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《Uncoupled《中年失恋日记(2022)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Uncoupled《中年失恋日记(2022)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、(格拉莫西公园东21街)Happy birthday, baby.生日快乐宝贝I believe I just got you and your year off to a pretty great start.我刚刚让你爽了一把给你开启了美好的一年And I thought I said no gifts.我不是说过不需要礼物么Mm.Hey, I prepped your birthday breakfast, but my showing got moved up by an hour, 我给你准备了生日早餐但我的看♥房♥♥预约提前了一小时 so

2、youll have to finish without me for the second time today.所以你只能独自享受这可是你今天第二次自爽了没关系我不是很饿Thats okay. Tm not very hungry.Im having a hard time with this birthday.我真的不太能接受这个生日Oh! Come on. I mean, 50? 50 is so young.拜托50岁?还年轻着呢People only use “50 and so young in the same sentence at a funeral.人们只会在葬礼上把“5

3、0岁”和“年轻”放在一个句子里Sorry. I have no time to indulge抱歉我没时间听一位a hot, virile, super successful dude in a bonkers pity party.阳刚帅气、超级成功的家伙自怨自艾-You really are so handsome. - And you*re a really cute liar.你真的超级帅气而你是个很可爱的小骗子Ah. Ah! I gotta bounce. Okay, the reservation is at 7:30.我得走了餐厅预约是7点半My last showing is

4、at 6:00, so Ill meet you at the restaurant.我的最后一个看♥房♥♥预约是6点所以我们餐厅见-Okay. - ril text you the address.好我把地址发给你Oh, Im glad it*s just the two of us tonight.今晚只有我们俩个真是太棒了A nice, cozy little celebration给这个提都不敢提的人生里程碑of the milestone that dare not speak its name.来一次小小的温馨庆祝Mm.I love you

5、, old-timer.And by the way, Surprise, happy birthday/ 顺便说一句“生日快乐没想到吧is a lot more fun than, Surprise, I moved out. 要比我搬走了没想到吧”有趣得多-You know, it*s late. I gotta go. - Just.时间不早了我得走了Wait. What do you mean, ugo?你说走了是什么意思?Pl. Colin, you cant just blindside me like this and then not talk about it.柯林你不能这样

6、突然打击我然后闭口不谈这件事Is there someone else?你遇到别人了 ?No. I just need some time on my own to figure things out.不我只是需要一些时间把一些事情想清楚After 17 years, you dont figure things out1 alone我们在一起17年了你不能就这样搬到另一间公♥寓♥in another apartment独自思考一些事情with the Hermes towels and the wine!而且还带走爱马仕毛巾和葡萄酒!I only took thi

7、ngs that I paid for myself.我只带走了我付钱的东西Yes, towels were not allowed to use and wine that we cant drink.你从不让用那些毛巾也不让喝那些酒What is the point? I never understood.这有什么意义?我一直不懂Stop making this about you. Its not all about you.别把重点都放到你身上这不是你一个人的事No, it is about us!不这是我们两个的事情!Youre making an us decision all b

8、y yourself.你独自做出了“我们的决定Where is this apartment anyway?话说你的公♥寓♥在哪里?-And who did you use to find it? - Doesnt matter.你通过哪个房♥产经纪人找的? 这不是重点The hell it doesnt!当然是重点!There is a realtor in this city, a person I probably know,这个城市里居然有个房♥产经纪人比我先知道你要搬出去?who knew that you were leavi

9、ng me before I did?而且我很可能认识这家伙!Can you get how humiliating that is for me?你知道这让我多丢脸吗?You see?你看Now its all back to you again.你又把关注点都放到自己身上了Oh.Fuck that!去他的!You cannot.你不能Are you seri.你认真的Are you.你(麦克:我不明白我们得谈谈)Come on, dots.拜托快点输入啊Its going to be quite mild today with partly cloudy skies and a high

