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《2022年重庆市万盛经济技术开发区关坝中学英语九年级第一学期期末质量跟踪监视试题含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年重庆市万盛经济技术开发区关坝中学英语九年级第一学期期末质量跟踪监视试题含解析.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷请考生注意:1 .请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答 案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2 .答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的考前须知,按规定答题。I.单项选择1、-Paul, could you tell me we will have a physics exam?-Sure. Next week.A. when B. where C. whatD. whether2、Whether it rains or not makes no to me, Ill stay

2、at home.A. differenceB. disappointment C. difficulty D. disagreement3、The number of the students in our class is than in yours.A. bigger, that B. more, those C. smaller, the ones D. larger, it4、一 I like the story of The Maze Runner better than of Tire Hunger Came.一 I agree. The fights are more excit

3、ing than in The Hunger Game.A. that; those B. those; those C. that; that D. those; that5、Mum always tells me “A smile costs, but gives much.”A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing6、 - Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy a guidebook?-Sorry, Pm new here. You ask the policeman over

4、there.A. shall B. can C. mustD. need7、-Wheres mum, Mary?-She left a saying that she went shopping.A. information B. suggestion C. sentence D. message8、 I this book for two weeks. I have to return it now.A. borrowedB. have borrowed C. kept D. have kept9、一Well, mum, could I hang out with my friends no

5、w?Yes, you.A. may B. can C. mustD. could10、The boys a football match tomorrow morning.A. are having B. will haveC. hadD. have hadII.完形填空11、 Mary was ill, so she went to see 1“Doctor, Im not feeling 2 J said Mary. Every time I do my homework, I feel 3 If I go to school onfoot, I have to sit down and

6、4 for a few times.”参考答案I.单项选择1、A2、A3、A4、A5、D6、B7、D8、D9、B10、BII.完形填空n、i. cD2. CD3. CD4. CD5. DCm.语法填空12、1. buying2. getsfound3. outgoing4. itshappier5. ithowever6. uncomfortableIV.阅读理解13、 1. CB2. DA3. C 14、 1. DD2. C1. D2 . A.C15、 1. B. A2 .C 17、 1. C. B2 .BA4. B 18、 1. C. D2 .AV.书面表达19、Dear manager,

7、I am Amy.I lost my phone at the City Library on the afternoon of May 16.lt is red.I attached my name on the phone.I want to get it back because I want to call my friends.If you find it ,you can call me at 0736-7891180.1 will thank you a lot.Yours,AmyThe doctor looked over her 5 At last he said, “6 s

8、erious (严重的),but Im afraid you are eating toomuch. don,t understand. What do you mean (意思)asked Mary.“I mean you eat 7 food J said the doctor.“Oh! You mean Fm too 8 Thats a problem/9 said Mary. “What should I do?”“The answer is easy/9 said the doctor. uIf you eat a lot of food and also do much 9 you

9、 10 thinner andhealthier991. A. her mother2. A. terrible3. A. hungry4. A. stand up5. A. carelessly6. A. Something7. A. too many8. A. thin9. A. housework10. A. arem.语法填空B. the teacherB. illB thirstyB. lie downB carelessB. AnythingB. many tooB healthyB. homeworkB. willC. the doctorC. goodC. tiredC. ea

10、t foodC. carefullyC. EverythingC. too muchC. stressed outC shoppingC. will beD. her friendD. wellD happyD. have a restD. carefulD. NothingD. much tooD. heavyD exerciseD. should12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式Money can make you happy only if you spend it in a clever way .To start with 9l. (buy) a ne

11、w car makes you happy.However,youll lose”this happy feeling when the car2 (get)old.But if you are made to spend a week traveling,ifs more possible that youll have the great experiences and the good feeling for a long time .A new study has3, (find)that spending money on experiences rather than materi

12、al things makes people happier.For material things jts possible that you dont leave 4. any little thing .If you buy a nice pen 9and someone else buys one with less money Jfs possible that you may be unhappy that you spend so much money .It lets you down a loLOppositely, when it comes to experiences

13、like5, (go)on a trip ,you wont think like that .If the trip can be nice ,youll happily pay for it even though 6(it) price may be very high. And the more ofen you go on trips4he7 A bird went to look for its happiness in the distance.It flew and flew when it suddenly saw a little wiltinq flower, whose

