DwenDwen isthe 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics及常识可知,冰墩墩是冬奥会的吉祥物,也是一种象征,a symbol of ”的象征”符合语第7页共11页 境,应选B。30 .句意:如今,各个年龄段的人们都通过网络与亲朋好友保持联系。根据people of all ages- their relatives and friends by Wechat. ” 可知,通过网络与亲朋好友保持联系,keep in touc

34、h with “与保持联系”符合语境,应选A。31 . D32 . F33 . C34 . A35 . B【解析】【分析】31 .句意:外面很冷。你出去的时候最好穿上外套。根据It s cold outside.”和“your coat” 可知,外面很冷,备选词put on “穿上”符合语境,应选D。32 .句意:我不喜欢跳高,所以我在跳高方面比拟弱。根据“I don? t like jumping可知,不喜 欢跳高,备选词am weak in “不擅长”符合语境,应选F。33 .句意:2021年5月15日,中国首个火星探测器“祝融号”火星车成功到达火星。根据China s first Mar

35、s rover, Zhurong (“祝融号”火星车),reached Mars”可知,此处需要副词修饰动词, 备选词successfully “成功地”符合语境,应选C。34 .句意:如今,父母很难和他们的“神兽”相处。根据it s difficult for parents totheir mythical creaturesv可知,此处强调父母和孩子的关系,备选词get along with “相处”符合语境,故 选Ao35 .句意:吴孟超博士去世后,上海人民举行了各种纪念活动。根据people in Shanghai held all kinds of activitieshim”可知

36、,人们会纪念去世的吴孟超博士, in memory of”纪念“符合语境,故 选B。36 . a symbol of37 . neither38 . confident39 . across40 . communicating with【解析】36. 句意:明媚的阳光象征着又一个晴天。结合句意,明媚的阳光是晴天的象征,故填a symbol of。37. 句意:在特殊时期,我们既不能经常聚会,也不能去拥挤的地方。neither.nor.既不,也不,故填neither。38. 句意:我们应该对祖国始终充满信心。第8页共11页be confident about 对充满信心, 故填 confiden

37、t。39. 句意:当我去上学时,我必须走过一条河。walk across ”走过,故填 across。40. 句意:在某种程度上,智能手机阻碍了我们与家人的交流。prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事,故填 comnmnicating from。41. comes from【解析】【详解】根据题干可知,本句陈述一个客观事实,需用一般现在时。固定短语come from 来自:且主语 “My pen pal,”是第三人称单数,动词需用三单形式。故填comes from。42. as happily as【解析】【详解】固定短语“as+形容词/副词+as”意为“和一样”,

38、又因空前有动词“lives”,空处需用副词形式。 happily ”幸福地,快乐地”,副词。故填as happily as。43. It is said#It s said【解析】【详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处缺少“据说”。固定句型It is said (that) +从句意为“据说:故填 It is/It, s saido44. make snowmen【解析】【详解】比照中英文可知,此空缺少“堆雪人”的翻译,英文表达为make snowmen,动词不定式作后置定语, 空前已有to,故此空填动词原形,故填make snowmeno45. heard from【解析】【详解】根据yesterday morning”可知,本句是一般过去时;固定短语hear from sb. “收到某人的来信”, hear的过去式为heard。故填heard from。46. looking forward to【解析】【详解】盼望look forward to,根据I m”可知,此处是现在进行时,动词用现在分词形式,故填looking forward to。第9页共11页


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