10、of 67.今天的天气很温和晴间多云最高气温19摄氏度Out on Long Island, its going to be a bit more brisk,长岛地区的天气会稍冷一些with winds gusting up to 15 miles an hour.风速达到每小时25公里But looking ahead to the weekend.但接下来的周末会迎来非常晴朗明媚的天气.its going to be absolutely gorgeous.(柯林:预约了伴侣咨♥询♥师)(你明天3点有空吗?)(麦克:可以!)Soaring more than

11、1,000 feet over Bryant Park,面朝布莱恩特公园建筑高达300米Verge New York will redefine the luxury condo experience.纽约威吉将会重新定义豪华公♥寓♥的入住体验Mm.At 4,000 a square foot,每平方尺卖♥♥4000美元youd think theyd serve somethin better than pigs in a blanket.我以为他们提供的小食会比培根卷香肠高级呢I had eight.我吃了八个-Amazing par

12、ty. Did you even sleep? - Not really.昨晚的派对太精彩了你睡了吗?并没有Well, you totally pulled it off. I could tell Colin was really surprised.你办得太成功了我能看出来柯林真的很意外Not as surprised as I was.我比他更意外Right before the party, he told me he was leaving me.就在派对开始前他告诉我他要离开我了-Get out! - Yeah.滚蛋! 一是啊He kind of did that too.他也确实

13、滚了So. You think theres someone else?所以你觉得他有其他人了吗?Uh. He says no, but I don*t know. I dont know anything.他说不是但我也不知道我什么都不知道Except that while I was planning his party, he was plotting his escape.我只知道在我策划他的派对时他在密谋逃跑Colin seemed like he was havin such a good time. He even kissed me.柯林看起来玩得很开心啊他甚至还亲了我Im s

14、ure. Just like Michael Corleone kissed Fredo.可不是么就像二代教父先亲他哥然后把他弄死Why are you so calm? Id be in bed, calling lawyers or interviewing hitmen.你怎么这么冷静?换作我会躺在床上打电♥话♥给律师或者开始面试杀手No, because hes made an appointment for us with a therapist,因为他为我们预约了心理咨♥询♥师which is a big deal.这可不是小

15、事Colin doesnt like to talk. He likes to sweep shit under the rug.柯林不喜欢谈心他喜欢避而不谈Hes so out of touch with his feelings.他总是不愿面对自己的感情I just dont believe that hes going to throw away 17 years together我不相信就因为自己不愿面对年龄的增长just because he*s having a dark moment about his freaking birthday.他就要抛弃过去17年的感情-Can I

16、tell you what Im thinking? - Yes, please.能跟你说说我的想法吗?当然拜托了This might be the building to get the Warnocks沃诺克夫妇也许会看上这里卖♥♥掉他们的房♥子搬到市中心 to finally sell their place on Fifth and move downtown.j Check it to me, baby J(斯坦利詹姆斯画廊) In the edge of time jj My heart want, got so sad.)-Serious

17、ly? - J And somethin* spent.)真的吗?Moved out, out?彻底搬出去了?So, I just heard from the director of the Hirshhorn我刚刚听赫尚博物馆的总监说that they want two pieces from this show.他们想买♥♥下这次展览的两幅作品But how can I be happy about anything after hearing about you and Colin?但听说了你和柯林的事我怎么可能开心起来呢?I dont know. But

18、somehow, youre pullin it off.谁知道呢?不知怎么你居然做到了Theres no story here, boys. Werre taking some time off to figure things out.这件事没那么复杂我们只是暂时分开思考一些事情Relationships hit potholes. Well be fine.伴侣总是磕磕绊绊的我们会和好的Good. Because trust me, you do not wanna be gay and single in this town.那就好相信我你可不想在这座城市里做单身同性恋-At our

19、age, youre invisible. -1 think it gets better with age.不会有人注意到我们这种年纪的人我倒是觉得年纪越大越好The number of young guys who wanna hook up with an older man is ridiculous.想和大龄男人交往的年轻人简直数不胜数Thats because you*re on TV.那是因为你是电视名人Every shallow twink in the city wants to be with someone on TV.这里所有的肤浅毛小子都想和电视名人在一起-Dont