14、 face was full of smile. Not knowing why, the bird asked the little flower, nYou are going to die. Why are you still so happy?” HBecause my dream will come true/* said the little flower.What kind of dream do you have?”HTo bear(结出)sweet, delicious fruit.Then the little bird saw it: happiness is a hop

15、e in the heart.The little bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a lame duck, which was singing a song. Not knowing why, it asked the duck JThe fate treats you so unfairly. Why are you still so happy with yourself?11 HBecause I saw a little duck fall/* said the duck.nSo are you happ

16、y because you saw it trip over itself?H “No, Im happy because I helped it stand up again.” Then the little bird saw it. happiness is a love in the heart.The bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a spider climbing up a slippery(湿滑的)wall. The spider fell off the wall midway, but it k

17、ept climbing again and fell off again. This didnt discourage(使泄气)the spider; it keptclimbing over and over again. Not knowing why, the little bird asked the spider, nYou failed again and again. Why don*t you have pain but happiness on your face?” nAs long as I keep making my efforts, there is still

18、hope to climb up it. Because of this, I* m so delighted/* said the spider.Then the little bird saw it. happiness is a faith in the heart.So the little bird pursued happiness no longer because it had seen the truth: happiness is not in the distance but in your heart.1. What does the word wilting in t

19、he second paragraph mean in Chinese?A.盛开的 B.含苞待放的C.快要枯萎的D.已经凋零的2. What did the bird meet first on its way to the distance?A. A butterfly.B. A flower.C. A spider.D. A duck.3. Why was the duck so happy?A. Because the fate treated it fairly.B. Because it saw another duck trip over itself.C. Because it

20、saw a spider fell off a slippery wall.D. Because it helped another duck stand up.4. What can we infer from the passage?A. Happiness is a feeling of hope, love, bravery and other beautiful things.B. Happiness is so rare that you can only find it in the distance.C. Only when you get help from others w

21、ill you feel happy.D. The spider felt happy because ifs great fun to climb up the wall.5. Which of the following can be the proper title for this article?A. A lovely bird and its journey B. How can a bird be happyC. Happiness is in your heart D. Try to be as happy as you canB14Clothing is a language

22、. It tells us about individual people: their personality, their aye, their place in society and so on. If we want to know more about society, we can look at traditional clothing.The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress . You often find thr

23、ee colours - red, gold and green in the clothing. The first colour stands for the blood of millions of people who suffered as slaves(奴隶);the second is for the rich resources of the African earth; and the third represents the grasslands of home. The patterns(图案)on the clothing also have a meaning. A

24、common pattern is in the form of a cross x”, which stands for “unity”. Another pattern is a rectangular box, which represents strength”.Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It wouldnt be good to wear the wrong clothing, or to wear clothes in

25、 the wrong way. For instance, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband differently according to the importance of the social event.Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose(宽松的)clothing. The climate, with the hot sun and wide temperature changes, re

26、quires that the clothes are comfortable for daily life.Although many people wear western clothes, particularly in the big cities in Africa, traditional dress is very highly valued. This is because it has deep cultural meanings.1. According to the passage red .A. represents the setting sunB , stands

27、for African unityC. is chosen because it is a bight colourD. is a reminder(暗示)of the sad history in Africa2. According to the passagewhich sentence is NOT RIGHT?A. The rectangular box in the pattern representsstrength.B. Africa has a long history and a rich culture.C. African dress has deep cultural

28、 meanings.D. Afrian people seldom wear loose clothing because of the climate.3 The passage is mainly about in Africa.A. the history of clothesmodern fashion stylesB. the meanings of traditional dressthe materials used in traditional dressC15、We recycle rubbish, so why not language? Recycling languag

29、e means using vocabulary that you have learnt before again and again. However, unlike rubbish that piles up (堆积)in our environment, if we do not recycle language, we simply forget it So how do you recycle language?There are basically three ways to do it. The first is through reading. Go back to your

30、 favourite articles and read them once more. Just reread them and do not worry about each vocabulary item. If there are some that you are not sure about, make a guess and you will probably guess right. The second way to recycle is through writing. Look at some of your favourite articles and write ei