20、give yourself too much credit. - Ive seen your profile on Grindr.别把自己想得太厉害我看到过你在Grindr上的资料Nobody wants to fuck a post of a Donald Judd stack.唐纳德贾德的书架帖子可没什么性吸引力Thats my Instagram profile, dummy.那是我的照片墙资料傻瓜Im not on Grindr. It!s nothing but bottoms.我可不用Grindr那上面全是受And tops who are also bottoms.就连攻也都受不

21、拉几Being singles an attitude.单身是一种态度The minute you are desperate for a relationship, never gonna find one.一旦你过于急切你就永远都找不到另一半-Mm. - Well, Michael did. He hated being single.麦克找到了他不喜欢单身We would go dancing and to bars.我们总会去夜店跳舞然后去酒吧All he wanted was someone to settle down with.他只想找个人安顿下来I was not desper

22、ate.我一点儿也不急切Umm. Okay, you were focused.好吧你的目标很明确I was not. Okay, yeah, I didnt love being single. All those planks.我并没有好吧我不喜欢单身平板支撑太累人了Exactly.没错-So whatever it is, work it out. - Yeah.所以不管怎么回事把它解决掉柯林是个了不起的家伙我相信你们两个Colins a wonderful guy, and I believe in the two of you.Hear hear.同意Thanks, guys.谢谢你

23、们-Any word from Colin? Im sorry. Hes a no-show.柯林有消息吗? 抱歉他不来了Dont worry about it. I am sitting you with Claire Lewis.别担心我把你和克莱尔刘易斯安排坐一起She and her husband are major league art collectors. Theyre getting a divorce. 她和她的丈夫是高级艺术收藏家他们正在离婚Theyre selling everything, including. the apartment.准备把所有东西都卖&hear

24、ts;♥掉包括公♥寓♥Youre welcome.不客气Ooh. Claire!克莱尔!-HL- Hello.-嗨你好Mwah!Claire, this is my dear friend克莱尔这位是我亲爰的好友-and fabulous real estate agent. - Oh!也是一位了不得的房♥产经纪人麦克劳森.Michael Lawson.Michael, Claire Lewis, collector extraordinaire. Enjoy.麦克这位是杰出的收藏家克莱尔刘易斯慢聊Interesting.真有意思This

25、 is my first time in years at the singles table.这么多年来这是我第一次坐在单身人士桌上Oh! Uh.Im not single.我不是单身Oh.Im sorry. I must have misunderstood. I was sure Stanley.抱歉肯定是我误会了斯坦利之前说No, my partner just couldnt make it. Thats all.我的另一半今晚来不了仅此而已Im just single for the night.我只是今晚单身Oh, and my soon-to-be ex-husband is

26、in a hurry to sell the apartment.即将成为我前夫的那家伙想快点卖♥♥掉我们的公♥寓♥He says its a white elephant. He doesnt want the headache in a dicey market.他说那是个没用的累赘也不想面对未知市场的风险No, no, no. No, no. You cannot let him do that. I know that building.不行你可不能让他那样做我了解那栋大楼Anything with a terrace is ex

27、tremely desirable.只要是有露台的公♥寓♥绝对抢手Well, I guess that makes me extremely desirable adjacent.这么说来我也成了抢手货Oh!Which, trust me, is the best thing Ive heard in a long time.相信我这可是我近来听过最好听的话了Oh, come on. Youre fabulous.拜托你很漂亮啊Well, we havent picked a broker yet, so youre welcome to come and take

28、 a look.我们还没选房&hearts产经纪人所以欢迎你来看♥房♥♥How about tomorrow?不如明天吧?Sure. Be there at 11 oclock.当然可以11点见But FYI, youve got competition.不过顺便告诉你你是有竞争对手的I love a challenge.我喜欢挑战Well.Cheers.干杯Hey, Suzanne, Tm close. Are you here?苏珊我马上就到了你呢?What? How far?什么?还有多远?Well, hurry up.好吧快点Come on,

29、you know how much this listing means.拜托你也知道挂出这个公♥寓♥对我们有多重要Michael Lawson to see Claire Lewis.麦克劳森来见克莱尔刘易斯I dont wanna fuck it up because one of us didnt prepare我他妈的可不想搞砸了就因为我们中的某一位for the slim possibility of New York City traffic!没有为纽约的交通堵塞做好准备!-Is everything all right, sir? - Yeah. Tm

30、 sorry.没事吧先生?没事抱歉-It*s just been a rough couple of. - Elevator to the penthouse.我只是这两天顶层公♥寓♥的电梯到Okay. Thanks, thanks.好谢谢Hello, Michael. What was all that shouting on the phone downstairs?你好啊麦克楼下在电♥话♥里大喊大叫是怎么回事?-What? How did. - We have very proper doormen.什么?你是怎么我们的门卫很负责任

31、A raised voice, the use of profanity. It sets offalarm bells.有人♥大♥声说话或者骂脏字都会引起他们的注意After all, ones ears are not garbage cans.毕竟人的耳朵可不是垃圾桶Just FYI, if theres a next time. Please do come in.顺便告诉你可不能再有下一回了请进来吧Oh my God.我的天This is.简直是I feel like Im in one of those 1930s movies我感觉仿佛身处一部20世纪

32、30年代的电影里where the Depression is happening outside,外面的世界正经历着经济大萧条but up here, its just Fred Astaire,但这里却歌♥舞升平and cocktails, and soirees.人们把酒言欢Well, Pm afraid theres been a good amount of depression happening这里发生的事情恐怕也不比萧条好到哪里去up here as well.That tends to be your emotional state when your husb

33、and of 28 years, 我当然会抑郁毕竟结婚28年的丈夫with whom youve raised two children in this apartment, 和你一起在这间公♥寓♥里养了两个孩子的丈夫comes home one day and tells you youre not fun anymore and moves out.有一天回家突然告诉你他不再觉得你有趣然后就搬走了-So it was just like that? No warning? - None!一就这样搬走了 ?没有任何警告? 没有!Goes off to work i

34、n the morning. uWhat do you want for dinner?出去上班时还问:“晚餐想吃什么?”Came back, ruined my life, and then took a few things to his new apartment.回家后就毁了我的人生拿走几样东西搬到了新公♥寓♥So he*d already rented an apartment?所以他已经提前租好了公♥寓♥ ?Im not fun?我不再有趣?He misses his poo window in the morning, hi

35、s whole day is shot.他是那种错过早上拉屎时间就别扭一整天的人You live with a person for decades, you think you know them, 和一个人同居几十年以为自己了解对方结果某一天却发生了这种事and then one day, you find out this can happen.Was he, you know, in hindsight, showing signs of unhappiness事后回想一下他有没有表现出任何不开心的迹像that now you go, That should have tipped m

36、e off?让你恍然大悟:我本该意识到这一点”?No, nothing! Completely normal.不没有!他完全正常And then all of a sudden, the fat fuck says, I need some space.然后突然间那个死胖子说:我需要一些空间I didnt understand what he was talking about.我不明白他到底是什么意思Theres 5,000 square feet in this apartment这间公♥寓♥有460平方米and a home in Amagansett.阿默甘

37、西特也有度假房♥How much more space do you need?你还需要多少空间?And then he has the nerve to tell me然后他居然还有胆量跟我说Im not being supportive enough about this.在这件事上我不够支持他So he was asking you to be more positive about his need for space?所以他需要一些空间他还要求你表现出积极态度?Can you even imagine?你能想象吗?Hes leaving me, and Im suppo

38、sed to be all sympathetic and encouraging about it?他要离开我我还得表现得富有同情心、鼓励他?He can go suck a dick. No offense.滚去给人吹♥箫♥吧无意冒犯Please. But back to the space thing.没关系说回到给他空间那件事Was he saying that you guys could maybe work it out他有没有说过如果你能理解他的空间需求if you understood his need for space?你们也许还能继续在一起?