31、ther a short paragraph or a few sentences in your won words. After you have don this a few times, go back and read through what you have written, checking vocabulary functions. Dont worry if you have made mistakes. Thats how you learn. The third way to recycle language is by having an imaginary chat

32、 with yourself about your favourite articles at home. You can pretend there is someone with you who speaks English and tell him what you are thinking about or how you feel.1. According to the passage, recycling language meansrepeating vocabulary at timesA. revising vocabulary at a proper timelearnin

33、g new vocabulary as much as possibleB. using vocabulary that we have learnt very oftenIf we recycle language, it may.A. be kept in our mindbe forgotten easilyB. pile up in our environmentdisappear from our mind soon2. Which of the following is properly the best title of the passage?A. Why to Recycle

34、 LanguageB How to Learn VocabularyC. How to Recycle LanguageWhy to Learn VocabularyD16、 Rick is a student at an expensive private university. He is lucky because he has a wonderful offer from the universitys sports department. He can study for free because he is a great basketball player, and the te

35、am needs him.But Rick likes going to parties more than studying. He goes out with his friends four or five times a week. Rick misses a lot of classes because he usually doesnt feel well in the morning after partying all night. He tries to do his best at basketball practice, but he feels sick there s

36、ometimes, too.Rick gets some teammates to go out with him on a Wednesday night. They are all having lots of fun very late that night and drinking a lot. They decide to play basketball outside. As they play, one teammate falls and breaks his arm. They have to take him to the hospital, and they are al

37、l very upset.Naturally, Ricks coach is very angry. spoke to your teachers/5 his coach says. uYou miss lots of classes and your grades are very bad. And if you do not improve your grades, you will have to leave the team and the university. You have some thinking to doJRick is shocked at his coachs wo

38、rds. He does not want to leave the team! He thinks about his parents and his grandparents. They are so proud of him, and his little brother told Rick he was his hero. Rick knows that he can do much better.Rick wants to show his family and his team that he is responsible. And most of all, his dream i

39、s to play basketball at a big university! He will not throw it away by partying and drinking too much.From now on, Rick decides to be temperate (节制的)and enjoy what he loves most.1. Which of the following about Rick is TRUE?A Rick likes studying more than he likes going to parties.B Rick decides not

40、to party and drink too much any longer.C. Rick misses a lot of classes because he practices playing basketball.D. Rick studies in the university for free because he does well in all subjects.2. Which is the correct order according to the passage? Rick火 coach is very angry with his bad grades. One of

41、 Ricks teammates falls and breaks his arm.(3) Rick enters an expensive private university. Rick often goes to parties instead of studying. Rick decides to do his best to study and practice harder.A.BC.D.3. What is the best title for this passage?A. Never give upB. Never show offC. Better late than n

42、everD. Practice makes perfectE17、AdvertisementsGuitar LessonsA very good musician. Doing well in teaching kids for six years. Your home or mine.Call Miss Li at 7328059.For SaleCoat for man, size 42,1 year old, $85, after 6 pm, call 8830553.Color TV, size 21, $150; Mp3 player, $45; Recorder, $25. Cal

43、l 6963749.Help WantedIf you can find a few hours during the day to look after 2 school children, please call 3133696.A magazine needs a reporter. He or she should do well in writing in Chinese.Experience needed. Call 5201318.LostA yellow bag with a mobile phone and some books was left behind the lib

44、rary.Will the finder come to Class 7, Grade 7?1. If you want a musician to teach your kid guitar, which number will you call?A. 5201318.B. 6963749.C. 7328059.D. 3133696.2. If a person has $115, he can buy.A. a TV and a recordera coat and a recorderB. a coat and an Mp3 playera TV and an Mp3 player3.

45、What cant you buy in the second advertisement?A.TV.B.Computer.C.Recorder.D.Mp3 player.4. If you want to find a part-time job, youll readA.Help WantedB.For SaleC.Guitar LessonsD.LostWhafs in the lost yellow bag?A. A mobile phone and a wallet.B. A mobile phone and some books.C. Some books and an ID ca

46、rd.D. Some books and a wallet.F18、This March is a busy month in Shanghai. Theres a lot to do. Here are the interesting activities.Live MusicLate Night JazzEnjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous drum player. Hes coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbies Heroes. Herbie is known to play well in the early hours, so dont expect to get m


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