39、What the fuck am I supposed to do?我他妈的该怎么办?Start all over again at my age?我这个年纪还要重新开始?What if I never have sex again? What if I end up paying for companionship?万一再也没人和我上♥床♥了呢?万一我最终要花钱找人陪伴呢?Oh, I donft think.我不认为Uh, yourre a very attractive.你是个很有魅力的Dont kid yourself! I know women like t

40、hat. Men too.别胡扯了 !我认识这样的女人男人也是Everybody wants young, young, young! No one is looking for someone my age. 大家都想找年轻人没人稀罕我这种老家伙Im going to die alone.我会孤独而死How did this fucking happen to me?这种事怎么会他妈的发生在我身上?How in the fuck did you get up here? You are supposed to be announced.你&hearts他♥妈♥的是

41、怎么上来的?应该有人通知我才对啊Thank you for coming.谢谢你们过来WeH be in touch.我们再联♥系 ♥Oh, and, Michael, dont forget our little talk about lobby etiquette.对了麦克别忘了我们之前聊过的大堂礼仪What is lobby etiquette?大堂礼仪是什么?Its about yelling and cursing in the lobby.就是不能在大堂里大喊大叫骂脏话Apparently, all bets are off once you get u

42、pstairs.显然上楼之后就没有这个规矩了Well, she did seem to respond to us,不管我来之前到底发生了什么despite whatever the hell was goin1 on before I got here.她似乎对我们还是有回应的She started talking about her husband leaving her, and it spooked me.她开始聊自己的丈夫如何离开她有点吓到我了Our situations are not dissimilar.我们的情况并没有什么不同Ah! Tyler Hawkins.泰勒霍金斯Oh

43、 my God, deja vu!天呐真是旧景重现啊!The last time I ran into you guys was at the Beresford.上一次撞见你们还是在贝雷斯福德呢真抱歉Sorry. Oh.Mm.我爱你老家伙Yes, Eric will be there at 7:30 on the dot对艾瑞克会在7点30分准时到Everyone knows they have to be there by 7:15 or wait until 8:00.所有人都知道要么7点15分到要么等到8点Oh, and a reminder about the lighting. D

44、im, dim, dim.别忘了灯光要昏暗朦胧一些This is a 50th birthday.毕竟这是50岁生日Thanks.谢啦Oh, hey. Quick, before we meet the clients, with or without the scarf?嘿趁我们见到客户前快点回答要不要戴丝巾?So without.绝对不要Even with this neck? It*s not too gobble gobble?难道要露出这个脖子?不会太显老吗?-Are you crazy? - Oh!你真是疯了And in other bad news, Tyler Hawkins

45、got the Beresford listing.还有一个坏消息泰勒霍金斯成了贝雷斯福德的房♥产经纪人Are you kidding? They went with that smug, entitled millennial over us?你开玩笑吗?他们选择了那个自以为是的千禧年小屁孩?That is just the cherry on the shit parfait that is my life lately.这只是给我近来的狗屁生活火上浇油罢了-1 went out with that guy I met on Hinge. - Yeah.-我和交友应用上的那个

46、人约会了 一嗯Suffice it to say, they should rename that app Unhinged.”与其说是“交友”应用不如改名叫“翻脸应用The psycho bastard told me I would be so hot if I lost ten pounds,那个变♥态♥混♥蛋♥居然跟我说如果我能瘦五公斤我会很性感 but I could sit on his face anyway.但他依然不介意我坐他脸上-So chivalry*s not dead. - Funny.看来骑士精神依然存在嘛.真

47、好笑Hows the, uh, party prep? Colin remotely suspicious?派对准备得如何?柯林起疑了吗?Nope. He thinks were going to dinner, just the two of us.没有他以为只是我们两个一起吃晚餐He is going to be blown away.他会大吃一惊的-1 assume youre here to see Claire Lewis. - Oh! Love Claire.看样子你是来见克莱尔刘易斯的超爱克莱尔他们和我父母是朋友她和亨利的事情太可惜了Friends with my parents. So sad about her and Henry.Mm.By the way, theres a listing coming up at 1041 Fifth. Jackie Os building. 顺便说第五大道


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